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2011 November Minutes

Salem Park & Recreation Commission                         5 Broad Street, Salem, MA 01970
                                                                                                        Ph: 978-744-0180
                                         Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
                                                       Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:         Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 6:50 p.m.
Meeting Location:    5 Broad St.
Members Present:    Chair Leslie Tuttle, Chris Burke, James Shea
Members Absent:     Bob Callahan, Amy Everitt
Others Present:         Doug Bollen, Director, Salem Parks, Recreation and Community Services
Recorder:                  Christine O’Brien

Meeting Called to Order
The meeting is called to order by Chairman Tuttle at 6:50pm.

Approval of October minutes
Tuttle asks members to review the minutes.
A motion to accept minutes of the October 18 meeting is made by Shea, seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.


Bill McHugh – Discussion on boat storage at Winter Island
McHugh states that he assumed the role of Harbor Master on July 15, 2011, and has been discussing boat storage with Bollen and Gilbert.  He expresses concern over what he sees as shortcomings with the current contract. One of which is the potential of invoking forfeiture if a boat is not moved out of storage by May 15th.  He states that although the time has shortened to invoke forfeiture, it is not enough time.  The owner removes the boat before action can be taken.  He also proposes that the contract date of September 1st for moving boats into storage be moved to October 1st.  He has spoken to the City Solicitor about removal of boats still in storage beyond May 15th, and feels a daily fee of $50 should be imposed on owners who have not moved their boats, which would encourage owners to move their boats in timely fashion.  

McHugh reports that there are 47 vessels on the harbor, but not all are paying, such as Salem Sails vessels.  Boats are stored in a manner that won’t create a deadlock when boats are ready for launching in the spring.  Some of the $24.000 revenue to date may be refunded as a few boats have not yet been placed.

McHugh reports that he has informed owners of DEP constraints.  No pressure washing is permitted.  Vessels may be scraped onto plastic and debris taken away.  Sanding is not allowed because there is no recovery system.  Painting over a drop cloth will be permitted and supervised by McHugh.

Shea questions if a recovery system is considered standard operation.  McHugh replies that since there would not be much use of the system, it would not be advantageous to procure one.

Burke asks about the contract rules that were inherited and McHugh states that the rules have not changed, and basically serve to protect the tarmac.  Burke asks if there is an agreed number of vessels allowed on property.  McHugh states that there is no specific number, but that there is room for potentially another 50 boats in addition to the state mandated twenty trailers.  Burke would like to set a limit to the number of boats, so as to not impact the park adversely.  McHugh will let Bollen know what next year’s number will be as reservations come in next season, probably around 65.

A discussion follows concerning monies.  Burke feels that Winter Island should get some of the storage revenue.  McHugh says that checks go to the City of Salem.  Shea says that the former Harbor Master wanted the funds to go into his budget.  McHugh proposes that some funds be set aside for harbor related maintenance.   Shea says that increased revenue will result in more money for the Harbor Master’s budget.  McHugh says that he could store another fifty boats, which would generate more revenue.  He has a finance meeting on Thursday.

McHugh says that as the business grows, there will be a need for more security.  He wants $8000 funding for sporadic hours spent checking on boats to come out of storage income.  He currently pays out of his part time budget, but has been told he will be reimbursed.  Burke asks about the status of an onsite caretaker.  Bollen says he would like to hire a new caretaker who could, potentially, live in a trailer onsite, providing additional security.  

Shea questions if a motion to approve the date change and fine on boat storage is required.  Consensus is that a motion is not necessary.  After meeting with the City Solicitor, McHugh will inform the Commission if a motion and vote is necessary.  Also, the contract may need to be officially amended.

McHugh reports that he has been approached by a local marine contractor, Phil Pelletier of North Shore Marine at Bass River, who is in need of additional storage space for floats.  Pelletier would haul, clean, and stack the floats.  McHugh suggests that he could store possibly eight to ten floats at the Kernwood facility at $1.25 per square foot, as long as the floats are clean.  No painting would be allowed.  McHugh says that Pelletier would be responsible for invoicing individuals.  This arrangement could produce an additional $3,000 - $4,000 of revenue.  Tuttle says she is in favor of storing the floats.  The other members agree.

Shea makes a motion to allow float storage at the Kernwood Marina under the supervision of the Harbor Master at a rate of   $1.25 per square foot, under the condition that all floats be removed by April 1st.   The motion is seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.

Paul Lever – Discussion and vote on appropriation for golf course
Bollen introduces a letter from Mayor Driscoll requesting approval of appropriations from the Park and Recreation Receipts Reserved for Appropriation Accounts for the Fiscal Year 2012 Tax Rate setting process.

Lever requests an appropriation of approximately $25,000 from the Receipts Reserved account.  Burke questions how the amount of funds requested by the Mayor compares to last year.  Bollen says it is about the same.  Lever says that it has been busy at the course in the month of November, making up for any losses due to rain in previous months.  Bollen says that the money is available.

Shea makes a motion to approve Mayor Driscoll’s request for appropriation from Golf course and Witch House receipt reserve accounts to city for tax rate setting process in the amounts of:
Witch House  $183,226
Golf Course $582,158
 The motion is seconded by Burke and passes unanimously.

Lever says that he wants an upgrade on the irrigation system, which is outdated and very inefficient.  The pump station is very old and will need to be replaced at some point.  Immediately, Lever would upgrade the controls.  The current system wastes water and power.  He would like to have an irrigation computer to control the flow of water so that adjustments could be made to individual heads and times, as well as controlling the pump.  Lever states that it is impossible to water during play.  It can only be done manually as players go through the course.  This is problematic because manual keys are missing, and tees are lost.  Lever wants to purchase a hand held Toro for $19,242.  He is getting a quote for a variable frequency drive to control the pump which would need to be custom built due to the age of the pump system, at a cost of approximately $2,000 - $2,500.

Lever also feels there is a need to improve the aerating process.  He wants to purchase a more efficient belt type top dresser to put sand on the greens.  He anticipates the cost to be about $3,500 for a used one.  Using both the existing spin type dresser and the new belt dresser would make the process much more efficient, alleviating some of the understaffing issues. Tuttle asks if there are any concerns over the age and condition of the used equipment.  Lever says that he has no concerns.  Shea asks if there may be a problem if Lever gets only one quote.  Bollen says that it won’t be a problem if there is only one source.

Lever is requesting $25,000 for irrigation and aerating improvements.

Shea makes a motion to approve the request for $25,000 in from golf course receipt reserve account funds for golf course improvements, which is seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.

Burke asks Lever for his thoughts regarding a bid for a management company for gasoline storage.  Lever says that it currently takes one employee a half day to transport fuel from the DPW and fuel the carts.  Lever states that it is extremely expensive to build a fuel station, and would require a capital improvement plan.  Lever says that he would also need a capital improvement plan to include repair to the paved cart paths which create problems when it rains. Carts get stuck and revenue is lost. He needs to cost out and obtain bids, potentially repairing a couple of holes a year.  

Bollen reports that the contract for the new golf manager, Scott MacDonald, has been signed.   He has already begun attending meetings and making suggestions.   

Burke comments that the course looks great.  Shea suggests a list of capital funding needs should be created and reviewed by the Commission on a twice yearly basis.  Lever agrees to make a list of capital improvements which could spread over a ten year span.  He says that there is a lot of tree work and equipment repair which will be done over the winter.  Bollen says that he hopes to bring Jason Silva out to the course to gain support for additional staffing.  He will discuss with Mayor Driscoll.

Dave Gilbert – Update and discussion on Winter Island
Gilbert passes out a proposal for 2012 rates for Winter Island.  Information includes rates for Salem residents and non-residents.  He compiled it based on prior history and discussions with Bollen and other staff.  He says that compared to other parks, Winter Island falls in the middle.  Gilbert says that he is open to feedback.

A discussion follows, including thoughts and suggestions on parking fees, boat stickers, kayaks, campsites and annual versus bi-annual passes.  Some rates would go down, and some up.  He particularly wants an increase in parking stickers, but not for seniors. This generates much discussion as some members feel an increase is not justifiable.  Burke states that city parking stickers are the primary access to the parks, and should be affordable.  An annual versus two year rate is proposed.  Bollen says this is not administratively efficient.  Shea says that any fee increases should be gradual.  Tuttle describes a portable A-frame kayak rack which she has seen in use in Maine.  She suggests that separate fees could be charged for dingy and kayak storage.  Tuttle says that the Commission needs time to consider all of the information, and wants to have more members present before voting.

Gilbert says that the park loses extended stay guests due to sewerage issues.  Shea inquires if other parks have their own sewerage dumps and what the cost would be.  Gilbert says that many do, but he has not researched putting one at Winter Island.  Gilbert says they currently use porta-potties to supplement the bath house.  There is a dump station at South Essex Sewerage District which is free, but people are reluctant to pack up to travel to use it.  He said that if he could get a tank, he could bring sewerage to the dump station for a service charge.  Shea asks about the number of people staying in the park during summer months.  Gilbert says that the RV space is more full than tents, but he is close to full capacity.  Gilbert also says that the layout is very tight for RVs, and may not be up to state code.  We may be grandfathered, but would lose some spaces if they need to be enlarged.  Tuttle states that spaces may need to be enlarged for safety and convenience, and rates would need to be adjusted accordingly.  Gilbert wants to come back to next month’s meeting with suggestions and policy recommendations.  Tuttle stresses that Winter Island is a multi-functional park, and not just an RV park.  It is agreed to postpone a vote on the proposed rates until December’s meeting.

The Commission compliments Gilbert on the management of Winter Island.

Gilbert expresses concerns about the wind turbine proposed for the park.  He has fall zone questions.  Burke says it is doubtful the turbine would come down, except due to a hurricane when the park would likely be unoccupied.  Consensus is that there is more to learn concerning the proposed turbine.

Gilbert asks if he could institute a program for RV storage similar to the boat storage program.  He says it would be for winter months only, and would follow the same general rules as the boat storage program.  He says security may be an issue.  There is general consensus that this is a good idea.   Burke asks if it would impact open use of the park.  Gilbert says storage would be in the existing rental area, and impact would be minimal.  Burke says there would be a need to develop a contract for public use.  Gilbert intends to use the boat storage contract as a template, changing dates, rates, and adding a no occupancy clause.
A motion to approve RV storage between the dates of 11/1 – 5/1 at a charge to be determined by Bollen and Gilbert and conditional upon a no occupancy rule, is made by Burke, seconded by Shea, and passes unanimously.  

Applications for rentals

None requested.

Finance Report
Witch House-Golf-Winter Island -Meters - review revenue monthly reports

Bollen reviews the financial reports provided to the Commission.

The Witch House had a great October.  It is suggested that it be kept open year round with hours similar to those of the Witch Museum, Mon-Sun 12-5.  It may close for two weeks in January.  There would be no changes to the existing budget.

Burke makes a motion to keep the Witch House open during the winter season with limited hours.  The motion is seconded by Shea, and passes unanimously.

Golf is down a little from last year.  This may be due to heavy rains in September.  Attendance should be up in November.

Winter Island General and Revolving funds are up from last year.  Gilbert is doing a good job.

Salem Willows   Bollen just received a meters deposit of $1500.  Bollen says he is working on the short list for improvements.  Trees have become an issue because of all of the dead branches.  Limpact is being put down in areas that flood.  The shell is being fully painted.  The beaches are cleaner, and sand may be added.

Superintendent’s Report
Parks and Facility
Mayor and Finance –Discussion and vote on appropriations request from the Park and Recreation Receipts Reserved Accounts for the Fiscal Year 2011 tax rate setting process for the city.
Addressed during Lever’s golf discussion.  Approved.

Parks and Recreation Appreciation Night January 25, 2012 – update on nomination process.
Bollen discusses potential nominees for Appreciation Night and asks members of the Commission for additional nominees.

Collins Middle School Construction  - Vote on permission for Gilbane Company staging at Broad Street Playground.
Bollen will meet with Gilbane to discuss.  Burke expresses concern that the playground will be tied up for an extended period of time.  Bollen says that Gilbane has offered to compensate by building a sun house and new basketball court.  A vote will be delayed until after Bollen meets with Gilbane, and details are worked out.

Winter Island fees – Discussion and vote on fees for Winter Island.
Addressed during presentation by Dave Gilbert.  Vote was shelved until next month.

Playgrounds - Update on Broad Street playground build status.
Bollen states that equipment is expected to be delivered on Thursday and that inmates are scheduled to begin building on Friday.  The build is on schedule.

Golf Manager Position – Update on status of position.
The contract was signed and Scott MacDonald has begun assuming responsibilities as golf manager at Olde Salem Greens.

Splaine Park – Update on grant proposal.
Bollen reports that there is no new information regarding approval of the $500,000 grant.

Willows Improvements – Discussion on some improvements to be made.
Planned improvements include extensive tree work, adding limpact, and painting the shell.

Beatty Park – Update on flag pole installation.
Bollen says that the installation is complete and looks great.

Witch House – Discuss opening year round.
Motion approved to keep the Witch House open during Winter months.

Requisitions for Proposals – Update on status of golf concession, water taxi, Mack Park & Hanson Street houses, Kayaking, Boat cruise lines.
All RFPs are being reviewed and readied for bids.
Burke says that there is a huge woods tree that needs to be taken down for safety reasons.  It will require a professional tree person to remove it.  He asks if the city’s tree shape department could do it.   Bollen will follow up.

Old Business

Shea asks for an update on work going on at Furlong Park.  Bollen says that there is a punch list and work is ongoing.  Shea says he prefers that there be no fence.  Tuttle agrees and says that there was prior agreement that parks would not have fences other than for safety reasons.  Burke asks if the fence at Palmer Cove is coming down and Bollen responds that it is.

Burke suggests the Parks and Recreation Commission have more input when asking the city for grants.  He suggests setting an agenda on the need for grants for capital spending at specific parks.

New Business

Bollen informs the Commission that Callahan will not be able to be present at the January 17th meeting, and asks if it can be rescheduled.  Members of the Commission will discuss rescheduling at the next meeting.

Adjournment Next Meeting December 20, 2011
A motion to adjourn is made by Burke, seconded by Shea, and passes unanimously.
The meeting ends at 8:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Christine O’Brien
Clerk, Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
2011 November