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Agenda 11/16/2006

Notice of Meeting - Amended

You are hereby notified that the Salem Planning Board will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, November 16, 2006, at 7:00 PM in Room 313, Third Floor at 120 Washington Street.

                                                        Walter B. Power, III

1.      (Continued to December 7, 2006 Meeting) Continuation of Public Hearing Definitive Subdivision and Cluster Residential Development Special Permit– Chapel Hill LLC –             Clark Avenue (Map 6, Lots 6,7,8) – Atty. Jack Keilty

2.      Continuation of Public Hearing  - Site Plan Review and Planned Unit Development Special Permit - Old Salem Jail Ventures, LLC - 50 St. Peter Street (Map 35 Lot 179) - Joseph   Correnti

3.      Public Hearing – Site Plan Review - RCG, LLC - 76 Lafayette Street (Map 34, Lot 417) – David Steinberg

4.      Approval of Minutes

§       September 7, 2006 meeting
§       September 21, 2006 meeting
§       October 19, 2006

5.      Old/New Business
Planning Board Recommendation - Zoning Ordinance provision for special permits for Adult Uses– Discussion and Vote