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July 21, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission

Date and Time:  Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair Amy Everitt, Vice Chair Leslie Tuttle and Chris Burke, Bob Callahan, James Shea
Members Absent: 
Others Present:         Dave Knowlton, George Atkins, Aurelia Mboyo, Jacob Lefker, Martin Cruz, Roy Breckenridge, Charity Lezama
Recorder:       Stacy Kilb

Meeting Called to Order

Chair Everitt calls the meeting to order at 6:45PM.

Approval of June Minutes

A motion to approve the June minutes is made by Tuttle, seconded by Shea, and passes unanimously.

Dave Knowlton-City of Salem Engineering Department;~Requesting plan approval to improve the drop off area of the Saltonstall School, which adds parking to park land on Salem Street.

Mr. Knowlton shows the Existing Condition plan and outlines the issues with the current drop off area, with the proposed changes to rectify the situation.  Shea comments that street hockey is played on the tennis court where Mr. Knowlton is proposing 29 additional parking spaces.

Shea asks if another tennis court will be built but Mr. Knowlton is not aware of any plans. Shea does not feel park land should be given up for parking, and that the court should be replaced so he is not in favor. Callahan agrees. The issue is parents dropping off directly in front of the gate, for one hour in the morning and another in the afternoon, not the space that’s there. Burke comments that the park does have a problem with parking, and these would help. However, even though the tennis court is run down, he reiterates that it is used for street hockey. Mr. Knowlton comments that the plan has not been taken to the neighborhood yet. Tuttle comments that the dropoff situation depends on how strict the principal is so the situation could be controlled with school rules, and she also does not approve of giving up park land for parking. Also students would now have to cross a parking lot vs. green space to get to the park.

Everitt comments that specific changes were made to garden proposals with the intent of keeping the tennis courts for street hockey; she also agrees with Tuttle re students crossing the parking lot. Mr. Knowlton outlines the green space as proposed. Shea reiterates that many members of the public came to the meeting (50) when they were considering changing use of the courts so they are used. Callahan understands that there are issues but feels they can be solved easily this way, but that there are other ways. Other options should be explored in an organized fashion and he would like to see other avenues implemented before this one is. Mr. Knowlton is aware of previous attempts but has never been consulted on other options.

Everitt comments that if activity space is being taken, it must be replaced. Tuttle comments that parking on the other side of the street is good. Mr. Knowlton thanks the Commissioners for their input and states that he will re-work the plan and come before them a second time if need be.

Dave Knowlton- City of Salem Engineering Department;~Providing an update on the effects of the Flood Plan work on Forest River Park

Final designs are not worked out but they have presented to the Conservation Commission. He shares the details of the upland project.  He describes how water entering the park will be channeled so it does not impact the practice area, and how the basketball courts and baseball fields will change. He also outlines changes near the pond and Pioneer Village. The pond is currently stagnant and does not serve as a resource, and there is an erosion issue on the beach, but these improvements should help. He also describes how runoff from the parking lot will be handled.

Callahan asks if the entire park can be repaved during this project but Mr. Knowlton comments that there are not funds for that; Callahan thinks it will not be a large difference in cost so Mr. Knowlton will look into it. Burke comments that the one section really needs to be paved but some others are not as urgent.

Shea asks about the pipe at high tide; it will be at the same elevation at mean high tide so water could flow back in. Shea is concerned that the area will flood during high tides but hydraulic modeling indicates that the pond will just fill up. Callahan asks if the main park will flood during storms and high tides but the basketball court and baseball courts will be elevated, and water will go into the swale. Shea asks for the definition of a swale and Mr. Knowlton describes it as a trapezoidal, open grassy channel pitched toward the pond so water will flow through it toward the pond.  Burke is concerned about mosquitoes but the water should move enough to prevent them from breeding.

Tuttle asks about the raising of the ball field and Mr. Knowlton explains. They are hoping to complete the design in the fall, put it out for contractors in the winter, and begin next spring.

Partanen asks about the fence but Pioneer Village felt that moving the fence in would take away the atmosphere of the Village.

Discussion of the Pioneer Village fence and options for that and a security system are debated. Knowlton will return to Partanen with options for discussion.

Also the Little League was in championships and the director complimented the field, but they can’t have the final game there because the outfield fence is too close; the fence can be moved and Partanen will send Mr. Knowlton the numbers for him to review.

The practice field will be graded to be level and will be re-seeded, and won’t be as wet.

The Commission approves of the plan.

George Atkins – Attorney for Bartlett & Steadman Development Corp;~Requesting permission to transfer 44 Dell Street and 1 Nurse Way to the City of Salem Park, Recreation and Community Services from Bartlett & Steadman Development Corp. ~(Witch Hill Subdivision)

Mr. Atkins provides a map of the area in question. The area is off of Highland Ave. One lot is next to DiBiase park, and is owned by the developer. The Planning Board wanted them to convey it to the Commission and that park as part of their decision. They also wanted a park to serve the new neighborhood, so the second park is being proposed for conveyance to this Commission. A year or more ago equipment was proposed and placed by the developer as per the Planning Board condition. The City Council must approve grantings of any land to any department/commission, but Parks and Rec approval is needed first.

Shea asks about Parcels 38 and 39 and Mr. Atkins elaborates. The area has not been completely built out yet but streets have been accepted by the City Council. Partanen describes the parks currently in the area.

Shea motions to approve, is seconded by Callahan, and all are in favor.

Aurelia Mboyo – Dynamic Faith Fellowship;~Requesting permission to have a gospel concert at the Willows shell until 10:30pm on August 22, 2015

Ms. Mboyo is not present as of 7:22PM.

Jacob Lefker~–~North Shore CDC; Requesting permission to have Salsa Sundays at Peabody Street Park between 7-9pm through August 23, 2015

Mr. Lefker describes his role in his organization and requests time for Salsa Sundays over an 8 week period. It is open to the public and all donations would be put toward a scholarship; they are working with the Mayor’s office and Salem Education Foundation.  They have approval for the final four weeks of street vendors; it would begin this Sunday and run through Sept. 13th. They are looking to have this be a street fair so some of Peabody Street would be blocked off. They do not want this event to conflict with dinnertime and to give it a feeling of dusk to sunset dancing.

Callahan suggests 6:30-8:30 because it will get dark earlier as the summer progresses. Mr. Lefker agrees.

Shea motions to approve, is seconded by Callahan for the 6:30-8:30 timeframe, and all approve.

All details should be worked out through Partanen. Burke comments on the lack of maintenance of the park; it is maintained by the DPW and Partanen will look into it.

Martin Cruz- Summer Jam;~~Requesting permission to have a family event with local talents and food vendors at the Willows between 3pm-midnight July 26, 2015 Sept. 6th or the 13th

The event is open to all. Mr. Cito outlines the details; this is their second year, and their first year was a success. He outlines the timeline. They are insured. A company provides the equipment and some direction; Summer Jam ensures the safety and organization of the event.

Shea asks if it went well last year; Partanen says it did; there were three attendants for the large bouncy house and one for the smaller. Right now they have 15 girls volunteering with more lined up. Summer Jam is a nonprofit organization; the event is free and is paid for by the three individuals presenting. This year they have sponsors and vendors. There will not be food vendors there but they would like to provide water.

The event will actually end at 9PM, not midnight. Burke asks about Summer Jam and who is responsible as Mr. Cruz signed the paperwork.

Shea motions to approve the event for one of the above September weekends, from 3-9PM, is seconded by Callahan, and the motion passes unanimously.

Partanen is concerned about the water guns and Callahan comments that there are water cannons that do not look like guns; the ones they will use do not look like weapons. Cito Events is a company run by Mr. Cito; this program is meant to give back to the community.

Burke asks if vendors’ fees get put back into the event; they do use those funds to pay for the event in future years so it is not out of their own pockets. Partanen suggests they advertize through the kayak business and Callahan suggests arranging this through Partanen. Callahan suggests that part of the reason he is approving is Mr. Cito’s enthusiasm.

Roy Breckenridge~– Would like to share his interest in serving as an organizing committee for the annual Black Picnic and update on how the 2015 event went

Mr. Breckenridge comments that the Black Picnic went well and Doreen Wade describes her background. She has had some discussion with the Mayor, Historical Society, Historical Commissions of Salem and the State, and Mr. Wooley. The Negro Election Day, now known as the Black or African American Picnic, is 270 years old, and will be on Mass historic registry and Salem historical registry. She also has approval from the governor. Her organization (Salem United) has been formed to oversee goings on of picnic. She is president. The goal and mission of this organization is to preserve and restore the picnic to what it was, historically.

An abbreviated history of the Picnic is outlined. Slaves were allowed one day to vote for their own governor who would work with the white governor.  This was the first time in history this occurred and was in Massachusetts. More historical information can be provided if desired. Ms. Wade would like it to remain family oriented and a representation of the Black community throughout New England, though they keep it to Massachusetts. The first Picnic was in 1741.

Salem United will work with not only the Park Department, but also the Police department. She would like her committee to vet all vendors who wish to be at the Picnic. This stems from the presence of one inappropriate performance group that was there this year; she was not aware they had come before the Parks and Recreation Commission so was not able to give her input as to why they should not be allowed to perform and it was too late to revoke their permit.  

Callahan describes his previous knowledge of and experience with the picnic and how it had a somewhat unsavory element in the 1980’s and ‘90’s, but it has since become toned down.

A discussion of how Ms. Wade’s Committee would work with this Commission follows. Since her Committee is more familiar with the groups that would like to be involved, it should be allowed some say over performers and vendors allowed at the Picnic. There is also some discussion of the permitting process.

If prospective vendors come before the Parks and Recreation Commission, they will be referred to Salem United for vetting. Meanwhile Salem United will apprise the Commission of its activities throughout the year, and will attend several meetings to do this. The Parks and Recreation Commission will have final say over whether or not to issue permits, but will be much better informed about the groups to which they are being issued. This will be a partnership between the two organizations. Burke is slightly concerned that there may be issues as groups were not necessarily required to be permitted in the past, and they may be limiting opportunities for other groups, but Callahan reiterates that it will be a partnership.  Burke agrees that the goals of this Commission and Salem United are in line with one another.  Also in the 1980’s there was an organization, now defunct, that did require permits. However, its work was not carried on since the next generation, then only children, did not take over, however, as adults, they have renewed interest.

Shea is familiar with the picnic and comments that it is a great event, and does feel it should be brought back to what it was historically. He asks about the partnership; Salem United is the only organization recognized by the Historical Comission and the Governor.  

A motion to establish a partnership between the Parks and Recreation Commission and Salem United, for the purpose of the latter to act as recommending body for permitted events that occur during the Black Picnic, while the former retains the final vote on whether or not permits will be issued, is made by Callahan, seconded by Shea, and passes unanimously.

Salem United will work with Partanen as well as the Mayor. Burke apologizes on the part of the Commission for the inappropriate group and Tuttle comments that there were questions as to who was in charge of the event. Partanen comments that having a contact and someone responsible for the picnic and permitting is a very positive thing; this year was the first time she was made aware that someone was in charge of the event.

Shea comments that when the picnic gets close next year, as people come before this Commission, they will be sent to Salem United. If they approach Partanen, they will be sent directly to Ms. Wade.  They will not be automatically approved without that organization’s input.  It should also be made clear to applicants that they must come before the Commission and Salem United with enough lead time for the approval process.

Charity Lezama- Salem YMCA –~Requesting permission to have alcohol at their triathlon being held at Forest River Park on August 8, 2015

Ms. Lezama presents an invitation to the Salem YMCA Greenspace Open House Event Thurs. July 30th from 9-10AM.

The Notch will be opening a brewery in Salem and would like to sponsor the event and have a beer tent. This is the first of several City channels they must go through. The location of the beer tent is described.

Callahan comments that wherever the beer tent is located, should be at the maximum distance possible from the playground, which is still in use. The triathalon starts at 7AM and they can put a time limit on the beer tent; the event will most likely end by 11AM. Callahan comments that running the beer tent until noon would be acceptable.

Burke asks about a grant; there was one previously. NSMC finances most staffing. She describes the setup of the event and her programs in general. They are obtaining an outdoor classroom and want this to be a green community space.

A motion to approve the beer tent from 9AM-12PM, location determined by Partanen, is made by Callahan, seconded by Tuttle, and passes unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report
Revenue Report

Meters were not installed in May so money was not deposited for that month, and Shea asks if they can be installed earlier next year, since all that money goes back into the park. Last year collections continued through December. Shea comments that four meters appear to be missing; some have been ordered and are replaced by the Department. He suggests purchasing an extra to keep in reserve in case one breaks, since the season is so short. Partanen asks about raising the fee and it has been requested every year, but the City Council refuses to approve it. They will try again as it is overdue.  

Burke comments that the golf course had a tough spring. Figures are further discussed. The Witch House is doing well.

Winter Island finances are outlined. Tuttle asks about the revolving account and Partanen outlines that it comes from program fees. Partanen is looking toward running low cost programs to raise awareness of the Parks and Recreation Department. She comments that the basketball program is up and running with an estimate of 30 kids signed up, though no girls. Most kids play club and travel leagues, not through Parks departments.

Planning Department is applying for a PARC grant for phase 2 of Mary Jane Lee Park
The Commission is aware of this. Water was turned on from 10-6 but the Mayor said 10-8.
Shea says someone requested to put in a backboard on the tennis court on Franklin St. Other Commissioners approve and Burke says it would be good to allow a single player to practice.

Parks & Facility
Discussion about the history of seating at the Salem Willows Shell. ~Why was it removed and should we pursue bringing it back

The history of seating at the Willows Shell is discussed but is uncertain. The types of benches that were there in the past is described, and future seating arrangements debated.

Shea opines that Planning Board input should be sought, as should that of the Design Review Board. The Planning Department has an intern that could do this work, but this Commission should have final say over what the seating will look like. The Commission would like some benches with some open space, and benches should be low maintenance.

Community Life center Update

Old Business
Partanen approves of repainting the mural that the Boys and Girls Club made at Palmer Cove, if it prevents tagging.

New Business
The Seafood festival was not as successful as last year. Participation was down 65% and the department hasn't recieed figures yet for the final payment. Callahan comments that the fencing was ugly and if future events at the Willows must be fenced, the Commission should view the fencing first. Additionally, he does not agree with allowing exclusive use of the space. He suggests selling bracelets for such events in lieu of fencing, though this may not be the proper venue for the Seafood Festival if it isn’t going to make money.

Country Fest will be held there and the Commission needs to consider if they will allow Tuesday setups.

Stacy Kilb of 39 Northend Ave. comments that last year’s Seafood Festival was disappointing,  so she and her husband decided after that they would not attend this year.


A motion to adjourn is made by Shea, seconded by Tuttle, and all are in favor.

Next Meeting: ~August 18, 2015

Respectfully Submitted,
Stacy Kilb
Clerk, Salem Park & Recreation Commission