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Planning Board Agenda 12/20/2012


Notice of Meeting
You are hereby notified that the Salem Planning Board will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall Annex, Room 313, 120 Washington Street.
                                                                                                      Charles M. Puleo, Chair


  • Approval of Minutes
12/6/12 meeting minutes and 12/4/12 Joint Hearing minutes

  • Continuation of Public hearing: Application of PASQUANNA DEVELOPERS, INC. for a Definitive Subdivision Plan for five (5) single-family house lots on the property located at 18 THORNDIKE ST., Salem, MA (Assessors Map 37, Lot 38).  Construction of a new roadway is proposed to serve two of the newly created lots on Thorndike St.  Access to one lot is from Thorndike St., and access to two lots is from Hubon St.  
  • Old/New Business
  • Adjournment

Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. c. 39 §23B and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.