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Minutes 09/21/2006
Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Special Meeting
Thursday, September 21, 2006

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, September 21, 2006 in the third floor conference room at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts at 7:00 p.m.

Those present were: Walter Power, Chuck Puleo, Gene Collins, Tim Kavanagh, John Moustakis, Christine Sullivan, Tim Ready . Also present was Staff Planner Dan Merhalski.

Members Absent: Pam Lombardini and Paul Durand

Dan Merhalski announced that Chapel Hill will be continued to the next meeting of the Planning Board on October 19, 2006

Report to Planning Board on Mitigation with Residents of 5 Ravenna Avenue- Puleo Realty Trust- 270 Highland Avenue – George Atkins

Chuck Puleo recused himself from discussion of this matter.

Atty. Atkins addressed the Board and reported on the progress that they have made regarding mitigation measures with the residents of 5 Ravenna Avenue in relation to the St. Jean’s Credit Union project on the Puleo site on Highland Avenue.  He explained that they have met with the neighbors and decided on several courses of action to improve the situation.  He noted that the engineer looked at where the light would shine and they suggested a fence to close in the front of their property and they have agreed to that.  They also requested that they look into tinting their bay window and they are getting estimates on that.

Atty. Atkins stated that a concern is the timing of the light on Highland Avenue.  He explained that they contacted Mass Highway and were informed that they are looking at the timing of the lights on Highland Avenue and that should be done over the course of the next year.  He noted that the light is not very long and explained that any neighbor or representative of the community can call and they will take a look at that.

Atty. Atkins stated that the Shears have trouble with parking and they are going to clear an area to provide parking for them.

Atty. Atkins also stated that they met with the Sherlocks and they looked at creating a berm in the back of the property next to theirs with landscaping on the top of the berm to prevent lighting from getting into their yard.  He explained that they will be looking at that further as the fall goes on and leaves fall off the trees to see if that would be a solution.

Christine Sullivan asked if the Shears are satisfied.  Atty. Atkins stated that they appear to be satisfied that they would be getting back to them after they got estimates on the work to be done.  Ms. Sullivan questioned why the neighbors were not notified of this meeting.  Atty. Atkins stated that he informed them of the meeting when he met with them.  He stated that he would confirm their agreement with them in writing.

Public Hearing – Site Plan Review and Planned Unit Development Special Permit – Old Salem Jail Ventures, LLC, - 50 St. Peter Street-  Atty. Joseph Correnti

Atty. Correnti addressed the Board and requested that the public hearing be continued to October 19, 2006.

Christine Sullivan moved to continue the public hearing to October 19, 2006, seconded by Tim Ready and approved (7-0).

Release of Funds – Green Dolphin Village Phase IV – The Fafard Companies

Dan Merhalski reported that all of the requirements of the bond have been fulfilled and recommended release of the funds.

Chuck Puleo moved to approve the release of the funds for Green Dolphin Village, seconded by Tim Ready and approved (7-0).

Public Hearing – Site Plan Review – SSSD, LLC – 401 Bridge Street and 44 Boston Street – Atty. Joseph Correnti

Atty. Correnti addressed the Board and explained that the property is the old Sylvannia site at the corner of Boston and Bridge Street.  He explained the history of the site and explained that the owners have held it for four years now and they have done extensive research and work on what they want to do there.  He noted that this site is included in the new NRCC zoning district.  He also noted that they have had ongoing discussions with the Federal Street neighbors and officials at City Hall to be sure that what they propose will be feasible for the site.

Atty. Correnti noted that they have several members of the design team present this evening to make presentations.  He also noted that they will be presenting a traffic study in October.

He explained that they are proposing a subdivision of the site which is 5.2 acres and create two lots and explained the proposed lots and their sizes.  He noted that the corner lot has no development proposal at this time.  He explained that they are proposing an office building for the second lot at this time.  He explained that they will demolish the building on the site and construct a new building on the site.

Atty. Correnti introduced Harry Gunderson to explain the proposed building and the site.  Mr. Gunderson addressed the Board and explained the history of the project.  He noted that they were involved in the NRCC process and have attempted several different designs on the property.  He noted that they believe that what they have designed is in keeping with the NRCC wishes.  He explained the site location and the areas that they will be subdividing.  He noted that they are proposing a mixed use professional office and retail building.   He noted that the NRCC wanted to see buildings placed on the street to the greatest extent possible and noted that they couldn’t be any closer to the street.  He also noted that the NRCC wants to encourage pedestrian traffic and explained that they have a colonnade on the south side of the building facing the parking lot and noted the area on the plan.

Mr. Gunderson also noted that they have had extensive conversations with the Federal Street neighbors on screening and landscaping.  He noted that there is a large existing retaining wall which will require different kinds of plantings.  He also noted that they have not planned for landscaping on the first lot because they anticipate developing that at some point.

Mr. Gunderson explained that a dumpster will be located on the site to accommodate trash and the use of the dumpster will be by custodians in accordance with local ordinance.  He also noted that they will be providing bicycle lockers and noted that on the plan as well.

Mr. Gunderson reviewed the building elevations in context with the surrounding neighborhood.  He explained that the elevations of the ends of the building are all the way through the site and include the neighborhood to get an idea of the height of the building relative to the surrounding neighborhood.  He noted that there are some very large trees along the Federal Street side of the property line.  He noted that they are proposing a retaining wall and fencing for the properties beyond the existing retaining wall.

Mr. Gunderson explained the façade of the building and explained the proposed windows.  He also showed the Board a rendering of the view going toward Salem from Boston Street.  He noted the location of the building in the picture and noted that everything they are doing is by right and explained the requirements of the lot.  He noted that they are in compliance with zoning as well as height requirements.

Atty. Correnti introduced Peter Blaisdell, Jr. who explained the engineering aspects of the project.  He noted that the site has been used as an industrial site in the past and explained the site.  He noted that there are quite a few utilities in place on the site.  He explained the there are 233 parking spaces and 7 handicapped spaces.  He noted that the sewer and water are straight forward.  He explained the locations of the water and sewer mains.  He noted that the fire requirements are substantially less for an office building than for an industrial use.

He explained the drainage for the site.  He noted that they are in a riverfront area and also Zone A on the FEMA Flood map and there is some issue with flooding, Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flooding.  He explained what that is and the effect that it has when there is a big storm.  He noted that they are proposing two storm septor units for the site and explained the locations on the plan.

Atty. Correnti stated that the site has an Activities and Use Limitation on the site and IES will be submitting a letter regarding that.

Walter Power noted that he was hoping to get a signature building on the Boston Street corner.  Atty. Correnti stated that they will talk about what can fit on that site at the next meeting.  He noted that they agree that the corner lot is going to be the signature building.

Walter Power stated that he expects the vacant lot to be maintained until it is developed.  Atty. Correnti stated that they will maintain it.  He also noted that they are required to have a review of the building with the DRB and they will be starting that next week.

Christine Sullivan asked to have the entrance to the building for the office space and the retail space explained on the plan.  Mr. Gunderson explained that it would depend on who the retail tenant is.  Atty. Correnti explained that it is difficult but they will probably look at some kinds of local retail.

A discussion was held on the area and it was noted that the Landry and Acari site across the street will add to the neighborhood.

It was noted that there was a fuel oil spill on the site.  Atty. Correnti noted that the AUL on the site restricts the uses of the site noting that residential use is prohibited.  He also noted that no gardening can be done on the site.  Atty. Correnti stated that they will provide more information on this at the next meeting.  

Christine Sullivan questioned the parking on the site.  Atty. Correnti explained the proposed parking that it will be up to them to make that work so that the site flows properly and noted that they will not be requesting a variance for parking.

Atty. Correnti noted that there has been no new office space in Salem in many years that provides parking.  He also noted that they have no one committed to move in at this time but noted that there is a lot of interest.  He stated that they are going to look for the best mix of tenants possible.

Mr. Gunderson  explained the proposed location of the elevators and explained that the idea is that there will be a lobby that would run through the building.  He explained a potential layout for the building.  He noted that they are looking to promote a pedestrian connection to the downtown noting that it is not a bad walk to the downtown from the site.  

Christine Sullivan noted that she read a letter from the neighborhood association and noted that this letter is a miracle noting that the Federal Street Neighborhood is not easy to please.  She further noted that the this is an amazing accomplishment and congratulated the developer.  

Walter Power opened the hearing up for public comment at this time.

Martin Emm of 174 Federal Street addressed the Board and expressed his support for the plan.  He noted that the plan fits the zoning and they have paid attention to the details.  He noted that the quality of life will be maintained and explained that they want to see it built fast and wanted to help.  He explained that the letter is the result of several meetings with the developer and their response to their concerns.  

Joyce Wallace of 172 Federal Street addressed the Board and commended the development team for listening to the neighbors.

Rita Markunas of 192 Federal Street addressed the Board and expressed her support for the project.  She noted that there are some things that they still have to look at such as drainage, but noted that they have done a lot to make the abutters feel that things will be done right.

David Hart of 104 Federal Street addressed the Board and requested that they think about pedestrians and explained that people walk down both sides of the street.  He noted that the canal side of the street is unfriendly to pedestrians at this time and suggested that they should look at that.

Christine Sullivan suggested that there is probably going to be a need for a cross walk in the front of the building.  Atty. Correnti asked if the Board wants them to explore a crosswalk.  Walter Power noted that it is a dangerous spot.  

Chuck Puleo noted that there is some mitigation money from Stop and Shop that was supposed to be used for the coordination of the traffic lights all the way down Boston Street.

Atty. Correnti suggested that they would look into the cross walk situation and report to the Board at the next meeting.  

Christine Sullivan stated that there is probably much more pedestrian traffic than we are aware of and suggested that they look into that.

A woman asked if the zoning required retail use on the site.  Atty. Correnti explained that they do not have to have retail but if they do it has to be on the ground floor.

A woman expressed her concern about drainage on the site.  Atty. Correnti stated that they have submitted the drainage plans and they will be reviewed.  She explained her concerns and Atty. Correnti and Mr. Gunderson stated that they will take a look at her concerns.

Walter Power noted that if there are no further comments at this time he would entertain a motion to continue the public hearing to October 19, 2006.  John Moustakis moved to continue the public hearing to October 19, 2006, and limit the discussion to thirty (30) minutes, seconded by Tim Ready and approved (7-0).

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Planning Board meeting held on July 20, 2006 were presented for approval.

Christine Sullivan moved to approve the minutes of the July 20, 2006 Planning Board meeting as amended, seconded by Chuck Puleo and approved (7-0).


There being no further business to come before the Planning Board this evening a motion was made by John Moustakis to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Gene Collins and approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Eileen M. Sacco, Clerk
Salem Planning Board