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2012 May minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission                         
                                                                          DRAFT MINUTES
                                         Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
                                                       Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:         Tuesday, May 15,  6:45 p.m.
Meeting Location:    5 Broad St.
Members Present:    Chair Bob Callahan, Chris Burke, James Shea, Amy Everitt,
Members Absent:     Leslie Tuttle
Others Present:         Doug Bollen, Director, Salem Parks, Recreation and Community Services
                                   Robert McCarthy, Ward 1 Councilor
Recorder:                   Christine O’Brien

Meeting Called to Order
The meeting is called to order by Chairman Callahan at 6:45pm.

Approval of March minutes
A motion to accept the minutes of the March 20th meeting is made by Burke, seconded by Shea, and passes unanimously.


Sergeant Harry Rocheville and Sergeant Dennis King, and Building Inspector Tom St. Pierre – Discussion and vote on new addition to building on Leavitt Street
Building Inspector Tom St.Pierre requests permission to build an addition onto the building on Leavitt Street in Palmer’s Cove.  The building is used in collaboration with the Plummer Home for Boys, the Juvenile Probation Department and the Police Department.  The addition is proposed to be approximately 24’x24’, will be funded by a grant, and will be constructed by North Shore Vocational students.  Sgt. Rocheville states that the current building is not large enough to accommodate the 200-300 youth, and all of the services required by the probation process.  He presents a copy of the proposal to the Board.

Callahan asks if there are any questions from the Board members.  Burke says that he has met with the Mayor to discuss the baseball field at the same location, and asks if the addition proposal could be modified to include bathrooms to be used during games for team members.  St.Pierre agrees to cost out the addition of bathrooms.  Burke will ask for a grant for field improvements.

Shea makes a motion to grant permission to build an addition to the Leavitt St. building, pending building permit, which is seconded by Burke and passes unanimously.

Ellen Talkowsky – Discussion and vote on permission to film at the Salem Commons, Gallows Hill and Winter Island
Talkowsky says she is the coordinator for the Salem film office, and that all requests will be presented by her.  She presents three requests for permission to film at Salem locations.

The first concerns a request by Ryan Davis of Fifth Rule Entertainment.  He is requesting permission to film around a bench on Salem Commons for approximately two hours on Sunday, May 20th.  The cast and crew would be about six people.

Shea makes a motion to permit filming by Fifth Rule Entertainment on the requested date, May 20th, at Salem Commons which is seconded by Everitt and passes unanimously.

The second is a request by Phil DiPrima of 48 Hour Film Project to film the exterior of the Barracks on Winter Island.  People present at the location would be about seven.  The requested date is May 19th, which has been reviewed by Bollen who discussed with the manager of Winter Island.  If permission is granted, DiPrima is requesting that a location release be signed by Doug Bollen.

Shea makes a motion to approve filming at the Barracks location on Winter Island on May 19th by the 48 Hour Film Project.  The motion is seconded by Burke and passes unanimously.

The third request is for permission for Heather Murphy Film Studios to film on Gallows Hill on May 21 through May 23.  Filming is for the History Channel, and will have a focus on witchcraft and other paranormal events.  They are also requesting that a release form be signed upon approval.  Burke inquires if the City will receive any monetary benefit from the project.  Talkowsky has requested and expects that a donation will be made.

Shea makes a motion to approve filming by the Heather Murphy Film Studios on Gallows Hill on May 21 through May 23rd.  The motion is seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.

Dan Shuman, Kurt Maw, David Greenway – Discussion and vote on permission to use Salem Commons for a bike race
Shuman requests permission to use the Commons on Wednesday, August 8th, for the Witches Cup bike race.  A beer tent
has been approved by the City Council.

Shea makes a motion to approve use of the Salem Commons on August 8th for the Witches Cup bike race.  Everitt seconds the motion, and it passes unanimously.

Adam Fitch – Discussion and vote on permission to use Gallows Hill for The Running Dead road race
Fitch requests use of Gallows Hill for a 5K trail and road race to be held on September 29th.  He will arrange for a police detail and EMT.  Profits will be donated to the Mass. General Hospital Fighting Children’s Cancer One Step at a Time charity.  Callahan says that Salem has several local organizations that are in need of money, and suggests that some of the profits be earmarked for them.  Fitch replies that that is doable.  

Shea makes a motion to approve use of Gallows Hill on September 29th for a costumed road race.  The motion is seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.

Paul Marquis – Discussion on Spin Salem
Marquis states that he is before the Board to offer information on Spin Salem and to entertain any questions members may have.  He partners with Salem State University and the Hawthorne Inn, and manages two hubs, one at the Salem State campus, and one on Hawthorne Boulevard, for Spin Salem.  The public is offered use of the bicycles at no charge.  He hopes to gain national recognition as a bike friendly city.  The original $25,000 funded for the project has been depleted.  He hopes to expand the program to offer more hubs, but will need additional support.  Discussion ensues as to how to improve, expand and sustain the program, including the option to have “open” hubs which allow persons to take and return bikes to different locations.  Callahan suggests Marquis continue to work with Bollen on future plans.

Maria Vazquez – Discussion and vote on permission to use Mary Jane Lee Park for a religious event
Esther Jones introduces DelaCruz and Vazquez as representatives of the Ministries of Restoration and the Congregation of Evangelical Ministries, and herself as translator. They are requesting use of Mary Jane Lee Park for a music and worship event to be held on Saturday, July 14th between the hours of noon and 8 pm.  It is anticipated that about 100 people will attend.

Shea makes a motion to approve the use of Mary Jane Lee Park on July 14th for a music and worship event.  The motion is seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.
Burke asks if alcohol will be served, and expresses concern about the length of time of the event.   Jones relays DelaCruz’ responses that food, but no alcohol will be served.  He asks if five hours for music, and worship would be acceptable.

Callahan says that that would be acceptable, and to be aware that the police have the right to close down the event if noise becomes excessive.

Burke makes a motion to amend the original motion to approve use of the park between the hours of noon to 8 pm, and to limit amplified music and preaching to five hours.  Shea seconds the amended motion, which passes unanimously.

Councilor McCarthy asks for contacts for the event, and asks what plans are being made for trash and recycling.  Callahan states that the event coordinators are responsible for trash collection, removal, and recycling, and asks them to work with Bollen to that end.  Contact information will be provided for DelaCruz, Pastor Moses and Jones.

Susan St. Pierre, Michael Medlock – Discussion and vote on proposal for RFP for boat service shuttle to local islands
Medlock introduces himself as president of Sea Station, a non-profit organization providing maritime education, research and recreational activities.  It is his hope to initiate a ferry between Salem Willows and Misery Island to allow for educational tours and recreation.  He has gained the support of the Trustees of Reservations, Coast Watch, and the Harbormaster.  He is currently working on a contract for this purpose.  He is requesting that he may offer an RFP for use of the floats and ramps at the Willows, and use of the old police station for the 2013 season.  The old police station would be used as a base of operations, to support education and ticketing.  Medlock says that free educational trips could be offered to Salem school children in consideration of a lower lease fee.  Callahan states that any RFP put out by the Board would not be exclusive.

Everitt makes a motion to put out an RFP for use of the floats, ramps, and the old police station on the Willows for the 2013 season.  Shea seconds the motion.

Callahan opens the floor for discussion.  Topics include liability, insurance, impact to the general public, security, purchase of a landing craft, and rent considerations.  Bollen will work with the purchasing agent to draft a comprehensive RFP

The notion passes unanimously.

Leah Goodman, Christos Douroudis – Discussion and vote for Paddle Surfing business at Salem Willows
Douroudis and Goodman request permission to operate a seasonal stand up paddle business at the Willows.  The business would offer paddle board, yoga, fitness courses and recreational activities for ages six and up.  Goodman asks for beach and storage space.  In consideration of storage space, Goodman would offer to give back to the city 2-4 classes per month which would be free to the community.  Bollen suggests that the old men’s room may be available for storage.  Shea inquires if there would be revenue for the Parks and Rec department.  Bollen suggests that a one year license be granted and that volunteer arrangements for pay back to the city be made in lieu of rent.  Depending on the success of the program, an RFP would be submitted for future years.

Shea makes a motion to approve the setup and operation of a seasonal stand up paddle business at the Willows, dependent upon Bollen’s approval of all of the details to be worked out, including the offering of classes in lieu of rent.  Everitt seconds the motion, and it passes unanimously.

Joyce Winkler (Bob McCarthy) – Discussion and vote on use of Peabody Park for an event on May 31st
Jackie Giordano, North Shore Community Development Coalition, represents Winkler in asking for permission to use Peabody Park for the Youth Get to the Point celebration to be held on May 31st.

A motion is made by Shea to approve use of Peabody Park for an event to be held on May 31st, as requested.  Everitt seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.

Naomi Cottrell (Michelle Crowley Landscape Architecture) – Presentation of Splaine Park Design
Tom Devine of Salem’s Department of Community Development introduces Naomi Cottrell. Cottrell gives a brief history of the public meetings which have served as a source of neighborhood input in the design process.  Cottrell gives a slide presentation on the proposed design for Splaine Park.  Several proposed features are mentioned including a flash cam, playground equipment, dog park, and lighting.  After the presentation, she offers to answer questions from the Board.

Members of the Board share comments and concerns about some of the proposed features.  Shea makes a motion to give preliminary approval of the design plan, allowing Bollen and Burke (members of the Steering Committee) to resolve any outstanding issues.  Burke seconds the motion, and it passes unanimously.

Callahan makes a motion to amend the original motion to include determination of legal sign-off of the plan.

The Board thanks Cottrell for her presentation.


Finance Report
Golf-Witch House-Meters-Winter Island – review revenue monthly report
Bollen reports that Golf is doing very well, and should break $600,000 this year.
The Witch House is having a record season and expects to make over $200,000 this year.
Meters have just received a deposit of $2,100.
Winter Island has been a little low for April, but is expected to do better in May, per Dave Gilbert.

Superintendent’s Report
Recreation – Report Rec Booklet mailing, summer staff
Bollen says that the Recreation Booklet for 2012 was mailed to about 20,000 homes.
Hiring for summer staff is ongoing.

Parks & Facility
Splaine Park – Update on project
See above.

Bike Safety flyer – Review flyer prepared by Bike Path committee
Frank Taormina has requested that he be permitted to add the Parks and Recreation Commission approval to the flyer.  The Commission states its support of the flyer.

Requisitions for Proposal – Update on status of Lighthouse and Food Trucks
Bollen says he has received three bids on the painting of the Lighthouse.  A legal ad has been published for the Food Trucks on Winter Island.  

Playgrounds – update on playgrounds since 2009
Bollen distributes information on enhancements to playgrounds from 2009 to the present.  Current efforts include Splaine Park, Forest River Park and Gonyea Park.

Horse Shoe Pit – Friends of Winter Island donation
The Board approves the donation of a horse shoe pit by the Friends of Winter Island.

Furlong Park – Update on improvements and discussion of ribbon cutting date
Bollen reports that the park looks great, and a date needs to be set for the ribbon cutting.  It could be set along with the dedication of O’Leary Park.

Mayor’s Cup Golf Tournament – June 2, 2012
Response to the tournament has been slow.  A decision needs to be made in the near future if the event will be cancelled.

Old Business

New Business
Ashley Steeves, Dave Gilbert – Liquor license

Ashley Steeves (B&S) updates the Board on procurement of a liquor license for an event at Winter Island.  A permit to use the Pavilion was previously granted for the after party of the Extreme Urban 5k run by Dave Gilbert.  A one day license was granted by the Licensing Board contingent on approval by the Parks and Recreation Commission.  It was noted by Callahan that because the event is open to the general public, the correct procedure would have been to gain approval from Parks and Rec prior to making a request to the Licensing Board.  

A motion to approve permission to serve beer at the after party barbecue to be held at the Winter Island pavilion is made by Shea, seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.

Adjournment Next Meeting May 15, 2012
A motion to adjourn is made by Shea, seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.
The meeting ends at 9:40pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Christine O’Brien
Clerk, Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
2012 May