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March 26, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission
Draft Minutes
Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:       Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 6:48pm – Rescheduled from March 17, 2015 at 6:45pm

Meeting Location:    5 Broad Street

Members Present:   Vice Chair Leslie Tuttle, James Shea, Bob Callahan,

Members Absent:    Chair Amy Everett and Chris Burke

Others Present:      Karen Partanen (Director), Paul Lever (Olde Salem Greens Superintendent), Scott McDonald (Olde Salem Greens Manager), Don Morgan, Liz Rogers, Charity Lezama, Meghan Murtagh, Ashley Steeves, Joseph Majahad, Leah Goodman, Keri Cahill, Angelo Meimeteas

Recorder:               Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Vice Chair Tuttle at 6:48pm

Approval of February Minutes

Callahan motions to approve and Shea seconds.  Passes unanimously.


Charity Lezama – Requesting the Commission approve the lease proposal submitted for the use of Camp Naumkeag for 5 years.

Looking for approval with a rental lease of 5 year lease (2 of them).  Applied for CPA funding for a Master Plan.

Callahan asked about the cleanup and Partanen replied that the YMCA would be responsible for it and it was put in the RFP.  Partanen recommends the proposal be accepted. Shea had a question about capital improvements and inquired about structural problems that need to be addressed. Tuttle commented that timing is important for the CPA funding for the Master Plan.

Shea motions to approve and is seconded by Callahan.  Passes unanimously.

Paul Lever – Olde Salem Greens Superintendent to discuss past and future changes to the golf course with Scott McDonald – Olde Salem Greens Manager to discuss fees for next year and objectives for the upcoming season

Shea had a question about the 7th & 8th and when they’ll be finished.  Lever commented that the city provided the fill and they saved $6,000 and $1,000 and this only happened because the fill was free.  Callahan asked about a timeline and Lever said not now.  Lever added that he needs to purchase loam and may be able to finish that tee off.  Lever discussed what he believes the original plan was and explained why it was likely that the hole was changed from the original plan.  Shea added that if Lever can get those 2 projects done, it would make the course more interesting.  Shea commented that maybe next year Lever can get the funding to accomplish this.  Lever replied that his priorities are growing grass and is selecting critical areas to get sun.  Lever brought in a drawing based on an aerial photo from the 1930’s. Some discussion about snow and melting and its effect on the course.  Lever commented that he could use more part time labor to mow grass so he can focus on other projects.  Callahan added that Lever needs to ask for additional staff for the summer.

Lever commented that he wants to hire some more help this summer to do more of the basic labor.  Callahan suggested they hire someone who can do multiple tasks that are needed.

McDonald commented that there have been problems with carts and making sure they are being managed better and more organized.  Shea suggested they put an additional $10,000 in the budget for next year given that they continue to grow and make a significant profit each year.  Shea suggested that Lever right up a proposal for additional funding for more staff, which would go to the City Council for approval. Callahan commented that the Commission is willing to raise the rates to provide more revenue for being able to hire more people. 

Shea commented that if Lever can calculate the additional revenue into the proposal, that would be ideal.  McDonald suggested an increase of $25 for each and Shea motions to approve and Callahan seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Tuttle asked McDonald about using solar powered carts in the future. McDonald replied that he would look into it more. Callahan motions to increase the golf cart rate by $1.00 and Shea seconds. Passes unanimously. 

Shea motions to put up a plaque on the course for Dickie McKenneth who worked there for 17 years. Seconded by Callahan. Shea commented that Dickie was a great guy. The motion passes unanimously.

The Commissioners spent a few minutes reviewing Lever’s drawing and asking/answering questions about it and the golf course.

Don Morgan (Marblehead resident) & Becky Curran (Salem Resident) – The Marblehead Conservancy requesting permission to put an entrance gate, signs, handicap parking at Lead Mills.  Also would like to hold an Arbor Day Celebration May 2, 2015

Morgan is on the board of the Marblehead Conservancy.  Has 6 questions:

1.     Morgan commented that they to put in 3 granite post and a change at the entrance of Lead Mills made up of 3 granite posts with a restricted entry and for walkers to enter.  One post may be on Salem land.

2.     Morgan stated that they want to put a wooden sign by the guard rail.  Shea asked what type of sign and Morgan and Curran replied that it would be a nice wooden sign. 

3.     Morgan wants to put an information sign along the railroad bed.  Morgan isn’t sure what’s involved in putting that type of sign in Morgan added that he’d hoped Tom Devine (Salem Conservation Agent) would be present, and he’s not.  Callahan commented that they should just do it.

4.     Morgan wants to put in a handicapped spot and Callahan commented that he needs to talk to the Salem Police Department.

5.     Morgan stated that each bridge has 2 bollards (4 pairs) to make more room for wheelchairs to get through.  Shea suggested they just do that.

6.     Morgan and Curran are planning an Earth Day/Arbor Day on May 2nd and want to do it at that location.  Morgan commented that they’re planning to do some planting and keep the area as a meadow, given that it attracts wildlife and intend to plant various types of plants/flowers that families/volunteers would plant.  Tuttle clarified that she likes the idea and Shea added that he is in favor of what they’re doing. 

Shea motions for approval and Callahan seconds with the provison that Morgan goes through all the proper channels.  Passes Unanimously.

Liz Rogers – Salem Community Gardens to discuss bees at the Mack Park gardens.

Rogers commented that she believes she’s addressed any issues/concerns about the bees.  Rogers commented that she discussed this with Ward 6 Councilor Beth Gerard, who’s also a beekeeper about the logistics of having a hive at Mack Park.

Callahan commented that his biggest concern is the high use of the park and the possibility of a swarm happening.  Callahan is concerned about the liability and a potential lawsuit against the City of Salem.  He suggested Rogers getting an opinion from the City Solicitor.  Callahan suggested that it be referred to the City Solicitor.  Tuttle commented that there has been a bee hive at the community gardens. 

Callahan motions it be sent to the City Solicitor for approval before voting on it.  Tuttle was concerned about the need to move forward with this quickly.  Rogers commented that the hive needs to be put in in the next few weeks to be used for the season and Callahan replied that he’d feel better that it be ok’d by the City Solicitor before giving approval. Tuttle commented that one of the City Councilors has a bee hive (Beth Gerard) and is supportive of this measure.  The Commissioners discussed the pros and cons of having the hives in our parks. 

Shea and Callahan voted against and Tuttle voted for approval. Request denied.

Meghan Murtagh – Salem Boys and Girls Club requesting permission to use the Salem Common and Winter Island Park for the Wild Turkey Road Race on Thanksgiving Day.

Wants to run through Winter Island Park and put port-a-potties along the route.  Partanen requests $25 per hour for staffing. Murtagh responded that she was ok with that. Callahan motions to approve and Shea seconds. Passes unanimously.

Ashley Steeves – B&S Fitness requesting use of the Willows Park for the Wicked ½ Marathon on September 19, 2015

Requested use of the field in the Willows that morning. Steeves commented that the event starts on Memorial Drive, by the field and that changes in the course eliminated a lot of the noise in the neighborhood. She added that it’s an early start (7:30am) and they will be done by 11:30am at the latest. She also added that they’re paying DPW to remove the trash.

Shea asked about number of people who participate and Steeves replied that they usually get about 800. Steeves added that the Plummer Home and the American Diabetes Association both receive donations. Shea asked about the profit and Steeves replied the also give back to organizations in Marblehead. Shea asked home much they gave to the Plummer Home last year and Steeves replied that it was about $5,000.  Shea asked about the profit and Steeves commented that this is her full time job and that her business is a for profit company. Shea asked about additional donations and Steeves commented that they often get an additional $1,500, which goes to the Plummer Home.

Tuttle commented that they’d have to pay for a variety of expenses (like police detail, paying for salaries, etc.), they usually end up making around $20,000 for the event.

Ashley Steeves – B & S Fitness to request the use of the Salem Common for Pumpkin Palooza October 3-4, 2015.  Request also includes permission to serve alcohol

Steeves stated that this is a brand new event as a kid focused event on the Common for youth under 10.  Steeves has already spoken talked with Kate Fox at Haunted Happenings and John Andrews with Creative Salem about this event.  Steeves explained that on the first day (Saturday), they hope to find professional pumpkin carvers and showcase them on a platform/stage and that they’d also want to have a beer garden, enclosed with a police detail and possibly 3 vendors, ending at 7pm. 

On Sunday, October 4th, Steeves stated that they’d have a kids race at beginning at 10am then a kids fun zone, which would be free for kids that she’s hoping to get donations from a local farm. Steeves added that she’s also looking to partner with local restaurants to provide pumpkin themed foods (soups, etc.). Tuttle asked about Steeves’ partnering with Ellen Talkowsky and Steeves replied that she is and is hoping to have something at that location just before Haunted Happenings activities get into full swing.  Callahan asked about the cost for the race and Steeves replied that it’ll be low because they’re having t-shirts and such. Callahan commented that the children’s activities in the afternoon should be free and added that Steeves needs to coordinate with Talkowsky on all of it. Callahan also asked about the cost and Steeves replied that it would be around $15.00.

Callahan commented that all the Commission can do is approve the use of the Common for the beer tent and Partanen added that depending on approval of the beer tent, it will impact the ability to provide free events, which would be offset by the revenue for the tent.

Callahan motions that the race be accepted and Shea seconds.


Shea commented that Steeves should donate more and she responded that they’re open to other beneficiaries.  Shea wants to see the gross revenue next year and Partanen commented that road races are approved by the City Council.

Motion passes unanimously.

Callahan asked that Steeves meet with Ellen Talkowksy and return to the Commission at the April meeting and have a more detailed presentation and all the logistics of the event. Partanen commented that the details would be worked out depending on whether they  have the ok for the beer tent.  Partanen explained the logistics of which boards Steeves needs to meet with to get the appropriate approvals.

Richard Eisner – Salem/Swampscott Youth Hockey to request a fund raising golf tournament at Olde Salem Greens in June.  ABSENT.

Joseph Majahad-Night Owl Rocketry Club requesting the use of Gallows Hill for rocket launches events.

Majahad is looking to use the area near the baseball field for 4 events. 

Shea wants to know about the dangers of this activity and liability and insurance and Majahad replied that they do have insurance. Shea stated that they will probably need an insurance policy. Majahad added that the rockets highs be limited to 400 feet in the evenings and 800 feet during the day.

Tuttle asked about the fuel for the rockets and Majahad commented that it’s a powder.  Tuttle asked about the number of people who usually participate and Majahad replied that it’ll be around 40 people. Majahad added that individuals may get 2-3 launches, for approximately 80 launches over a 2 hour period. Tuttle commented about the small amount of space and asked about the need for the Fire Department to be there and Majahad commented that if it’s very dry day, the event would be cancelled.  Shea asked how many dates they did in 2007 and Majahad replied that it was also 4 dates and added that he’s in discussion with the Fire Department about potential fire hazards and will be sharing more information with the Commission. Tuttle suggested Majahad do some outreach to the schools to help increase membership. Shea asked if Majahad was responsible for keeping launches safe and Majahad replied that he was. Callahan asked how Majahad can prevent people from crossing the launch pad areas and Majahad replied that he ropes off an area and that each rocket is inspected by him before being allowed to be launched.  Callahan asked about age levels and Majahad commented that a junior level is around 12 years old and all kids have to be with an adult to participate.

Callahan motions to approve, with the contingent that the first event goes well, without incident and Majahad would notify the police in advance to make sure they’re aware and can respond to any neighborhood issues.  Commissioners commented that they need to do their last launch at 9pm, which is when parks close, with some additional time to finish after that to clean up and leave. Callahan stated that all arrangements need to go through Partanen. Majahad asked how much the permit would cost and Partanen commented that since he’s a resident, it’s free of charge. 

Passes unanimously.

Leah Goodman – SUP East Coast Paddling.  Is requesting the use of Waikiki Beach and Dead Horse Beach as launch locations for paddleboards

Doing kids Park & Recreation programming and is looking for permission to drop boards on and off – at Dead Horse Beach and Waikiki Beach on Winter Island. 

Shea motions to approve and Callahan seconds.  Passes Unanimously.

Keri Cahill – Requesting the use of Winter Island for the operation of Rebel Shakespeare during the summer.

Cahill wants to use Winter Island for their summer camp and for performances and stated that it’s their 25th anniversary and they want to do an alumni performance on July 25th. Cahill added that she’s already rented out the Pavilion for that date and hopes to bring in more money this year so they can donate more to Winter Island.  Cahill requested a list of projects to raise money for.  Partanen commented that she was concerned about the trail project and possible impact on their activities.  Cahill asked Partanen about the timeline and Partanen commented that the RFP is out and they may be doing clearing soon. 

Commissioners discussed ideas for where to put the storage container if it needs to be moved. Cahill requested that the Commission notify her ASAP if there are any major changes that would impact their activities. 

Shea motions to approve and Callahan seconds.  Passes Unanimously.

Angelo Meimeteas – Clam Shack would like park and recreation approval for him to request a seasonal beer and wine license from the licensing board

Meimeteas is looking to expand and is looking for the Commission’s support of selling beer and wine at the Clam Shack. 

Shea commented that he’s not a fan of this idea and is worried that someone will be more interested in using it as a bar. Callahan agreed with Shea and expressed concern about having a negative impact on the family nature of the restaurant. Tuttle is open to this as an option. Meimeteas commented that he doesn’t want to hurt the park or the business. Callahan added that if Meimeteas wants to come back and talk to the full board at a future meeting, that would be a better idea. 

Superintendent’s Report

Revenue Report

Partanen commented that everything looks good.

Parks & Facility
See the Mack Park tenant’s blog at

The house had a major flood during the Valentine’s Day snowstorm.  Partanen commented that the tenants have been very flexible and are working hard on the house.

Open Space/Facility Needs Assessment update

Partanen commented that only 300 people have taken the survey.  Partanen is frustrated by the lack of interest in completing these survey’s.

Discuss the next steps for the golf course concession, we didn’t receive any bids.

Partanen will amend the RFP and take out the rent.  Tuttle commented that it does have potential for a good person to run it.  Shea asked if someone talked to the high school and no one has responded. 

Old Business


New Business

Partanen is in discussion with Mahi Mahi who owns the hut by the pier.  Partanen wants to use the structure, which is owned by Mahi Mahi, for the kayak business.



Shea motions to adjourn, seconded by Callahan.  Passes unanimously.

Next Meeting:  April 21, 2015