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Approved Minutes 06/04/09
Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
June 4, 2009

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 312, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: Chuck Puleo, Chair, John Moustakis, Pam Lombardini, Christine Sullivan, Tim Ready, Tim Kavanaugh. ~Also present:  Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner and Stacey Dupuis, Clerk
Absent: Nadine Hanscom, Gene Collins and David Weiner

Approval of Minutes
The minutes of May 21, 2009 were reviewed.  

There being no comments on this matter, a motion was made by Christine Sullivan to accept the minutes, seconded by Tim Kavanaugh and approved unanimously.

Form B Preliminary Subdivision Plan- Proposed extension of Circle Hill Road to serve three new single-family lots.  The proposed development is located at 40 Circle Hill Road (Assessors Map 9, Lot 0255). DeIulis Brothers Construction Co., Inc.

Scott Patrowicz, P. E. and Pat DeIulis in attendance.  Scott Patrowicz explained that this is land court property.  He showed on a map the layout of Circle Hill Road.  Where there are 5 lots right now, they want to make it into 3 lots.  They have met with the Conservation Commission, have had multiple meetings with neighbors, and have since changed the plans a bit.  The current plans have passed with the Conservation Commission and now they would like to get comments from the Planning Board.

Pat DeIulis said there will be curbing, sidewalks, plantings, and they are allowing for overland drainage.   They have addressed some flow issues on this plan.  Some drainage goes through a neighbor’s yard;  it flows over their yard into a catch basin. To repair the situation, they will put in a grass swale to send the water a depressed area in the property, which will lessen the amount of water going into the abutter’s yard.  This has satisfied the neighbors.  The City Engineer has approved the drainage as well.   Also, the highest point is 119.6 elevation and they will have to meet the existing street. They are not sure yet if they will have to blast.  

Danielle McKnight asked about the rate at which the area will drain.  Scott Patrowicz explained that there should be no issues with standing water.   The depressed area on the property is naturally occurring.

DeIulis said they plan on developing the lots for sale to give people an option to build a house with their own contractor.  If they know who the buyers will be ahead of time, they may be able to do the excavation and foundation. They will also be adding a turn around that is needed on that street which meets the Fire Department regulations. They aren’t asking for any Board of Appeals waivers, all the lots meet zoning regulations, there are no setback issues and they will bring in utilities underground.  The Conservation Commission delineated a “no build zone” which limits the development allowed on lot 3.
Rich Sakowich from 36 Circle Hill Road is concerned about drainage and sidewalks. Scott Patrowicz explained that for the roof drainage they surveyed the area and their proposal would improve the situation.  They would pull the water more towards the natural retention basin near Sable Hill Road.  They have done sketches of the watershed that they can show board members.  Scott said they can go over the grading as well.  Mr. Sakowich is also concerned about cars driving into the park and suggested  having something there to prevent this such as a  fence.   Chuck Puleo said they will plan a site visit once the final plans are submitted and will view and consider the sidewalk issue.  The site visit is tentatively scheduled for Thursday 18th at 6:30 and the regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting will be at 7:30.  

Old/New Business
The Beverly Co-Op  bank has complied, screens are in.  

The new restaurant Tavern on the Square is now open.  John Moustakis said there is a BOH ordinance that you can’t have open windows or doors without screens, there are provisions they will have to follow.  

There being no further business to come before the Board,  Pam Lombardini made a motion to adjourn, seconded by John Moustakis and approved unanimously.

Meeting ended at 8:00 pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Stacey Dupuis