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Minutes, Special Meeting 08/03/2006
Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Special Meeting
Thursday, August 3, 2006

A special meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, August 3, 2006 in the third floor conference room at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts at 7:00 p.m.

Those present were: Walter Power, Chuck Puleo, Paul Durand, Gene Collins, Tim Kavanagh, John Moustakis, Christine Sullivan, and Pam Lombardini. Also present were Lynn Duncan, Director of the Department of Planning and Community Development and Staff Planner Dan Merhalski.

Members Absent: Tim Ready.

Continuation of Recommendation to City Council on the Drive Through Zoning Amendment

The Planning Board reviewed the draft recommendation to the City Council on the Drive Through ordinance special permits.  Lynn Duncan noted that the Board received a slightly revised version of the amendment based on further discussions with City Solicitor Beth Rennard.

Walter Power reviewed the changes made to the amendment.  

Lynn Duncan noted that the language regarding the Board of Health includes noise emanating from speakers on the site above the level approved by the Board of Health or their designee.  Gene Collins noted that the Board’s concerns were specific to noise from ambient speakers, noting that the Board of Health has jurisdiction over noise and he does not want to ignore their authority.

Chuck Puleo noted that he looked at drive through’s around the city and most have 6 spaces for stacked cars, noting that the ones that have been approved by the Planning Board work well.  He suggested that the Board give a little latitude regarding this and decide on a case by case basis what will work, noting that 8 may be too many to require. It was suggested that the language be amended to read that a minimum of 5 stacking spaces be provided before the order board and that the facility shall provide another 3 stacking spaces between the order board and the transaction window.

Lynn Duncan also noted that in section 5.11 that any outdoor service facilities for fast food establishments shall be a minimum of 100 feet from the property line of a residential use may be overly restrictive and suggested that the language be changed to read that it shall be determined by the Planning Board.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Paul Durand to approve the recommendation to the City Council on the Drive Through Zoning Amendment as amended seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (8-0).

Continuation of Public Hearing – Planned Unit Development Special Permit and Site Plan Review – Salem Lafayette Development – 135 Lafayette Street – Former St. Joseph’s Church Site

Walter Power informed those present that the Planning Board will not be making a decision on this matter tonight and would be continuing this matter to September 7, 2006.

Atty. Joseph Correnti addressed the Board and recapped the last meeting.  He noted that the plan meets the criteria for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and is compatible with the neighborhood.  Atty. Correnti noted that there will be a mix of low, moderate and market rate units on the site in both rental and condo options.

Lisa Alberghini addressed the Board and explained the history of the Urban Planning Office and some of the projects that they have done in and around the Boston area.  She estimated that since 1969 they have build 2,500 units of housing in a wide range of areas.  She explained that their goals are to work with communities, build mixed income communities and to build high quality housing.  She showed those present photos of developments that they have done.

Ms. Alberghini explained why they cannot reuse the church.  She explained that they realize that it is difficult for people to lose a church.  She noted that they look at what works and what is feasible in making those decisions and they looked at a lot of things in making this decision.  She stated that it is difficult to retrofit the church for anything else and explained the process they used.  She noted that they met with Historic Salem Inc. and reviewed the church building reuse analysis that was done by the city.  She urged those present to think of a church as a community and not a structure and noted that it is their hope that the community spirit will go on through the Community Life Center.

Ms. Alberghini explained that the project is designed for 97 units and an 18,000 s.f. Community Life Center.

Walter Power asked her to define a Community Life Center.  Ms. Alberghini stated that it is intended that the Council on Aging will use the Community Life Center for the Senior Center from 8:30-4:30 and that after school programs and evening activities for the community will be held there in the late afternoon and evening.  She estimated that there would be a predominantly pedestrian use of the facility.

Atty. Correnti noted that the city will own the first floor Community Life Center.

Gene Collins stated that he would like a guarantee that the units will be built as well as some mitigation for Salem Street.  He noted that Salem Street will be isolated and would like to see some lights for the area.  He also stated that he would like some support for the businesses back there in the point area noting that Palmer and Congress Streets will be affected.  He also noted that the people in the neighborhood will be impacted and while he understands the historical significance of the church we need to realize that the area has always been for the working class and he would like to see more affordable units, suggesting that 60 should be affordable.  

Pam Lombardini expressed her concern about parking, noting that she does not feel that 145 spaces is enough.  Ms. Alberghini stated that the city did a survey of the new residences downtown and found that there are 1.03 cars per unit and they feel that 1½ spaces will be more than adequate.

Walter Power opened the hearing up for public comment at this time.

Nestor Grullion of 14 Porter Street addressed the Board and noted that housing has been an issue in Salem for the last ten years.  He stated that the elderly and the Latino elderly need services and there is a need for new change.

Ward One Councillor Lucy Corchardo addressed the Board and expressed her support for the project.  She noted that there is a huge loss in losing the church but noted that there would be problems with a vacant building as well and there is a great opportunity to get some affordable housing on this site.

Wayne Smith of Hancock Street addressed the Board and expressed his concern about the size of the project.  He also stated that there should be more low or middle income housing included.  He also suggested that the Salem Police Department should put a substation down in that area.

Jim Treadwell addressed the Board and asked how much the city will be paying for the Community Life Center.  Mr. Treadwell also suggested that improvements should be made to Lafayette and Harbor Streets and Lafayette Park as a condition of approval.

Mr. Treadwell also noted that the site is eligible for the National Register and that deserves some review and it should go through the review process.  Mr. Treadwell also reviewed the provisions for a PUD and the current zoning for the site.

Jim Rose of 25 Linden Street addressed the Board and expressed his support for the project.  He stated that this is a great opportunity for people in the community to achieve the American dream.  

Shirley Walker of Derby Lofts addressed the Board and stated that there are many great people who live in the point area.  She urged everyone to support this and recommended that they move the approval process along.

Ward Five Councillor Matt Veno read a letter to the Board which addressed his concerns about the tone of the Planning Board meeting that was held last week.  He noted that he supports the project and that a church is not about a building, it is about a mission.

Heather Pickard of 12 First Street addressed the Board and noted that she is the Executive Director of North Shore Community Action Programs.  She noted that while none of her clients will qualify for this housing she supports this project because it provides housing for those who can afford it.

Mike Pruitt of Cherry Street addressed the Board and expressed his concerns about the changes to the neighborhood.  He stated that people have to be more responsible and clean up after themselves.  He stated that he supports the project.

Jason Burke of Derby Lofts addressed the Board and stated that he lived in public housing and mixed income housing works.  He urged those present to visit West End Place or Rollins Square to see for themselves.

Eric Burube of Lafayette Street addressed the Board and asked if there is any parking for the Community Life Center.  Ms. Alberghini explained that there are 145 spaces and about 48 of them will be available for the Community Life Center.  It was noted that there are currently about 20 parking spaces at the senior center on Broad Street.

Mike Whalen of Salem Harbor CDC addressed the Board and expressed his support for the project.  He noted that the neighborhood has severe needs and this building will allow for a broad range of resources for the area.  He also noted that it is consistent with the city’s master plan for home ownership in the point area.

Barbara Cleary of Historic Salem Inc. addressed the Board and noted that HSI was involved in the design of the site.  She stated that she hopes that the Board will get to the business of site plan review and the design of the project.

Ray Vallincourt of 75 Fairfield Street addressed the Board and expressed his concerns about parking noting that he does not think that the proposed parking is realistic.  He stated that he owns a 6 family home and there are probably 18 cars there.

Polly Wilbur addressed the Board and stated that she is in favor of the project if the Board is going to take all of the facts and concerns about the site and make it work.  She stated that the site is close to being exposed to 40B.

Janet Crane of 12 Dow Street addressed the Board and expressed her concerns about parking.  She stated that overall she is in favor of this but parking is a concern to her.  She also noted that traffic and the size of the buildings concern her as well.  She also expressed concerns about the Senior Center being located there and noted that seniors deserve the best and she is not sure that this is the best site for them.

John Carr addressed the Board and stated that 97 units is too many, noting that zoning only allows for 33 units.  He stated that he is in favor of the goal of the project but he is skeptical of the developers self-serving claim that the church cannot be reused.  He stated that the building has extraordinary historical significance and that should be looked at.  He also stated that the scale of the project does not go with the density in the neighborhood.

Paul L’Heureux of 24 Lafayette Place addressed the Board and expressed his concerns about the density in the neighborhood.

Councilor Joseph O’Keefe addressed the Board and stated that he would like to support this project but he is concerned about parking.  He also asked what the city will be paying for the Community Life Center.  Atty. Correnti stated that the intent is that the city will buy the first floor as a condo.

Darrrow Leibowicz addressed the Board and stated that the aspirations of the project are good but he is concerned about the scale and the height of the building and the parking.

Linda Lock addressed the Board and stated that she is in favor of affordable housing but she would like to see smaller buildings with a walkway and more green space.  She noted that the site could be a federal historic district and suggested that the Board take another look at that.

Robert Blenkhorn addressed the Board and stated that there is a golden opportunity here and urged approval of the project.

Atty. Correnti suggested that they would take the next month to work with the city planner and address the concerns of the Board and the neighbors.  He asked that if the members of the Planning Board have concerns or comments that they give them to Lynn Duncan so that they can review them.

Christine Sullivan stated that the economic diversity of the city is essential and noted that the point is a rich neighborhood.  She further noted that we need affordable housing and work force housing.  She also noted that she is concerned about the density of the project and requested a rendering of how the buildings will look in the neighborhood.

Lynn Duncan stated that she would get copies of the church reuse study for the Planning Board members.

John Moustakis noted that if this is a historical site he would like to see the city go through the process and see about keeping the building.

Walter Power asked if any of the parking would be under the building.  Ms. Alberghini explained the parking on the site and noted that there are 145 spaces with the potential to recapture 15 spaces on Lafayette Street.

Chuck Puleo asked for a breakdown on the size of the units.  Ms. Alberghini stated that there will be 35 one bedroom units, 55 two bedroom units and 7 three bedroom units.

Walter Power asked how many parking spaces will go to the city for the Community Life Center.  Atty. Correnti stated that the Mayor is concerned about that and they are negotiating that.

Lynn Duncan stated that they did a survey of downtown parking and noted that the condo owners at the old Police Station use 19 of 28 spaces.

Pam Lombardini stated that she wants to be sure that they get the parking right.

Christine Sullivan suggested that they look at tandem parking.  She also suggested that she would like to see more open space on the site and a tot lot.  Ms. Alberghini explained the open space on the plan and noted that the Community Life Center is intended for recreational space and activities.  She also noted that Mary Jane Lee Park is two blocks away, noting that it could use some attention and they are talking to the city about improving that. Gene Collins clarified that the archdiocese will have no vested interest in the project.   Ms. Alberghini stated that they will have no interest in the site.  She also explained the process as to the concern about the historic register aspect of the situation and the mitigation that they are discussing for taking down the church.

Gene Collins asked if it is etched in stone that the senior center will be located there.  Atty. Correnti explained that the Mayor requested that they incorporate a Community Life Center in the project and generally the idea is to do that.

Paul Durand stated that he is concerned about the scale of the building and noted that this is more about the downtown than the neighborhood. He noted that he is concerned about a storefront and would prefer to see housing on the first floor.  He also noted that it is not easy to reuse a landmark building but he would hate to see it torn down.

Atty. Correnti addressed the Board and stated that the timing of the approval of this is critical as the funding round is approaching and if they miss the fall round they will have to wait until the spring.  He stated that they are willing to work hard between now and September 7th to address the issues that the Board has so that approval could be granted on the 7th.

Walter Power expressed concern about the closeness of the building to the street. Ms. Alberghini explained that the intent of the location of the building was to bring it in line with the streetscape on either side of the building.  Walter Power stated that he would like to see a better treatment of the front of the building. He stated that he would like to see the entrance door relocated to the front of the building.

Gene Collins requested that they look at the Harbor Street side and make the sidewalk a little wider than what is there now.

Walter Power suggested that the Board visit the site before the next meeting.  He also stated that he would like the footprint of the building laid out for the site visit.  The Planning Board will visit the site on Saturday, August 26, 2006 at 9:00 a.m.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Paul Durand to continue the public hearing to September 7, 2006, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (8-0).


There being no further business to come before the Planning Board this evening a motion was made by John Moustakis to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Gene Collins and approved (8-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Eileen M. Sacco, Clerk
Salem Planning Board