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Approved Minutes 04/17/2008
Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
April 17, 2008

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, April 3, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 312, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: Chuck Puleo, John Moustakis, Pam Lombardini, Gene Collins, Tim Ready, Tim Kavanaugh, Christine Sullivan. Also present were: Amy Lash, Staff Planner and Stacey Dupuis, Clerk.

Absent: Walter Power and Nadine Hanscom

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the April 4th meeting were reviewed.  Changes to be made:  Recommended by Chuck Puleo- Page 5, change Danvers Bank to Beverly Co-op Bank.  Recommended by Christine Sullivan- last page, confirm and update the DRB discussion to reflect what was discussed. She said it’s imperative that the DRB report to the Planning Board to make suggestions.  A motion was made by Pam Lombardini to postpone the approval of the minutes to the next meeting, seconded by John Moustakis, and approved (7-0).

Request for Amendment to Previously Approved Plans and Waiver of Subdivision Regulations to Relocate Street Trees- Cedarcrest Avenue Extension- Paul Cassell

Paul Cassell explained that they want to move trees to the other side of the sidewalk.  They feel they would be better maintained and will survive better at that location.  They will still be responsible for them for a two-year period.  Paul Lyman (33 Cedarcrest Avenue) added that he thinks they’d better in the newer suggested location.  Amy Lash asked about the type of trees and Paul Cassell explained that they would be flowering pear trees of the same caliber as originally discussed.

A motion was made by Christine Sullivan that this is an insubstantial request that does not require a public hearing, seconded by Pam Lombardini, and approved (7-0).  A motion was made by Christine Sullivan to waive the Subdivision Regulation requirements to allow relocation of street trees, seconded by Pam Lombardini, and approved (7-0).  

Continued: Public Hearing- Site Plan Review and Planned Unit Development Amendment to Previously Approved Plans- Old Salem Ventures LLC, 50 St. Peter Street (Map 35, Lot 179)- Attorney Joseph Correnti

Amy Lash said that Board members have a draft decision, including a sheet with requirements set by the Fire Department. Attorney Joseph Correnti, 63 Federal St., representing Old Salem Ventures, explained that they were before the Planning Board two weeks ago and came to an agreement on all things.  They are left with one issue to resolve with the Fire Department. They hired Norton Remmer, P.E., a renowned expert, to review the fire issues, policies, etc.  Most results are reflected on the sheet included with the draft decision. Chuck Puleo asked about a gate at the entryway.  Penn Lindsay said that a ‘gate’ had come up a few times, but it was never their intention to put one up.  He also explained that “structurally independent” refers to the tunnel/arch that goes under the building.  It’s a structural tunnel for fire purposes- if the units over the parking area were on fire, the Fire Dept. can get underneath where the arch is.

Attorney Correnti said they will be going before the Board of Health in a few weeks. They understand what they’re asking for and plan to comply with their conditions.  Amy Lash said the decision is drafted to include the requirement that the applicant must comply with the Board of Health requirements, and the 35-day window for comments to the Planning Board has passed.  

(Meeting opened to the public)

There being no public comment, or further questions on this matter, a motion was made by Gene Collins to close the public hearing, seconded by Pam Lombardini, and approved (6-0).  

Amy Lash reviewed the Draft Decision. In section 4 b, add parking passes will be purchased for “2” years. Chuck Puleo asked if when the restaurant area is developed and in 5 years when the units are sold, will Old Salem Jail Ventures still hold the building?  Penn Lindsay said the restaurant may be sold to an independent owner by that time, if it’s leased, it will still be held by them. Attorney Correnti commented that in the Draft Decision it should say ‘Old Salem Jail Ventures’. For the reference to the prior decision, he will provide the actual recording information to Amy on Friday morning so it can be included.

A motion was made by Pam Lombardini to approve the Site Plan Review and Planned Unit Development Special Permit Amendement, seconded by Christine Sullivan, and approved (7-0).  

Public Hearing- Request for Waiver of Frontage- 19-21 Barcelona Avenue (Map 3, Lots 3 & 29)- Attorney Stephen Lovely

Attorney Stephen Lovely, 4 Story St., said that Salem doesn’t have a frontage requirement. There are two lots; one was approved by the Bldg. Inspector to be buildable, then grandfathered in. Some neighbors appealed this, and the Land Court determined it was not a buildable lot.  They are appealing the Court’s decision, though they also decided to go to the Board of Appeals to seek variances.  The Board of Appeals required that the easement on the property be added to make the lot area for the new lot larger.  In about a week time the appeal period for the Board of Appeal decision will lapse. Tim Kavanaugh agreed that there is no frontage requirement and because of that, he would approve the waiver request.  Christine Sullivan asked why they are approving plans that don’t require approval.  Amy Lash said they have always had this procedure with a Waiver of Frontage approval being necessary before ANR endorsement.  The Planning Department hopes to clarify the lot frontage requirement through the Zoning Ordinance Recodification.  

There being no public comments or further questions on this matter, a motion was made by Tim Kavanaugh to grant the waiver of frontage, seconded by Tim Ready and approved (7-0).  

Form A Application for Endorsement of Plan Believed Not to Require Approval- 19-21 Barcelona Avenue (Map 3, Lots 3 & 29)- Attorney Stephen Lovely

A motion was made by Tim Kavanaugh to accept the plan submitted by the applicant and move that it meets the requirements for ANR endorsement.  The motion was seconded by Pam Lombardini, and approved (7-0).  

Public Hearing- Wireless Communications Facility Special Permit- 488 R Highland Avenue (Map 3, Lot 139) (Camp Lions) – Metro PCS

Kristen LeDuc, Metro PCS, explained that Metro PCS is a new wireless carrier to New England.  They are offering a new wireless service: one price packaging and no time commitment.  The building at 488R Highland Avenue already has an existing tower that they are proposing to use.  They would add six panel antennas and there would be three freestanding, equipment cabinets, locked at the base.  It would be in a compound with a fence around it.

There being no public comments or further questions regarding this matter, a motion was made by Gene Collins to approve the special permit, seconded by Christine Sullivan and approved (6-0).

Public Hearing- Wireless Communications Facility Special Permit- 10-12 First Avenue (Map 13, Lot 6) (Pequot Apartments) – Metro PCS

Kristen LeDuc, Metro PCS, explained that at Pequot Apartments they are proposing to swap out existing antennas currently not in use. The equipment, a box, will go on the roof. They will use the same mounting, they’re just changing the equipment. Antennas are on façade of building.

Christine Sullivan commented that this would change the site line and that the Board usually requires the provider to paint the equipment to blend in.  Amy Lash read the standard language in the draft decision regarding color.  For this decision, she will clarify this to say, “match the brick”.

There being no public comments or further questions regarding this matter, a motion was made by Gene Collins to approve the special permit, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (7-0).

Public Hearing- Wireless Communications Facility Special Permit- 320 Lafayette Street (Map 32, Lot 216) (Park Towers) – Metro PCS

Kristen LeDuc, Metro PCS, proposed to extend the penthouses on the side.  The equipment cabinets will be on the roof with a barrier wall blended to match the building.  Chuck Puleo asked if the height of the equipment exceeds the other heights.  Kristen LeDuc said no and that the height is 7 ft.  Christine Sullivan said she will vote against this, as it looks horrible and is not acceptable. Lafayette Street is a pretty street and equipment on this building doesn’t fit in at all.  Chuck Puleo inquired about the location and Kristen LeDuc explained that there isn’t enough room on the roof to place the equipment elsewhere.                            

There being no public comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Pam Lombardini to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Gene Collins, and approved (6-0).  There being no further questions or comments, a motion was made by Gene Collins to approve the Special Permit, seconded by Pam Lombardini, and approved (6-1). Roll Call Vote: Chuck Puleo, John Moustakis, Pam Lombardini, Gene Collins, Tim Ready, Tim Kavanaugh- Yes.  Christine Sullivan- No.

Old/New Business

·       Chuck reported that the stop sign at Swampscott Road and First Street is up.
·       Amy said they’re still working with the Beverly Co-op Bank for screening. Chuck Puleo explained that they never installed screening they committed to, and suggested Amy call Mr. Howard, bank President.
·       Amy explained that the Joseph Fenno House on Hawthorne Blvd. has been nominated for a National Register Nomination.  The notice is from the State Preservation Office and requires no action, if someone is in support, they can send in a letter.  There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Tim Ready to acknowledge the letter, seconded by Tim Kavanaugh, and approved (7-0).
·       Site visit Saturday, 9 a.m. at Flint St. Gene Collins said, hypothetically if DRB says plan is acceptable, what do we do? John Moustakis said the Planning Board has the final say.  Christine Sullivan reemphasized the importance of this issue with the Boards and would like a memo to the Planning Board about the process of the NRCC since this is different then anything before. It’s up to the Planning Department to explain it to the Board, Chuck Puleo said Lynn Duncan did that last time.  Tim Ready suggested not asking for a memo as it may be restrictive on them. Christine was on the SRA and said sometimes the DRB would report to them and the SRA wouldn’t like what they’d report. She thinks the NRCC meant to model that relationship.  John Moustakis was on NRCC committee and said that some people didn’t want it to go before the Planning Bd. so they used the DRB as ‘another pair of eyes’ and a place for people to go, but the Planning Board still has the authority.  Christine agreed that a memo isn’t necessary.   
·       Christine Sullivan explained that Creative Economy is businesses and non-profits that use creativity to produce products or services that generate wealth.  Research found that there are 17-20,000 people on the North Shore that work in the creative economy, that’s 10-12% of the entire economy. 4 top cities: Beverly, Salem, Newburyport & Gloucester, with a large technical component as well as arts/creative.  4 largest segments: Design (all kinds); Professional/Technical; Artists; Engineering/research companies. Now the challenge is to make it better known that we are a great place for companies like that to grow.  Christine will provide handouts at next meeting. Tim Kavanaugh said the more interactions you capture between creative people it seems to produce more collaborations, projects, etc.


There being no further business to come before the Planning Board this evening, a motion was made by Tim Ready to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Tim Kavanaugh and approved (7-0).

The meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted by:
Stacey Dupuis, Clerk
Salem Planning Board