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December 16, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 2014 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair Chris Burke, James Shea, Bob Callahan, Amy Everitt, Leslie Tuttle
Members Absent: 
Others Present:         Charles Hobbs, Larry Claflin, Rose Fisher, Jude David, Patrick Foley, Rosemary O’Connor, VeAnne Campbell, Linda Richards
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Burke at 6:48pm.

Approval of September Minutes

Callahan motions to approve and Shea seconds.  Passes unanimously.


Michelle Harper – Charity Defense Counsel – Requesting use of Gallows Hill Park on June 28, 2015 for the closing ceremonies for a 3 day walk that begins in Kittery Maine. Absent

Shea motions to approve and Everitt seconded. Passes unanimously.

Beth O’Grady-Requesting the use of Olde Salem Greens for the 16th Annual Steve O’Grady Open for the 2015 season

O’Grady thanked the Commission for helping them with the discounted rate to provide scholarships. They gave $13,000 in scholarships and usually get 25-30 applications.  The golf tournament is the largest one.

Burke thanked her for coming in.  Tuttle commented that they use this event as a model for how tournaments should work.  

Callahan moves to approve and Shea seconded. Passes unanimously.

VeAnne Campbell; North Shore Moving Market-Requesting the use of The Salem Common on Sunday, May 10, 2015 for a walk to raise funding for seniors, disabled & disadvantaged.

Described their event and their interest in having a walk/fund raiser at the Salem Common.  Asking that the date be changed to May 17, 2015 because they realized May 10, 2015 was Mother’s Day.  Callahan asked if they’re a local charity and Campbell responded that they were.  Partanen commented that she has to check the calendar and will get back to Campbell.

Callahan moves for approval and Shea seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Becky Christie- Requesting permission to use the Winter Island Boat Ramp and function hall on January 1, 2015 for the annual freeze your tush off charity ocean dip. Absent

Partanen commented that Christie was unable to attend.  Callahan motions to approve and Tuttle seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Larry Claflin Jr-Requesting the use of the Salem Willows for the Salem Jazz and Soul Festival August 15-16, 2015

Requesting use of the Willows for the 9th Annual Salem Jazz and Soul Festival. They’ve been approved for a beer pavilion from the licensing board and have a parking plan.  They want to bring one or two small farms to the event to sell at the event.  They’ll attempt to work with farmers connected with the Salem Farmers Market.  

Shea asked if they’re a non-profit and Clafin said they were.  Callahan asked if there was anything different this year and Clafin said no, but if there were changes, he’d come back to the Commission about that.  

Callahan commented that it’s a great event and moved for approval with a second from Shea.  Passes unanimously.

Jude David-Requesting permission to use the Salem Willows for the 2nd annual Seafood Festival July 10-12, 2015

David commented that this year’s Seafood Festival was a huge success and they had about 15,000 people attend.  She included copies of referrals and such from local businesses in the packet given out to the Commission.  David added that the festival drew a lot of people down to the Willows was great.  She commented that many attendees went to restaurants like the Adriatic after they left the Willows.

David stated that her biggest complaint was that there wasn’t enough local participation.

Callahan asked what the payback to the City was and David replied that it was $4,500 and gave $1,000 back to the Boys & Girls Club of Salem for their help with the Lobster Plunge.  David commented that their expenses were about $85,000 and they were slightly in the red after the event, and that was expected.

Callahan asked how David liked the venue and she replied that they loved it.  David added that there needed to improve the stage area.

Shea asked if they used the stage and David replied that they did and it was problematic because people were standing and blocking others view of stage activities.  David added that there might be a need to make some adjustments to the location of the beer tent.

Shea asked about the off-site parking options as they expect it will probably draw 30,000 people.  

Shea’s concerned that people might not be able to find the parking areas in Downtown Salem.  David commented that the Salem Trolley is working on finding other ways to resolve the parking, including perhaps having a shuttle from the T garage.

Burke expressed concern about the wear and tear on the grass.  Partanen replied that she didn’t have any long standing issues with the grass after the event.   Burke asked about Councilor McCarthy’s email. Partanen stated that McCarthy requested a second exit near Hobbs and fence toward the Willows vendors.  David commented that the vendor positioning helped reduce the need for more fencing.  

Burke asked about opportunities for more charity activity and David was open to that.  Burke’s comment came because Doug Bollin, the Boys & Girls Club of Salem’s executive director loved this and wanted to see more involvement.

Callahan commented that this is a great venue and they did a great job and is all for it in the future, as long as the glitches get worked out.

Partanen commented that David is very responsive

Shea asked about the entrance fee and how David keeps track of the fees and monies that come in and what gets given to the Park & Recreation Department.  Shea added that if the event gets so big, that more police would be required and David replied that they pay for all those services.  David added that they sat down with the Salem Police Department several times way ahead before the event.  

Burke asked about David’s intention of improving the infrastructure and David commented that she’d love to see the money go directly to the Willows park.  Shea asked Partanen where the money goes and Partanen replied that the money goes into the Willows restricted fund.  

Shea motions to approve and Callahan seconds.  Tuttle asked David if she was aware of the Salem Farmers Market as a resource for their event.  David commented that she reached out to Destination Salem and the Chamber of Commerce and will follow up with those vendors.

Passes unanimously.

Jackie Giordano-Requesting to use Winter Island Boat Ramp on February 1, 2015 for the 10th Annual Polar Plunge.  

With North Shore CDC and sponsor the polar plunge.  Callahan motions to approve and Shea seconds.  Passes unanimously.

RoseMary O’Connor/Pat Foley – Requesting the use of Olde Salem Greens for the annual Salem Moose and Salem K9 Golf Tournament.

Foley commented that all the funds were put back into the community and they appreciated the Commissions support.  Callahan motions for approval with the same restrictions as last year.  Seconded by Everitt and passes unanimously.

Susan Lausier/Rose Fisher - Requesting the use of the Salem Common and the Salem Willows to hold the North Shore Cancer Walk on June 28, 2015  

Fisher was asking for permission.  Partanen commented that it passed by the City Council and reminded Fisher to make sure their application needs to go through Park & Recreation first.  Shea motions to approve and Callahan seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report

Discuss the Camp Naumkeag RFP to be posted ASAP

Partanen discussed the RFP process and the availability of the property on the weekends.  Callahan commented that he has a problem with the property being restricted on the weekends.  Both Burke and Shea agreed.  Callahan commented that as a part of the lease agreement, the Park & Recreation Department should have the preference to lease it out on the weekends.  Partanen added that the RFP can be set up similar to the one for the Clam Shack with the proviso that the YMCA maintains it and provides all supplies.  Callahan suggested there could be cost adjustment.

Burke commented about the rental aspect of the property. Callahan commented that the YMCA would maintain the entire property and the Park & Recreation Department gets the rental fees for the hours that the YMCA is not using it, including evenings and weekends.  Callahan added that the YMCA needs to put everything in the RFP.  Shea thinks this is a good idea.  Partanen added that the Park & Recreation Department is still paying utilities and the YMCA would have use of the building. Partanen added that she will update the RFP and post it next week.

Tuttle asked why it says the operator must pay utilities and Partanen stated that they’ve never done that, but it should be left in and see what happens.

No vote taken as this was just a review.

Discuss the Golf Course Concession RFP to be posted ASAP

Partanen commented that the difference for this year is they left the payments open and hopes it’ll attract more bidders.  Partanen added that Sidekim has offered to leave the equipment if the Park & Recreation Department would buy it all.

Tuttle commented that it’s a great location and needs a good operator.

The Commissioners discussed the challenges in the way it’s been operated and what could be done to improve it for the future.  

Tuttle suggested the 7am start time be changed.  Shea commented that the 7am start time puts a potential operator at a disadvantage. Shea added that he prefers to see a vendor up there.  Tuttle commented that the area is just not inviting.  Shea suggested that it would be great if the students at Salem High School took it over.  Callahan added that perhaps the culinary program at North Shore Tech could take it over.  Burke asked if it was contracted for less than a year if a RFP were required.  Partanen said she’d look into that.  Burke suggested the RFP be put out and also consider permitting it for a year and seeing what happens.  Shea commented that if they do get a vendor, they need to get licensed right away so they don’t lose time and money.  

Burke agreed that the RFP be put out with flexible hours.  Tuttle confirmed that Partanen get the equipment appraised before doing anything.

Parks & Facility

Possibility of bringing a Rugby League to Salem’s Palmer Cove

Partanen commented that Des Crowley wants to bring an adult and youth league at Palmer Cove including an investment in the park and improving the lighting and installing some removable goal posts.  Callahan commented that it’s good that Crowley wants to use it.  Shea asked Partanen if there’s a reason why they’re no longer using the fields in Beverly (that Crowley had been using) and it was because of space issues.  

Partanen commented that she expressed concern for the person to person contact of the game and Crowley told her that they’ve got rules to keep people safe.  She added that Crowley would line the field as well.

Further discussions about potential changes to Park Rules

Burke asked Partanen about park closing times and, the Common in particular.  Shea mentioned that people walk through the Common after hours and Partanen replied that the Common has different rules.  Partanen added that the Salem Willows will have special hours during the summer, but that the pier would close at the regular time.  

Burke asked about charcoal fires at Forest River, and Partanen commented that those signs are coming down.  Callahan commented that there should be designated, clearly marked areas for charcoal disposal.  Partanen commented that she removed some of the redundancy.  Burke thanked Partanen for all his work on updating the rules.

Discuss some potential equipment & supply purchases from receipts reserve for the golf course

They’re requesting more equipment: new mower ($28,000) and blower ($6,700 or $10,000), tow behind aerator ($8,000) and a green roller ($11,191). It would cost approximately $60,000.  Callahan motions to approve and Tuttle seconds.   Shea asked about the year to year approach.  Callahan commented that the course is making money and they need the proper equipment to do the job to be done.  Shea commented that the City Council will most likely vote down the whole $60,000, but, that it’s a place to start.  Partanen commented that the golf course revenue is increasing every year.

Tuttle commented that she was at the golf course recently and was concerned about the Coyote situation after a dog had gotten mauled recently.

The motion passes unanimously.

New Business

Winter Island Fees

Partanen commented that Winter Island Manager David Gilbert will start taking reservations in the early part of the new year and wants to increase the fees.  Gilbert wants to increase the fees for the Pavilion and Function Hall and did some research on the best way to do so.  Callahan was concerned about whether or not fees can be raised without being on the Commission agenda.  Shea motioned to approve and Everitt seconded.  Passes unanimously.

Open Space Field Assessment Committee Seeking New Members

Open Space Field Assessment Committee needs a member from the Commission.  Partanen asked for several recommendations from the community and Nancy Gilbert’s name came up.  

Tuttle asked Partanen about the gate at the track being locked and Callahan responded that Mr. L'Heureux from Salem High School was responsible for it.  Shea asked about it being run under the Park & Recreation Department.  Partanen commented that it could be easy to unlock the gate.  Callahan suggested a letter go out from Park & Recreation Department Superintendent to School Superintendent about it.

Tuttle commented about the lights at Bertram Field being in the wrong place.  Partanen replied that a pole/lights were being repaired.

Old Business


Shea motions to adjourn and is seconded by Callahan. Passes unanimously.

Next Meeting: January 20, 2015