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2012 March minutes
      Salem Park & Recreation Commission                         

                                                                           DRAFT MINUTES
                                         Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
                                                       Minutes of  Meeting

Date and Time:         Tuesday,  March 20,  6:45 p.m.
Meeting Location:    5 Broad St.
Members Present:    Chair Bob Callahan, Chris Burke,  Amy Everitt, Leslie Tuttle
Members Absent:     James Shea
Others Present:         Doug  Bollen,  Director, Salem Parks, Recreation and Community Services
                                   Robert McCarthy,  Ward 1 Councilor
Recorder:                   Christine O’Brien

Meeting Called to Order
The meeting is called to order by Chairman Callahan at 6:50pm.

Approval of February minutes
Callahan confirms that members of the Board have reviewed the February minutes.
A motion to accept minutes of the February 29  meeting  is made by Burke, seconded by Tuttle, and passes unanimously.


Mamadou Diop, Frank Taormina –Discussion and vote on summer concert series at Peabody Park
Frank Taormina, City Planning and Community Development, requests approval for a concert series to be held at 15 Peabody Street Park during the summer months.  The park and existing performance canopy has been underutilized.  The series would be scheduled every other Sunday between 3 and 6 pm beginning on June 2nd  and running through the end of September.  Local musicians would offer their talents free to the audience.  A packet was distributed detailing the proposal.

Diop reports that he has been contacted numerous times by the neighborhood to coordinate concerts.  He says that he will be able to arrange for local musicians because of his numerous contacts in the music world.  He also stresses that these concerts would serve as common ground to unite the neighborhood.

Callahan commends Diop on previous concerts held around the city.  He states that he agrees that the park has been underutilized, and that this is a great idea which would draw locals and tourists as well.  

Everitt makes a motion to approve use of the Peabody Street Park for the summer concert series.  The motion is seconded by Tuttle, and passes unanimously.

Julie Rose – Discussion on Recycling at events
Rose presents a draft of the proposed recycling program to the Board.  The draft outlines responsibilities for recycling at events occurring in parks and other public spaces within the city.   Recycling bins owned by the city may be loaned out, free of charge, to event organizers.  It is the responsibility of the event organizer to insure that recyclables are disposed of properly.  She states that the draft has been reviewed and approved by the City Solicitor and Licensing Board.  

Tuttle asks if Northside Carting will charge a fee for pickup of the bins in the event the organizer requests their services.  Rose replies that she would make any arrangements with Northside Carting for large events.

Everitt asks if existing applications will need to be modified to include recycling requirements.  Bollen replies that they will.  Burke asks if there are specific times at which North Shore Recycled Fibers will accept drop offs.  Rose says that hours are M-F 8am-4pm and some Saturdays.  She says that the first year will be a pilot, and she will make arrangements as needed.  Callahan says that organizers will need to come before the Board, and any clarification can be worked out at that time.  

A motion to approve the concept and program to require recycling at public events is made by Everitt, seconded by Tuttle, and passes unanimously.

Paul Marquis – Discussion and vote for SpinSalem area at Hawthorne Boulevard
Not present.

Lisa Spence – Discussion and vote for placement of Community Gardens
Spence introduces members Brett Mentuck, Lorena Hawkins, and ??.  Brett reports that the previous list of location possibilities which was narrowed to Waterfront Park and Fort Lee has been further reviewed.  Waterfront Park has subsequently been eliminated due to space limitations and lack of sun.  Community Gardens hopes to pursue Fort Lee, but won’t be able to get funding until 2013.  Handouts were presented offering three options for continuing use of Winter Island for the gardens for 2012, including closing/clearing the current location, reconfiguring the gardens to clear the slope for parking, and moving the fence to allow additional parking in the shaded area in front of the existing gardens.  Additionally, SCG has provided a proposal for locating the gardens at the Fort Lee site.

A discussion follows including members of the audience.  Councilor McCarthy inquires as to the criteria for selecting a garden location.  Brett replies that space, water, sun, and the support of the neighborhood are primary factors.  McCarthy says that he supports Community Gardens but feels that Fort Lee would be better suited as a location.  Brett states that Fort Lee would be the goal for 2013 because the group is not financially able to pursue this option in 2012.  Dave Gilbert, Winter Island Manager, states that the current location will impact him negatively in the coming year, and, consequently would support option 1 – removing the gardens from Winter Island.  Callahan states that the current space would not be used for parking, but to accommodate use of the area by the larger public.  Carolyn McGuire says that the current gardens are an asset, and that the public is welcome to walk through them.   Tuttle believes that the gardens benefit the general public, and says that the gardens were to be included in the master plan. The inability to find a permanent location on Winter Island has put SCG in a very difficult position, and the Commission should support them.  Burke agrees with Tuttle that the gardens are a benefit to the community at large, and that the Commission should find an accommodation for them.  Brett replies that option 2 – reconfiguration of the gardens to allow for additional parking would be her preference.  Everitt agrees with Tuttle and Burke that a compromise should be offered.  She asks Gilbert which option would be better in his opinion.  He replies option 2.  McCarthy reports that some neighborhoods have complained about the lack of cleanup at season’s end.  Spence says that they continue to improve the language and enforcement of the Gardener’s Code of  Conduct, including cleanup, every year.  Callahan wants a commitment that the plots will be dismantled and removed at the end of the 2012 season, and says that non-compliance may affect future requests.  SCG agrees to this request.

Burke makes a motion to approve option 2 – reconfiguration of the gardens on Winter Island for 2012.  Everitt seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.

Matt Caruso, Larry Claflin – Discussion and vote on having food trucks at Jazz and Soul festival at Salem Willows in August
Caruso gives a brief history of the proposal and feedback on inclusion of food trucks at the Jazz and Soul festival.  Councilor McCarthy states that he whole heartedly supports the festival, but Willows vendor feedback has been negative.  He has concerns that approving the addition of food trucks will set an unwelcome precedent.  Charlie Hobbs is recognized by Chairman Callahan and reinforces McCarthy’s comments.  He states that the addition of food trucks will negatively impact his seasonal business. Priscilla Hobbs says that some of the food truck menu items, including beverages and vegetarian offerings, are in competition with items she sells.  

Callahan asks if anyone has approached the Willows merchants about adding to their menus to offer the variety Caruso wants.  Caruso replies that that has not happened.  Claflin says that the use of trucks would not only provide food variety, but would serve to increase the geographic footprint of the festival, allowing better flow of anticipated crowds.  He expects the number of visitors to the festival to increase by 20 to 40 percent this year.

Steve Dibble is recognized and says that he wants to protect the Willows vendors, but suggests that they might be able to extend their businesses onto park property in some fashion.  He suggests a compromise be found.  Claflin says that he is open to working with the Willows vendors to provide menu variety, and would not push the use of food trucks if a compromise can be determined.  Hobbs states that they would appreciate the opportunity to expand their menu, and feels that fellow merchants would follow suit.

Callahan encourages organizers of the festival to continue discussions with the vendors and suggests tabling a vote until a new concept can be worked out.   Members of the Commission agree to review any new proposal at a future date.  

Tim Reedy – Discussion and vote on veterans discount at McCabe Marina
Reedy comments on discounts offered at the golf course, and proposes additional discounts for seniors and veterans for all programs managed by the Park and Recreation Commission. Callahan asks if Reedy is requesting that the Board revisit discounts across the board, to which Reedy answers yes.  Bollen says that the program booklets detailing costs are at the printer, and due to come out next week. Many senior and veteran discounts are already offered.  Tuttle asks if a spreadsheet could be prepared containing information for all programs and events.  Bollen states that this would require considerable effort as there are over 100 different programs offered.  Callahan suggests that the subject be tabled to allow Bollen time to prepare. Bollen will notify Reedy when a discussion on the topic of possible fee changes will be held in a future meeting.

Sarah Gagnon – Discussion and vote on dog park fundraiser at Leslie’s Retreat
Gagnon of the Space organization requests use of Leslie’s Retreat Park for a dog park fundraiser on July 14th between the hours of 11am to 3pm.  She says that “pooch” pass funds in 2010 have allowed for the creation of an additional small dog park.  She hopes to hold a “Dog Days of Summer” event at the park to raise more funds.  Dog friendly vendors would be invited to purchase a sponsorship which would allow them to advertise and display and sell merchandise.  Bollen has confirmed that the proposed date is available.  

Burke inquires about the money raised by selling passes.  Gagnon says that the money goes directly to the City, and then is granted through Bollen.  It is a non-profit organization.  Tuttle asks about the possibility of providing benches at the park.  Gagnon reports that they are currently working on getting lighting and an awning, and potentially benches to be used in lieu of fencing.  Callahan states that Board of Health and Licensing permits will be required.

Burke makes a motion to approve use of Leslie’s Retreat Park on July 14th for a dog park fundraiser.  Everitt seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.

Don Armell - vote and discussion on use of Salem Common for Fidelico dog walk
Armell introduces himself as a representative of the Salem Lions Club.  The organization raises money for Fidelico, a non-profit group which trains and places guide dogs.  He requests use of Salem Commons for  a fundraiser to be held on June 10th between the hours of 10am and 3pm.  Activities would include a walk along a route to be defined with the cooperation of the Police department, and guide dog demonstrations, and vendors offering dog-related products for sale.  Bollen states that Armell would need to provide an application (road race form) determining the finalized walk route, and offers to send one out.  Callahan says that the extended route would need to be approved by the Police and City Council for road closures.

Everitt makes a motion to approve use of the Salem Common for the Fidelico dog walk, with the fee waived.  Tuttle seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.

Keith Langlois – discussion and vote on fitness stations at Forest River Park
Langlois is proposing the creation of a fitness trail including six fitness stations at Forest River Park.  He has provided a packet detailing his proposal to the Board.  Salem State University is working to secure funding and expects to provide project support.  He is working on a proposal to Home Depot to construct and be responsible for upkeep once the trail has been developed.  In consideration of these efforts, Home Depot would be acknowledged on a small plaque.  Expected budget is $2500 for construction, and $250 annually to be used for upkeep for the first ten years.

Everitt asks for clarification of Salem State University’s involvement.  Langlois replies that Professor Smoley intends to create a credited class of volunteers to support the effort.  Everitt requests that the proposal be updated to more accurately  reflect the University’s role.

Burke makes a motion to grant preliminary approval of the location at Forest River Park, depending on funding, for a fitness trail.  Tuttle seconds the motion.  Everitt recues herself because of her employment at Salem State College.  The motion to grant preliminary approval of the location and to pursue funding passes unanimously.

 The Board supports Langlois in his effort to pursue funding.  Once a secure commitment to funding has been obtained, Langlois will need to appear before the Board with a definitive proposal for final approval.

Julie Pottier-Brown – Discussion and vote for Farm Direct Coop at Leslie’s Retreat

Bollen has provided a letter from Pottier-Brown, Operations Manager of the Direct Farm Coop.  She is requesting use of
Leslie’s Retreat Walkway for a farmers’ market to be held Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 5th through November 20th, 2012.  Bollen recommends approval of the request.

Tuttle makes a motion to approve use of Leslie’s Retreat Walkway for the farmers’ market to be held Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 5th through November 20th.   Everitt seconds the motion, and it passes unanimously.

Finance Report
Golf-Witch House-Meters-Winter Island – review revenue monthly reports
Bollen reports that the golf course opened on Saturday, March 17th.  People are already buying passes and he expects March to be a good month.

The Witch House has been picking up and revenues are anticipated to be way ahead of last year.

There is no update on the doubling of meter rates, currently being reviewed in City Council.

Gilbert began taking reservations at Winter Island in January and February, and he expects to do better than last year.  People are being hired.

Superintendent’s Report
Recreation – Report Rec Booklet at printers, 5k race coming at golf course March 25
Bollen says that the Recreation Booklet for 2012 is at the printers and is planned to go out to about 20,000 homes this week.  It includes eight pages of ads which brought in about $4,000.  Monies from these ads go into the revolving fund.  He says that there are numerous new programs being offered.

The 10th annual 5k race will be held on March 25th at Olde Salem Green.  250 participants have already registered, and another 100 are anticipated.

Bollen states that the Park and Recreation department has a new Facebook page that is being updated regularly with photos and events.

Parks & Facility
Splaine Park – update on grant proposal
Bollen states eight proposals have been reviewed and that three landscapers have been selected for interviews.  There is a budget of almost $700,000 and a planned start date of August 1.  A focus steering committee is being created.  Bollen invites board members to participate in the steering committee.

Requisitions for Proposals – update on status Boat cruise lines
Maui Maui is being finalized.  

Kayaking – vote and discussion on license for one year to rent kayaks
The previous entity did not bid due to last year’s unprofitable experience at the Willows.  Bollen suggests offering a lease to operate on weekends at Winter Island.  Tuttle says she would support that idea.  Burke asks if the previous entity is licensed and insured.  Bollen affirms that they are.  Callahan recommends that Bollen work with the previous managers to come up with a proposal which may be presented at next month’s meeting.

Playgrounds – update on Gonyea and Forest River Park playground plans
Bollen reports that he is interviewing three companies for playground design and construction.  There is a budget of $18,000 for Forest River Park and $12,000 for Gonyea Park.  Gonyea Park must be cleared of contamination issues prior to start.

Salem Willows – update on work being done on curbing
Bollen states that he has a $7,000 quote on fixing curbing and adding limpact to areas that flood.

Baseball field work- report on work being done at fields
Bollen says all of the fields have been roto-tilled, and that scheduling is coming along.  Work on the Marlborough Road project is ongoing.  Planned completion is by Labor Day.

Golf course – update on opening
The course opened on Saturday, March 17th.  Year round and seasonal positions are being filled.
A concession has been granted a lease beginning on April 1st.

Food truck – update on food truck at Winter Island and vote and discussion for RFP for coming season
Bollen reports that there were problems with last year’s concession.  They still owe for one month’s rent, and haven’t responded to efforts to contact them.  Bollen sent a letter asking their intent, but has received no response. They haven’t fulfilled their contractual obligations, and Bollen recommends the Commission ends the lease.  

Tuttle makes a motion to revoke the lease which is seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.

Callahan asks Bollen to put out a new RFP.  

Old Business

New Business

Adjournment Next Meeting April 24, 2012
A motion to adjourn is made by Everitt, seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.
The meeting ends at 8:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Christine O’Brien
Clerk, Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
2012  March