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2012 October Minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair Bob Callahan, Chris Burke, Amy Everitt, Leslie Tuttle, James Shea
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Tim Short, Supervisor, Salem Parks Recreation and Community Services, Councilor, McCarthy, Ward 1, Lisa Cammarata, Director of Human Resources, Karen Hartman, new Director of Parks & Recreation, Matt Caruso, Larry Claflin, Bret Mentuck, Tim Ready, Jeff Elie
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Callahan at 6:45pm

Approval of September Minutes

A motion to accept the minutes of the September meeting was made and accepted. Motion made by Burke & 2nd by Everitt. Passes unanimously.


Bret Mentuck – Discussion and Vote on Community Gardens

Discussion about Winter Island gardens closing in November.  A faction of gardeners are planning to revisit this matter at next meeting. Gardens will be broken down.  Discussion of Pickman Park and Mack Park expansion to compensate for change at Winter Island and interest in putting up a permanent fence at Palmer Cove location for the 2013 season.  Discussion of Splaine Park for upcoming location and the additional idea of a rooftop garden.  

Chairman Callahan informed speakers that proposals need to be official and would be brought in to the Commission, including Splaine Park rebuild. The other locations the board would look at and consider.  Callahan liked the rooftop garden idea and stated that it needs to be brought forth in concrete plans.

Tuttle asked if there was any way Winter Island could be moved, and was told it wasn’t possible.

Burke recommended there may be lots the city could provide, and suggested raised beds at the corner of Bridge and Boston Streets and possibly other plots around the city.  He also stated that the use of Winter Island location was a good use of the property.

Shea added that any rooftops being considered have to be structurally sound.

Chairman Callahan mentioned the North River as a potential location, with some concern for potential high tides.  Suggested the Garden Club bring proposals for next meeting.

Tim Ready – Vote and Discussion on Discounts for Veterans and Seniors

Apologized for not attending last month and went into discussion of letter sent earlier this year about the golf course regarding senior discounts and asked that this discount be extended to veterans and for other Park & Recreation locations around the city.  

Shea inquired at to what fees Ready was referring to and Ready clarified that the fees be across the board (Winter Island, Boating, etc.). Shea indicated he had no problem with this request.  Everitt added that the fees for boat launches can’t be changed since it’s determined by the State.  

Chairman Callahan suggested the new director review all fees and determine what she may feel is appropriate and propose to the board who can accept or reject any proposed fee structure changes.  Then he entertained a motion to table this matter until the new director is in place and can make a recommendation and potential review at February meeting. The board agreed.

Lisa Caswell – Vote and Discussion on Renaissance Festival

Absent.  Chairman Callahan moved on to next item on the agenda.

Jeff Elie – Vote and Discussion on Bike Shelter

Requested review of bike shelters for “Salem Spins” program and approval to purchase one as a means to protect the bikes located at Hawthorne Boulevard from the elements.  

Tuttle inquired about other bike sharing programs in other locations with the example of the Hubway bike program.  She expressed concern about the expense and attractiveness of a shelter at that location.

Shea stated that only 2 of the options are being offered and agreed with Tuttle that it has to look right for the location.  Suggested that Elie identify regional locations with similar shelters the board could visit and see for themselves.

Chairman Callahan interjected that the board is only the first step in this process and that the board can only ok or reject a complete proposal before the final decision can be made.

Burke referred to the “concrete slab” where the bikes are located, and stated that as a fledgling program it’s unclear if it will be in existence in a few more years.  He then suggested a fund raiser to raise the money for such a shelter and expressed concern about the long term viability of the program and the bikes themselves.

Councilor McCarthy remarked that Elie’s predecessor put down the concrete slab. He went on to talk about the Hawthorne Hotel’s role in the program and his initial reservations about the location and potential use for enclosed spaces and possibility of using city garages.  He then recommended that the board ask the Design Review Board (DRV) to examine the site before making any decisions and allow the DRV make a recommendation to the Commission after they’ve done the research. He also commented that he was in favor of the bike program.

Chairman Callahan asked Elie who in the planning department he’s talked to and mentioned his intention to include the bike shelter in the Green Communities proposal.  Chairman Callahan commented that that the commission can’t give permission, but can encourage Elie to explore this matter and return with a more concrete plan for protecting the bikes at that location and that the commission is the final step. Chairman Callahan requested Elie return to the commission with a full plan once it’s ready for a final decision.

Tuttle mentioned other locations, including Salem State and possibly the new MBTA garage, and likes the idea of using the South Harbor Parking Garage as a location that should be explored.

Burke asked about success of the program and Elie responded that it is underutilized and the time it takes to get a bike through the Hawthorne is about 15-20 minutes.  The Salem State location is being used more and is much quicker and user friendly.

Chairman Callahan commented that given the level of utilization at the Salem State location, perhaps the Hawthorne location is not ideal and suggested South Harbor Parking Garage as a future location.

Everitt suggested that location may be reviewed.

Shea indicated that finding another location may be problematic and likes the Hawthorne location.

Chairman Callahan recommended the issue be tabled until Elie responds with more information and the commission can review the matter at the December or January meeting.

Councilor McCarthy encouraged the use of the South Harbor Parking Garage.

Matt Caruso and Larry Claflin – Vote and Discussion on Salem Jazz & Soul Festival

The Festival had about 5,000 attendees this August and an event is being held on Sunday, November 18th to raise funds for the coming year.  They’re requesting approval for use of the Willows on August 17th and 18th , 2013.  They included a few changes in timing to for the possibility of fitting in another band.  

Chairman Callahan expressed an issue with the Willows bathroom facilities and indicated that Porta-Potties will be needed next year.

Claflin was concerned that the bathrooms were not well maintained throughout the event this year.

Chairman Callahan interjected that the board must have a proposal for the location of Porta-Potties and that the city cannot take the responsibility for paying for it since it is part of the cost of doing business. The total number of them required would be determined by the new director.  

Shea added that since the Festival is bringing in that large enough amounts of people, those individuals must be properly serviced. He also recommended that the number of Porta-Potties required can be sorted out with vendor.  Shea also expressed concern about issues around stage location and the need for a plan to be in place that ensures the 2nd stage is turned to face the ocean.

Caruso stated that the stages will be significantly separate from each other to prevent the sound from going to the homes in the area and offered to bring the sound person to the commission to describe the process if the commission wants it.  

Motion for approval for the Salem Jazz & Soul Festival to use the Salem Willows for August 17th  and 18th, 2013.  Motion made by Shea and 2nd by Everitt.  Passed unanimously.

Motion for approval of 2nd stage.  Motion made by Shea & 2nd by Burke.  Passed unanimously.

Motion for approval for the vendors. Motion by Shea & 2nd by Burke.  Passed unanimously.  

Motion for Porta-Potties to be required. Motion by Shea & 2nd by Tuttle.  4 in favor. Burke opposed.

Parks & Facility

Recommendation and approval of new Department Director.

Karen Partanen was the candidate they selected and was introduced to the commission by Lisa Cammarata.

Shea requested Everitt describe the process, which involved the interviewing of 8 people by the committee made up of Cammarata, Everitt, Doug Bollen (then Tim Short when Bollen left) and Jason Silva.  The process included interviewing all Salem residents regardless of their qualifications.  Then the hiring committee had Ms. Hartman meet with the Mayor and references were checked. After that the committee unanimously selected Ms. Hartman as their final candidate.

Motion that Hartman’s candidacy be moved to the City Council for approval/confirmation.  Motion by Everitt & 2nd by Shea. Passed Unanimously.


Letter from Doug Bollen – For use of Hawthorn Blvd open space for yard sale event on 11/3. Motion to approve by Shea & 2nd by Everitt. Passed unanimously.

Monthly Report Reviews: Golf-Witch House-Willows Meters-Winter Island (Tim Short)

Golf Course:    Paul Lever requested funds for upkeep as approved by City Council.

Witch House:    Elizabeth is doing well there and they’re showing 0% at the time.  

Willows:        Meter percentages were down by 24% in August and 18.1% in September. Chairman Callahan reminded the commission that they had requested an increase and asked Councilor McCarthy if the discussion had come out of committee at the City Council level.  Councilor McCarthy indicated that he would find out and get back to the commission about that.
Winter Island:  Manager Dave Gilbert has turned things around and revenues are up by 30%


Shea commented that the golf course revenues being up can be attributed to the new manager and asked for consideration at next meeting giving him a little compensation for an outstanding job. Chairman Callahan placed on agenda for new superintendent.

Tuttle requested that the golf superintendent come before the board with a 5 year plan for capital improvements with what he considers the most pressing needs.

Capital Improvements – Working on roof at Mack Park, purchasing lawn mower

Short discussed the Mack Park improvements and indicated that Tom O’Shea will be putting out an RFP, which is not out yet, even though the specs are set.

Shea added that as roofing contractor, the most important item in that spec is that the roof be hand nailed with no allowance for staple gun or nail gun use.

Short indicated that Tom O’Shea will purchase the new lawn mower.  


Short also added that Christine O’Brien, the Commission Minute Taker resigned in an email the previous week. Short reached out to Cammarata for assistance in filling this role. Marsha Finkelstein is currently the new minute taker.

Superintendent’s Report

Recreation – Department Logo, Costume Swap, Breakfast with Santa

Department Logo

Shorted received several positive inquiries and two actual entries for the $250 prize for a new logo.  He had emailed Salem State University’s design department and received a notification back that they were not interested in participating. Short added that an attempt to reach out to Salem High School were met with no response.  

Callahan recommended they keep it open for at least another month.  

Costume Swap

Short indicated that 30 people participated in the event, including Mayor Driscoll, and that it was a successful example of ways to participate in a “Green Halloween” saving money for the participants.

Breakfast with Santa

Short confirmed that it will be held at the Park & Recreation offices on December 8th date and a grant request has been submitted to Walmart to subsidize the cost.

Parks & Facility (Continued)

Golf use by employees – from last month to this month, not much use. 8 total rounds

Gonyea Park – Rededication attended by Mayor Driscoll & Tim Short. Residents were happy with what’s been accomplished and the playground is a small one for the children and there’s a good size open space as well.

Splaine Park – Tom O’Shea is going to get started next month. They’re on a tight timetable and if they can’t break ground soon, it may have to wait until spring.

Old Business

Chairman Callahan gave his thanks to Tim Short for doing a great job.  Camarrata added that there are no complaints in HR and they’re very happy Short is here.

New Business


Adjournment at 8:10pm.  Motion made by Everitt & 2nd by Shea.  Next meeting will be on November 20, 2012