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Minutes 04/20/2006
Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, April 20, 2006

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, April 20, 2006 in the third floor conference room at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts at 7:00 p.m.

Those present were: Walter Power, Chuck Puleo, Gene Collins, John Moustakis, Pam Lombardini, Christine Sullivan, Paul Durand, Tim Kavanagh, and Tim Ready. Also present were Staff Planner Dan Merhalski and Eileen Sacco, Clerk.

Members Absent: None

Continuation of Public Hearing – Definitive Subdivision – Cluster Residential Development – Wetlands Special Permit – 57 Marlborough Road – Osborne Hills Realty Trust – Atty. Brian McGrail

Walter Power read a letter from the applicant requesting that the public hearing be continued to May 4, 2006.  Chuck Puleo moved to continue the public hearing to May 4, 2006 seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (9-0).

Walter Power noted that the Planning Board has to vote on the extension of time in which they have to act on this project.  He noted that the applicant has offered May 31, 2006 for a date.

John Moustakis moved to approve May 31, 2006 as the date by which the Planning Board has to act on this application, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved

Public Hearing Site Plan Review – 90 Lafayette Street – RGC, LLC

Walter Power read a letter from the applicant requesting that the public hearing be continued to may 18, 2006.  Chuck Puleo moved to continue the public hearing to May 18, 2006 seconded by Tim Kavanaugh and approved (8-0-1) with Paul Durand abstaining.

Continuation of Preliminary Subdivision Application – Chapel Hill LLC – Clark Avenue (Map 6 – Lots 7,8 and 9)

Dan Merhalski advised the Board that the applicant has made some changes to their plans and are here this evening to present them.

Atty. Jack Keilty addressed the Board and explained the revised plans.  He noted that they are now proposing 37 units and presented a color draft of the plan that showed the trail system as well as the property lines and open space adjacent to the property.  He also noted that the plan accurately depicts the wetlands on the site.  He also noted that the color plan presents an immeasurably better image of the plan.

Atty. Keilty reviewed the plan and noted the locations on the plan where the grade changes, noting that they created stations in the walking path.  He noted that the design is not too demanding of a walk. He further noted that the path can be a walking path or a bike path and will be fully accessible to the public.

Atty. Keilty showed the Board a chart that shows that they are in full compliance with Section 7:14 E6.

Atty. Keilty noted that the fire department has an issue with a second access and that has not been resolved.  He noted that the issue is that they are in excess of 500 feet in cul-de-sac length, and explained their interpretation of the regulation and noting that no stretch of road is in excess of 440 feet. He noted that the confusion may be because they adjusted the length of the road to address the open space issues.

Dan Merhalski referred to the letter from the Fire Department and stated that he is not sure that the Fire Department is concerned about the length of the road or how they are measuring it, but noted that paragraph two of the letter states that “access to the property of the planned building group shall be provided by a minimum of two distinctly separate routes, each located as remotely from each other as possible.”  He noted that this is according to that national fire code regulations.  

Walter Power opened the meeting up for comments from the Board members.

Paul Durand stated that he appreciated getting the plans ahead of time to have a chance to study them.  He stated that he likes the plan noting that they actually made it walkable, usable, and a much better plan.  He also noted that he is excited to see a successful cluster development in Salem.

Tim Kavanaugh stated that he likes the way they brought the trails tighter and provided good access.  He suggested that we should try and look at some way for the city to provide an easement for the property on the road for walking access to the neighborhood.  Atty. Keilty stated that they could look at that.

Walter Power suggested a cul-de-sac at the other end of Clark Avenue as a link.  Atty. Keilty stated that they could not do that because it would be over private property.

Christine Sullivan stated that she appreciates the new drawing and the context of it.  She asked Atty. Keilty to review the boundaries of the property. Atty. Keilty reviewed the plans and noted that the black dots and the dash line is the boundary for the open space on the plan. He also reviewed the calculations for the open space.

Tim Ready suggested that they clean up the assorted debris that is on the site. He also noted that there is a large rock on the site and asked if they would be removing it and if there were any architectural or geological significance to it. Chris Mello stated that they are going to crush the rock because he is afraid that it is going to roll down the hill.

Walter Power suggested that they mark the trail with lint pack. Chris Mello stated that they are hoping that they will have natural trails. Walter Power noted that his suggestion was meant so that people would have some direction and that they would know it is a trail.

Dan Merhalski presented possible conditions for the approval of the preliminary plan.

Atty. Keilty suggested that the Planning Department and the applicant agree on a consultant for the project and hire one consultant to do the work. Walter Power expressed concern about that being a conflict of interest.

Chuck Puleo asked how much larger did the house lots get under this plan. Mr. Belleau stated that they are about the same.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Paul Durand to approve the Form B for Chapel Hill LLC, with the conditions suggested by the Planning Department, seconded by Christine Sullivan and approved (9-0).

Old/New Business

Christine Sullivan noted that we have a young person in the audience this evening and invited him to introduce himself.  

Connor Buso Jarnis addressed the Planning Board and noted that he was attending the meeting this evening with his dad Ray Buso as a requirement for a badge for his Boy Scout Troop.  He noted that he is a member of troop 24 in Salem.

Tim Ready moved to officially recognize Connor Buso Janis and that he has met his responsibility and attended this Planning Board Meeting, seconded by Christine Sullivan and approved unanimously (9-0).

Home Depot

Dan Merhalski updated the Board on the status of the traffic study that was a condition of the approval of the Home Depot project.

There being no further business to come before the Planning Board this evening a motion was made by Tim Ready to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Gene Collins and approved (9-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Eileen M. Sacco, Clerk
Salem Planning Board