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April 15, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Date and Time:  Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair Chris Burke, James Shea, Bob Callahan, Leslie Tuttle
Absent: Amy Everitt
Others Present:         Karen Partanen, Director Parks, Recreation & Community Services, Councillor Bob McCarthy, Brett Mentuck, Charlotte Puleo Alimenti, Wayne Attridge, Alison Phelan & Sharon, Richard Laperchia, Maryanne Tierney Askwyth, Kurt Maw, Frances Famico Grace, Emi Perez
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein
Meeting Called to Order
The meeting is called to order by Chairman at 6:47pm.
Approval of March Minutes
Callahan motions to approve and Shea seconds.  Passes unanimously.
Brett Mentuck, Brian & Amanda – Community Gardens
Requesting approval for chain link fence at Mack Park at the garden as well as sheds at Mack Park, Pickman Park and Palmer Cove.  Mentuck met with CPC last night and wanted to talk about a retroactive 5 ft fence.  Tuttle expressed concern that a 6 ft fence could create a precedent that it’s more prison like.  For the rest of the community, she commented, a fence of that size is obstructive.  Mentuck responded that a 6 ft fence of that size is better for security for gardeners and for security.  Shea asked about safety issues.  Mentuck & Brian commented that the gardeners don’t feel safe.  Mentuck added that at Palmer Cove there was a Pitt Bull situation.  Tuttle commented that it wouldn’t make sense to have a chain link fence and that this is more of a police matter.
Mentuck commented that it’s more visually appealing with a chain link fence.  Tuttle added that in the past, the fencing was intended for temporary use.  Tuttle agreed that the fencing needs to be improved, but that it needs to be done professionally.  Mentuck asked about 5 ft.  Tuttle responded that perhaps that would work at Palmer Cove.  Brian agreed that it might not be as noticeable at Palmer Cove.  Burke commented that he’d heard that there had been approval for a 6 ft fence.  Partanen added that this was intended with the partnership with Salem State.
Burke asked if the City is paying for the fence.  Mentuck stated that they were going to apply for CPA funding, pending the approval from the Commission.  Burke added that he liked being able to walk through.  Tuttle added that it was originally done that way, but it evolved over time.  Brian added that the group would take visitors on tours, especially at Winter Island.  Amanda stressed the importance of sharing information/experience with visitors, and, at the same time finding theft of produce on a frequent basis.  Mentuck added that they’re concerned about dogs going through the gardens and having more attention on that.
Shea agrees with Tuttle that this shouldn’t be boxed in and agrees with dogs traipsing through the garden.  Mentuck commented that it’s completely common to fence in a community garden.  Looking for 2 – one at Mack Park & one at Palmer Cove.
Burke and Tuttle commented that they’re leaning toward a 4 foot fence.
Callahan added that a 6 foot fence gives a sense of private and a 4 foot fence is a much better choice for a public park.  Willing to go with a 4 or 5 foot fence.  Mentuck stressed that she’s representing 400-500 families.  Shea asked about the funding and Mentuck responded that they’re applying for CPA funding and will raise any if they don’t get the entire amount.  Burke asked the Commission if they have any issues with the sheds and Shea commented that it opens them up to being broken in.
Mentuck wants to add bilingual signs in a plastic/corrugated material. There would be 3 signs to describe.  
Burke commented that since it’s fenced it, it would seem less exclusive if the sign informed people how to sign up.  Callahan suggests they use metal signs, which are more durable.  
Tuttle asked about the materials the sheds would be made of and Mentuck responded that they’d be made of all natural cedar.  Partanen asked if the shed would take out the stuff from the Mack Park shed and the sheds would house those materials.
Callahan motions to accept the 4 foot fence and natural cedar sheds. Tuttle Seconds. All in favor except James Shea.
Charlotte Puleo Alimenti – Bridgewell (Camp Naumkeag)
Yearly outing at Camp Naumkeag. In at 4pm and out at 7pm.  Noticed 2 years ago a Vietnam plaque was overgrown and they tended the area and want to do that again this year.  The goal is to teach their participants to give back.  They want 3-4 hours that works for Park & Rec and would leave it better than they found it.  
Burke asked Partanen if she was familiar with the program.  

Shea motions to approve. Callahan seconds.  Passes unanimously.
Wayne Attridge – SUP East Coast Style
Asking for continue water access to Deadhorse and Waikiki Beach at Winter Island.  
Shea motions to approve and Callahan seconds.  Passes unanimously.
Alison Phelan & Sharon – Miles Over the Moon (Salem Common)
The race is July 11th and they’re asking for the final approval from the Commission.  The Frosty Four is the race they raise money for scholarships that they give out at the Miles Over the Moon race.  Callahan suggests 50% of proceeds to go Salem Schools and the rest go to the program of their choice.  Sharon responded that this is the only race they don’t seek sponsors for.  Callahan expressed that they feel the City should get a portion of the fees.  Shea agrees with Callahan.  Phelan asked about how the $150 race fee.  Callahan responded that it goes to Park & Rec.  Burke asked Sharon how she feels about it and she commented that doing that makes it difficult to get them what they want.  The running club usually asks the track team what they need and buys that.  
Tuttle added that they can waive the fee if the Commission wishes.  Shea asked what the registration fee is. Sharon commented that early bird is $22.50 & after it’s $25 per person.  She added that they net about $700 after expenses.  Phelan commented that they don’t make a profit on this event.  Shea commented that it’s a great event.  Tuttle added that the running club is great for the City.
Callahan motioned that the Commission approves with 50% goes towards the Salem Schools.  Shea seconds. Tuttle asked if they were ok with that.  Phelan commented that they weren’t thrilled, but it was ok.  Passes unanimously.
Richard Laperchia –Salem Troop 24 (Salem Woods)
Wants permission to use Fort Lee and Salem Woods for camping and possibly for meetings.  Members of Troop 24 added some comments about how they’d use the site for the troop.
Callahan asked if the troop members had been involved in the Fort Lee cleanup and they indicated that they had helped.  Callahan thanked them for doing that and that it did look nicer.
Tuttle motions to approve the Scouts use of the Salem Woods and Fort Lee. Shea seconds and it passes unanimously.
McCarthy added that there needs to be some signage about camping at Salem Woods. Burke suggested they add signage the trail head.  The Scout Master offered to make the sign as long as they know the details and the dimensions
Maryanne Tierney Askwyth – Run/Walk for Hawc (Salem Common/Willows)

Here to get the final approval on the Salem Common on Sunday, May 4th.  They’re going to have a small run at 9am. Burke commented that it’s a great cause and it’s gone smoothly in the past.  Partanen asked about the tents she wanted and Askwyth said it would be 2.  
Callahan motions to approve and Shea seconds.  Passes unanimously with the details be worked out with Partanen.
Kurt Maw – The Witches Cup (Salem Common)
Here for final approval.  Callahan motions for approval, seconded by Shea.  Passes unanimously
Pam Katsiris – Greek Festival (Winter Island) - Absent
Tabled to next meeting.
Frances Famico Grace – SHS Class 1959 (Winter Island)
Event is on July 12th from 11am-5pm.  Callahan motions to approve and Shea amended it to include the event being $100 for the function hall.  Passes unanimously.
Irma Salcede – (Mary Jane Lee) - Absent
Emi Perez – Student at Salem State University addressed the Commission. He was working on an assignment for one of his courses and was sitting in on the meeting to learn more about what the Commission does.
Superintendent’s Report
Revenue Reports
Partanen commented that the Council just approved $60,000 for the golf course for conditions and security systems.  Burke added that the golf course had a tough spring with the frost.  Callahan commented that the course has been busy and past sales have picked up.  Tuttle commented that she visited the restaurant at the golf course this weekend, but they weren’t open.
Partanen commented that the revolving fund is dwindling down and when summer comes, it’ll be built back up.  She also added that basketball is a huge drain on the revolving fund.  Looking at revamping the way the basketball program is run.
Since Rosalee has been here, Bill Wooley has been working on various projects. Katie’s doing well revamping programs.
Parks & Facility

Mack Park House
Partanan commented that funding was given for repairs. Roof has been fixed and there will be a new boiler that costs $12,000.  Up for bid?
Shea asked what the caretakers are going to do to invest in the building.  Partanen responded that she and City Solicitor agreed that they are going to sit down with Purchasing and the City Solicitor to work out the details.
The Commissioners commented about the other houses at Gallows Hill and Forest River and Partanen responded that she hasn’t seen any paperwork on the caretakers for those houses.  Partanen expects the repairs to be done in the next few months.  The new tenant wants to extend the picket fence to keep his dog in and to cut down shrubs in the yard area.  
Lafayette Park – Great Fire Plaque
Wants approval to use it on June 25th with a plaque and a commemoration ceremony.  Burke asked if this is a rock with a plaque and Partanen commented that it’s a heavy bronze 2 x 3 and want to clean and mount it.  Shea commented that Partanen should be responsible for it.
Aquatic Services
There were proposals, 2 marketing and the YMCA came with the only qualified bid at $87,000.  The YMCA would run the swim lessons and Park & Rec would run the pool.  Shea asked Partanen if she’s in favor of this and this would transfer part-time salaries to contracted services.
Shea motions to approve and Callahan seconds.  Passes unanimously.
Field Schedules
Bertram Field is problematic.  Shea commented that the gate is not allowed to be locked at night.  Partanen commented that it’s always been run by the school department.  Partanen proposed to Mayor Driscoll for Partanen do the scheduling, and book fields.  Mayor’s going to speak with Superintendent  about it.  Shea asked where the Superintendent of School is in on this matter.  Partanen is willing to be responsible for it and will be responsible to be there when the field is being used and to open and lock it when it’s not being used. She wants to hire someone to do it on a part time basis.  Shea commented that Park & Rec has authority over the field and the School Department is not doing it.  Callahan suggests that someone from Park & Rec visit the site to see for themselves.
Burke asked if the field is open for Salem residents to run track at night.  Shea commented that he believed it was open to the public until sunset.
New Grant
Partanen commented that they’ve received a $250,000 grant for a Splash Pad at Mary Jane Lee Park.

Old Business
Greek Picnic on Winter Island.  Callahan has some issues with it.  Partanan wasn’t sure why she didn’t show up today.  Callahan is concerned about parking for the event this year and wanted to know if it’s an event they want to continue to have. Callahan is concerned about tickets to the event impacting the Winter Island parking fee.  Callahan suggests Partanen discuss the details with David Gilbert, the Park Manager.  Callahan commented that a security deposit could be required, as an amendment to their contract.  
Burke commented that if the event is really big, they might want to consider having a higher fee.  Burke asked how many usually come to the event, and Partanen responded that it was anywhere from 75-200 people.
Community Preservation Committee
Tuttle reported that the Planning Department put in an application for a new bike trail on Winter Island, which has been tentatively approved for $50,000.  Friends of Winter Island have asked for $35,000 for masonry work on Fort Pickering.  The Committee has asked for more information from the Commission and Partanan.  Shea asked how much the bike path would cost and Tuttle responded it was $50,000 with matching funds from the state of $150,000.  Tuttle also added that the Salem Common fence was getting $100,000.  Tuttle added that several “pocket parks” where awarded $22,500 for rehabilitation.  
Tuttle added that Community Gardens got tabled because there wasn’t any approval from the Commission.
Shea asked what the rules are and Tuttle responded that it depends on the rules and that basically Park & Rec needs to get a 10% portion of those funds.
Burke suggested the Commission look at what other cities and towns are doing for their parks with these funds.
Adjournment at 8:55pm
Next Meeting May 20, 2014