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2012 January minutes

Salem Park & Recreation Commission                         

               DRAFT MINUTES
                                         Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
                                                       Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:         Tuesday, January 31, 6:45 p.m.
Meeting Location:    5 Broad St.
Members Present:    2011 Chair Leslie Tuttle,  Bob Callahan, Chris Burke, Amy Everitt, James Shea
Members Absent:     none
Others Present:         Doug Bollen, Director, Salem Parks, Recreation and Community Services
Recorder:                   Christine O’Brien

Meeting Called to Order
The meeting is called to order by Chairman Tuttle at 6:47 pm.

Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman for 2012 – Discussion and vote
A motion to vote on Chairman and Vice Chairman for 2012 is made by Burke, seconded by Callahan, and passes unanimously.

Shea makes a motion to nominate and elect Callahan for Chairman for 2012, Everitt seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.
Callahan makes a motion to nominate and elect Shea for Vice Chairman for 2012, Everitt seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.

Tuttle passes the gavel to Chairman Callahan.  Chairman Callahan takes over the meeting at 6:49 pm.

Approval of December minutes
Callahan asks members to review the December minutes.
A motion to accept minutes of the December 20th meeting is made by Shea, seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.


Albin Pszenny and John Reardon – vote and discussion on Joe Andruszkiewicz fund using Camp Naumkeag
Reardon addresses the Commission providing the history of the scholarship fund.  The scholarship was initiated about 15 years ago to provide funds for Salem High school students not already receiving monies.  Recipients receive $1000 a year.  Additional funds have been given to the Mayor and the Plummer Home for Boys.  In an effort to keep costs down, Reardon is requesting the use of Camp Naumkeag at no cost.  Burke asks how much was raised last year.  Reardon says approximately $15,000 was raised, and all money went to scholarships.

Shea makes a motion to approve use of Camp Naumkeag on June 16th with the fee waived.  It is seconded by Everitt and passes unanimously.  

Paul Prevey – Discussion and vote on Furlong Park upgrades
Ward 6 Councilor Prevey gives a brief history of the Furlong Park project.  Grant monies have been depleted due to necessary contamination cleanup at the park.  Delays, cutbacks and cost overruns led to some improvements being eliminated.  Kathy Winn, Deputy Director of City Planning discusses the grant and mentions $1.1 million have been spent which includes the clean-up of the contamination. She had to make some cuts due to budget restrains. They did take out the fence and also the rubber matting at the playground.

Prevey is requesting that the Commission consider additional funds be made available to complete the planned improvements, including the ball field and fencing.

Shea says that he prefers the look of the park without a fence. Prevey states that it is a safety concern and that the neighbors want some kind of barrier between the park and the street.  Kathy Winn did say that the cost of a simple post and chain fence would be in the neighborhood of $8000.  Prevey also suggests that there be a formal dedication of the park.

Everitt makes a motion to have the Planning Department cost out the fence and present their findings to the Commission.  Shea seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.

Additionally, they are asking that trash barrels be put back to accommodate the extended use of the park due to unexpectedly warm weather this winter.  Bollen says that should not be a problem.

Justin Morley – Discussion and vote on use of the Shell at the Willows
A representative from Bridgin’ G.A.P.S. requests use of the Willows Shell for two days to put on an event in support of artists and performers of all ages.  It is a green event.  Food will be provided to the artists and volunteers, but not sold to the general public.  Participants do not receive any compensation.  Bridgin’ G.A.P.S. will be responsible for clean up.  Callahan asks about last year’s event.  Bollen reports that there were no problems last year, and that the requested dates are available.

Shea makes a motion to approve use of the Willows Shell for the use of the Bridgin’ G.A.P.S. event on July 7th and 8th.  Burke seconds the motion.  Shea amends the motion to approve use of the Shell and waive fees.  The amended motion is seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.

Matt Caruso, Larry Kaplan – Discussion and vote on Jazz and Soul festival at Salem Willows in August
Caruso says that the festival is going into its sixth year.   It has been providing free concerts in Derby Square and the Willows.  They plan to hold a fund raiser on February 14th   to generate funds for a second stage and weatherization.  They are working with the city and Salem State on a jazz appreciation day.  Proceeds from the festival have provided $5,500 to music education on the North Shore, as well as donation of a Fender jazz bass guitar for Salem High School Jazz Band.  They have contributed approximately $25,000 over the past five years.  

Caruso is requesting use of the Pavilions and Shell at the Willows on August 18th and 19th, between the hours of 10:30am-8pm on Saturday and 11am-6pm on Sunday.  They want to have a beer pavilion between 2-7pm on Saturday and 2-6:30pm on Sunday.  They may put up a second stage and weatherization depending on funding.  They also want to extend into the grassy area in front of the beer pavilion.  Caruso has had discussions with engineering and the police department about these ideas.  Callahan states that the area will need to be fenced, and that the licensing board will need to approve.

Additionally, the festival organizers would like to introduce gourmet food trucks to the event.  Caruso has talked with two of the Willows companies about this.  This proposal generates a good deal of discussion from the Commission.  Shea expresses concerns about competition with the existing Willows vendors.  Callahan wants to give the existing Willows vendors an opportunity to present their concerns.  Larry Claflin states that the addition of food trucks is to provide otherwise unavailable options and to grow the festival.  Caruso and Claflin are invited to come back before the Commission once input from all of the Willows vendors is provided.

A motion to approve the use of the Willows Shell and Pavilion, to exclude the addition of food trucks, is made by Shea, seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.

Callahan says that he will entertain a motion to approve the food trucks at next month’s meeting once the existing vendors have had a chance to voice their opinions.

Erin Bennett – Discussion and vote on HAWC Walk and Run on the Common
Bennett requests approval for use of the Common on May 6th between the hours of 8am-6pm in conjunction with the 20th annual HAWK Walk and Run.

Shea makes a motion to approve use of the Common on May 6th by HAWK, which is seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.

Scott MacDonald, Paul Lever – Discussion and vote on golf fees for 2012 season
Prior to the discussion, Callahan states that the Commission will listen to MacDonald’s presentation in its entirety and ask questions as needed.  Comments only will be welcomed from the audience after the presentation is complete.  Voting will be by line item after comments from the audience.

MacDonald offers background on the reasons for proposing changes to the golf program at Olde Salem Greens. He states that he was hired in the fall to improve management and revenue.  He has provided handouts to the Commission detailing his proposals.   The course is in need of capital improvements.  He presents several options for generating more income.  Options include changing the 7 day pass to 6, moving league play to after 1 pm on weekends, raising rates, and requiring the use of carts during week end league play.  He expects that instituting these suggested changes would increase annual profit by $14,116.  

The Commission is unanimous in appreciation of the effort MacDonald has made in creating his proposals and recommendations.  Shea supports rate increases, but is not in favor of forcing cart rentals.  He suggests that all recommendations need not be made at once.  Callahan agrees that a slower approach to change would be better.  The golf course has done very well, and income continues to improve every year.  The presence of the new golf manager and better management should do much to improve revenue without making drastic changes.  He is not in favor of forcing cart rentals.  He says that it is his opinion that the Commission must keep in mind that this is a public course and that it is more important to serve the publics’ needs than to make a bigger profit.  Tuttle is in support of MacDonald’s ideas, but wants to keep the big picture in mind.  Everitt acknowledges the Commission’s responsibility to maintain the course, and requests a working list from MacDonald on capital improvements and repairs.  Burke says he is inclined to approve MacDonald’s proposals.  

Callahan opens the floor for comments from the audience.  John Bertini has been playing with a Saturday morning league at Salem Greens for 40-45 years.  He is opposed to forcing leagues to use carts.  Maureen Keith has been in a morning league for 20 years.  She is opposed to moving league play until after 1pm, as well as requiring carts.   She says there have been times when there are not enough carts now.  Ed Bennett plays in two leagues and reminds the Commission that league money is paid upfront and guaranteed.  He says leagues will leave if they are forced to give up their morning tee times.  He also is opposed to carts being required.  Dave Doyle plays in a week end league and says his league pays about $15,000 in season passes and guaranteed tee times.  T.C. Riley-Goggin says that the Commission supports its parks financially, and that Salem Greens should be considered an adult playground.  Its main function should not be to make a profit.  Ron Halloran asks the Commission to look into using seniors to work at the course as a way to cut costs.  Callahan says they will consider that.  John Reardon says that he doesn’t belong to a league, but fears that the leagues will go elsewhere, and the course will lose money.  Chuck Benyue is a season pass holder, and feels that people will go elsewhere.  Mike Lowell asks the Commission to consider the idea that the main purpose of the course is to provide recreation, and not to make a profit.  Paul Lever, golf course superintendant, states that MacDonald’s proposal is a list of recommendations only, and that it falls to the manager to make necessary, tough decisions.  Callahan states that it is time for the Board to vote on the proposed changes.

Recommendations are considered one at a time with the following results.

Burke makes a motion to approve changing the 7 day pass to 6 days plus play after 1pm on Sunday at a cost of $1400.  Tuttle questions if this would affect Sunday morning league play.  MacDonald responds that Sunday morning league tee times would continue, only the cost of the pass would change, and passes would not be allowed for Sunday morning league play. Tuttle seconds, and the motion does not pass.    

Everitt makes a motion to allow the manager to schedule 3-4 public tee times between league play on Sunday mornings, which is seconded by Tuttle and passes unanimously.

Everitt makes a motion to allow the manager to schedule 3-4 public tee times between league play on Sunday mornings, which is seconded by Tuttle and passes unanimously.

Rate changes –

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the Senior Season Resident weekday pass, with an amendment by Callahan, to change the price to $500.   The motion is seconded by Burke and passes unanimously.

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $450 for a Senior Resident Veteran weekday pass.  It is seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $1000 for a Resident 7 day pass.  The motion is seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $900 for a Resident Veteran 7 day pass.  The motion is seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $300 for a College pass.  The motion is seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $175 for a Resident Junior.  Callahan motions to amend the cost to $150.  Burke seconds, and the amended motion passes unanimously.

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $1500 for a Resident Husband and Wife pass, which is seconded by
Everitt, and passes unanimously.

Callahan makes a motion to amend the rate of a Resident Husband and Wife Veteran pass to $1400, which is seconded by Burke and passes unanimously.

Everitt makes a motion to approve the rate of $15 for a Resident Senior weekday, which is seconded by Tuttle and passes unanimously.

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $12 for a Resident Junior weekday, which is seconded by Burke and passes unanimously.

Everitt makes a motion to approve the rate of $12 for a Resident Junior after 3pm weekday, which is seconded by Tuttle and passes unanimously.

Everitt makes a motion to approve the rate of $26 for a Resident Junior before 3pm weekend (18 holes), which is seconded by Tuttle and passes unanimously.

Everitt makes a motion to approve the rate of $26 for a Resident Junior after 3pm weekend (18 holes), which is seconded by Tuttle and passes unanimously.
Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $18 for a Resident Junior after 3pm weekday (18 holes), which is seconded by Everitt and passes unanimously.

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $27 for a Resident Senior weekday (18 holes), which is seconded by Burke and passes unanimously.       

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $18 for a Non-Resident Senior weekday (9 holes), which is seconded by Everitt and passes unanimously.

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $18 for a Non-Resident Junior weekday (9 holes), which is seconded by Everitt and passes unanimously.

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $32 for a Non-Resident Senior/Junior weekday (18 holes), which is seconded by Everitt and passes unanimously.          

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $38 for a Spring/Fall Special 2 for 9 holes + cart, which is seconded by Everitt and passes unanimously.                                                                

Tuttle makes a motion to approve the rate of $40 for a Summer Special 2 for 9 holes + cart, which is seconded by Everitt and passes unanimously.      

Burke makes a motion to give discretion to the manager to offer additional specials at the beginning and end of the season, which is seconded by Shea and passes unanimously.

General discussion supports Sunday league play and Callahan confirms that Sunday league play will be allowed to continue.                                


Finance Report –Golf, Witch House, Willows Meters, Winter Island

Callahan asks members to review the financial reports provided by Bollen, and asks if there are questions or issues.  There not being any, Callahan entertains a motion to approve the reports.  A motion to approve the financial reports as written is made by Shea, seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report

Bollen reports that Tim Short has accepted the position of Recreation Supervisor and has begun taking on his responsibilities.  Bollen says he expects that the new supervisor will do a great job.

Bollen states that 250 runners took part in the Snow Shoe race in spite of the lack of snow, and that it was very successful.

Bollen says that the recent Awards Night held on January 25th will be televised on SATV.  He encourages members of the Board to nominate deserving people for next year’s awards.  

Parks & Facility

Golf Course fees – Discussion and Vote on fees for the 2012 season
Discussed above.  Approved with adjustments.

Golf Tournaments for 2012 – Discussion and vote on 2012 Tournaments
All tournaments are held on Monday.
The following requests have been made –
        Firemen’s - 9/17
        Salem Golf Alumni – 8/6
        Jeff Morris - 8/13
        O’Grady – 8/20
        The Moose 7/23
Shea makes a motion to approve all requests.  The motion is seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.

Splaine Park – Update on grant proposal
Bollen reports that a grant of $420,000 has been approved and that the city must match with an additional $217,000.

Willows meters – Discussion and vote on raising fee at the Willows meters
Bollen says that there is no news from City Council regarding the proposed increase to parking meter fees at the Willows.
The original request was to increase the fee from 25 to 50 cents.  Current revenue from the meters is about $22,000 and could double with the fee increase.  All monies from the meters are to be earmarked for Willows maintenance and repair.

Shea makes a motion to reissue the letter and have liaison Bob McCarthy deliver it to City Council.  Tuttle seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.

Fields – Update on field search for soccer
Bollen says that finding fields for soccer has been a challenge due to the unavailability of McGrath Park.  He has requested schedules from the leagues.  It is anticipated the 6 year old league may play on the Common if necessary.    The Salem Youth Lacrosse league which serves 60 families will also need a playing field.

Bike Path committee member – Discussion on Commission member being on bike path committee
Bollen asks if anyone on the Parks and Recreation Commission would be interested in being on the bike path committee.
Everitt expresses some interest, depending upon schedule.

CDBG request – Update on 2012 request to repair the Gazebo at Gallows Hill
Bollen reports he is requesting from the Community Block Development Group $20,000 for repair of the Gazebo at Gallows Hill.
Callahan says the gazebo is actually called the Summer House.

Requisitions for Proposals – Update on the status of the golf concession, water taxi, Mack Park & Hanson St. houses, Kayaking, and Boat Cruise lines
Bollen says that the rfp for the Willows boat cruise is out, and that the rfp for kayaking will go out next week.

The Little League proposal for Mack Park was rejected for legal reasons.  There have been no other proposals.  The Mack Park Association would be willing to work with the Little League on a reapplication.  Community Gardens may have some interest in collaborating on a proposal.

Old Business

New Business
The Parks and Recreation Commission votes unanimously to hold an Executive Session immediately following the monthly meeting.

Adjournment of Meeting-Next Meeting February 29th  
A motion to adjourn is made by Tuttle, seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.  The meeting ends at 9 pm.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 29th.

Respectfully submitted,
Christine O’Brien
Clerk, Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
2012 January