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Minutes 05/04/2006
Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, May 4, 2006

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, May 4, 2006 in the third floor conference room at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts at 7:00 p.m.

Those present were: Walter Power, Chuck Puleo, Gene Collins, John Moustakis, Pam Lombardini, Christine Sullivan, Paul Durand, Tim Kavanagh, and Tim Ready. Also present were Staff Planner Dan Merhalski and Eileen Sacco, Clerk.

Members Absent: None

Continuation of Public Hearing – Definitive Subdivision – Cluster Residential Development – Wetland Special Permit – 57 Marlborough Road – Osborne Hills Realty Trust – Atty. Brian McGrail

Dan Merhalski addressed the Board and updated them on the status of the peer review of the water mains for the Osborne Hills project by Camp, Dresser and McKee.  He noted that the review of the plans by C & C Consulting Engineers is complete and they are drafting a letter regarding it. He referred to an email from City Engineer Bruce Thibodeau that stated that the water system consultants for the city, CDM, were asked to do a review of the Osborne Hills proposed water system and the review included both an evaluation of the adequacy of the city’s system to provide the required flow and pressure to the development as well as to the effect that the development, when fully developed, will have on the city’s water system.  The criteria used for the evaluation are the maximum day demand during fire flow and the peak day demand. It was concluded that the city’s water system will have no problem meeting the demand of the new development nor will there be an adverse effect on the city’s system as a result of the full development. The email also stated that in fact, there will be an improvement to the system flows and pressures due to the proposed looping of the system with the installation of the water main from Marlborough Road through the proposed development to Barcelona Avenue.

Atty. Brian McGrail addressed the Board and explained that they are meeting with Eastern Land Survey to correct some minor housekeeping items, noting that there is nothing major and they will address those to the Board at their next meeting.

Walter Power asked about the status of the trail system.  Atty. McGrail stated that they have been working on standards and reviewed them with the Board.  Bill Luster suggested that they would meet with the Planning Department staff about the different design standards and the specifics of the trails. Walter Power expressed concern about how the trail will be laid out, noting that the Mayor had suggested that the trails be paved and he would prefer to see lint pack on the trails.  Bill Luster stated that the Conservation Commission sometimes puts restrictions that they prefer not to have the trails marked and noted that they would be willing to work with the Planning Department on the marking system as appropriate and approved by the Board.

John Moustakis recalled that at one time there was a concern about water pressure for the Fafard Development and it was said that they might need a pumping station.  Bill Luster explained that the water department was concerned about Marlborough Road but they ended up installing pressure reducing valves because the pressure was so high.

Chuck Puleo asked if any decision has been made on the final design of Marlborough Road.  Atty. McGrail stated that they are committed to relocating the traffic signal on Marlborough Road if the approvals are obtained by the city from the state to do so.  He stated that they would accept language regarding that in the decision.

Bill Luster explained that they would prefer to move the light but they cannot have the approval of the project dependent upon permits that they can’t obtain.

Tim Ready noted that there is work going on at the site and they are moving earth.  Bill Luster stated that he was unaware of that and would find out about it.  Mr. Luster called the developer and reported that they are moving soil that was from the Marlborough Road project and they are screening it and moving it offsite.

Walter Power opened the hearing up for public comment at this time.

Councillor Jean Pelletier addressed the Board and requested that the city council receive copies of the CDM report and all future reports from consultants.

Councillor Leonard O’Leary addressed the Board and asked if there was a report on the sewer recommendations.  Dan Merhalski reported that CDM is still working on that and will be sending a report.

Roger Leger of 64 Marlborough Road addressed the Board and asked if it has been decided how many units will be in the development. Brain McGrail addressed the Board and said that at a meeting with the Mayor, it was decided that there would be 129 units and $2,000 per unit would be contributed to the city for an Affordable Housing trust, in addition to other mitigation items that will be discussed at their next meeting with the Board.

Atty. McGrail addressed the Board and noted that in previous discussions they had stated that if they were going to pay for the relocation of the traffic signal they would not be willing to contribute to the study the intersection of Highland Avenue and Marlborough Road.  He reported that they have discussed it and if they relocate the traffic signal they will also contribute to the study.

Walter Power noted that Christine Sullivan will not be attending the next meeting on May 18, 2006 and suggested that the public hearing be continued to June 1, 2006 and that if the applicant would so request it, the time for the Board to act on the approval to be extended to June 30, 2006.

John Moustakis moved to continue the public hearing to June 1, 2006, seconded by Paul Durand and approved (9-0).

Paul Durand moved to extend the date for which the Planning Board has to act on this project to June 30, 2006, seconded by Tim Ready and approved (9-0).

Old/New Business

Paul Durand reported that the Rocketts are storing construction equipment in the parking lot of the Waterfront Hotel and asked that the Planning Department look into that.  He noted that they are taking up valuable parking spaces on the site.

John Moustakis reported that he has some concerns about the landscaping at the Cousins Street project. Dan Merhalski will look into that and report back to the Board.

There being no further business to come before the Planning Board this evening a motion was made by Tim Ready to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Gene Collins and approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Eileen M. Sacco, Clerk
Salem Planning Board