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2012 September Minutes
      Salem Park & Recreation Commission  
                                         Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
                                                       Minutes of  Meeting

Date and Time:         Tuesday, Sept 18, 6:48 p.m.
Meeting Location:    5 Broad St.
Members Present:    Chair Bob Callahan, Chris Burke,  Amy Everitt, Leslie Tuttle
Members Absent:      James Shea
Others Present:         Tim Short, Supervisor, Salem Parks, Recreation and Community Services
Recorder:                   Christine O’Brien

Meeting Called to Order
The meeting is called to order by Chairman Callahan at 6:48pm.

Approval of August minutes
A motion to accept the minutes of the August 21st  meeting is made by Everitt, seconded by Tuttle, and passes unanimously.

Ellen Talkowsky – Discussion and vote on Haunted Happenings events on the Common
Talkowsky distributes information detailing a request for use of various locations for events to be held during Haunted Happenings.  She is requesting authorization to use the Common between the dates of October 4th through the 31st for various events including the grand opening and parade, dog costume contest, movie nights, children’s activities and nightly entertainment.  Parties of New England has been working with the neighborhood community on event planning.  She is also requesting approval to use the island along Hawthorne Boulevard during the dates of October 6th, 7th, and the 31st to accommodate  the Chamber of Commerce’s Biz Baz, vendors and entertainment.  Additionally, she requests use of Franklin Park on October 31st for the fireworks display on Halloween night, signaling the conclusion of Haunted Happenings.  She states that money from the Fiesta food court and carnival is used to cover most expenses of the festival.

Burke asks about the clearing process for persons running children’s activities.  Talkowsky responds that the state holds inspections, licensing is verified, and CORI forms are reviewed.

Callahan entertains a motion be made to include last minute additions to the schedule, to allow Talkowsky to operate without needing to appear before the Board again.

Burke makes a motion to grant Talkowsky permission to use the requested locations for all events and activities scheduled for Haunted Happenings, including any additions, during the month of October, which is seconded by Tuttle, and passes unanimously.

Tom St. Pierre – Discussion and vote on tree removal at Palmer Cove
St. Pierre presents a blueprint of the new addition to be constructed at Palmer Cove, and indicates the location of the trees needing to be removed.  He requests permission to remove the trees, and says that some old stumps will be cleared as well.  He reports that North Shore Vocational is ready, and that he hopes to begin on October 1st.

Callahan inquires if the trees will be replaced.  St. Pierre replies that there is funding to replace two or three trees in the budget.  Burke asks if he would consider elms, as the city lost many due to disease, and St. Pierre will look into that possibility.

Everitt makes a motion to approve the removal of trees at Palmer Cove in conjunction with the construction of the new addition, which is seconded by Tuttle, and passes unanimously.

Russ Leonardo – Discussion and vote on use of Forest River Park for Maven celebration
Short introduces Leonardo, a druid high priest witch, to the Commission.  Leonardo asks for permission to use a section of Forest River Park up on the hill looking out to the bay to hold a Maven ritual on September 21st.  He gives a brief history of the ritual, and gives details of the gathering he wants to hold to celebrate the second harvest season.

Callahan asks about the number of people expected to attend, timing, and if candles could be substituted for an actual fire.
Leonardo replies that he expects around 15 people, would like to use the location beginning at 4pm for about an hour, and would be fine with using candles.  He also states that he would hope to schedule rituals on an ongoing basis about every six weeks.  Callahan replies that he would need to come before the Board before each event.

Burke requests that a written application be submitted.

Tuttle makes a motion to grant Leonardo approval for use of Forest River Park on September 21st between the hours of 4pm to 5:30pm for the purpose of the ritual, which is seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.

Short will secure a written permit request from Leonardo.


Financial Reports – Golf, Witch House, Meters, Winter Island
Short distributes the monthly reports to Commission members.

Golf – Short reports that revenue is up by 86% for the 2013 fiscal year, and suggests that this is due to the excellent job that Scott MacDonald and Paul Lever are doing.  Members of the Commission concur.

Witch House – Short reports that revenue is again up, and that Elizabeth is anticipating and ready for a great Halloween season.

Meters – Callahan reports that revenue is up on average about 195% per month.  Callahan says that the request to increase meter fees is still awaiting City Council action.

Winter Island – Short reports that revenue is up approximately 20% for July and August.

Capital – Work continues on the Castle Hill playground and the house roof at Mack Park.  Short is expecting an update from Tom O’Shae soon.  Callahan asks the status of an RFP to find a tenant for the vacant house at Mack Park.  Short replies that this will wait on the hiring of a new Parks and Recreation Director.

Superintendent’s Report

Short provides copies of the new Recreation booklet to members of the Commission.  The booklets will be mailed to the general public the end of the week.  Short notes the addition of program icons in the book.  The Board expresses approval of the book.

The NFL Punt, Pass & Kick event to be held in partnership with the Boys and Girls Club was postponed due to rain.  No new date has been set.

The Run@Work Day, a national event, will be held on Sept 21st on the Common, supported by the Wicked Running Club.  The event is held to encourage exercise and good health.  Callahan suggests that exercise could be encouraged with something like a walking club for seniors or others who do not run.  Other suggestions include having a trash cleanup program sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department.

Short states that he has received several entries in the new department logo contest.  He expects to email the entries to the Commission for a vote in October.  Everitt suggests that Short contact Ben Gross,  the Chair of the Salem State Art Department to solicit more entries.  Short will send a letter with a cc to Everitt.

Short says that a Costume Swap will be held on the Common on October 13th.  Members of the Board suggest that he talk with Ellen Talkowsky about the possibility of including it in the Haunted Happenings event.

Parks & Facility
Hiring of new Director -
Everitt reports that the Mayor’s committee, including Lisa Cammarata, Director of HR, Doug Bollen, Tim Short, and herself, has interviewed a total of seven applicants.  One applicant has surfaced as the best candidate, and has met with the Mayor.  Everitt asks if the Commission needs to meet her in person.  Callahan, and members of the Commission, feel that they would support the Mayor’s recommendation without the need to have the candidate appear before the Board.

Palmer Cove infield update –
Short reports that Tom O’Shae and Frank Taormina have not yet received the signed contract.

Golf Course appropriation –
Short says that it was given to the Finance Department and the Mayor’s office, but has no word on whether or not it’s gone to Council.

Golf use by employees –
Short provides an update on the amount of free play by employees at the course.  It’s agreed that the program is a good benefit,  is not being abused, and will continue.

Playgrounds –
Gonyea Park is nearing completion.  Tom O’Shae is following up on an issue with the mulch.  Tom Devine reports that work at Splaine Park is scheduled to begin at the end of the month.

Callahan states the pathway between Carlton School and the March Street playground needs to be cleared.

Old Business
Callahan makes a presentation to Tuttle of a plaque recognizing her service as Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission.  Callahan and Board members express their appreciation for her efforts.

New Business  - See above under Visitors

Adjournment Next Meeting October 16, 2012
A motion to adjourn is made by Everitt, seconded by Tuttle, and passes unanimously.
Callahan adjourns the meeting at 7:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Christine O’Brien
Clerk, Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
2012 Sept