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Approved Minutes 09/15/2011

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were:
Chuck Puleo, Chair, John Moustakis, Vice Chair, Mark George, Helen Sides, Randy Clarke, Christine Sullivan, Tim Ready, and Tim Kavanaugh.
Also present: Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, and Stacy Kilb, substitute clerk
Absent: Nadine Hanscom.

Chuck Puleo opened the meeting at 7:05 pm.

  • Approval of Minutes
7/7/11 and 7/21/11  draft minutes
The item was tabled until the next meeting.

  • Continuation of public hearing: Application of AL PRIME ENERGY CONSULTANTS, INC for the property located at 175-183 LAFAYETTE ST (Map 34, Lots 126 & 127), Salem MA. The proposed project includes the demolition of two existing buildings on the site, construction of a convenience store and canopy over three (3) gasoline pumps, and associated parking.  APPLICANT REQUESTS TO CONTINUE TO OCTOBER 20, 2011.
The letter making said request is read into the record. The principal owner has been out of the country and is not available.
A motion to continue to October 20th is made by Mark George, Seconded by John Moustakis, and passes unanimously.

  • Public hearing: Site Plan Review amendment at the request of MCDONALD’S CORPORATION for the property located at 1 TRADER’S WAY (Map 8, Lot 126), Salem MA. The proposed project includes a tandem drive-through, additions to the front and rear of the existing restaurant and changes to the façade and roof.
Documents & Exhibitions:
  • Application date-stamped 8/25/11, and accompanying materials
  • Color legend, terra cotta scheme, 9/13/11
  • Site improvement plan C-1, 6/2/11
Tony Guba of Ayoub Engineering presents. He says the summary submitted is comprehensive. The site is located at 1 Trader’s Way, and is under site plan approval from the 1990’s. They want to upgrade, improve efficiency, make it look more appealing, add seats, storage, and space for crew training. This is Zone B2, and they are not asking for zoning relief. The project will still meet zoning requirements after these changes. Most external landscaping and impervious areas will not change. There will be some movement of a curb. Most of parking will remain the same.

There are 4 major items in this project.
1. Removal of external seating (12), addition of 20 indoor seats with this modification (an increase of 8 seats)
2. To the freezer area and shed in back, add an additional 600 sq feet for storage, cooler, freezer and crew room
3. Outside of the building – parapet wall will be put up, and the roofline will change
4. Drive-thru windows where you pay and receive orders are not changing, but ordering boards will change –there will be 2 to decrease the queuing since the ordering process is what takes the longest.

Photos of the existing structure are presented.

The Chair asks about overhangs on the side of the building. They will be similar, but will be replaced with something newer. The Chair was on board in 1993 when the original decision was issued and notes that the front of the building faces Trader’s Way since the state would not give a curb cut from Highland Ave. He says Blockbuster put things that look like windows on back to make it appear not to be a blank wall, and he says that they have an opportunity to make the back of the building look more like a front.  Mr. Guba says treatment will happen on all sides. People will be able to see windows on either side of the entry arcade. The site also sits on a hill so he is not sure how much you see from Highland Ave.  The Chair comments that trees are more mature now and screen the building. Right now from Highland Ave., you see the freezer with arborvitaes in front. Ms. Sullivan suggests trees should stay but the Chair says some landscaping may have to go as it is right against freezer.

Mr. Guba says a window (not functional) could be added on the Highland Ave. side. In other cases the addition of windows or facades would be difficult. Mr. George asks if the footprint is increasing but flow-through will remain the same.

Mr. Guba says there will still be 29 parking spaces, though only 22 are required; they are  keeping all 29 but will be reconfiguring them to meet ADA requirements. External sidewalks, vestibules, ramps, restrooms, and seating will be ADA compliant if they were not already.

The Dumpster is now at the corner of the access road and Trader’s Way.

The store will be closed while renovations are in progress. It is about a 6 week process. Jim Giorusso (from McDonadl’s) says they will not close completely during construction; possibly just the drive through and dine –in will be open one at a time, and closed completely only for one or two days.

Mr. Ready asks if there is a similar McDonald’s already done. They are working on Peabody at the same time.  Adam Gillman of McDonald’s says this building is unique in that it was very small originally.  New buildings are similar, but are larger. The Lowell, MA one is similar in design but not size. There is also one in Revere at Northgate.  

The Chair asks if the new exterior is clapboard; it appears to be brick but is indeed clapboard.  The current material will be replaced with HardiePlank. A special permit was required in 1993, and that was because the building is on an entrance corridor.
Ms. McKnight states that it actually required Site Plan Review, which used to be called a special permit, but is actually not.

Ms. Sullivan says the design is interesting. She asks if the interior will change – the McDonald’s representatives say it will be updated, very clean with a more adult feel, contemporary while still being family friendly, with wi-fi and zone seating. Ms. Sullivan says they’ve discovered that Starbucks is the conference room of small businesses.  

The Chair opens the issue up for public comments, but no members of the public are present.
Ms. McKnight notes that more comments were submitted since sending packets out earlier. Mr. Guba has no problem with any comments submitted; they do not expect any major comments from engineering and they will accept the condition that they work with Mr. Knowlton.  Lt. Griffin responded on behalf of Fire prevention – he wanted a condition that alterations to existing equipment/appliances be upgraded to current codes. Larry Ramdin, health agent, said that the applicant must submit a separate application to the Board of Heath. The usual conditions will apply: that they need to adhere to all conditions of that Board and the Health Dept., but also that they must have documents and plans on file 30 days from the start of construction.
David Knowlton, City Engineer, did not yet have an opportunity to comment; Ms. McKnight says he has 35 days and wanted the opportunity to submit comments; therefore, the Board should not vote yet.
The Chair asks if the new curbing will match the old, around the drive-thru band. It is pre-cast concrete. The dumpster enclosure will be repaired, but not replaced; the structure will look new and match the building.
A motion to close public hearing by Mr. Moustakis, seconded by Mr. George, and all are in favor.
Oct. 20th is next meeting because of Haunted Happenings.  Mr. George asks if the Board could approve subject to a favorable engineering report, so it will not be delayed if Mr. Knowlton has no conditions. If he does they can come back.  Mr. Ready asks when they will start construction. It must be finished by year end with a Mid-Oct. scheduled start. It is not complicated so Mr. Guba is not worried about engineering since nothing in that regard will be affected. Mr. Kavanagh asks when David Knowlton must respond by; Ms. McKnight says he needs to comment by Sept. 29th. Ms. McKnight does not want to hold up the project and the board seems ready to vote, but they are supposed to allow the full 35 day period for the departments to submit comments. Mr. Clarke asks who will be here on the 20th of October. 6 votes are needed to pass site plan review and so only one other person can be missing.  Mr. Kavanagh suggests a special meeting on the 29th of September– if there are comments, they will be made by then, if not, they’re ready to vote. The Board has Mr. Guba’s assurances that nothing engineering-related will be done.  They need 5 days for advertising, and that is enough time. Board members discuss who will be there for a quorum.
This is acceptable to the applicant and 7 Board members will be present. If extensive or complicated comments are received, it will be continued. This would be the only thing on the agenda at that meeting.
A motion to continue to 9/29 is made by Mr. Clarke, seconded by Mr. George, and passes unanimously.
  • Old/New Business

  • Adjournment
Motion to adjourn is made by Sides, seconded by Moustakis and all approve.  The meeting ends at 7:37PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Substitute Clerk, Planning Board
Stacy Kilb

Approved by the Planning Board 11/3/11