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Planning Board Minutes 09/07/2006
Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Special Meeting
Thursday, September 7, 2006

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, September 7, 2006 in the third floor conference room at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts at 7:00 p.m.

Those present were: Walter Power, Chuck Puleo, Gene Collins, Tim Kavanagh, John Moustakis, Christine Sullivan, Tim Ready, Paul Durand and Pam Lombardini. Also present were Lynn Duncan, Director of Planning and Community Development and  Dan Merhalski, Staff Planner.

Members Absent: None

Continuation of Public Hearing – Planned Unit Development Special Permit and Site Plan Review – Salem Lafayette Development – 135 Lafayette Street – Former St. Joseph’s Church Site

Atty. Joseph Correnti addressed the Board and noted that this is a continuation of the previous meetings that they have had.  He noted that they have made some modifications to the plan based on the concerns of the Board.  He introduced Lisa Alberghini who reviewed the changes that have been made to the plans.

Ms. Alberghini addressed the Board and reviewed the plans noting that they are excited about the changes and believe that this process has led to a better development.  She noted that they have emphasized the façade of the building to blend in better with the neighborhood,  Lafayette Park and the downtown.  She explained that they looked at some of the historic images in the area and they found one that would suit their needs and explained the design and how they got to their design.  

Ms. Alberghini showed the Board a revised rendering of the design of the buildings.  She explained the buildings and the design to the Board.  She also reviewed the elevations of the buildings.  

Walter Power opened the meeting up for questions from Planning Board members at this time.

Christine Sullivan stated that she feels that the new plan is a big improvement and noted that she feels that the landscaping is going to make the project outstanding which it needs to be.  She asked that they review the landscaping plan noting that the neighbors were concerned about looking at a large parking area.  She noted that she feels that landscaping is key to making this a great project.  She noted that this is important.

Ms. Alberghini reviewed the plans and noted that the rendering is representative of their landscaping plans.  She explained the plans and noted that they heard the comments about plantings at previous meetings and noted that they made changes to the plans based on those comments.  She explained the landscaping plans and noted that there will be screening so that the neighbors will not be looking at a sea of parking.  She also noted that there are trees planned along Lafayette Street.  She also noted that they take landscaping seriously and it is part of the quality housing that they propose.

Tim Ready noted that it is his understanding that this is the first time that the site has been landscaped and noted that this is a substantial landscaping plan.  He also noted that he has never seen that park and the grounds look so well and suggested that the city could use a little help in maintaining the park.  

Walter Power opened the hearing up for public comment at this time.  He noted that the height of the building has been approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals and it is out of the hands of the Planning Board.

Councilor Lucy Corchardo addressed the Board and stated that she is supportive of the changes to the plans and feels that it will be beneficial to the neighborhood and the city.  She noted that it will have a substantial impact on revitalizing the neighborhood.  She urged the Board to approve the revised plan and further noted that there is a petition signed by a majority of the abutters in favor of the project.

A woman addressed the Board and expressed her concerns about the project noting that she is an abutter of the project.  She reviewed the site in relation to her property.  She also questioned what time of year the construction will take place noting that the summer would be less intrusive.  Atty. Correnti noted that the plans would be reviewed by the city engineer and noted that they have had several meetings with him already and there will be some conditions included at his request.

A man addressed the Board and thanked the developer for the revised plans but noted that he is still very concerned about parking on the site.  He asked if they have thought about expanding parking or providing underground parking.  Atty. Correnti addressed the question and explained that they are providing parking that exceeds the zoning requirements in every part of the city.  He also noted that underground parking is not feasible and they feel that they have the maximum parking on the site at 145 spaces.

Lynn Duncan addressed the Board and questioned the number of bedrooms in the units in relation to parking.  Atty. Correnti noted that there are only 6 three bedroom units and the rest are 1 and 2 bedroom units.  He noted that the residents will know the parking situation when they buy the units.

Jim Treadwell addressed the Board and expressed his concern about the historic preservation of the property.  He read a prepared statement to the Board expressing his concerns about property being eligible for the National Register.

Councilor Joan Lovely addressed the Board and explained that she is here tonight on behalf of the numerous senior citizens that have contacted her. She expressed their concern about the location of the Community Life Center to be used as a Senior Center in this location and noted that the senior citizens are opposed to the location.  She also expressed their concern about the parking for the senior center.

Atty. Correnti addressed the Board and noted that they are concerned about adequate parking for the senior center.  He noted that the Mayor is negotiating for dedicated parking spaces for the senior center during the day.  He also noted that there are presently 17 parking spaces at the Broad Street site.  He estimated that the parking would be at least double or more than 17 spaces.

John Carr of 7 River Street addressed the Board and expressed his concern about the height of the building.  He stated that the building now has ceremonial space and they are proposing 6 stories of occupied space.  He also stated that he feels that the changes that have been made to the plan are a regression.  He noted that he attended the site visit that lasted two and a half hours.  He noted that the outlines of the buildings were marked.  He stated that he feels that the building will totally dominate that neighborhood.  He also expressed his opposition to taking down the church and questioned the legality of the zoning variance and promised an appeal.  He urged the Board to deny the project.

Anna Dellamonica addressed the Board and expressed her opposition to the project.  She expressed her concern about crowding, traffic and the demolition of the church.  She urged the preservation of the church as part of Salem’s heritage.  

A man addressed the Board and expressed his concern about the impact of the project on the city.

Beverly McSwiggin addressed the Board and asked for clarification on the parking designated for the senior center and the use of the condo owners.

Barbara Cleary addressed the Board and expressed her concern about the building.  Atty. Correnti noted that the process for the historic designation is ongoing.

Lynn Duncan noted that the decision on the demolition of the church and whether there is another alternative would be the decision of the historic commission and is not before the Planning Board this evening.  She noted that this hearing is on the PUD and the site plan review.

Ms. Alberghini explained that Mass Historic would make the determination on the site and then the impact will be determined and appropriate mitigation will be negotiated. She noted that it is a standard process that they have been through before on other projects.

Mrs. Reilly of 9 Wisteria Street addressed the Board and expressed her concern about the Community Life Center.

A member of the Salem Council on Aging addressed the Board and read a letter regarding the Community Life Center.  He clarified misconceptions about overlapping of programs and noted that he feels that overall the Community Life Center will benefit the seniors and the public in Salem.  A woman noted that 232 seniors have said that they will not go to the new center.  Mr. ? stated that they do not get 232 seniors a day at the present senior center.  

Atty. Correnti noted that the source of the city funding is up to the city and is not part of their funding package.

Lynn Duncan noted that the city is looking at a number of alternatives regarding the funding for the purchase of the Community Life Center.

Councilor Matthew Veno addressed the Board and expressed his support for the project.  He read a prepared statement to the Board.  He noted that he takes his job very seriously as a city Councilor.  He noted that the concerns raised have been thoughtful and made by concerned citizens.  He noted that he is concerned about the size of the building and the parking on the site.  He also noted that he is troubled that they will not be preserving the church.  He encouraged members of the Board to see beyond the horizon and what this is going to be in the future.  He stated that he envisions high quality housing and a Community Life Center that will benefit all of the city.

City Planner Lynn Duncan addressed the Board and noted that the city used the GIS system to look at the area and found that the density was 32 units per acre and what is proposed is comparable.  She ntoed that in terms of roadway improvements they have been working on a design for roadway improvements at Harbor and Lafayette Street.  She also noted that there is funding for roadway improvements and for the improvement of Lafayette Park.  She suggested that they could come back to the Planning Board in the future to review those plans and receive public input on them.

Councilor Veno addressed the Board again and noted that over the last ten years the city has renovated or rebuilt every single public school in the city.  He also noted that it is equally important for the city to provide a state of the art facility for senior citizens and noted that the city will afford the center because it is important and the seniors deserve it.

Walter Power stated that he was going to close the public hearing at this time.

Sylvia Flynn addressed the Board and suggested that the seniors are happy where they are now and the building could be renovated.

Martha Crowdis addressed the Board and stated that she grew up in Salem and now lives in St. Louis and she cannot afford to move back here.

Chuck Puleo asked if the same conditions would be in place on the resale of the units.  Ms. Alberghini explained the process.

Christine Sullivan questioned what the process will be if this passes tonight and it is determined that the church cannot come down.  Ms. Alberghini explained that they would use mitigating measures and explained the process.  Lynn Duncan noted that if there are any changes to the approved plan the applicant will have to come back to the Board.

Pam Lombardini moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Christine Sullivan and approved (9-0).

Walter Power expressed concern about the adequacy of the sewer system.

Lynn Duncan explained that proposed plans are circulated throughout all of the city departments and noted that the city engineer reviewed these plans and has not made any recommendations regarding drainage or the adequacy of the sewer system.  She also noted that there is a proposed condition regarding cleaning to prevent debris from getting into the pipes.

Tim Ready stated that the developer has modified and satisfied all of the issues raised by the Board during previous meetings.

Walter Power asked about the designation of spaces on the site for the community life center.  Atty. Correnti stated that those will be designated later in the negotiations for the purchase of the community life center.

Dan Merhalski noted that the Planning Board received a draft decision in the packet this evening.  He reviewed the details of the draft decision with the Board.

Lynn Duncan noted that the applicant has agreed to contribute $20,000 for additional traffic studies or engineering designs as needed.  Walter Power expressed concern about the lack of a traffic study noting that the Board has always had one to make comments on. Ms. Alberghini stated that the reason that they did not do one was because the city had already done one and they agreed to contribute to the work that they were planning on doing.

Lynn Duncan noted that the traffic study is not so much tied to this applicant but rather the area and she would like to bring the potential traffic improvements to the area back to the Planning Board at a later date when they are ready to be presented.  She noted that there is schematic design done for Harbor and Lafayette Streets and noted other areas that they are looking at.

Chuck Puleo asked if there is a reasonable timeframe for when this will be done.  Ms. Duncan stated that she can bring the schematic for Harbor and Lafayette Street for the Board to review.  She also noted that Lafayette and Washington and Lafayette and Dow Street are being looked at but there are no designs for them.  Chuck Puleo asked if the state would pay for any of it because it is a state road.    Ms. Duncan explained that the funding is competitive noting that we are doing the North Street project in a similar way.  She also noted that the city is very successful in getting state funding.

Christine Sullivan expressed concern about the safety of people trying to cross the street.  Atty. Correnti noted that a traditional traffic study would not have cost them anywhere near the $20,000 that they are proposing to donate to the city.  He also explained that they know that the geometry does not work out there and explained the areas that need to be looked at.  He acknowledged that they will have to live with those conditions as well and their donation is seed money to get the city started in improving the project.

Christine Sullivan asked if they are planning to do all of the staging on the site.  Atty.  Correnti stated that they will be doing all of the staging on the site.  Ms. Sullivan clarified that there will be no staging in the streets tying up traffic etc.  Atty. Correnti agreed.  Ms. Sullivan asked that the staging restriction be included as a condition of approval.

Tim Ready suggested that the Board condition that the applicant shall look for and identify and preserve if possible the statue that is said to be buried on the site.  Lynn Duncan noted that the statue is said to be in very poor condition.  Mr. Ready noted that this is a very emotional issue during the discussions of this project and he would like to see that it is addressed.  He noted that nobody seems to really know the location of it.  Christine Sullivan asked if the statue is some sort of historical artifact.  Mr. Ready stated that he would not say that but he wants to see that an effort is made to locate it so that if it is it could be preserved. The applicant agreed that they would try to locate the statue and assess its condition and possible relocation.

Dan Merhalski continued reviewing the draft approval.

Walter Power suggested that period lighting be installed on Lafayette Street.  Lynn Duncan stated that they could take a look at that.  Atty. Correnti stated that he thought that they would be the only spot on Lafayette Street that would have that lighting.  Christine Sullivan stated that she thinks it is a good idea as it would encourage others to fill in the gap between the Beverly Cooperative Bank and the site.  Lynn Duncan stated that she is not sure about the cost and if that would be the best way to spend the money.  Paul Durand reviewed the costs involved in replacing the lighting noting a $1,500 decommissioning fee imposed by National Grid.  Lynn Duncan noted that the Board has recognized affordable housing developers and distinguished that from a private for profit developer and this would be an additional burden.  Atty. Correnti stated that they would look at that when they do their lighting plan.  Lynn Duncan also suggested that they could take a look at that for the improvements to Lafayette Park.

Walter Power asked as a condition that the applicant install a four (4) foot cast iron fence on the rear of the site and a six (6) to eight (8) foot wooden fence along the residential sites abutting the project site. He also asked for columnar trees to be planted on the perimeter of the parking lot.

Dan Merhalski noted that the developer has agreed to donate $1,500 per year for the upkeep of Lafayette Park.

Christine Sullivan suggested that $1,500 over a long period of time will be like chump change and suggested that it escalate every ten years or so.  Atty. Correnti stated that they could negotiate that with the Mayor and City Solicitor.

Pam Lombardini asked if the fence is included on the site.  Christine Sullivan stated that she would like the height to be fixed at 4 feet so that it cannot be changed to two feet as has sometimes happened in the past.

Christine Sullivan questioned the material that the balcony’s would be made of.  Ms. Alberghini noted that the Planning Department will have the final review of the finish details.

Pam Lombardini moved to approve the draft decision as amended, seconded by John Moustakis and approved (9-0).

Form A – 53 Bridge Street (Map 26, Lot 294) – David Ankeles

David Ankeles addressed the Board and explained the Form A plan for 53 Bridge Street.  Walter Power stated that he has a question on lot 2.  Mr. Ankeles addressed the Board and explained the location of the lots and the proposal that they want to allow Mr. McLaughlin to continue improving the area as he has been and to acquire the parcel to become part of his lot.

Gene Collins moved to approve the Form A for 53 Bridge Street, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (9-0).

Release of Funds – Green Dolphin Village Phase IV – The Fafard Companies

Chuck Puleo stated that he looked at the site this afternoon and it looks like they completed the work.  Dan Merhalski reported they did do some work and noted that there is an area of fencing that could be a hazard because it is loose and near the cliff face on the precipice.

Jean Pelletier addressed the Board and stated they do not have certified drawing of all of the underground utilities over there.  He stated that he will talk to Bruce Thibodeau and the Mayor.  He asked that the Planning Board continue the matter until their next meeting.

Tim Ready moved to continue this matter until the next Planning Board meeting, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (9-0).

Councilor Pelletier addressed the Board and spoke in favor of the proposed project at 75 North Street.

Public Hearing – Site Plan Review and Wetlands and Flood Hazard Special Permit – 75 North Street

Richard Griffin addressed the Board and explained the plans for their project for Salem Kitchen and Bath.  He noted that the site is the former Salem Paint site.  Mr. Griffin explained that they would like to add 1 ½ stories in the rear of the building.  He explained the 100 and 200 foot setbacks on the plan.  He also noted that the Conservation Commission has reviewed this project.

Christine Sullivan asked what street the Kitchen and Bath store will be on.  Mr. Griffin stated that it will be on North Street.  She questioned the location of the addition and suggested that they put the addition on the existing building.

Paul Durand noted that the DRB will be reviewing this project for aesthetics as part of the NRCC district.

Christine Sullivan questioned if this building will block the view of the north river corridor.  She noted that she is not opposed to this but noted that the monument store did not turn out as she expected.

Jim Treadwell addressed the Board and explained that the city is neglecting its responsibility for maintenance of Commercial Street.

Walter Power suggested a site visit.  Pam Lombardini noted that she walks by the site all the time and noted that it is a beautiful site and this will be a good improvement to that whole area.

Mr. Griffin explained the location of the addition is not in a wetland and noted the location of the water table.  He noted that the City Engineer thought they had a good gauge on it by identifying the high water mark on the North River which is 6 feet above.

Dan Merhalski informed the applicant that the site is within the Wetlands Buffer area and that, as such, the applicant would need to present the relevant information required in the application for that area.

Tim Ready asked what kind of vehicles they expect would use the loading dock.  Mr. Griffin stated that a box truck would be likely to load and unload there.

Christine Sullivan moved to continue the public hearing to October 19, 2006, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (9-0).

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Planning Board meeting held on July 13, 2006 were presented for approval.

John Moustakis moved to approve the minutes of the July 13, 2006 Planning Board meeting as submitted, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (9-0).

The minutes of the Joint Public Hearing with the Salem City Council and the Planning Board held on July 19, 2006 were presented for approval.

John Moustakis moved to approve the minutes of the Joint Public Hearing with the Salem City Council held on  July 19, 2006 as submitted, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (9-0).


There being no further business to come before the Planning Board this evening a motion was made by John Moustakis to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Gene Collins and approved (9-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Eileen M. Sacco, Clerk
Salem Planning Board