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Octoner 15, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, October 21, 2014, 2014 at 6:47pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair Chris Burke, James Shea, Bob Callahan, Amy Everitt
Members Absent: Leslie Tuttle
Others Present:         Paula Contilli, David Smith, Fred Smith, T.R. Ramsdell, Ward 1 Councillor Robert McCarthy, Jason Silva, David Gilbert, Tim Jenkins
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Burke at 6:47pm.

Approval of September Minutes

Callahan motions to approve and Shea seconds.  Passes unanimously.


Jason Silva - YMCA – looking for information on whether the Commission would consider putting out an RFP for a longer lease term at Camp Naumkeag.

Silva commented that the YMCA is in the last year of its contract and really wants to be able to do it for a long time.  He also added that they did a summer literacy program for 15 children.  They had academic instruction for ½ a day and incorporated it into the remainder of the camp day.  Silva would like the Commission to consider a longer term lease.  He also commented that the facilities are in bad shape and was interested in using the $10,000 a year they pay in rent to somehow improve the space, etc.  The YMCA wants to make a large (and much needed investment) in the facility.  Silva doesn’t know what the procurement process is for that.  

Callahan asked if they’ve exhausted their lease.  Partanan commented that their lease ends and a new RFP would need to go forward.  

Shea asked if in lieu of the $10,000 in rent, they’d put that money into the building and Silva agreed.  Silva commented that if the Commission is on board with making these improvements over a 15 year period, that would put $150,000 of investment in the property and align that with the vision the Commission has for the property and the City would benefit from a much improved facility.  Silva added that he’d be open to this concept.  Callahan clarified that this was the case.

Shea asked what was bad about the facility and is $150,000 enough to get that done.  Silva replied that the Commission might be able to leverage some CPA money to add to the project.

Burke asked what the YMCA has done thus far this year.  Silva replied that they mostly did patchwork on the Pavilion, a lot of painting, renovated the back porch of the house.  They also built a climbing wall on the play structure.

Callahan likes what Silva is saying and likes the idea of seeing the camp getting rebuilt as opposed to the money going into the general fund.  Silva commented that this is a similar to the Willows meters as far as re-investing the money into the property.

Partanan commented that they could put out an RFP if the Commission is interested in changing things.  Burke asked when this would happen and Partanan replied that they still have a year and a half from now.  Callahan asked Silva if they’d want it sooner.

Shea commented that they should do it right away and Silva was very positive about it.  Silva added that this isn’t about making a profit and the numbers he’s tossing out are just conceptual.

Callahan motions to look into the RFP with there being in the RFP somewhere that it contain services/capital improvements in lieu of rent with a minimum of a 10 year lease (with a capital improvement clause).  Shea added that there be a 5 year option.   Shea seconds the motion and it passes unanimously.

Absent - Michelle Harper – Charity Defense Counsel – Requesting use of the Salem Common on June 28, 2015 for the closing ceremonies for a 3 day walk that begins in Kittery Maine.

Paula Contilli, President of the Salem Garden Club – Requesting to use Forest River Park on July 11, 2015 (10-4) for their Bi-Annual Garden Stroll to raise money for their nonprofit.

Contilli stated that they have a yearly tour of the gardens and this event is one day in July 2015.  They have 12 homes they’re highlighting and will sell tickets in advance.  The event is from 10-4 and they’re looking for parking for that day.  Burke stated that they’re in favor of this event and Shea motions to with a second by Everitt.  Passes unanimously.

David Smith - (Sail Salem) – Requesting to use of Winter Island for 5 days in August 2015 for the 2015 Opti New England Championship.

Smith commented that Sail Salem is hosting the US Opti New England Championship and explained to the Commission it’s going to work.  Smith met with all the parties to talk/discuss the logistics.  Smith gave an overview of the event which is the largest sailing event of its kind in North America (last one was in Newport).  They have volunteers who help out with the event.  Salem alem will be sending 10 boats.  There’s a paid race officer and a dozen or so judges.  There is 1 safety boat per 10 opti’s (boats).  The event goes August 3rd – August 7th (wants to set up on August 2nd).

Smith commented that parking is a concern and there may be a trailer or two coming early.  They don’t expect much of this though.  They’ve got a plan for parking and are looking at getting spots at the Salem State location outside Winter Island, the Plummer Home, as well as a limited number at Winter Island, and some others as to not have a negative impact on the parking at the Island.  They don’t expect to have a huge overflow of traffic during drop off times.  Smith added that some local folks may be coming to the event by water, which minimizes the need for parking.

Smith is looking to use specific areas and the function hall for the event.  Smith is looking for the Commission’s approval on having the event.  Smith asked about the approximate revenue they get from a similar time frame and Partanen commented that it’s around $8,900, which doesn’t include the possibility of using the RV field.  Smith also commented that this wouldn’t be a yearly event, and if things go well, it’s more likely that they would do it again for 4 years.

Smith commented that he feels the staging area is the right size for an event like this, and very similar to the one in Newport. They have a plan on how they’re planning to divide up the field.  Smith also added that they’ll have 12 port-a-potties, including a handicapped accessible one.

Smith commented that they are neutral about having food service for those people staying around and watching the races.  They will have about a half dozen retail vendors selling sail appropriate products. Smith added that they need internet access and will provide hot spots if it’s not available.  Smith commented that they need to put signs up, especially one at the front gate to let people know what’s going on.

Callahan asked David Gilbert (Winter Island Manager) what he thought and Gilbert commented that this event will work.  Gilbert was concerned about drop offs staying at the Island and Callahan suggested they use the electric signs the City has.  Patty McCloud commented that the information will be out about how this event will be run.

Callahan asked Partanen what she thinks.  She’s concerned with lost revenue and closing the ramp, which Smith commented that they won’t do.

Burke asked to hear from all the Commissioners

Callahan: Loves this event and thinks it’s a great idea and the parking/traffic isn’t going to be a problem.  He added that Sail Salem is on top of it and it’s a real win-win and he hopes it works out.  He also commented that it’s great for Salem

Shea: Asked if the Coast Guard is involved and Smith said yes and that the Harbormaster has to sign off too and they may also be getting ok from Beverly.  The environmental police are also on board.   Shea also asked about inclement weather issues and Smith responded that they have a separate paid professional who would make that call. Shea also asked about food vendors and Smith and McCloud replied that Salem State will provide meals to the kids and Smith added they would provide water and have a way for the kids to refill their water bottles.

Burke:  Has some concern that parents will want to hang around and be part of the event and stay on site.  Smith added that people in the boating community are used to parking far away and that most people would want to stick around.  Burke leaves it to Smith and Sail Salem to work out the details.  Smith reminded Burke that it’s just on the drop off and leaving at the end of the event.  Burke asked if Sail Salem is going to make a payment for this event and Smith commented that they would, depending on how successful it is as a fundraiser.

Everitt: Asked how likely is it that that RV field would be used since that would impact revenues.  Smith responded that he needs to work that out with Gilbert.  Smith also added that people are very excited about the opportunity to camp at Winter Island.  

Callahan commented that the camping spaces are usually sold out.

Burke asked what Smith needs now from the Commission and Smith replied that he needs the Commission’s ok before he can move forward and they can have the next discussion about ramp fees, etc.

Burke commented that the ramp fees are based on what the state charges.  Smith replied that he will see about getting a special permit for this event.  Burke commented that the income from this event will be left up to Gilbert to work out the details to determine what’s fair.

Callahan asked what Councillor McCarthy thinks of this.  McCarthy replied that what Sail Salem does is spectacular and this event will be a great opportunity for the City and that people will show up and participate in an event like this.  He feels this will be a great event and will be a stepping stone for the program’s growth.  McCarthy commented that all the funds raised will go back into their program.

Callahan asked if there’s an opportunity to have local nonprofit vendors come down and sell water, food, etc. Smith replied that they’re hoping to get donations of food, etc. that would be resold and the profits shared with the Winter Island store and Sale Salem.  Smith also added that he would pay for additional staff needed for cleaning up the event.

Shea motions for approval with fees worked out between Gilbert, Partanan and Smith. Everett seconds and it passes unanimously.

T.R. Ramsdell – President of the Wicked Running Club. ~Requesting permission to run through the Willows for the Wicked Frosty 4 to be held January 1, 2015.

Ramsdell commented that the race is for scholarships for local high school seniors for college.  The students can be from a school on the North Shore.

Shea motions to approve and seconded by Callahan. Passes unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report

FY15 Community Preservation Plan – Request for Comment/Input

Partanen commented that that there’s a survey in the Commissioner’s packets that need to be filled out and returned to her ASAP.  Jane Guy gave an update on who’s awarded funds already.

Burked commented that we need to figure out a way to come to consensus about what the Commission wants to add and Partanen suggested it be discussed at the next Commission meeting on November 18, 2014.  Partanen listed several projects that she felt need attention and potential funding from the CPA funds.  Partanen commented that she’d encourage getting input from each Commissioner to be passed along to the CPA board.

Shea is in favor of putting Camp Naumkeag as a top priority.  Burke commented that it be put on the agenda for the next meeting and that each Commissioner can complete the survey and they can discuss this further at the November meeting.

Review monthly revenue reports

Callahan asked Partanen about the numbers on the sheet and Partanen responded that she’d look into it.

Fields Assessment RFP Update

Partanen commented that there were 2 proposals and both came in over budget.  Partanen added that this is work in progress. One was for $39,000 & the other for $66,000. Partanen informed them both that they’ll need to cut some of that and is waiting a week to see what they come up with.

Parks & Facility

Discuss schools usage of recreation facilities and Recreations usage of schools

Partanen commented that the basketball program is the lowest cost in the area and stated that it costs $3,700 or so per season to run.

Callahan commented that he feels disheartened that the Commission is being held hostage to having to pay for custodians on that are already there. Partanen commented that it’s only on the weekend that Park & Rec pays for it.

Review the proposal for the Golf Course Manager contract for 2015

Partanen commented that the Golf Manager RFP contract is up.  The only response to the proposal that came in was from the current golf manager and Partanen said that it was for $37,000, which was for a longer time frame.

Shea motions to approve, seconded by Callahan. Passes unanimously.

ADA Picnic tables have been requested for the Willows

Partanen commented that they redid the picnic tables and that all 7 of them have been sold.  She added that the Disabilities Commission wanted ADA tables down there, which they’re going to pay for.  Burke asked how many and Partanen responded that it’ll be about 4-5 tables.

Further discussions about potential changes to Park Rules

Partanen spoke to the Harbormaster and it was decided that the pier has the same hours as the park.  

Callahan commented that they need to go over this and discuss it at the next meeting and put it in place in the new year.

New Business

Awards Event

Burke commented that he attended it last year with Tuttle and was wondering if they want to acknowledge people’s efforts in another way.  Shea commented that they should take a break and find other ways to acknowledge people who do good things for the City.  Callahan commented that anyone can be acknowledged at any meeting to receive a commendation, award, etc.

Old Business

Comment from Tim Jenkins, Salem resident (from Mary Jane Lee Park) expressed concern about another tree to be removed from the project and gave his recommendations for the site.


Callahan motions to adjourn and seconded by Shea. Passes unanimously.

Next Meeting: November 18, 2014