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September 16, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission
Draft Minutes

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 2014 at 6:47pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair Chris Burke, James Shea, Leslie Tuttle, Bob Callahan, Amy Everitt
Others Present:         Ward 1 Councillor Robert McCarthy, Ward 2 Councillor Heather Famico, Councillor At-Large Arthur Sargent, Naomi Campbell, Nancy Milkie, Jim Hardy, Linda Locke, Claudia Paraschiv, Lucy Corchado, Doreen Thomas, John Hayes, Teasie Riley-Goggin, Micky Northcut, Michelle Harper, Ellen Talkowsky, Lynn Duncan
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Burke at 6:47pm.

Approval of August Minutes

Callahan motions to approve and Shea seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Michelle Harper – Charity Defense Council; Seeking approval to use the Salem Common June 28, 2015 for closing ceremonies of the 3 day walk that begins in Maine.
Submitted an application.  Callahan asked what the event was for and Harper replied that the Charity Defense Council raises public awareness about how charities are run.  Callahan asked how many walkers they’re expecting and Harper replied 350-500.  Burke asked about speakers/amplification and Harper replied that they will and they will work with the City on the proper licensing, etc.
Everitt asked about the timing, which says it starts at 4am and Harper replied that the time is for beginning of set up, and more likely around 6am.  Callahan added that she’ll have to change that to 7am since the ordinance doesn’t allow construction before that time.
Harper commented that there will be ceremonies around 2pm and then they walkers will be sent on their way.
Partanan asked about vehicles on the Common and recommended that Harper speak with the Police Department about it.
Shea asked Harper to explain in greater detail and Harper replied that they work with other charities on how they’re run and how they raise money.  Callahan asked where the money goes and Harper replied that the funds go to the charity and are made up of the top charities in the country.

Shea asked why they chose Salem and Harper replied that they’re starting in Kittery and are ending in Salem.
Partanan commented that there are a lot of sprinklers in the Common and Harper replied that this is the something they can work with to fine tune the details.
Shea asked additional questions about what the organization does.  
Burke suggested it be tabled a month so they can learn more about the organization.  Callahan agrees with this idea
Burke confirmed that Harper will be on the agenda for the October Meeting
Tim Short – Wicked Running Club; Requesting the Common and Road Race Fees be waived for a National Run at Work Day event on September 19, 2014. – Absent
Ellen Talkowsky – City of Salem; Seeking approval for Haunted Happening events in the city parks
Having fireworks at Franklin Park on October 31st. Most likely going to go later than 10pm.
Use of Hawthorne Boulevard Island – Biz Baz October 4th & 5th
Looking to use a different format to bring people to Derby Square
Other use for Hawthorne Boulevard – October 31st – for vendors.  There will be an entertainment venue there (by the former Boys & Girls Club).
Talkowsky – commented that there will be a “Pillsbury Dough Boy” type structure out on the Common on the night of the Parade.  It will be sponsored and the funds given to the Salem Chamber of Commerce.
Talkowsky – has done some outreach to local nonprofits (YMCA & Boys & Girls Club).  The Boys & Girls Club is in transition and the YMCA wasn’t interested in participating.  For the first 2 weekends, they’re using Parties over New England, 4 moon bounces for kids and have been approached by a rock climbing wall company (fairly new company).  The rock climbing wall company will charge $5.00 a climb and give back to Park & Rec $1.00 per fee. She added that they have all the appropriate insurance, etc.  Talkowsky added that the Morris Dance Group will also be there and are looking at doing something at the Willows too.  
Movie nights will be sponsored by 92.9 and will be on Saturdays.  
Everitt motions to approve and Shea seconds.  Passes unanimously.
Lynn Duncan – City of Salem Planning & Community Development; Status update on the planning process of Mary Jane Lee Park
Duncan introduced the staff working on this in her department. Stated that her goal for tonight on the location so they can move forward with the project and that they have no time to spare.  Duncan added that they’ve made changes to the plan and they removed the community gardens and will paint the splash pad.
Options 1 & 2 are similar and are based on the meeting of the Point Neighborhood Association on July 28th
Option 3 is doable, but may or may not save the tree.   
Duncan commented that this meeting serves as the 2nd public meeting about this.
The Conservation Commission will meet about this on September 25th
Naomi Cottrell will present the 3 options
Cottrell commented that they did a quick analysis of the site and they worked with the Point Neighborhood Association and Action Committee and researched successful splash pad design.  The following options were discussed:
  • Near a play structure in a defined area with an entry off Prince Street.  She added that locating it by Palmer offers the opportunity to have improved fencing and planting by the street and improve the look of the park. Commented that it seemed that community gardens weren’t what people wanted.  The calculation of 4500 sq. feet of lawn space.  After feedback, they wanted to make sure they keep that lawn space.  In response to the concern about trees being removed, they show (in this proposal) that only 2 trees would be removed, including the evergreen tree and another tree that isn’t doing well.  They would plant 6 trees. They would relocate the swings and have to lose another tree.
  • This plan only accommodates 100 kids as opposed to the 130 in the previous others.  They understand that they would have to add 6-8 inches of soil to the evergreen if they were to save it.  The large downfall of the plan may or may not survive that.
Nancy Milkie talked about the engineering portion of the project.  They collected various boring samples and hand some field screening for contamination.  They did find in every boring that there was ash in each sample.  They also found some elevated led levels. She commented that the ash they found in the samples was very common for this area.  Milkie added that they’re working with the City to properly dispose of the soil when the project does happen.
Burke thanked the City representatives for their presentation.
Tuttle asked about the soil removal.  Milkie replied that the soil that’s removed when the splash pad goes in will be taken to the appropriate place for disposal.  Milkie added that because evergreens don’t generally have a lot of grass around them, new soil will have to be put down around it.
Burke asked about parking lot in the basketball court area and what they planned to do.  Cottrell replied that her understanding is that it would be used for off street parking during snow emergencies.
Burke asked Cottrell to clarify how the $200,000 will be spent and Cottrell replied it’s for the splash pad only.  
Harper commented about phase 1 and future phases.
Harper added that the Mayor has asked them to put together a plan for phase 2 and there may be some additional funding available (CPA/Community Preservation) and possible funding from State Park Funding program.  She commented that they’re well on their way to identifying future funding sources.
Burke commented that at the last meeting that there was some cynicism about funding.  The added that he’s optimistic about future funding for the project.  Cottrell commented that the City charged them with looking at the Park as a whole and not as a quick fix.
Callahan asked Harper which plan she prefers and why. Harper replied that plan b is exciting and expands the amount of green space.  And, that it creates an exciting new face to the park and that it does require one more tree being removed.  And, that it gives the City the biggest splash pad for the money and the number of kids.
Everitt asked if anyone’s talked to the kids about it.
Tuttle went to the Park today and asked why this park has a parking lot.  Harper responded that the neighborhood residents probably really need the additional parking.  She commented that the shared use of that space makes sense.
Tuttle added that the basketball area is where all the middle schoolers are hanging out and the smaller kids in the back corner.
Burke commented that he’s seen the basketball courts being used a lot and that’s an age group that needs activities.  Burke asked if a smaller splash pad would save money. Harper replied that this money is for the splash pad and that if the money isn’t used, it can’t be used for something else.
Tuttle asked if children can bike across the splash pad in the off season.  Tuttle asked if there’s only 1 entrance to the park.  Cottrell replied that it was to prevent kids from running into the street.
Tim Jenkins, Resident - Would like to speak about Mary Jane Lee Park
Tried to come up with plans to preserve the green space in the park.  Commented that it’s not the best grass, but that it’s still green space.  His group planted a pine tree about 30 years ago and it’s pretty healthy.  They refer to it as “Big Papi.”  
Jenkins commented that the park is a flood plain and they’re very familiar with this.  He stressed that they have a better proposal and wondered why the borings hadn’t been tested before.  He’s concerned as to why the December deadline is so strict on the installation of the splash pad.  Jenkins is not sure if there is any ability to change that.
Jenkins commented that they feel the better location is facing Prince Street and can accommodate a lot of kids. This plan is circular, which he said is fairly common.  He added that there wouldn’t be an increase in permeable spaces. He also added that the swing set doesn’t need to be moved and suggested rubberizing it.  
Jenkins commented that the borings revealed that the soil is above lead levels.  He added that the borings were done in the middle of August and that the initial plan was presented on August 28th.
Jenkins expressed concern that his group attempted to get involved for a long time and wasn’t really included in the process until recently.  He added that there’s another presentation at the next Point Neighborhood Association meeting in September.  Burk clarified that tonight’s meeting is the last public meeting on this matter.
Jenkins commented that the fruit tree gets a lot of use by the neighborhood children who climb it. He added that if that tree is properly tended to, it could outlive him.  He also added that there is a lot of shade in the park, which is especially good in the summer.  Jenkins pointed out that the park has a 100 year flood plan and the part of the park that isn’t part of the flood plain might be a better location.  
Jenkins addressed the City’s 1st plan and commented that their plan would leave 40% of space and that the splash pad would be larger than what the City recommends.  Their plan remains at 54% permeable.  
Burke asked who wrote up the plan and Jenkins responded that Claudia Paraschiv, an architect, worked on their proposal.  Jenkins added that there was a final notice and information on the contamination.  They’re waiting on responses about that from Tom Devine.
Lucy Corchado, President of the Point Neighborhood Association
Corchado thanked the City for their efforts on this project and acknowledged members of the Community for their involvement.  Corchado wanted to talk about July 28th Point Neighborhood Association meeting.  Likes the City’s plan B, and feels it’s the best compromise.  Corchado hopes that the friends of the Park and the City will work together to make this happen and will not let this opportunity (the funding) pass the City by.  
Residents Speaking About this Issue:
Micky Northcut, Executive Director – North Shore CDC
Northcut agreed with Corchado about how to proceed.  His organization has no opinion on where the splash pad should go, but are focused on improving the community. Concerned that if the City doesn’t move forward on this project, it may limit future project funding for the City.  
Teasie Riley-Goggin
Riley-Goggin commented that she was at the July 28th meeting and listened to what was going on in the neighborhood.  Commented that there didn’t seem like there was a real public meeting.  She also added that tonight’s meeting seemed similar in that this meeting was used as a public meeting.  Riley-Goggin commented that before the Commission decides they should look to see if they can get more time.
John Hayes
Hayes is a professor at Salem State and expressed some concern about the July 28th being the first public meeting.  He said that today’s meeting is more of a first public meeting.  He went to the park today and thought it was a pocket park and feels the separation of the park is an intelligent, current layout for the park.  He commented that Tim Jenkins’ proposal was good and that he likes the idea of an elliptical, circular type of design is good and should be seriously considered.
Heather Famico, Ward 2 Councillor
Councillor Famico is concerned with the area between the parking area and playground. She emphasized that parking is a problem in the City and that changing things around will change other things in the park.  Does like the splash pad in the rectangular form.
Kristin Hatch – Salem Community Child Care
Hatch commented that on behalf of the children in the community, she’s advocating for the splash pad in the best way possible.  She emphasized that in trying to make it the best they can, it’s important to not get so caught up that those little details prevent the whole project from happening.
Jim Cardy
Cardy expressed that he’d like to hear from more residents.
Partanen – added that Councillor Legault submitted a statement that Partanan read aloud.  The statement emphasizes a preference for the splash pad in the far corner.
Linda Locke
Commented that over 250 people in the neighborhood oppose the plan.  She added that the space is heavily used and members of the community are glad her group is working to keep the park as beautiful as it is without losing the green space.
Ward 1 Councillor Robert McCarthy
Stressed that the $200,000 for this project is completely from the state and nothing comes out of the City’s budget.  McCarthy added that the splash pad has the most opportunity for the summer and the shade for the times when it’s hot and people want to be under the shade of the trees in the park.  McCarthy added that he had DPS move the jersey barriers to delineate the basketball courts from the parking area.  Commended all parties who came up with designs/plans.  Likes option B and provides the most sun to way the buildings’ are configured and trades off from the green space. Likes that we’re making a major investment in this park and that’s a good thing.
Councillor At Large Arthur Sargent
Sargent commented that the residents are the users of the park and requests the Commission find a way to make sure both parties work on this.
Claudia Paraschiv
Expressed regret that when this $200,000 investment in the neighborhood was made, the neighbors didn’t really understand what was going on.  She also commented that at the July 28th meeting there was only 1 option and commended the City for coming up with additional options.
Mary Campbell
Commented that for years there were programs for the kids in that park and added that all she wants is what’s best for the community and the children.
Commission Comments:
Everitt – Commented that if they go with this, they’d create additional space for basketball courts.  One of her concerns is that the splash pad in that corner, there may be conflicts with the younger and older kids, and from a proximity standpoint, may cause some safety issues.  
Shea – Commented that the Commission has to vote on this tonight.  Inclined to vote for Option B. He added that Park & Recreation needs to fix the bubbler and the sprinkler.
Burke – Favors Option C and understands that it would be a smaller splash pad that accommodates 100 kids and saves the tree at the same time.  He expressed that he thinks the City is interested in creating an elegant park, like Splaine Park.  He also agrees that the sprinkler system needs investment in and it needs a landscape plan.  He also thinks that with some help, the evergreen tree can be saved.  He added that there should be some 1 hour parking for park use, and if that’s abused, the police will need to do something about it.  He would also like to see the bubbler work.  He’s a little concerned with the closeness of proximity with the swings and the basketball court, but commented that it would be better with some fencing between.
Callahan – Commented that this opportunity is time sensitive and generally relies on the planning department, and that they help create beautiful space.  He commented that the project can’t be lost, but they can’t risk losing the grant for the splash pad.  Added that he’s favoring Plan B and that gives the City something unique that will be used.
Tuttle – Asked the people present in the room, who were residents and about 8 hands went up.  Tuttle asked if anyone else wanted to speak and a young man raised his hand
Rocasio (resident) – talked about parking and the concern about the safety of the children in the part.  
Corchado – Commented that she’s here as a resident and president of the Point Neighborhood Association and represents their interests.
Doreen Thomas – Director, Children’s Programs at Mary Jane Lee Park
Thomas’ kids like the splash pad and the location so she can monitor them from her window and make sure they’re safe.
Tuttle – Doesn’t have a firm choice on which location.  She commented that the most important thing is that this splash pad happen.  Is leaning more towards Option C, which leaves the most green space and gives a splash pad and she knows the City can make it happen.
Shea – commented that on Option B there is more lawn space.
Burke  - Asked which option has more green space and Cottrell replied that it was Option B.
Callahan asked Harper why she preferred Option B and she replied that it was because it would get the largest splash pad for the money.
Shea commented that when it’s built, it will be most likely highly used, especially in the first year.
Councillor McCarthy – Asked about how the splash pad money gets used.  Harper replied that they will work with it as much as possible as the grant allows, especially if they don’t use all the money (it’s up to $200,000).
Tuttle – Asked if a grid with grass can be used in the asphalt area.   Cottrell replied that the asphalt is likely to be used in phase 2 for a kiddie play area.  Cottrell added that it’s hard to maintain that type of green area.
Shea motions to approve Plan B and Everitt seconds. Passes unanimously.
Superintendent’s Report

Review monthly revenue reports

Partanan commented that things are going well. Callahan moves to accept and Shea seconds. Passes unanimously.

Fields Assessment RFP Update

Partanan commented that it’s a work in progress.

Parks & Facility

Continue discussions about Park Rules.

Partanan commented that she’s currently editing the rules and that there should be mention of the community gardens (#2) and that in #3, removing mention of Park & Recreation Commission. She also commented that she wasn’t sure of the timing for baseball games. There was also some discussion about what constituted sunset/closing time for the parks.  For #8, she wanted to remove Memorial Day. There was some discussion about fishing in the latter parts of the evenings.

Partanen added that Forest River signs are getting cleaned up.  Discussion about ways to prevent the seagulls from making a mess/creating trash there.

The Commissioned discussed having caretaker assigned additional cleaning duties.

Callahan moves to table it to the next meeting.

Partanan asked Commissioners to review it and get back to her with their comments.

Adjournment at 9:31pm

Next Meeting: October 21, 2014