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August 19, 2014 Minutes

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, August 19, 2014 at 6:47pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair Chris Burke, James Shea, Leslie Tuttle, Bob Callahan
Absent: Amy Everitt
Others Present:         Misha Eliasziw, Andy Lyall, Brittany Lestage, Ashley Steeves, Sean Coughlin, Tim Jenkins/Linda Locke, Councillor Bob McCarthy
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Burke at 6:47pm.

Approval of July Minutes

Burke commented that on page 2, on the second paragraph, the minutes be amended.  Shea motions to approve and Callahan seconds.  Passes unanimously.


Tim Jenkins/Linda Locke – Mary Jane Lee. Interested in discussing plans and alternate proposals for the improvements.  Locke with Friends of Mary Jane Lee Park gave handouts to the Commissioners with pictures that go along with her statements.  They are concerned about the destruction of the open, green space by the City of the Salem with a long splash pad.  Locke commented that this plan would include the removal of a spruce that’s been there since the 90’s.  She referred to it as their “mini common” and they’re trying to escape the concrete jungle and not make more of it.  She suggested another location at the park with an opening on Prince Street.  They want to have the chain link fence removed since it’s in disrepair.  Locke suggested that taking down the fencing will make it more user friendly.  Locke commented that the location they’re suggesting is safer for users and provides better entrance/exit access.  Locke also commented that they’d like to add some art to the project and they’ve gotten a volunteer artist who’s willing to do the work to make it very attractive.  Locke commented that the group wants different fencing and wants to have sand there and keep the spruce tree.  The Friends of Mary Jane Park is working together to raise funds to support the park as well as doing many activities at the park throughout the year.

They are a growing group and focusing on getting a fund raising process going and eventually applying for a 501(c)3.  Asks that the Commission hear their concerns and support of their position in regards to the splash pad in the park.

Burke invited the representative from the city of Salem. Tom Devine will have more information about the design as things move forward.  They’ve met with the police and health department to make sure they’re in compliance and something the City can maintain at a reasonable cost.  Community meetings have been held and a presentation was made at the Point Neighborhood Association.  Shea asked Locke to show them exactly what it would look like with the splash pad in a different location.  Shea asked Locke where exactly where they want the splash pad and Locke responded that it would be the area where the parking lot is.  Devine commented that the design is not set in stone as of yet.  Devine commented that they plan to remove some of the asphalt and replacing it with green space.

Burke commented to Devine what he envisions the process to be and Devine commented that it’s been delegated to the Steering Committee.  Shea asked Devine why there can’t be a compromise on this project.  Devine is open to continuing to talk about this.  Devine commented that the funding is only available for phase 1.  Shea asked if the community garden will be part of this phase and Devine responded that the garden will not be included.  

Callahan asked why can’t the splash pad be put in the parking lot that is not well used and maintain the spruce and other parts of the park, essentially taking the best part of the park and keep it and use the less desirable part of the park for this project.  

Callahan commented on his concern for getting additional funding after the big grant for the splash.  

Burke commented that it doesn’t seem that the City got the input from the community at the public meetings and it’s important to come to the next one.  He added that he’s not ready to vote on this.  Burke commented that there was a lot of activity going on and liked it as the size it is, but to improve it (back boards and rims).  Burke will go to the next community meeting.  Shea added that the people using the park don’t like the plan and it’s important to compromise to make this work for both sides.  

Public Comments:

Teasie Riley-Goggin: Concurs with Shea and Callahan that a parking lot is less important than the park itself.  Riley-Goggin added that it’s about the stakeholders and in the community meeting she attended, only Plan A (the City’s plan) was presented.

Lynn McDermott: Lives on Palmer Street and her kids went to the park and is concerned about kids getting their park taken away.  McDermott is concerned that the Point isn’t getting the services it needs and suggests taking away the parking lot where a lot of drug activity goes on.  She commented that if the parking lot is removed, the drug activity will go too.  She added that if the splash pad is put where the City is recommending, the kids will not use the park and they’ll be walking around the neighborhood.  

Tim Jenkins:  A community garden is being created already, so it’s not necessary.  Jenkins commented that the park is really dirty and needs to be properly maintained.  He added that the kids take responsibility for keeping the park clean.

Mrs. Campbell:  Commented that they helped get the play structure to be more functional and they help the children clean the park.  She’s so concerned about the park that she’s helping re-establish the programs they run at the park.

Burke commented that he plans to be at the next community meeting and encouraged everyone to attend.  He also added that the final decision hasn’t been made and eventually the Commission will approve it.

Tuttle commented that she hasn’t heard a compelling reason the splash pad needed to be moved to the front of the park.

Partanen added that when they got the huge grant, Park & Rec spearheaded a committee to find ways to revitalize the park and to provide something for every age group.  

Callahan commented loves the idea of a splash pad, but emphasized that it’s only going to be used in the summer.  He added that putting it in will be a vacant piece of concrete would create two vacant areas of concrete as opposed to the one.

Burke asked Devine when the next community meeting was and he commented that it will be in September at the Point Neighborhood Association meeting.

Shea suggested that a drawing be made for the next public meeting and both Locke and Jenkins agreed that was a good idea.

Misha Eliasziw/Sheila Eliaszin - Forest River Park. Would like clarification of what the rules are for the park. ~Signs are confusing.

  • Signs are confusing – there’s a sign about parking for residents, and there doesn’t seem like enforcement is occurring.  This past weekend, they couldn’t park because the parking was full and many of the cars did not have stickers.
  • Off leash rules – lots of waste, dangerous dogs, people walking their dogs off leash.  Her dog was attacked by an off leash dog.
  • Charcoal Grills – many people use them during the summer and people leave the charcoal and trash, which is dangerous and very messy.
Burke asked her what her suggestions are to improve the situation.  She replied that the signage is poor or take the signs down.  She’s worried about possible fires.  She’s worried about the cost to the City.  She said that the City needs to enforce the ban or find ways to dispose of the charcoal.  

Callahan commented that the one day the lot was full was because of a North Shore little league tournament going on.

Burke commented that he was surprised the signs said for Salem Residents Only.  Shea commented that this was done because families from other cities and towns had used the park and made it difficult for residents to use because of crowding.

She asked for more recycling and Partanen agreed and will look into it.

Burke commented that there is some basis for the residents’ only rules and wants to review the rules and see about revising them.

Shea commented that there had been a police detail there for around 20 years and after a while, they couldn’t afford to keep them.

Andy Lyall asked who picks up the trash at Forest River and Partanen commented that it was primarily Northeast Carting and Park & Rec picks up the rest.

Burke commented that maybe they can look at prohibiting charcoal and allowing gas grills.  

McCarthy commented that a small gas grill is ok, but it needs to be clear.  He also commented that the rules need to be looked at.  He added that Lynch Park in Beverly has a carrying in carry out policy that we can look at.  

Andy Lyall – Salem Willows. Andy would like to put an end to the bench program for the Salem Willows and surrounding areas.

Lyall asked what the intent of the bench program and Callahan replied that this was a means of replacing benches in disrepair and gave people in the City an opportunity to sponsor the bench.  Callahan added that once the bench has fallen apart, it’s removed.  The benches are donated through Partanen.  He added that a tree donation program has been started.

Lyall asked how the price is determined and Partanen replied that they charge a bit more than the cost of the bench. Callahan commented that it’s not a money making venture.

Tuttle commented that they’ve deferred to the planning department to make sure there aren’t too many more benches and has been advocating for the tree program. Tuttle added that the willow and maple trees need to be put in and they don’t have a plan for more trees.

Shea agrees with Lyall that there are too many benches at the Willows and it’s hard to say no when someone asks.  Shea added that they know it’s a problem and they’ll need to address it.

Partanen commented that she’s concerned about the number of benches at the Willows.  

McCarthy commented that there could be a dozen or so benches by the bandstand at the Willows and would like to see more picnic benches.  McCarthy added that there needs to be more clarity on numbers and locations and a limit to the number of benches.

Burke commented that they’ve agreed that there should be no more benches at the Willows.  Partanen added that the program is successful and they’re able to work with the people requesting benches and putting the benches in locations other than the Willows.

Burke suggested Lyall come up with some proposals and return to the Commission in the future with a specific question/request.  

Brittany Lestage – Salem Common. Girls Scouts of America request permission to use the Salem Common as a start and end point for a scavenger hunt

They’re running a scavenger program and want to use the Commons for a start and end point.  Shea motions to approve. Seconded by Callahan. Passes unanimously.

Ashley Steeves (Lindsay Lavalley for Ashley– The Willows). B & S Fitness requests permission to use The Willows for the Wicked ½ Marathon & The Devils Chase 6.66 miler

  • Wicked ½ Marathon (Sept 20th 2014):
  • The Devils Chase (October 25th 2014):
Partanen asked about the race fee/donations and Lavalley said it was included in the race fee.  Burke asked if B&S was a for-profit business and LaValley replied that it was.

McCarthy asked about volume in the early morning.  LaValley replied that she didn’t know the exact time the music/loud volume would be going on.  McCarthy asked if they couldn’t start their races at Shetland Park (where they company is located).  LaValley commented that they’ve talked about possibility of using the O’Keefe Center at Salem State.  Shea commented that the volume has got to be controlled.  Shea asked McCarthy what a reasonable time for them and McCarthy replied that it’s very early and parking becomes a problem.

Callahan commented that the City Council approves the road race and McCarthy replied that the police have been involved in this process.

Partanen asked LaValley that they need to inform the community and neighbors of the information about the race to those impacted by the event.  

Burke commented that the application states the race starts at 8am and that the conditions should include a specific time the music/volume needs to be lowered/turned off.  

Shea asked if LaValley can make sure they keep the volume down and she replied that she wasn’t the one in the planning of the event directly.

McCarthy commented about parking issues they’ve had in the past and recommended that something be included in the race form informing participants that if they block driveways, etc. it should say it’ll be

Tuttle motions to approve the use of the Willows with the condition that they put a plan in place to mitigate the noise.

LaValley commented that they have a DJ play the music/make announcements.

Callahan asked McCarthy about noise complaints and McCarthy replied that he’s gotten a lot for most of the big events.

Tuttle recommended that they see how it goes this year.

Burke amended the motion to state that they must give a report of the donations to charity after the event in addition to a mitigation plan for the volume/sound of the music.

Callahan seconds and it passes unanimously.

Sean Coughlin (Joanne Coughlin for Sean) – Camp Naumkeag. ~

Requesting a discounted rate to hold a personal fundraiser on September 20, 2014 for a friend who has passed away.

Shea motions to approve and Callahan seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Tim Short (ABSENT) – Salem Common & Willows. ~Requesting the Common and Road Race fees be waived for a National Run at Work Day event.  

Superintendent’s Report

Review Monthly Revenue Reports

Partanen commented that we’re good on everything.  Callahan asked about parking and Partanen stated that it’s down.  

Callahan asked about the balance for the Willows account and Partanen replied that it was $19,000, not including the $4,500 from the Sea Food Festival.

Review Next Year’s RFP for Olde Salem Greens Manager Contract

Partanen commented that the last RFP included that the person had to have golf course experience.

McCarthy commented that Salem Muni course looked better than he’s seen it in a long time.

Callahan asked why Partanen wouldn’t put up a new RFP and Partanen replied that she’s changing it and will include a longer season in the RFP.  She’s also including that the administrative work is included.

Parks & Facility

Discussion about a no smoking ban to include playgrounds and ball fields.

Partanen had received a complaint about smoking at little league games and is asking the Commission to approve at ball fields and playgrounds.  Partanen is suggesting signs that are not the norm to ensure people read them.  The City can still go forward to extend that smoking ban in other areas.

Callahan asked about the non-smoking policy at Bertram Field and the Commission members agreed.  Callahan commented that any activity going on for youth should be smoke free.  Callahan added that the wording is key and the location is important too.

Callahan asked Partanen to make sure it’s worded the correct way and to present at the next meeting

Thoughts about a 15 minute parking area within the Willows for people to come and pick up food from the different restaurants.

McCarthy commented that the Clam Shack owner has asked for two 15 minute parking areas for people to pick up take out from the Willows vendors.

Callahan suggested to Partanen that she work with Lt. Brezewski on it and come up with a plan.

Old Business


New Business

Callahan commented that Partanen will be receiving a letter from the Hawthorne Hotel that they want to donate a tree for a recently deceased employee at the Golf Course.

Adjournment at 9:07pm

Next Meeting: September 16, 2014