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Approved Minutes 02/17/2011

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: Chuck Puleo, Chair, Mark George, Helen Sides, Nadine Hanscom, Christine Sullivan, Tim Ready, and Tim Kavanaugh.  Also present: Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, and Beth Gerard, Planning Board Recording Clerk. Absent: John Moustakis, Randy Clarke.

Chuck Puleo opened the meeting at 7:02 pm.  

Approval of Minutes
2/3/11 Planning Board meeting minutes
No comments or corrections were made by the Planning Board members.  Helen Sides motioned to approve, seconded by Mark George; Nadine Hanscom abstained from voting as she was not present at the previous meeting and Christine Sullivan was not present for the minutes review.  Approved 5-0.

Continuation of Public Hearing: Request of SALEM LAFAYETTE LLC for Planned Unit Development Special Permit, Site Plan Review, and Drive-Through Facilities Special Permit for the property located at 135 LAFAYETTE STREET (Map 34, Lot 307), Salem, MA (proposed demolition of church and convent, renovation of school and rectory, and construction of a new mixed-use building with a pharmacy and drive-through facility).  Attorney Joseph Correnti.  APPLICANT REQUESTS TO CONTINUE TO MARCH 17, 2011.

Members questioned the timeline for continuing the request and noted that there was an article in the Salem News about funding received for the project.  Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, said it is her understanding that the approved project had received funding, but the applicant was not currently withdrawing the pharmacy plan and had requested to continue to March 17.  It was noted that Nadine Hanscom abstained from voting.  Motion made to grant the applicant a request to continue on March 17th  by Helen Sides, seconded by Tim Kavanagh.  All approved 6-0.

Form A: Application of DOROTHY MICHALOWSKI for endorsement of a plan believed not to require approval under Subdivision Control (ANR) to subdivide the property located at 84-86 DERBY STREET and 28 BECKET STREET (Map 41, Lot 64).

Dorothy Michalowski, 28 Becket Street, Salem, explained that the property is one lot and they would like to split it.  Mr. George and Mr. Kavanagh asked for clarification on the lot frontage.  Mr. Puleo reviewed the plan and asked for clarification on specific areas of the site plan.  Mr. Kavanagh stated that he sees a discrepancy in the plan in terms of the frontage measurements, which he thinks is just an error.  Mr. George asked what the current use of the land is.  Ms. Michalowski stated that it’s mixed use.  Mr. Kavanagh said that the measurements on the plan should reflect what is in the summary box at the top of the plan, which it currently does not.  Mr. Kavanagh asked for clarification on the frontage on the bottom of the plan, which represents the Derby Street side of the property.  He recommended that the plan be corrected to reflect the appropriate amount of frontage.  Mr. Kavanagh asked if the corrected plan could be brought back for the Board to review and adjudicate on at the next meeting.  Ms. McKnight asked that Ms. Michalowski sign an extension for final action so she can come back at the next meeting.  Ms. Michalowski agreed. Ms. Michalowski reviewed the errors with Mr. George and said she would come back with the corrections.

Nadine Hanscom made a motion to continue the issue until the March 3rd meeting and Christine Sullivan seconded.  All approved 7-0.

Nadine Hanscom made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Christine Sullivan.  All approved 7-0.  Chuck Puleo adjourned the meeting at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Beth Gerard, Recording Clerk

Approved by the Planning Board 4/7/11