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APPROVED Minutes 03/18/2010
Minutes 3/18/2010

Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
March 18, 2010

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 7:00 p.m in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were Chuck Puleo, Chair, Nadine Hanscom, Randy Clark, Helen Sides, Christine Sullivan, Tim Kavanaugh, and Tim Ready.  Also present: Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, and Tom Devine, Recording Clerk.  Absent: John Moustakis, Vice Chair, and Mark George.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of March 4, 2010 were reviewed.

There being no comments, a motion was made by Christine Sullivan to approve the minutes of March 4, seconded by Nadine Hanscom and approved 7-0.  (Chuck Puleo, Nadine Hanscom, Randy Clark, Helen Sides, Christine Sullivan, Tim Kavanaugh, and Tim Ready in favor, none opposed).

Continuation of Public Hearing: Request of HIGH ROCK BRIDGE STREET, LLC for a Wetlands and Flood Hazard Special Permit, and for Site Plan Review and Special Permits within the North River Canal Corridor Neighborhood Mixed Use District, for the property located at 401 BRIDGE STREET (Map 25, Lot 74) and 44 BOSTON STREET (Map 15, Lot 305) (proposed Gateway Center, including Senior Center).  Attorney Joseph Correnti.  Applicant requests to continue to April 1, 2010.

Joseph Correnti, 63 Federal St., attorney for the applicant, requested to continue to the April 1st meeting.  He said that good progress is being made with the Design Review Board (DRB) and that the project will be before the DRB again before the next Planning Board meeting.  At that point there will be a good sense of where the project stands even if it isn’t not complete before the DRB.  He would like to use the time to do that and return here with the changes.

Dan Fulton, 182 Federal St. #2, asked if time will be limited at the April 1 meeting for the public to speak.  He asked if Mr. Correnti could tell him what topics they will be able to speak about.  Ms. Sullivan answered that public input time will be available but limited given the tight schedule on April 1.  Mr. Correnti said suggested that for the Lowe’s development on the same night, there be an initial uninterrupted presentation – they could do that in 45 minutes with limited detail.  Following meetings would cover subtopics in detail.  He would sacrifice time on the developer’s end to let the public speak.  He does not want to have people show up and be told they can’t speak.  For High Rock, an hour would be sufficient, and they can keep their presentation to 30 to 40 minutes and leave time for people to speak.

Mr. Fulton said that the public needs to know what topics they will be limited to.  Mr. Correnti said he anticipates covering building design, footprint, landscaping, and parking lot layout.  He said he doesn’t want to be on the record saying the public can’t talk about anything else.  They are not anticipating an environmental discussion – they can revisit that if necessary at a future meeting.

Ms. Sullivan asked why they don’t dedicate a single night only to Lowe’s.  Ms. McKnight said it is difficult to find one night the works for everyone, given that special meetings cannot be scheduled opposite Council meetings, on second and fourth Thursdays.  Ms. Sullivan said that if there is big turnout for the April 1st meeting, we will have to think about how to be sure people feel that they are heard.

There being no further comments, a motion was made by Christine Sullivan to continue the Public Hearing to April 1, 2010, seconded by Tim Kavanaugh and approved 7-0.  (Chuck Puleo, Nadine Hanscom, Randy Clark, Helen Sides, Christine Sullivan, Tim Kavanaugh, and Tim Ready in favor, none opposed).

Members discussed a possible change of location for the April 1st meeting.  Ms. McKnight remarked that it may be an issue that it has already been advertised for this location.  Mr. Correnti said he wants to be sure that proper notice is given.  He said that perhaps it should be published in the paper, and someone should be here that night to tell people where they need to go.  Ms. Sullivan said she is concerned that people may have to overflow into the hall.  Ms. Hanscom noted that there are other big projects on the agenda for the same meeting.

Public Hearing: Request of KENNEDY DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC. for Site Plan Review,  Planned Unit Development Special Permit, and Wetlands and Flood Hazard Overlay District Special Permit, for the property located at 440, 460, 462, and 488 HIGHLAND AVENUE (Map 3, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4), Salem MA (proposed new Lowe’s Home Improvement retail store, new, expanded Walmart store, expanded Meineke store, Camp Lion improvements and new municipal water tank).  Attorney Joseph Correnti.  Applicant requests to continue to April 1, 2010.

Joseph Correnti, 63 Federal St., attorney for the applicant, said it is important, procedurally, to submit the letter requesting the continuance and open the public hearing.  He asked on behalf of the developer to continue at the April 1st meeting.  Mr. Puleo noted that he has the letter.

There being no further comments, a motion was made by Nadine Hanscom to continue the Public Hearing on April 1st, seconded by Randy Clark and approved 7-0.  (Chuck Puleo, Nadine Hanscom, Randy Clark, Helen Sides, Christine Sullivan, Tim Kavanaugh, and Tim Ready in favor, none opposed).

Request for release of surety bond: ANGELO MEIMETEAS requesting bond release for the Subdivision at the end of CLOVERDALE AVENUE (Map 8, Lots 269, 280 and Map 9, Lot 122).

Mr. Puleo noted photographs showing remaining work and shared them with the Board.  Ms. Hanscom asked the Board had required Mr. Meimeteas to be finished.  Mr. Puleo answered June 1st.  Mr. Puleo asked the applicant if a contractor is lined up.

Angelo Meimeteas, 30 Colverdale Ave., applicant, answered that a contractor is lined up.  Ms. McKnight said that it this would only be for release of the surety bond, and not for the cash the city is holding.  Mr. Puleo added the amount of cash the city is holding is $25,000.

There being no further comments, a motion was made by Christine Sullivan to release the surety bond, seconded by Tim Kavanaugh and approved 7-0.  (Chuck Puleo, Nadine Hanscom, Randy Clark, Helen Sides, Christine Sullivan, Tim Kavanaugh, and Tim Ready in favor, none opposed).

Request for insignificant change: Goodman Networks, on behalf of Clearwire (for the property located at 217-219 Essex Street (Assessor’s Map 35, Lot 251).  Applicant requests to change the location of the previously permitted wireless equipment from one location on the rooftop of 217-219 Essex Street to another location on the same building.  Heather M. Carlisle, Esq.

Healther M. Carlisle, attorney for the applicant, said that after the previous approval, engineers found a line of sight issue that would prevent the technology from working.  She displayed images of the proposed change and described the new locations of the equipment.  She said that the equipment will be painted to match the building.

Ms. McKnight said that she didn’t ask for a full submittal because she wanted the board’s opinion on whether the change is significant.  Ms. Sullivan said that if it is insignificant, she doesn’t want to set a precedent of voting for insignificant changes.  Mr. Clark noted that they will be voting to decide if the change is significant, and if it is insignificant, send it back to the department.  Ms. Sullivan said we need to clean up our process for reviewing Wireless Special Permits.  Ms. McKnight said that she agrees, though currently there are no guidelines for who may approve Wireless Special Permit insignificant changes, and that is why they have brought this to the Board.

There being no further comments, a motion was made by Tim Kavanaugh to approve the change of location as an insignificant change, seconded by Helen Sides and approved 7-0.  (Chuck Puleo, Nadine Hanscom, Randy Clark, Helen Sides, Christine Sullivan, Tim Kavanaugh, and Tim Ready in favor, none opposed).

Old/New Business

Ms. McKnight noted previous discussion about the board’s role regarding development throughout the city.  She said that some of the issues brought up at previous meetings will be addresses in the upcoming training module they are trying to schedule.  Discussion of the training module’s date ensued.  Members then discussed the upcoming meeting schedule.

Ms. Puleo asked about the disposition of city land involved in the Kennedy development.  Ms. McKnight said that she will look at its status and the implications for the board.

Ms. Sullivan noted her continuing question about how High Rock arrived at its parking figure.  Ms. McKnight said that they are awaiting figures on the total parking breakdown from the developer, including how many of the total spaces will be designated for the Senior Center.

Ms. Hanscom asked about how to deal with questions from the public that do not directly relate to the topics being discussed.  The Board briefly discussed ways in which to keep the discussions focused.


A motion was made by Tim Ready to adjourn, seconded by Randy Clark and approved 7-0.  (Chuck Puleo, Nadine Hanscom, Randy Clark, Helen Sides, Christine Sullivan, Tim Kavanaugh, and Tim Ready in favor, none opposed).

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Tom Devine
Planning Board Clerk

Approved by the Planning Board 4/1/10