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2013 March Minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair James Shea, Amy Everitt, Chris Burke, Bob Callahan
Members Absent: Leslie Tuttle
Others Present: Karen Partanen, Director Park, Recreation & Community Services, Tim Short, Supervisor, Salem Parks Recreation, Brett Mentuck, Rose O’Connor & Pat Foley, Don Armell, Julie Pottier-Brown, Sarah Gagnon, Maria Vazquez, Meg Wright, Ashley Steeves, Meg McMahon
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Shea at 6:46pm

Approval of January minutes

One correction from Chairman Shea. Change was Rose not Mr. Foley.  Callahan motions, Everitt seconds.


Rose O’Connor & Pat Foley – Golf Tournament

The Salem Moose Golf Committee is looking to find ways to raise funds to support the work they do.  Looking for ok to do the tournament.  Shea is in favor of this. Callahan asked Foley if he’s representing the Moose Lodge and Foley said he was.  Callahan confirmed the information in the handout is a list of all things the Moose does.  Shea asked Foley if he’s running the tournament and Foley said yes.  The event is on a Monday and is coordinated with Scott.  Shea asked if there were any other questions.  Callahan confirmed that event funds go to Moose Lodge charities.

Callahan moves to accept. Seconded by Burke.

Ellen Talkowsky & Meg McMahon – Salem Garden Club

Salem Garden Club and Salem Veteran’s Organization – Bluestone memorial Marker

Goal is to honor those veterans serving, who will serve and have served our country. It’s a plaque and is suitable for mounting on wood or masonry.  They’ve been offered a boulder on Hawthorne Boulevard.  Mackey Construction is donating the boulder and they have to discuss size. They will mount and place it.  It’s not very big.  They haven’t walked the site and there are some flower beds.  The Garden Club chose Hawthorne Boulevard because it would be a place people would be able to walk by and stressed the location being visible and they would maintain the garden part of it.

Shea wanted to know how big the boulder is and suggested Partenan view it first.  It’s 12x12 and wouldn’t require anything excessively large.  Burke asked what the process was for choosing the spot and expressed concern that it takes that area in perpetuity and it needs to be examined further. Burke suggested that a better location may be of the peninsula.  McMahon stated there were other possible locations on that strip and mentioned the area where the Salem Spins bikes are located.  Talkowsky stated that she has some concerns about that area since it is often used for vending and during the busy time in October. Burke stated that he would be willing to approve it but wants more discussion on location.  McMahon said they weren’t opposed to placing it in the same plot that the Boys and Girls club use.

Callahan moves for approval with coordinating between Partenan & Ward Councilor.  Burke suggested a 1 month wait so the Commission could approve the location.  McMahon stated that the group hopes to do it in the spring.  Callahan amends the motion, that they come back with an appropriate location. Everitt seconds.  The motion passes unanimously.

Don Armell - Salem Lions Club – Walk-A-Thon, Salem Common

Requesting approval for use of Salem Common for Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation. Shea asked Arnell if there were any problems last year and Armell said there weren’t. Everitt motions to approve the request and Callahan seconds.
Julie Pottier-Brown – Farm Direct Coop

Asking for permission to be in residence at Leslie’s Retreat Parkway.  They’re a members cooperative that distributes local organic food. There from June 11th – November 21st.  Tues/Thurs only.  1:30-7:30pm.  

Callahan asked if they can you start earlier and end later.  Pottier-Brown stated that the more they grew, the less able they were to extend their hours.  She’s just asking for permission to do this again this year.  Burke asked if they’re a non-profit and Pottier-Brown said they were a not-for-profit group that is incorporated.  Callahan added that they provide a great service to Salem.

Shea asked if there were any problems last year and Pottier-Brown replied that the only problem they had was a parking issue during train excavation construction.  Pottier-Brown said they may need to ask DPW to help chip away those sites.  Trash bags are still there.  She asked one of her workers to see about fixing it.  They plan to work with the Dog Park people to make it work.

Sarah Gagnon, who lives in Beverly and is involved with the Dog Park, is concerned about parking down there.  She wasn’t sure how long the temporary train parking is going to last.  Just wanted to know if there were any ideas.  Shea stated that Universal Steel is open a set of parking spaces by the tracks.  Pottier Brown said the coop members could park behind one another since they’re only there a short time.  Callahan suggested the Dog Park people park on Commercial Street and go over the bridge to the Dog Park.  Gagnon said she will make that parking suggestion on Commercial Street to the Dog Park group.  

Callahan motions to accept the motion to allow the Coop people to use the area.  Seconded by Everitt.

Sarah Gagnon – SPACE Fundraiser/Dog Days of Summer

Gagnon wants to use the area around the Dog Park.  Had a very successful event last year with over 200 people last year with no issues. No parking issues. People parked on Commercial and Bridge Streets.  Last year it was exhibit vendors and food during the hours of 9am-2pm.

Shea asked about the port-a-potties and Gagnon replied that they had them.  Callahan asked how much of the area did they use and Gagnon replied that they had vendors from the parking lot to just past the gazebo.  Callahan stated that he’s very willing to support this since that park is totally underutilized and he’d like to see more events there that leads to using it more.  Shea agrees with Callahan. Callahan stated that they shouldn’t worry about how much space they use and make use of the park.  

Callahan motions that SPACE use the park for the event and Burke seconds.

Burke asked about the lights update and Gagnon said they were working on a vendor and figuring out how to use a specific LED light to appease the neighbors.  They met with the Federal Street Neighborhood Association and got their approval.

Callahan stated that everything has to be coordinated with Partanen.

Motion passes unanimously.

Maria Vazquez & PJ Figeruroa, Louis Mercedes – Worship Services at Mary Jane Lee Park

Requesting permission for 2nd annual worship services at Mary Jane Lee Park.  Shea asked about the music volume levels and Callahan also expressed need to make sure the volume is at an acceptable level.

Figeruroa stated that they will have music and that the event is scheduled from 12pm-6pm.  They will also clean up the whole area.  Water and juice, etc. will be served.

Callahan asked about port-a-potties and Figeruroa responded that they’re not necessary since neighbors have offered use of their bathrooms in nearby homes.

Everitt motions to approve.  Seconded by Callahan.

Meg Wright – North Shore Cancer Walk; Common & Willows (ABSENT)

Ashley Steeves –  B&S HAWC Walk & Run 5 mile (ABSENT)

Short stated that they have permission from the City Council for the run part of the event and that recycling needs to be improved. Callahan confirmed that this is the 1st week of May.  Asked for her to be at next meeting.

Superintendent’s Report

Review monthly revenue reports

Golf Course – gearing up for the season

Witch House – Manager has been holding her own. Open 5 days a week. Doing pretty well. Ordering now for gift shop.

Willows Meters – these should be installed in next few weeks.

Revolving Accounting for Winter Island store – not much going on

Asked to have the revolving account added in.  Included a breakdown of a little over a year from Alice, the clerk.  Is investing in financial software to make this all computerized. Close to 65k in that account.  As of this report, there’s only !5k.

Callahan asked what the money is in that account and where did it come from.  Partanen stated that it came from all events (road races, basketball, chess program). Callahan asked what expenses were taken out and Partanen replied various ones have come out of this account.  Callahan asked why capital expenses coming out of revolving account and Partanen said she’s figuring this out. Callahan expressed concern with what we’re spending the money on and we shouldn’t have to use revolving account money for things like a copy machine.  Partanen stated that other than Salaries, we haven’t been expending a lot from this account, and that basketball has a lot of expenses.  Partanen is concerned that basketball is not bringing in as much and the brochure is a big concern of hers as it’s a $9,000 expense, with a $3,000 return.  

Callahan asked why salaries in the revolving funds and Partanen responded that it’s been set up this way and she doesn’t know why.  Shea asked if there were any programs that would hire staff to run programs is paid out of this fund.  Callahan asked if our true budget should include all the salaries for all the personnel that work for the Park & Recreation Department.  Shea stated that this is revolving fund that got started when approval couldn’t get met. Was used as a work around and it worked pretty well until right now.  Shea said that he knows that basketball program was funded by golf course mayors’ tournament last year.

Partanen also added that there are problems on the spreadsheet that financial software can help sort out.  Callahan stated that there are too many regular expenses that are being paid with this account and Partanen replied that, as a point of reference the program fees should start building back up and agrees with Callahan that lifeguard uniforms shouldn’t be taken out of this account and that program staff salaries get taken out of program fees.  Partanen also stated that the spreadsheet is a point of reference to give the Commission a sense of where we stand.

Callahan stated that he sees 7-8 quick things that shouldn’t be taken out of this account and should be basic budgetary costs and then the account would be in a good position.  Shea asked Short for any information on how some of those expenses got charged to the revolving fund and Short replied that he wasn’t privy to information in the revolving fund from the previous director.  Shea asked if we did we get the money from the golf tournament last year (Mayor’s Cup), and Partanen responded that she was not sure because of the accounting practices how that happened. Partanen also added that Park & Recreation sites would all have the software installed so everyone would be on the same page.  Callahan said that Partanen is putting the financial software into the budget.  But, if there are certain things needed in the budget, the Commission has to know so they can lobby for those things. Partanen agreed with Callahan and said there were two big things in the budget in addition to software. The furnace for $8,000 is one of them.

Burke asked Short about salaries of running director and Short responded that they negotiate a payment schedule for classes so they can provide for revolving funds.  Burke asked what the split is and short replied that they usually ask for 50/50 split, but negotiate depending on instructors skills, etc. Short also stated that they’re looking to re-negotiate to see if Park & Recreation can get a bigger chunk.  Callahan asked if the instructors guarantee participants and Short responded that the runner clinics have higher participating.  Callahan followed that by suggesting they use the power of negotiation with the instructors to get a better outcome.  Short described the negotiation process.  Shea then asked if aren’t enough enrollments do we cancel and Short said yes, but that sometimes if it’s close, we often keep the program, especially the summer programs which are our biggest money makers.

Shea asked about the number of children in the summer program and Short responded that there were approximately 40-50 children per week at $95 each Callahan then asked where the salaries come from for the summer and day programs and Short replied that they came from the revolving fund (summer instructors and day playground programs).

Partanen responded that historically set up that way.  Callahan asked about lifeguard salaries and Partanen replied that they come out of the budget and they’re paid that way because they get paid out of the program fees. Callahan said that was ok, but since we don’t have park instructors anymore, is this still ok.  Callahan also stated that there used to be park instructors at every single park and now we have none.  Shea stated that since they can’t get it approved from budget it comes from the revolving fund. Partanen added that the City doesn’t seem to want to offer a summer camp program without it being self-funded.  Shea added that the revolving fund has supported many programs over the years.  Burke added that policy-wise, basketball is like running the pool and it’s a loss that we should do that’s an important part of Park & Recreation, and that the basketball program seems to be important.  Callahan stated that the park instructors where budgeted at one time and asked what happened.  Shea replied that it happened a long time ago (10 years maybe).  Short added that he is going to work with Partanen to make significant improvement in this, and that once the booklet comes out, we’ll pick up in enrollments for the spring.  Shea asked about the booklet mailing and Partanen responded that

Everitt asked about using an electronic booklet and Short said the was concerned that people get the booklet in the mail, see it and sign up for programs right away and that may be a problem with an electronic version.  Shea asked who the target was and Short and Callahan both said that the booklet is sent to everyone in Salem.  Partanen suggested they send only to those who want to receive it. Then gradually get people off the mailing list and eventually do it electronically.

Short added that they create a PDF of the brochure.  Everritt stated that an electronic format allows for instantaneous updates and Short clarified that right now that only happens on the on the Park & Recreation page.  Shea said he likes Partanen’s idea to phase it out.  Burke then asked about printing and Short stated that Bill Wooley handles the printing logistics.  Everitt asked if the Commission do an estimate of the cost of running a smaller amount of brochures and Short added that we can look at increasing the cost of the advertising.  Shea added that if we could get more advertisers and not make those we’ve got more expensive.  It was agreed that Wooley should be the guy to do this.  

Partanen added that there are programs in the brochure that aren’t relevant. Shea asked who we buy from and suggested that every company we purchase from should be solicited for advertising in the booklet.   

Callahan asked if Wooley paid by Park & Recreation and Partanen said he was. Callahan then asked what Wooley’s function was and Partanen stated that he’s part for the Council on Aging acts as Park & Recration Director when Partanen is not around.  His main function is the Council on Aging.

Willows Road Races

Partanen said that Councilor McCarthy couldn’t be here today. McCarthy was concerned by the BNS Black Cat road race and the potential parking issues it could create.  Callahan asked how many complaints and come in and Partanen responded that a few had come in.  Short stated that the Bentley School was Ground Zero for the race and 1,000 runners were estimated to participate.  Shea suggested that in the future, the areas be broken up into different locations. Callahan added that all road races are approved by the City Council and that parking lots are the purview of the Commission. Burke said he thought the City developed a system for road races. Short then stated that they gave Doug Bollen and himself a mandate to have applicants complete an application for the race. Then, they were forwarded to the City Council approve or deny.

Shea added the he thought they were done with this and Callahan said to Short that he’s like a middle man in this situation.

Bench Donation

Lynn Duncan (City Planner) has staffing issues and this is on hold for now.  If a bench is not in good condition, we’re not responsible for that and we reserve the right to remove the bench.  If they want at Willows, they can have it at Mary Jane Park.  Burke stated that we’ve been talking about phasing out benches and moving to memorial trees and asked what the status of that was and was thinking there was a moratorium on new benches.  Burke then asked if we could do something to work on a tree program.  Shea suggested that when people ask about getting a bench, a tree can be offered instead.  Partanen added that there is a tree planting program in the planning program.  Burke asked if there is a committee that’s a part of that program, and that he would like to know more about the decisions on trees.  Burke went on to say that he doesn’t think it’s adequate in getting trees put in right now and that it would take a bit of work to get a memorial tree program going.

Shea asked Burke if he like to spearhead a tree planting program and Burke replied that it should go through Partanen.  Shea asked about finding out who’s running the tree planting program and Burke said we should put this tree planting discussion on next month’s agenda.

Proposed Fees

Partanen proposed certain fees for various things, including non-residents paying to use our fields with the same proposal for room rentals. Suggested rates would be $10 for residents and $20 for non-residents, which were not unreasonable rates.  Shea replied that these amounts won’t cover costs, but we should look at real costs and get some real numbers in there.  Partanen agrees and will get some of those new numbers to bring in at the next meeting.  Steve Dibble (recognized by Shea) added that there are times when those fees should be waived and there should be some flexibility.

Willows Meter Installation

Easter Bunny Breakfast

Pooch Pass

Partanen said they are currently sold only at 5 Broad Street and can be mailed for an additional $1 fee.  Burke added that he’s open to having both resident and non-resident purchasers and suggested different pricing for non-residents.  

Parks & Facility

Palmer Cove

Partanen put in proposal for community block grant which was approved. They are installing a new light pole and basketball court.  Callahan suggests that court be plowed or use a snow blower (or a Bobcat) and/or leave some shovels during storms.

Castle Hill Park

Partanen in proposals as far as getting information on costs for new playground. We have money in capital fund and the plan is to replace playground and put in some green areas.

Winter Island Roof

Partanen said the maintenance/tool area collapsed during last snow and has been torn down.

Willows Gate & Gazebo

Partanen said they are both being painted and letters will be in gold.  

Senior Center

Partanen said this has been approved and progress will be made on that.  Everitt stated that she noticed there is a new Director for the Senior Center and is confused about that.  Partanen responded that she’s not sure how that’s going to happen.  

Old Business

Golf Course Concession Stand RFP

Partanen reported that SideKim was only the vendor that applied. SideKim asked if the refrigerator works, and Partanen reported that compressor doesn’t work, and the option is to repair it out of receipts or have them bring it since they have refrigerated trucks.  SideKim  is already concerned that they have to provide their own equipment.  The vendor really wants to do promotional activities with the golf course concession area.  Partanen likes his plan and thinks these promotional ideas are a good fit for the golf course.

Burke asked if it’s possible pay for the compressor and deduct it from the rent ($600 a month) and Shea suggested the vendor provide their own refrigeration. Shea asked Partanen how she wants to do that and Partanen responded that she’ll negotiate with the vendor.

New Business

Partanen got a request to use the Salem Common on April 27th for Healthy Kids Day and was  told this event was held before.  

Callahan motions to approve and Everitt seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Partanen discussed ramp repair.

Motion to adjourn by Callahan, seconded by Everitt

Adjournment Next Meeting April 16, 2013