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2012 December Minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission
Draft Minutes

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 6:51pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair Bob Callahan, Chris Burke, Amy Everitt, Leslie Tuttle, James Shea
Members Absent: James Shea
Others Present: Karen Partanen, Director Park, Recreation & Community Services, Tim Short, Supervisor, Salem Parks Recreation and Community Services, Councilor Robert McCarthy, Becky Christie, Bart Hoskins, Tim Ready and Jackie Giordano
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Callahan at 6:51pm

Approval of November Minutes

Burke had minor changes to minutes.  After that, a motion to accept the minutes of the November meeting was made by Everitt and seconded by Burke. Passes unanimously


Becky Christie – Use of Winter Island Ramp for Annual Freeze Your Tush Off event on January 1st

Christie had met with harbormaster and changed use of Dead Horse Beach to use the ramp instead, Winter Island Manager Gilbert offered use of the function hall for the event.  Christie described the event as a totally voluntary fund raiser for the Salem Food Pantry which raised $5,200 last year and filled a van and 2 cars with stuff for the pantry. Requesting permission to use boat ramp. Christie will be meeting with the Mayor Driscoll tomorrow. Christie went on to say that the mayor makes it a point of having an ambulance go around during the event. There is expected to have a police detail there checking on the event.  Christie also stated that if the weather is 10 degrees, it will be a very short event. Christie also described that last year they had 80 swimmers and hundreds of people on the beach, which raised some concerns about safety in the water and if the Harbormaster and/or EMT’s would have a problem getting to someone quickly if there were an emergency.  

Callahan entertains a motion to approve use of both the boat ramp and function hall. Burke motions and seconded by Everitt.  

Everitt asks Christie the event start time, which is confirmed as meeting at 11:00am and starting at 11:15am. Christie also stated since it’s being held on the boat ramp, they don’t have to worry about the tide and that high tide is at 2pm that day.  Christie went on to say that (by using the ramp) people can get in and out pretty quickly.

Passes unanimously.

Bart Hoskins, President of SPACE-Follow up Discussion about adding lights (at dog park)

Submitted proposal for lighting at Dog Park.  In 2011 they received offer from board member for donated lighting and to install them for free. Motion had been tabled until he consulted with Federal Street Neighborhood Association.  Has been in communication with point person Dick Luecke at the Federal Street Neighborhood Association.  Met with Luecke in the fall and looked at existing lighting and expressed concerns about lighting, that they were too big, too bright and were flood lights as well as concerns about spilled lighting across Bridge Street and was concerned about energy consumption.  

The city electrician he met with said those lights can’t be used because the circuits can’t handle them. The electrician suggested they use LED fixtures instead. They are 78 watt as opposed to the 450 watt ones they had been offered.  The Pooch Pass money is in an account held by the Park & Recreation Department that’s solely dedicated to upkeep and improvements at the dog park.  Hoskins proposed using “Pooch Pass” money to purchase 3 or 4 light fixtures.  The fixtures are about $570 each. The benefit is that the fixtures are fully shielded and address all of Luecke’s concerns. They’re night sky approved - no issue with light degradation and highly energy efficient. The bulbs don’t need to be replaced because there aren’t any bulbs. Because they are short on funds, Hoskins went on to say that they are looking into making it an all-volunteer effort to run the conduit circuit boxes to where the poles are going in.

Asked the commission members to look at the map/insert in the agenda packet.

Hoskins reviewed the layout of the park (location/is proposing having a timer on the lighting to turn it off at night.  Gave proposal to set the poles well into the park. One well into the small dog park and the other in the large dog park. Each one would have a light shining in 2 directions and have blue arrows indicating directions the lights would shine.  Is proposing the electrician put a timer so they lights will go on the same as the lights on the path – with a sensor.  This allows for the lights being off at night. Sent specs also to Luecke, who has not yet responded to the proposal.  

Hoskins asked if he can make a motion that if he can provide documentation that the Federal Street Neighborhood Association accepts this proposal that go ahead with the plan. Hopes to go ahead with it before the ground freezes.

Hoskins expressed the need for night lighting is important because of recent vandalization of benches, fences, etc.  The park is busy and open till 8:00pm, so lighting will help a lot, especially during the winter months when it gets dark early in the day.  If they get the ok, they’ll rent equipment and run the underground conduits from the circuit boxes to the poles. Once that is done, the city electrician will come in and make the connection and turn the lights on.

Callahan: Everything has been great.  When you bring in something new, the processes that have to be followed have to be followed very strictly.  The park is not really a “park” even though it’s maintained by Park & Recreation.  Expressed that in his opinion, you have to get your City Councilor on board, City Inspector, and other relevant offices, officials.  Callahan also stated that if Haskins (SPACE) doesn’t follow this the right way, complaints will come in to the City Councilor.  Red tape is a problem, but things must be followed.  His suggestion was that the first person you go to is your City Councilor – Paul Prevy.  Callahan went on to say that all the Commission can do is support the program, and that his opinion that it’s not going to happen in one month.  He also said that he personally supports the idea, but is concerned about the process being followed properly.

Tuttle: Asked who is actually the Councilor for the area - Prevy or Sosnowski?

Haskins: There is some difficulty figuring out whose area it is because the park doesn’t have an address.  He plans to go to the Registry of Deeds to determine what the address is of the park.

Burke: It’s uncertain and we do control it.  Stated that Callahan had a good point.  Knows Luecke. Burke promised Luecke that he’d be heard before it gets voted on.  Generally supports it and appreciates all the work Hoskins and SPACE has done.  He also wants to make sure the Federal Street Neighborhood Association is part of the conversation and should be represented at the next Commission meeting.

Everitt: Asked if they should table it.

Hoskins:  Trying to knock down hurdles as opposed to creating more hurdles to moving forward on this project.  It took two months to get city engineer to park.  He mentioned that there’s been a decline in the Pooch Pass program and that Pooch Pass purchasers are losing interest, enforcement is a problem and maintenance (benches, trash bins, etc. are expensive).

Burke:  He referred to the last time Hoskins was there and they had said to Hoskins to talk to the neighbors.  Then Hoskins is added to tonight’s agenda and the Federal Street Neighborhood Association is not told/invited to this meeting.

Hoskins: Responded to Burkes’ comment by saying that he just heard about the meeting a few days ago, had reached out to Luecke and got no response to an email Hoskins sent inviting him to the Commission meeting.

Burke: Stated that it seems fair that the Federal Street Neighborhood Association should get notice of the meeting and be invited to participate in the January 15, 2013 Commission meeting.

Tuttle: Is on the sub-committee for Dick Luecke and he is very happy about the plan and the walk-through he did.  Tuttle added that a lot of the concerns have been addressed.  Luecke is point person on this and really knows what is going on.  Tuttle’s suggestion is that if they get a letter from the Association the Commission should move forward.  Also asked questions about the bulbs and whether they are incandescent and Hoskins responded that they’re light emitting diodes and they don’t burn out.  Tuttle also asked about the lumens and Hoskins responded that they’re the equivalent of a 250 watt bulb.  Tuttle also confirmed the number per pole, which Hoskins stated where 2 per pole.  

Hoskins: The idea is to light up the chairs, gate, and small dog park and other end of the park where it’s dark.  They’re strategically placed and are energy efficient and well lit area.  The 78 watt bulbs provide the equivalent of 250 watts of lighting, which is very efficient and is a green technology.  The cost of the bulbs is cheaper, but there are other problems with them potentially exploding and damaging the fixtures.  This is also going to create a more work for the volunteers to run a lot of conduit through the ground which is made up of cement block and rebar and concrete block about 4 feet down.  Goal is to prevent lighting from disturbing neighbors.

Tuttle: Asked questions about the person who offered to install the poles and lighting and Hoskins responded that he’s still able to install the poles in place and they’re on their own in regards to the conduit, which will probably require them to rent equipment.  Tuttle also asked about whether the original plan called for wires and Hoskins stated that the poles were supposed to be along the fence line.  Tuttle stated she preferred this plan as it was more ascetically pleasing.    

Hoskins: Expressed need for caution about not putting any infrastructure that may be interfered with when MBTA/Mass Highways does construction near the park.  

Burke:  Asked questions about whether the boxes are new.  

Hoskins: Responded that they’re going to drill into boxes that are existing concrete boxes. They have an electrician doing the work (from the board.)

Callahan: Asked if they’re owned by Mass Highway.

Hoskins: Stated that Mass Highway has washed their hands of this of the project.

Callahan:  Is willing to accept letter of support at next meeting.  If there’s a letter of opposition, Callahan wants them to present their case at the next meeting to explain their opposition.

Tuttle: Since Luecke lives across the street from the park, she suggests Hoskins meet with the other neighbors to get their agreement.  She is certain he will talk with his neighbors on River Street, because they are the ones that will be most affected.

Callahan: Suggests they table it till the January meeting and extend an invitation to the Federal Street Neighborhood Association.  Commented that he thinks the Commission is in favor of what Hoskins is doing, but they have to hear from the potential opposition before making a decision.

Hoskins:  He agreed with Callahan that this seems like a fair approach.

Tuttle: Feels confident that Luecke is has things under control, based on the conversations she’s had with Luecke.

Callahan:  Even if they get the ok right now, it’s unlikely that conduits will not go in in January. Makes sense to put this off till January, hear from everyone and make a decision based on that.  This matter will be tabled until the next meeting on Tuesday, January 15, 2013.  They’ll instruct Partanen to send a letter to the Federal Street Neighborhood Association to invite them to the next meeting.

Hoskins:  In the interim, he will contact Paul Prevy and others.  Agreed that going to through the proper chain of elected officials would be a good way to move forward on this matter.

Jackie Giordano – North Shore CDC – Polar Plunge

This is the third year they’ve done this event in Salem.  They’ve done this for 7 years in Beverly.  They work with school system and they use this as an opportunity to educate young people on homelessness and low income housing. Raise about $40,000 that they share with River House in Beverly.  Want to use Dead Horse Beach.  Gets cleared with Emergency Systems (Police Department).  Got commitment from 6 public schools.  

Callahan: Asked if they got function hall and Giordano said yes.  

Burke makes a motion to approve, which is seconded by Tuttle.  Approved unanimously.

Tim Ready – Follow up discussion on Discounts for Veterans and Seniors

Ready:  Looking for discount consideration for veterans and seniors in Salem.  

Partanen:  Spoke with Ready in depth.  Happy to extend veteran discounts to anything that has senior discount.  Golf does offer a discount for veterans.

Callahan: Asked if this was just for Salem veterans or any veteran.

Partanen: Hesitant to offer this across the board because many programs don’t make money.

Callahan: What we have to look at program costs and realistically and who can afford/not afford it.  He feels confident that on a case by case basis, someone will not be turned away if they really wanted to participate in.  Asked Ready what programs he feels are important to offer discounts.

Ready: Responded that if you’re going offer something for one group, it should be offered for all groups.

Short: We don’t offer senior discounts right now.  But, with low income families (for example), they ask for discounts, which are usually granted.

Callahan: Seniors are included because he is a senior.

Burke:  Doesn’t feel that veterans will feel excluded if they don’t get a discount for something.  Not sure if getting a discount at the golf course was wise.  This may be appropriate for the Witch House and Winter Island.  Not necessary to give a discount on everything.  The proposal suggested by the Superintendent is appropriate.

Ready:  Not suggesting veterans or seniors were expecting a discount.  Suggesting it’s about being more inclusive.

Everitt: Commented that if price points for programming and stated that if we’re making money off our programs, it would make sense.  When we’re running programs that are just breaking even, it’s detrimental to the city.  

Tuttle:  Agrees with Everitt.  Golf course makes a profit. Only place.  Witch House makes a profit. Winter Island is only a parking discount because of state fees that are a mandate (as are the Marina and Forest River).  Current senior discount make sense.

Burke: You’d be a senior or a veteran.

Ready: Troubled by the talk of profits and such. Stated that he respects the wisdom of the Commission.

Burke: Asked what the oversight was.

Ready: Suggested that the last time this decision was made perhaps it wasn’t considered to include veterans at the time. For the golf, which brought Ready to the Commission in the first place.  The idea is provide some solace, comfort and recognition for this population who’s returning to the city.

Callahan: Recommends this matter be tabled for the time being and Partanen looks into the costs of programs we have that he believes are barely breaking even. And, to identify what those are. And, if not, bring that to the next meeting.

Burke: Prefer to take a vote tonight about it.

Burkes: Makes a motion that wherever we offer senior discounts, we offer a discount to veterans, including parking.  

Callahan: Clarifies the motion to state that “Wherever a senior discount is currently being offered, the same offer be made to veterans.”

Burke makes the motion and it is seconded by Tuttle.  Passes unanimously.

Ready: Thanked the board for their vote.


Golf Course/Witch House/Meters/Winter Island – Review Monthly Reports


Partanen – still doing well, but November was rainy.  They finally closed this week and the course is officially closed. The fill is being moved around.

Tuttle: The Superintendent is year round. Manager is seasonal.

Witch House

Partanen: November revenue was down a little bit, which is attributed to weather. Revolving account is on a downswing.


Partanen – Unsure.

Winter Island

Partanen: Same as at the Witch House, the revenues are down due to the downswing because of the winter months.

Superintendent’s Report


Santa’s Mailbox:        Had 40 letters come in. Staff at Park & Recreation and Council on Aging responding.

Breakfast with Santa:   First year event that had over 100 people on December 8th with kids, parents, grandparents, etc.  A lot of food donated. Very successful.  Ending the year with an event like this was amazing.

Father/Daughter Dance:  New program in development. Being held at Moose January 18th.  Lodge donating hall for night. Working on price points.  Callahan & Burke expressed concern about wording to make sure it’s inclusive.  Partanen will make sure it’s inclusive.  Burke suggested it be in brochure to make it inclusive.

Short: Expressed thanks for a great year.

Callahan: Wanted to go on the record as thanking Tim Short for his work this year. Great year!

RFP Update:     Partanen has golf course concession
        Golf Manager
In Works        Light House to be repainted
In Works        Renting of Mac Park House

GIFT CERTIFICATES:      Partanen – Mayor offered gift certificates for Park and Recreation programming as holiday gifts. Short designed gift certificate.  Will be advertised in media, etc.

Parks & Facility

Park Benches at the Willows

Tuttle: The benches (at Winter Island) don’t all match. Would like them to be cleaner and have it be more in control.  

Partanen and Tuttle: Both agreed that we should have a master plan for benches.  And, we need to have a plan for getting more trees planted.  Idea is to improve the greening of the city.  

McCarthy: Currently you have to buy specific benches for the Salem Common. People tend to want a particular location for their bench.

Callahan: Suggested that Partanen get together with Planning Department on a proposal. The suggestion is that if someone wants to get a bench, their first stop would be the Planning Department. Then the Planning Department comes to the Commission to approval for all the same kind of benches for all the parks.  Wants Partanen to get together with the Planning Department so the benches can be the same throughout the parks all over the city.

Tuttle: Wants to make sure they include trees in this plan because we have a lot of trees that are dying.  She thinks this is a good idea too.

McCarthy: There is a comprehensive plan for tree replacement.

Callahan: This matter is tabled until Partanen reports back.

Golf Tournaments

Partanen:  Is trying to figure out the timing so that pass holders don’t get upset or inconvenienced by tournament dates.

Callahan: We approve the use of the golf course and the Golf Superintendent and Manger oks’ the date.  

Burke motions to give them permission to use golf course. Seconded by Everitt.  Passes Unanimously.

Callahan recommends future tournaments mirror this process.

Salem Common Flag

Partanan:  Said that Councilor Furey has requested that the pole can hold a certain sized flag. Will obtain the biggest we can. Flag will be replaced.

Dead Horse Beach Bon-Fire

Partanen:  The event is happening on January 4, 2013.

Old Business

Golf Manager Contract

Partanen: Spoke with Scott. He plans to renew the contract. In January and February he’ll need to do some work.  

Callahan:  Suggested to Partanen that she and Scott work out the logistics be worked out with Partanen and brought to the Commission for approval.

Burke: Referred to last meeting and wanting to reward the good work he’s done.

Callahan: Wants the Commission to go on the record as being very favorable in supporting a financial increase/bonus.  

Tuttle: Wanted to clarify whether this was a bonus or increase in salary.

Callahan: Clarified that that will be up to Partanen and discussions with the Human Resources Department.

Callahan:  Got a letter from Richard Viscay about a transfer of funds from Parks and Recreation to the City Council. And expressed disappointment that it went to the City Council. Wants the opportunity to review the money and make sure our Department is taken care of before funds go to the City Council.  

Burke: Asked how it compared year to year.

Callahan: Replied that we had a good year.

McCarthy: Mr. Viscays’ amount had been budgeted.  Without that money appropriated, the tax rate would have been held up.  

Callahan: It’s Viscays’ responsibility to get it to the Commission for a vote.

Tuttle:  Wanted to tie in budget old business and the golf course and need for capital improvements and gas tank and making sure that’s budgeted.

Burke:  Responded that the Superintendent was going to make recommendations for capital improvements.

New Business

New Commission Chair

Motion by Burke to appoint James Shea to be Chair, seconded by Tuttle.

Motion by Everitt, seconded by Tuttle to appoint Burke as Vice Chair.

Winter Island Launch Fees

McCarthy: Look at use of Winter Island launch fees. Look at petitioning the State to change the boat ramp fee.

Callahan: Suggest that as Ward 1 Councilor, McCarthy it would be better off coming from the City Council rather than the Park & Rec Dept.

McCarthy: The idea is to get the boaters to get them to go to McCabe Marina. Will take it up with Harbormaster.

Skating Rink

Tuttle: Is there a plan for this?

Partanen: Working on it.

Motion made by Everitt and seconded by Tuttle. Adjournment at 8:24pm.

Next Meeting January 15, 2013