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March 18, 2014

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, March 18, 2014 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair Chris Burke, James Shea, Amy Everitt, Bob Callahan,
Absent: Leslie Tuttle
Others Present:         Bill Wooley, Park & Recreation, Rosalia Velazquez, Council on Aging Director, Ellen Talkowsky, David S. Smith, Marianne Massa, Liz Stone, Melissa Wilson, Don & Ally Dinh and Kevin Beckwith
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Chris Burke at 6:49pm.

Shea offers one change. Callahan motions to approve the minutes and Shea seconds.  Approved unanimously.


Ellen Talkowsky – Filming request (Salem Willows)

Feature film coming to Salem for interiors at the end of April, beginning of May. This would happen in The Willows.  Police will be there and a few trucks will be brought in. They’re working with the production company.  Will be on a weekday and things will not be interrupted.

Callahan asked about location and Talkowsky said towards the end and that she’ll know more after they’ve scouted the location further.  Talkowsky will update the Commission when she has it.  Callahan asked about proper insurance and Talkowsky and she said they have it.  There will be a donation made to the Willows account.  Callahan suggested that Partanan be included in the discussions.  Everitt wanted to know the ballpark of the date and it was late April/Early May.  Wooley said it should be done before May 15th as that’s when the rental season starts.  Talkowsky will check on that and get back to Partanen.  Talkowsky said it’s most likely going to be the end of April for 1 day.  The donation to the Willows would be somewhere between $0-$500.

Callahan commented that although there’s no set fee, if there’s a disruption, there needs to be a fee.  Talkowsky agreed and added that there will be a police detail.  Talkowsky said there’s a production company.

Shea moves that they move forward with this with Partanen being involved in the negotiation. Everitt seconds.  Burke added that this would grant a permit to use the park.  Everitt commented that the application permit is for use of the Common or Willows.  Passes unanimously.

David S. Smith – OPTI New England Championship (Winter Island Park) – Sail Salem

The YMCA and Boys & Girls Club will be back. Outreach program for residents in the Point.  Water taxis will be available for those youth from the Congress Street dock to Winter Island.  May have additional boat rentals.  Majority of boat rental income will sponsor programs.

Shea asked about a race and Smith responded that it will be in 2015.  Smith commented that they were asked to sponsor the OPTI race.  Up to 400 kids would participate (about 10 from Salem program). They have support from various local yacht clubs for the event.  Their hope is to pull off a successful event and to build awareness of Winter Island as a good location for sailing.

Shea commented that this event would involve a lot of planning and Smith should come in 6 months before to get the approvals.  Had approached Driscoll, McQue, Partanen, Gilbert and other who were very positive.  This is all pre-event planning.

Callahan commented that Smith probably will have to have a very well laid out plan about 10 months out and Smith replied that the plan will be roughed out in August of 2014.  Smith added that if people are interested in this event for 2014, will are invited to see it first hand in Newport, RI.  Then, afterwards, Smith will look at the plan and prep for 2015 and will approach the Commission for approval in September/October of this year.

Callahan asked if Smith has looked at the impact of this event on the Island.  

Burke asked about the plans for this year and working with the Harbormaster for the 2014 program.  Smith responded that the program has expanded because of word of mouth.  Smith expects a slightly larger program this year and commented that they’re doing more local outreach and still servicing about 50 needy families with scholarships and have offered another program.  

Shea motions to approve and Everitt seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Marianne Massa – Save a Sato (Leslie’s Retreat) – May 24, 2014

Massa hopes to confirm tonight.  She’s been to Leslie’s Retreat Dog Park and has a couple of concerns.  Massa stated that there is no sponsor and wondered about the cost of liability insurance.  Callahan stated that he didn’t think it was very costly.  Massa stated that she contacted the dog park folks (SPACE) to see if she could piggy back on their insurance.  Callahan responded that he’d be willing to leave it in the hands of Partanen to determine the requirements for the insurance.  Callahan added that the Commission can provide the permit, but Massa has to make sure they have the proper liability insurance.

Shea asked how many dogs usually come and Massa responded that it’s about 80 and they come and go. Massa used to get sponsorship from the Northeast Animal Shelter and that’s not the case this year. Callahan expressed concern that the liability issue is very important.  Burke asked about the grounds for requesting liability insurance and Callahan commented that if the City Solicitor requires the insurance, that it’s required and that the Commission is solely responsible for giving permission only.  

Shea motions to get an opinion from the City Solicitor as to whether or not liability insurance is required for this event.  Callahan amends the motion that the Commission gives the permission to use the park, but that the decision is from the City Solicitor/Partanen will determine whether liability insurance is required for this event. Burke commented that if the Commission wants insurance, why don’t they just require it.  

Shea restated the motion about getting the advice of the City Solicitor, but is willing to withdraw the motion.  Burke isn’t sure what the City Solicitor will say.

Callahan motions to grant use of the park if the proper liability insurance is in place and Shea seconded.  Passes unanimously.

Massa is hoping that SPACE with sponsor them for this event.  Massa asked about cooking for themselves and Callahan said that’s fine, but if sales are involved, they’ll need a permit.  Callahan added that everything Massa does should be coordinated with Partanen.

Liz Stone – John Bertram House (Salem Common)

Wants to do another Concert on the Common on June 14th from 2pm-5:30pm.  Will be promoting in the schools, senior center, and rehabs and co-sponsoring with Gardner Park in Peabody.  

Shea motions to approve and Everitt seconds.  Passes Unanimously.

Melissa Wilson – Parents United of Salem (Salem Common)

Wilson asked for permission for the Light it Up Blue Autism Awareness on April 2, 2014. It’s a walk around the Common and is coordinated with the City of Salem.  Wilson also added that they have different outreach organizations are participating.  

Callahan asked how it went last year and Wilson said they had 40 walkers. Wilson stressed that this is just about awareness.  

Shea motioned to approve and Everitt seconded. Passes unanimously.

Charlotte Puleo Alimenti – Bridgewell (Camp Naumkeag) - Absent

Tabled to April meeting.

Don Dinh & Ally Dinh – Fearless Flyers Academy (Leslie’s Retreat)

Came to Salem in part of September and October of 2013.  They’d like to come back for the entire season starting in late April (for set up) – September/October. Not in June as they have a contract in Scituate and perhaps not at other times if other contracts conflict.

Callahan commented that he loves seeing the park being used.   Shea asked about scholarships last year and Ally Dinh replied that they offered afterschool programs for 2 schools and want to do better this year.  Shea asked how many children participated and Ally Dinh replied that it was 20 children.  Shea asked about planning for schools and Ally Dinh responded that they’ll be doing sign ups in September at the schools.  Don Dinh commented that many of the kids they approached last year were already in programs.  Shea stated that the Boys & Girls Club would be a good place to recruit.  Burke commented that if they give the ok for the use of the park they’d need a percentage like last year.  Ally Dinh replied that they gave $800 back to Park & Recreation last year.  Shea commented that he wants them to service the kids of Salem as a percentage of their time instead of profit, although a percentage of the profit would be welcome. Don Dinh commented that they will reach out to the Boys & Girls Club to increase the amount of kids involved in the program.  Ally Dinh asked the Commission for a list of organizations to involve in this program and will work on reaching out to those organizations.  Callahan suggest they coordinate with Partanen to find those needy kids in the community, and that they do this when it’s not as busy.

Shea motions to approve and that the Dinh's work with Partanen on making this work.  Everitt seconds. Passes unanimously.

Jillian Beckwith (Kevin Beckwith was absent) – Rock, Paddle, Surf (Winter Island Park)

Have a yearly agreement and give 10% of their revenue back to the City of Salem.  Shea asked Wooley if he’s aware of this and he wasn’t.  Shea asked how long they’ve done this and she said it was their 5th year.  Beckwith stated that there were no problems that she was aware of.  Wooley commented that Partanen expected payment and Beckwith handed over a check for $300 as they made $3,000 in profit last year.  Callahan asked about outreach to community groups and Beckwith said they did some, but the Wednesday evening community events were not very well attended.  They also offered free sessions on Sundays for Salem City employees. Burke asked if it was advertised and Beckwith responded that emails went out about it.  Shea suggested they do outreach to the Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCA and Plummer Home for Boys.  Callahan asked why it took so long to pay the money owed and Beckwith apologized for the delay.

Shea motions for approval on the condition that payments made on a monthly basis and Beckwith agreed.  Callahan added that if payments aren’t made in a timely manner, that risks the renewal of the contract. Everitt seconds and it passes unanimously.

Leah Goodman – SUP East Coast Style - Absent


Peter Stripes – Forest River Park (for a wedding)

They want to host a tented event/lobster bake for family on August 1st from 6-8pm for their wedding, which is on August 2nd.  There will be no alcohol at the event.

Everitt motions to approve the permit as long as the parking gets worked out with Partanen.  Callahan seconds. Passes unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report – Presented by Wooley

Revenue Reports

Golf Course revenue – Commissioners were pleased
Witch House – Commissioners were pleased
Willows Meters – Callahan commented that they were down.  

Rosalia Velazquez, new, full-time Council on Aging Director

Wooley commented that Rosalia Velazquez started on Monday, March 10th and will be assuming all the responsibilities of COA Director.  Shea asked what Wooley’s job is now and Wooley replied that it’s now 90% involved in working with the Park & Rec for community groups, gardens, neighborhood associations. He’s also involved in some capital projects. Burke commented that he’d like to sit town with Partanen to go over the details of the jobs/staff, etc. and their responsibilities.  Burke wants to know more of the nitty gritty of the DPD and how that’s connected with Park & Rec.  Shea asked Wooley to facilitate this and help make this clearer.

Budget Review

Callahan asked how the budget review affects the department.  Wooley commented that Partanan wanted the Commission to know she’s asked for more money for general park maintenance.

Parks & Facility

Mack Park House

Wooley stated that testing for lead, mold and asbestos was done.  He added that Partanen is expecting to ask for more money to remediate these issues.  Callahan commented that the Commission knows this house has a lot of problems and if costs a lot of money to make these repairs, wonders if it is worth it.  Shea asked if the people moving in have children as he believes it’s ok not to have it de-leaded.  Wooley commented that the roof is about to be worked on.  Everitt was concerned that the mold and asbestos are potential health issues. The majority of the Commission expressed concerned about getting a budget on this entire project.  Callahan commented that the caretakers weren’t going to get the house in pristine condition and are expected to contribute to the work and maintenance of the building.  Shea added that the Commission needs to get a total budget and then determine who’ll pay for what and that the caretakers were going to live there for $600 a month.  Callahan added if a lease had been signed, and if not, then that could change things.  

Callahan motions that the Commission get more information. Shea seconds and passes unanimously.

Mack Park/Jim Foley  

Callahan asked that Partanan call him to follow up about the Mack Park/Jim Foley park honor brought to the Commission last month by Rosemary O’Conner of the Mack Park Neighborhood Association (MPNA).

Motion to adjourn by Shea, seconded by Everitt. Passes unanimously.

Adjournment at 8:09pm

Next Meeting April 15, 2014