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2012 February minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission                         

               DRAFT MINUTES
                                         Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
                                                       Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:         Tuesday, February 29, 6:50 p.m.
Meeting Location:    5 Broad St.
Members Present:    Chair Bob Callahan, Chris Burke, Leslie Tuttle
Members Absent:     Amy Everitt, James Shea
Others Present:         Doug Bollen, Director, Salem Parks, Recreation and Community Services
                                   Ward 1 Councilor Robert McCarthy
Recorder:                   Christine O’Brien

Meeting Called to Order
The meeting is called to order by Chairman Callahan at 6:50 pm.

Approval of January minutes
Callahan asks members to review the January minutes.
A motion to accept minutes of the January 31st meeting is made by Burke, seconded by Tuttle, and passes unanimously.


Julie Rose, Lynn Murray – Discussion on Recycling at events
Rose, City of Salem Business Manager, states that they would like to increase and make mandatory recycling at public events.  Murray, chair of the Recycling Committee, supports the request, citing the large number of water bottles being put into trash at public events.  She feels that providing clearly marked recycling barrels would alleviate the situation.  Tuttle inquires whether or not the city has recycling barrels.  Rose says that they have used a grant to purchase both small and large barrels, and would bring them to events.  Callahan asks who would be responsible for coordination.  Rose replies that the event coordinator would be responsible for removal of the barrels, and that North Shore Recycled Fibers on Jefferson Avenue would take the contents free of charge.  The City would be responsible for City events.

Callahan asks about the contract with Northside Carting.  Rose replies that Northside Carting collects recyclables and delivers to North Shore Recycle Fiber under a lump sum contract with the city.

Burke asks if a new policy is being requested.  He states that he would want to see a plan developed and written prior to taking a vote on the issue.  Callahan suggests the board should wait on a vote until the plan can be presented.  Since there is a large visitor attendance, Callahan asks if there are any comments from the audience.  Councilor McCarthy says that any new policy could be included with road race permits.  Burke says that the new policy, if voted, should be added to all event permits. Keri Cahill states that she runs a number of events at Winter Island and would support the addition of recycling barrels.  Rose agrees to work with Bollen to draft a written proposal which can be presented at next month’s meeting.

Ellen Talkowsky, Hope Watt-Bucci – Discussion and vote of Gay Pride Parade for June 30, 2012
Talkowsky of the city’s engineering department introduces Watt-Bucci from North Shore Pride to discuss the request to hold a gay pride parade on June 30th.

Watt-Bucci is president of the non-profit North Shore Pride organization.  The organization promotes education aimed at the elimination of bullying and hate crimes experienced by the LGBT community.  She passes out a poster and map of the parade route (Riley Plaza to New Derby, Derby, Hawthorne Blvd. and ending at the Common).  She is requesting use of the Common to hold a celebration to include entertainment, speakers, and vendors, at the end of the parade.  She has already met with the Mayor and other city boards who have agreed to host the event pending the Commission’s approval, and has support from local businesses.  It is hoped that the parade will become an annual event.

Callahan points out that the Commission would be responsible only for granting a permit for use of the Common.  Police, Licensing and Health permits would be required from those departments, and City Council would need to approve any street closures.

Tuttle makes a motion to support use of the Common for the event at a cost of $100 (Salem resident, non-profit fee).  The motion is seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.

Paul Marquis – Discussion and vote for Spin Salem area at Hawthorne Boulevard
Not present., will be at March meeting

Lisa Spence – Discussion and vote for placement of Community Gardens
Spence introduces several members of the Community Gardens group.  Brett Mentuck, co-president board of directors, reports that the group has met on several occasions with Dave Gilbert to find alternate locations on Winter Island, with no success.  Waterfront Park, next to Camp Naumkeag, and Fort Lee (National Historic registered) have been considered.  Callahan asks for clarification on the locations, and Spence distributes an overhead photo of the proposed areas. These areas would be smaller than the temporary site at Winter Island, and have some additional limitations, including excessive shade, the need for terracing, and access to water.  There may also be some issues with public access to Camp Naumkeag which is leased to the YMCA for their summer program.  

Tuttle states that the Commission needs to revisit allowing the plots on Winter Island in keeping with the Master Plan.  Burke says that he proposes that Community Gardens be allowed to remain in the temporary Winter Island space for another year, until a permanent Winter Island site can be determined.  Callahan says that there may be a better use of the current space on Winter Island, and that he supports the use of Fort Lee as an alternate site.  He recommends tabling a vote on Burke’s proposal until all members of the Board are present, and asks Spence to return next month with a written proposal including their preferred alternate site.  Spence agrees to return.

Matt Caruso – Discussion and vote on Jazz and Soul festival at Salem Willows in August
Caruso introduces Sarah Corbett and Kevin Tortorella. of Food Truck Nation who have come in support of allowing the food trucks to be part of the festival.  Caruso reports that he has sent letters to the Willows vendors explaining his proposal to allow food trucks.  He says that feedback has been somewhat uncertain.  He stresses that they continue to grow the festival by bringing new elements each year, and that the use of food truck services is appropriate at this time as people have requested more variety in food offerings.  Councilor McCarthy asks to speak, and states that he is in support of the festival and all it brings to the city, but that he has received negative feedback from the Willows vendors.  Bollen concurs that feedback he has received has not been supportive.  Tortorella gives a brief description of his business.  Burke asks about the number of trucks and menu items Tortorella would be providing.  He also inquires about the financial benefit to the Jazz and Soul festival.  Tuttle says that the city has been open to other vendors during Haunted Happenings.  Ellen Talkowsky states that these vendors pay a flat fee, including licensing, and health permits to the city, and also pay 10% in sales revenues to the city.  Callahan proposes allowing the food trucks for one of the two days.  Based on the Willows vendors input, both days could be granted next year.  Burke responds that he is inclined to allow up to three food trucks for both days this year.  Tuttle agrees with Burke.  It is noted that there are no Willows vendors present at the meeting to offer their input.  Callahan wants the full board to be present for any vote.  Councilor McCarthy requests a map of where the trucks would be stationed and some literature on the food products to be offered.  Callahan asks if menus and prices can be made available at March’s meeting.  Caruso and Tortorella agree to return with the requested information.

Keri Cahill – Discussion and vote on Rebel Shakespeare using Winter Island this summer
Cahill is requesting permission to use Winter Island for the Rebel Shakespeare summer program to run June 27th through August 29th.  She projects an enrollment of about 25 children and about 350 attendees each performance.  Approximately 70% of attendees are Salem residents, and about 30% of attendees receive some financial aid. The program donated $1800 for the replacement of windows on Winter Island as well as other activities in support of Winter Island. Callahan says that parking for performances will need to be coordinated with Dave Gilbert, Winter Island manager.  Cahill states that performances are scheduled in the evenings to lessen the effect on parking.  Gilbert says that the program brings life to the island, and has no issues with parking.

Tuttle makes a motion to approve use of Winter Island for the Rebel Shakespeare summer program, which is seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.

David Smith – Discussion and vote for Sail Salem program at Winter Island
Smith provides handouts detailing the proposed plan for the 2012 season and the 2011 annual report.  He says that he anticipates over 800 children and 100 adults to participate this coming year.  The program will run March 19th through November 15th.  Lessons will be offered between June and August. Children’s advanced beginner lessons have a fee of $140, with a sliding scale for those who are unable to pay the full amount. Of the 30 participants each session, 16 will be free.  The proposed budget for 2012 is $80,000, of which $40,000 must be raised.  Collaboration with Endicott College and Beverly High School will provide additional boats for Sail Salem’s use during the summer months. Smith requests approximately 8 parking stickers for instructors and board members.  Pick up/drop off and parking for adult lessons will continue as in past years.  Dave Gilbert states that parking will not be a problem.  Boat storage will be on Winter Island according to Gilbert’s instructions.

Callahan expresses concerns that not enough Salem children are participating.  Some were waitlisted while non-residents were accepted into the program.  Smith responds that Sail Salem works on a first come, first serve policy.  Callahan wants a concerted effort on behalf of Salem residents and asks that Smith work with Bollen on an advance registration for Salem children.  

Burke makes a motion to approve the 2012 plan for Sail Salem, which is seconded by Tuttle, and passes unanimously.

Smith also requests a phone line into the garage at Sail Salem’s expense.  This should be no problem.

Salem YMCA annual Triathlon -
Bollen reports that the Salem YMCA has requested use of Forest River Park on July 29th to hold their annual Triathlon.

Tuttle makes a motion to approve use of Forest River Park on July 29th for the annual Salem YMCA Triathlon, which is seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.

North Shore Cancer Walk –
Bollen provides a letter from the North Shore Medical Center requesting use of Salem Commons and Salem Willows on June 24th for the North Shore Cancer Walk/Run fundraiser.  

Tuttle makes a motion to approve use of the Salem Commons and Salem Willows on June 24th for the North Shore Cancer Walk/Run fundraiser, which is seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.

Finance Report
Golf-Witch House-Meters-Winter Island – review revenue monthly reports
Bollen comments on the distributed monthly revenue reports. Golf is expected to have an early opening.  The Witch House has had a record setting year.  New software for Winter Island reservations has been implemented and is working well.

Callahan suggests that the reports be approved as written.  Burke makes a motion to accept the monthly revenue reports as written, Tuttle seconds the motion, and the motion passes unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report
Recreation – Report on pool motor, camp director position, road races in Salem
Bollen reports that the backup pool motor that was purchased for $4000 last year has been installed. He is purchasing a back-up one at this time for the upcoming season.

Bollen says that he has posted a position for a day recreation director at Forest River Park.

Bollen states that the road race program is steadily growing, and that a master calendar is being created to facilitate coordination of events between the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Police Department. Road race applications must be presented to Doug Bollen and the Police before they are sent to the city council. The council is asking Park and Recreation to make a recommendation before it reaches them for a vote.

Parks & Facility
New Park – Report on new small park area donated by Ken Steadman
Bollen reports that a new neighborhood basketball court off of Gallows Hill Road is being donated by Ken Steadman. .  A layout must be submitted to the Department of Planning and Community Development and the Park and Recreation Commission for review and approval.  

Tuttle makes a motion to table any vote on the proposed park until further information is available, which is seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.

Splaine Park – update on grant proposal
Bollen reports that a check in the amount of $420,000 from the state has been presented to City and that the city council   has approved matching funds.

Requisitions for Proposals – update on status – golf concession, water taxi, kayaking, boat cruise lines
Bollen says that they are working on a lease for the food concession at Olde Salem Greens.  Brewers Yacht has bid $3500 to offer a water taxi out to moorings.  Parks and Recreation is working on a lease for Maui Maui who has submitted a proposal for the boat cruise.  There have been no proposals for kayaking.  The previous business will not be coming back as it could not be made profitable regardless of concessions offered by the Parks and Recreation Commission.  Callahan proposes putting out an rfp for a one year rental of the kayak building.  

Fields – update on field search for soccer
Bollen reports that the search for soccer fields is coming along.  Geswell Field, Salem State, and Memorial Field are being made available.

Road races in Salem
Bollen reported above.

Playgrounds – update on Gonyea and Forest River Park playground plans
Approximately $30,000 is available.  It is planned to spend $12.000 for a new playground at Gonyea Park, and $18,000 for a small playground at Forest River Park.

Budget – update on FY13 budget preparation
Bollen reports that he has been asked to prepare a level funded budget this year.

Floats – update on new floats for McCabe Marina
Five new floats have been purchased for McCabe Marina from Marblehead Marine at a cost of $19,000.
Old Business

New Business
Callahan advises the Commission that he has received a letter from Tim Reedy asking the Commission to consider providing discounts to veterans at McCabe Marina.  Callahan says that he will put the letter on file, and asks Bollen to invite Reedy to prepare a proposal to be presented at March’s meeting.

Adjournment of Meeting-Next Meeting March 20th  
A motion to adjourn is made by Tuttle, seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.  The meeting ends at 8:50 pm.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 20th.

Respectfully submitted,
Christine O’Brien
Clerk, Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
February 2012