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Approved Minutes 01/03/2008
Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
January 3, 2008

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, January 3, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 312, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: Charles Puleo (Chairman), Walter Power, Pam Lombardini, Nadine Hanscom, Gene Collins, Tim Ready, Christine Sullivan, Tim Kavanaugh. Also present were: Lynn Duncan, Director, Planning & Community Development; Amy Lash, Staff Planner; Stacey Dupuis, Clerk.

Absent was: John Moustakis

Approval of Minutes

The approval of the December 20, 2007 meeting minutes were postponed until the next Planning Board meeting.

Form A Application for Endorsement of Plan Believed Not to Require Approval- 63 ¾ Jefferson Ave (Map 24, Lot 229)- R.T.D. Nominee Realty Trust, Robert T. Dunham, Trustee     

Robert Dunham would like to divide Parcel 2 (an existing non buildable lot) into Parcels 2A and 2Bs.  Parcel 2B, which he currently owns, is to be conveyed to the abutting land of Olive Realty Trust (Lot 1B) as noted on the plan.  Chuck Puleo read a notation on the plan that parcels 2A and 2B are not to be considered legal building lots by themselves.  Walter Power asked about the parcel labeled “owner unknown”. Mr. Dunham said that the engineers don’t know what that is, it’s been there for a long time.  Mr. Dunham’s line will go to the “dotted line” on the map.  

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Walter Power to approve the Form A application, seconded by Christine Sullivan and approved 8-0 (Puleo, Ready, Kavanaugh, Sullivan, Hanscom, Lombardini, Collins, and Power).

Continued: Public Hearing Site Plan Review- Washington at Derby LLC, 155 Washington Street, 26 New Derby Street & 31 Front Street (Map 34, Lots 423, 425, 426) (Former Salem News Building) – RCG LLC

Matthew Picarsic of RCG said that during the last two weeks, they have addressed some issues that were raised at the last meeting.  Updates have been outlined in a memo to the Planning Board which accompanied the revised plans.  Revisions are as follows:  a pedestrian walkway has been added from New Derby St to the residential entrance; the location of the fence at the entrance to the parking area has been notated on the plans; a locus map was provided to show the off-site parking location. RCG was able to meet with the Building Commissioner who raised no concerns at this time, but reserves final comments relative to code compliance until they apply for a building permit. Lt. Griffin of the Fire Department asked that the tree on the right side of the driveway aisle be removed so that the entrance could be widened to 18 ft. Matt pointed out which tree would be removed to allow for a wider entrance. Christine Sullivan asked if this was something the Fire Department wanted or needed.  Lynn Duncan believes it’s needed for access because 12 ft. is narrow and 18 ft. is more reasonable.  Amy Lash mentioned another reason this is necessary is that the only entrances to the residential units are in the rear.  Tim Ready commented that 18 ft. is necessary in Salem for the ladder trucks.

Amy Lash said that David Knowlton, City Engineer, sent some requirements to the Planning Department that includes adding the location of sewer lines to the plans. Matt Picarsic said they will be doing further investigation as to the location of additional sewer lines (page C-7) and will send this to Mr. Knowlton as the construction documents are developed.

Walter Power noticed that on the map, there is a walk area going to the restaurants and inquired as to the use of this.  Matthew said it’s primarily a service entrance and that doors from this access go directly into the kitchen areas so it won’t be used for patrons. Walter also inquired about the fence at the parking lot entrance and asked if they would make the fence go all the way down to the end to make the parking are more private.  Ron Lamarre of Opechee said that the area serves as a snow storage area and it serves as a green buffer.  Chuck Puleo asked what would stop pedestrians from cutting across the site from Front Street.  Ron pointed out that there’s a fence at the Lobster Shanty that runs down between the stalls.  Matt said that if the Board prefers, they could continue the fence all the way around but he feels that if they do that, they will have minimal place to put snow.  It was decided to provide a rod iron fence, matching the fence on Front Street a minimum of 4 ft high. The fence would go from the north east corner to the Lobster Shanty to make parking more private.

Chuck Puleo asked whether the main entrance into the parking lot from the residential area was pointed out on the map as well as the second entrance and egress.  It was asked whether there was a lighting schedule to dim down the lights in the parking lot a night.  RCG said that the lights could be programmed anyway the Planning Board would like.  Ron Lamarre pointed out that the light fixtures point down to the ground. Walter Power asked if they came up with a façade for the rear of the building so that people aren’t looking at the back of a building.   Ron Lamarre mentioned that the original issue was that the lines of the brick don’t line up (page C-11) but that is because they are lining them up with existing buildings.  Matt said the Design Review Board liked that fact that the building will blend with other existing buildings, that it’s a mixture of old and new.  The older (historic) section uses similar materials as the older buildings and that wraps around the back, it also has same window openings, etc. The new section is more contemporary.

Walter Power asked if the main entrance for the tenants is the back of the building and if so they should consider a roof over the entrance.  Ron Lamarre pointed to where there was an entrance way for people to stand under.  Chuck Puleo asked if the entrance in front is for retail not for residents.  Matt said yes.  

Walter asked about snow removal and if it will be moved offsite.  Matt said that when it becomes problematic, it would be moved offsite.  Walter also inquired about smoke, grease, etc. with restaurants on the first floor.  Ron Lamarre explained that there are vent shafts that go up through the roof and the first floor could be adapted for restaurants.  The HVAC plan is not final yet, they do know the DRB will ask for a final design for screening and rooftop HVAC equipment.

Walter asked if there is any PVC for the decoration/cladding on the building and Ron Lamarre said yes and described it as looking and feeling like pine. It’s a different composite that stands up very well. Tim Kavanaugh asked Chuck if the Board should be concerned with the dumpsters and schedule of removal of waste.  Chuck offered that the Board of Health should make comments on this subject.  Matt Picarsic added in that they have segregated the dumpsters and that maybe in the summer they would have removal more often.  For the residential trash, Chuck asked if the compactor would be locked.  Ron said that residents would be carrying their own trash to the compactor and that it can be locked.  

Christine Sullivan noticed RCG’s memo said they will assist with the green space.  Lynn said that this was in response to the discussion at the last meeting.  Christine said this was great and congratulated RCG for also contributing to the signage. Lynn Duncan said there is a signage committee working on improving signage City wide.  Christine said she would be interested in meeting with the DRB to talk about design issues and thoughts.  Lynn said that that would make sense to have an informal meeting meeting. Christine said that the Boards should know each other and have communication.

Walter Power asked where the drainage and watershed areas are in the parking lot.  Ron explained that on page C4 the black square is the catch basin, which is piped to two others and then into the City system.  Also, drainage will run along the curb into the catch basin.  

(Meeting opened to the public)

Emily Udy representing Historic Salem said she appreciates the work RCG has done and how they have responded to the comments Historic Salem has made including the comment about the access to New Derby Street.  

Barry Neely (15 Lynde St) asked if there is a construction plan since the previous work on Derby Lofts was a nightmare.  He suggests that the plan include when construction with start, how parking will be handled, etc.  Chuck Puleo said that a pre-construction plan is usually required.  Christine Sullivan said she believes that because of the problems with the Derby Lofts construction, they added more language to the Planning Board decisions.  Matthew Picarsic said RCG will not be using the same general contractor that they used for Derby Lofts.  He anticipates more streamlined staging during construction.  Lynn Duncan said that she had heard about the issues with the Derby Lofts construction when she first started and said that the Planning Department has tightened up on this.  She said that Derby Lofts was unusual in that it took up the entire lot.  Chuck Puleo added that the pre-construction plan needs to be submitted before a building permit is issued.  Walter Power suggested sitting down with all parties involved to solve problems between the contractor and commercial business people.  

Councillor Jean Pelletier (Ward 3) is concerned with flooding.  There are 15-inch drains, going into storm drains. They’ve had problems with storage in the area of Washington and Front St.  He’s also concerned with floor drains in garage bays and asked why oil & grease traps are going into the sewer system.  Alex Steinberg explained that it’s regulation.  Clr. Pelletier will sit with the City Engineer for these questions.  Clr. Pelletier commented on the width of the entrance, the fire department needs to make the turn.  How would the dumpsters be picked up since the alleyway is 5 ft wide?  Matt showed how this would work. What is the estimated start and end dates?  The second structure should be down shortly, they would start construction in March and have it weather tight before winter.  It would take a total of about eighteen (18) months.  Counselor Pelletier asked about the water lines from Derby St. Matt said there are two separate lines, one for domestic and one for fire protection.

Emily Udy, representing Historic Salem said they are interested in seeing something done to break up the parking lot and make it more pedestrian friendly.  They suggest stamped concrete, something to look like cobblestone between the bump outs.  Lynn Duncan asked they have stamped concrete, where would it lead?  Alex Steinberg showed on the site plan where the walkways are and discussed screening and fencing.

Councillor Pelletier asked if the Public Hearing would be closed after tonight, as he is comfortable with the project, but has just a few concerns to discuss with the City Engineer.  Chuck Puleo said that they would see how the Board feels and also notes the Planning Board’s approval is contingent upon the Building Inspector, Fire Department and City Engineer’s comments.  Lynn said all decisions are subject to the City Engineer’s requirements and if the Councillor comes across any concerns those could be added to the requirements.

Nadine Hanscom said RCG has previously mentioned they would be going back to the DRB with more detail.  Matt said the DRB wants the storefront, first floor, trim work, and the corner of building detailed further. Nadine said she would like to see the building bring more Salem into it.  

Walter Power asked about the electric service and if it’s underground.  Matt said it’s all underground and anticipates one transformer.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Gene Collins to close the Public Hearing seconded by Christine Sullivan and approved (7-0).

Chuck Puleo mentioned that members can go to the DRB meeting and Tim Ready asked if they should go as a citizen or as a Board member.  Chuck said going as a citizen and Lynn said that oftentimes a liaison from one board attends other Board meetings.  So, you can attend as a citizen but it’s also a good idea to let the DRB know that you are on the Planning Board and that the Planning Board is interested in what is going on.

Amy went over the draft decision and the following changes were suggested:

Paragraph 3- Landscaping- Chuck requested that Amy add, “Additional landscaping may be required by the City Planner if deemed necessary”.  Tim K. said that the fence Walter talked about should be added to paragraph 3 and suggested that is say “A commercial grade wrought iron style fence a minimum of 4 ft shall be installed at the edge of the property line from Front St. to the Lobster Shanty”.  Nadine asked what happens if they realize the fence won’t look right after construction starts?  Chuck said they could come in for an amendment. Matt doesn’t foresee any problem with the DRB with the fence.

Paragraph 10-Lighting plan. Amend B, add in “This lighting plan shall include a sequence or schedule for night lighting in the parking area” and leave A as is.

Tim Kavanaugh said that in the event the green space is designed, will have to amend 10 for lighting in that space.  Chuck suggested keeping B to the parking area and Lynn said there would be a whole process for the design of the green space.  Christine Sullivan asked if there is lighting on the façade of building and Matt said that yes there is.

Paragraph 12a-Construction site- Christine believes this is the verbiage that came after the Derby Loft construction.

Walter Power suggested a grievance committee. Lynn Duncan said a meeting could be held for complaints but they do not necessarily need a Grievance Committee.  Lynn believes that communication has improved, and information should be provided to abutters prior to construction with a number they can call with questions or complaints.  Walter Power wants language to require developer to provide abutters with a phone number for complaints.  Matt Picarsic said to add to 11D “Notice to include contact information for the Department of Planning & Community Development”.  Christine Sullivan thinks people should be made aware of construction traffic and phasing practices.  Amy will work on adding language to inform abutters of the availability of a construction management plan.

Paragraph 20-Maintenance.  Add to D trash pickup, if converted to Condo Association, “owner and/or condo association” responsible
Add “successors and assigns” to other maintenance conditions

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Christine Sullivan to approve the Site Plan Review as amended, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved 8-0 (Puleo, Ready, Kavanaugh, Sullivan, Hanscom, Lombardini, Collins, and Power).  


There being no further business to before the Planning Board, a motion was made by Pam Lombardini to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Nadine Hanscom and approved (8-0).

The meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

Stacey Dupuis, Clerk
Salem Planning Board