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2013 November Minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission
Draft Minutes

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair James Shea , Chris Burke, Amy Everitt
Members Absent: Bob Callahan, Leslie Tuttle
Others Present: Bill Woolley, Department of Parks & Recreation, Mamadou Diop, Becky Christie, Hope Watt-Bucci, Cindy Franciosa, Matt Caruso, Larry Claflin, Ward 1 Councillor Bob McCarthy
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Shea at 6:45pm

Tuttle motions to approve the minutes and Burke seconds.  Approved unanimously


Jason Silva – Salem YMCA (Camp Naumkeag) - Cancelled

Mamadou Diop – Salem Common – No Show

Becky Christie - Freeze Your Tush Off - Winter Island (17 Marborough Road)

Holding “Freeze Your Tush Off” event at Winter Island on New Years Day.  Raised $6,200 last year for the Salem Food Pantry. Burke asked about clean up at Function Hall.  Christie said they’re responsible for the clean up after the event.  

Burke moves to approve, seconded by Tuttle. Passes unanimously.

Hope Watt-Bucci – Salem Common – 2 Putnam Manchester, MA

Watt-Bucci is President of North Shore Pride, Inc. and wants to hold the North Shore Pride Parade and Festival again next year.  All three previous years were successful and they want to do it again on June 21, 2014. Starts with a parade and ends up at the Common. Expecting about 50 vendors on the Common and will also have music too.  Watt-Bucci has worked with Chief Tucker with no incidents.  Watt-Bucci submitted an amended application for a beer and wine tent.  Bucci is submitting this to the Licensing Board and wanted the Commission to be aware.  Watt-Bucci stated that Melissa from the Licensing board didn’t think it would be a problem.  Ipswich Ale and Barefoot wine have offered to sponsor.  

Shea asked if Partanen has seen the amended application for the alcohol license.

Tuttle asked if this was the same day as the Cancer walk and Watt-Bucci confirmed that is not the case as the Cancer walk is on Sunday, June 22nd and Tim Short had put this on the calendar before he left his position and Partanen was copied on the email communication.  Shea asked to see a copy of the email and Watt-Bucci checked to see if she had a copy.  Shea wants to confirm with Woolley about this.  

Shea commented that the Ward Councilor should be notified.  Watt-Bucci stated that if they don’t get the it, it’s still ok.  Shea also commented that giving more information to the Ward Councilor gives them more time to protest it if it’s a problem.

Shea directed a question to Councillor McCarthy (in the room) about the permission and McCarthy deferred to Councilor-Elect Famico to handle.  McCarthy will check things out.

Burke stated that they run a great event and and confirmed that it was appropriate to give a notification to the community.  He stated that if the Commission approves this, it could open the floodgates in the future.  Recommends that the Salem Common Association be notified and the Commission have time to think about it.

Burke suggested that the Commission approve the event and deal with the liquor license later.  Watt-Bucci stated that they go before the Licensing Board in January.  

Shea stated that the Ward 2 Councillor be notified about this.  Shea asked Woolley if Partanen will be back on November 25th to continue the conversation.  Watt-Bucci is happy to come back to the next meeting in December.  Shea added that he wants to give the neighbors a say in what happens.  

Burke moves that they approve the initial application and Tuttle seconds. Passes unanimously.

Cindy Franciosa, Stop Shaken Baby Syndrome, Inc. – Salem Common (15 Walnut Street in Saugus)

Franciosa wants to hold a family event on Father’s Day (June 15, 2014) to celebrate dads and educate people about the problem of Shaken Baby Syndrome. She wants to have vendors, a band and informational tables.

Shea asked if Franciosa spoke with Partanen about the date and Franciosa responded that they hadn’t spoken.  Franciosa added that her group is planning on setting up at 9am and starting the event at 11am. They plan to end at 6pm with breakdown completed by 8pm.

Shea asked about music timing. Burke suggested music be from 12-4 and Franciosa agreed.  Shea and Tuttle added that there is a sound ordinance that needs to be followed. Tuttle added that she didn’t see one attached to the application and one will need to be included to proceed.

Shea asked about the type of vendor tables and Franciosa stated that the vendors will share a portion of the proceeds with the organization. Shea asked if she was aware of the rental fee and Franciosa responded that they attached a check for $250 to the application.  

Shea and McCarthy suggested Franciosa find the ordaniance online and/or at the Salem City Clerk’s office.

Burke moves to approve the application with loud music for 4 hours in the afternoon and Tuttle seconds. Passes unanimously.  

Matt Caruso & Larry Claflin – Salem Jazz & Soul Festival (Winter Island)

The 2014 event is the 8th year for the festival.  The dates are August 16th & 17th (10:30am-8pm). They have donated to a whole host of programs.  They’re looking for the same as 2013, but with an additional 30 minutes and possibly adding a 2nd stage.  They’re working on having weatherization of event (depending on funding).    Shea asked what the 2nd stage would cost and Caruso responded that it would be $7-$10K.  Caruso would work with Partanen and the Building Department to move forward so they can get all the permissions done now.

They want to use one of the Pavilions for beer.  Shea asked McCarthy if he had any problems with this and McCarthy responded that he’s never gotten a complaint and it’s fine with him.  Claflin stated that the bands usually go to 7:15pm and added that they would use the same recommendation that the Commission approved last year.

Burke asked if the 2nd stage would be amplified the same and Caruso responded that it wouldn’t be as much as the main stage.  

Tuttle commented that we should make a motion and then have them come back later to work out the details.

Caruso stated that they plan to have nonprofit vendors on the sidewalks and they will be working with the Parking Department to block of part of Fort Avenue and pay to have the meters shut down for the day to keep the flow of traffic going.  Caruso added that they will make accommodations for handicapped and will be encouraging people to park at the Bentley School and take the shuttle to the Willows from there.  

Shea read from Partanen’s notes about the event.  Claflin stated that he met with the Mayor and other officials to talk through the event and handle the logistics.  Shea clarified that the meeting was held and Claflin responded that they’re working on it are trying to be the best neighbors they can.  They plan to use Salem Trolley to shuttle people back and forth to the event.  Caruso added that they’re working on making sure the parking information and directions are clearer.

Shea asked about the electrical and Claflin responded that the electrician they used last year volunteered to help them on it and they’re requesting that the City have the panel examined to make sure it’s up to code, and to date, no decisions have been made.  Shea asked that they’re bringing in more Port-a-Potties and Claflin said yes.  Shea asked if they’ll have enough and Claflin said he’d look at the numbers and get more if necessary.  Shea asked about trash and Claflin responded that their volunteers usually keep things clean and they do well at the end of the event.  Shea commented that there may be a conflict on August 16th and it was confirmed that Partanen agreed to move the other event to Winter Island.

McCarthy added that they anticipate a lot of parking issues and the City will be cracking down on parking violators.  Caruso commented that this is what happens when you have a big event with a lot of people.  Claflin added that an alternate idea is to use the soccer field (as a fund raiser for Salem H.S. for example).  McCarthy said it wouldn’t work and Shea agreed with that.  Conversation went back and forth about alternate locations including Footprint and it was agreed that that wouldn’t work because of the construction.  Caruso suggested they use special event parking signs so people can be warned of the consequences of violating parking regulations.  McCarthy suggested Mahi-Mahi might want to shuttle people from Pickering Wharf.

Burke motions to approve and Tuttle seconds. Passes unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report

Review monthly revenue reports

Shea suggested we bypass reports.

Road Race Fee Vote

Partanen is asking the Commission to vote about charging a fee for road races.  McCarthy stated that every road race will have a paperwork fee and there is a form to be filled out.  He commented that local nonprofits are not happy about it.  Tuttle added that nonprofits can come before the Commission and have the fee waived.  Burke suggested this be tabled to the next meeting given the City Council has the purview over the road races.

Shea confirmed that this is matter has been tabled to the next meeting.

Recreation Supervisor

They received 31 applications which were narrowed down to 5.  Burke is still interested in representing the Commission.

CPA Suggestions

Tuttle gave a quick overview.  They looked at Lexington, Acton, Gloucester and Newburyport.  The 6 commonalities from these communities were:

  • Consistent with the Master Plan, Open Space and Recreation Plan, Land Use and other planning documents that have received public scrutiny and input.
  • Serve more than one CPA purpose or demonstrate why serving multiple needs is not feasible.
  • Demonstrate practicality and feasibility, and that the project can be implemented within budget and on schedule.
  • Leverage additional public and/or private funds (eg. qualify the project for additional grants from other sources) or receive partial funding from other sources and/or voluntary contributions of goods or services.
  • Preserve or improve utility of currently owned city assets.
  • Receive endorsement by other municipal boards or departments and broad-based support from community members.
Part of the CPA Committee mission is to review the reports that have studies.

Eligibility Criteria for Community Preservation Act Funds. Total is 10 (same as Newburyport – good baseline).  Below is and excerpt of a list provided by the City of Newburyport’s CPA Committee:

  • Recreation proposals which address as many of the following criteria as possible will receive preference for funding:
  • Support multiple recreation uses.
  • Serve a significant number of residents.
  • Expand the range of recreational opportunities available to city residents of all ages
  • Jointly benefit the Conservation Commission and Park & Recreation Commission initiatives by promoting recreation, such as hiking, biking and cross-country skiing.
  • Maximize the utility of land already owned by city (e.g. school property).
  • Open Space proposals which address as many of the following specific criteria as possible will receive preference for funding:
  • Permanently protect important wildlife habitat, particularly areas that include:
  • Locally significant biodiversity
  • Variety of habitats with a diversity of geologic features and types of vegetation
  • Endangered habitat or species of plant or animal
  • Preserve active agricultural use.
  • Provide opportunities for passive recreation and environmental education.
  • Protect or enhance wildlife corridors, promote connectivity of habitat or prevent fragmentation of habitats.
  • Provide connections with existing trails, protected open space or potential trail linkages.
  • Preserve scenic views.
  • Border a scenic road.
  • Protect drinking water quantity and quality.
  • Provide flood control/storage.
  • Preserve and protect important surface water bodies, including streams, wetlands, vernal pools or riparian zones.
  • Buffer for protected open space, or historic resources.
  • Historic Preservation proposals which address as many of the following criteria as possible will receive preference for funding:
  • Protect, preserve, enhance, restore and/or rehabilitate historic, cultural, architectural or archaeological resources of significance, especially those that are threatened.
  • Protect, preserve, enhance, restore and/or rehabilitate city-owned properties, features or resources of historical significance.
  • Protect, preserve, enhance, restore and/or rehabilitate the historical function of a property or site.
  • Demonstrates a public benefit.
  • Ability to provide permanent protection for the historic resource.
  • Affordable Housing proposals which address as many of the following criteria as possible will receive preference for funding:
  • Contribute to the goal of 10% affordability as defined by chapter 40B of Mass. General Laws.
  • Promote a socioeconomic environment that encourages a diversity of income.
  • Provide housing that is harmonious in design and scale with the surrounding community.
  • Intermingle affordable and market rate housing at levels that exceed state requirements for percentage of affordable units pursuant to chapter 40B.
  • Ensure long-term affordability.
  • Provide affordable rental and affordable ownership opportunities.
  • Promote use of existing buildings or construction on previously-developed or city-owned sites.
  • Convert market rate to affordable units.
Woolley read Partanen’s notes and Partanen recommends funds for new pool liner.  Woolley stated the bid was for $175,000, $50,000 for playground and $24,700 for field use and maintenance.

Tuttle commented that Jane Guy in the Planning Department is going through reports in that department to put forward what the Housing and Historic will be doing. Tuttle added that we should be looking at our priorities like Winter Island and see if there are feasibility studies already.  Shea added that we should look at some Winter Island feasibility studies and see what we can prioritize.

Shea commented that we know what we have and Tuttle commented that we only have $40,000 for this year with the possibility of getting more and added that there are way more projects that would be used.  Shea asked about putting forward something for the pool liner.

McCarthy stated that 10% has to be put aside to be used and the Commission could hold it until a good project is ready to be done.

Burke asked about the allocation and Tuttle stated that there will be matching state funds in the next fiscal year.  

Parks & Facility

Olde Salem Greens Concession

Shea commented that the current vendor lost money and wants the fee waived. Burke commented that if the Golf Course manager thinks this is a good idea, he’s ok with it.  Shea asked if the bid stated whether they could waive the rent.   It was also stated that this was the only bid received.  Shea asked if a rent waiver would that impact the ability to get more vendors.  Shea wondered if they should offer it to a nonprofit.  Shea asked the Commission what they think.  Tabled until the next meeting.

Furlong Backboard

The backboards have gone up.

Trail Update

There was a nice project with a dozen people and materials came from Friends of Salem Woods. Paul Lever was helpful and this was a good report.

Mack Park House Update

It will cost $25,000 to fix, including a new boiler to make it livable.  The couple has been approved.  Shea will go over and look at the roof at Mack Park.

It will cost $5,000 for a new roof at Forest River.

New Business

Burke got an email that Splane Park is in good shape.  He’s going to a meeting [LISTEN] to find out more about it.

Old Business

Shea asked Woolley to get a list of broken equipment so the Commission can figure out how to get them fixed.

Adjournment at 8:07pm

Next Meeting December 17, 2013