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2011 October minutes

Salem Park & Recreation Commission                         

                                                                                                                 Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
                                                       Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:         Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 6:45 p.m.
Meeting Location:    5 Broad St.
Members Present:    Acting Chair Bob Callahan, Chris Burke, Amy Everitt, James Shea
Members Absent:     Chair Leslie Tuttle
Others Present:         Doug  Bollen,  Director, Salem Parks, Recreation and Community Services
Recorder:                  Christine O’Brien

Meeting Called to Order
The meeting is called to order by Acting Chairman Callahan at 6:47pm.

Approval of September minutes
A motion to accept minutes of the September 20 meeting is made by Everitt, seconded by Shea, and passes unanimously.


Kathy Theriault – Discussion and vote on a golf tournament
Richard Theriault addresses the Commission for Kathy Theriault.  He requests permission to use the Olde Salem Greens golf course for a tournament to fund a scholarship named for Buddy Robinson.  He states that they are establishing a scholarship fund for a Salem resident studying education at Salem State College.  They currently have $18,000 in the fund, and need to increase it to $25,000 for endowment.  The family will begin awarding the scholarship right away, and Salem State University would begin awarding the scholarship in three years.  This would be a one time event.

Callahan comments that he knew Buddy who was an avid golfer and well known around the city.  He would be in favor of approving the request.  

Shea echoes Callahan’s sentiments, and recognizes that Buddy did much for the city, including serving on the school committee, and as interim principal at Saltonstall School.

Burke questions whether or not golf course personnel should be involved in future decisions regarding tournaments at the golf course.  Events will need to be coordinated with the new golf manager.  Mr. Theriault states that a July or August time frame is desired to accommodate family schedules. A date will need to be finalized and details will need to be worked out with the golf manager.

A motion to grant approval for use of the Olde Salem Greens golf course for the scholarship tournament is made by Shea, seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously

Jeff Lubas – Discussion and vote on use of Gallows Hill for football
Lubas addresses the Commission regarding a need for an improved football field to be used by Salem Youth Football at Gallows Hill.  He has been talking with Doug Bollen and Mayor Driscoll about his ideas and has their support.  He wants to replace one of the ball fields with the football field.  Other locations have been ruled out.  Palmer Cove has been determined to be too small, Bertram Field is not available when it rains on Sundays, and Salem Willows has been ruled out because it is too costly to survey.  He is working on obtaining a grant which would be used to grade the field between the existing ball fields to alleviate safety concerns with the condition of the field.  Obtaining the grant is dependent upon approval of the requested location.

Callahan asks if it’s possible to play across the baseball and softball diamonds rather than replacing one of them.   Lubas states that that would be possible.  As is, the field is uneven and contains bed rock, making players susceptible to injury.  The football field would be graded, lined, and set with portable goal posts.  There is no plan to add stands or fencing.  It would not affect the ball fields.  Lubas also states that the Salem Youth Football program runs from August through the second week of November, and that there is potential to share the space with the Salem Youth Soccer program.

The cost of grading is expected to cost between $18,000 and $25,000, and should be covered by the grant if it is obtained.  Lubas says that he will take all responsibility for applying for and obtaining the grant. Callahan says that he wants the space to be used as much as possible, and that both baseball and softball diamonds must remain.  Bollen will need to be involved and approve all efforts to the improvement of the field.  

Shea makes a motion to allow Salem Youth Football to use Gallows Hill, and to grade the field to make it a safer place to play and keep both baseball and softball fields.  The motion is seconded by Shea and passes unanimously.

Charles Sinclair – Discussion and vote on Moose golf tournament for 2012 at Olde Salem Greens
Sinclair represents the MA/RI Moose Association as state sports chairman.  He requests that the Moose Association be allowed to hold a golf tournament at Olde Salem Greens in 2012.  He states that it is hoped that this event will be held every three years at Olde Salem Greens.  The Commission recognizes that the Moose Association has been generous and donated much to the city.

Bollen asks when the tournament would be held.  Sinclair asks that the tournament be held on Monday, July 30, 2012 in conjunction with the Moose state convention. The actual date of the tournament will need to be coordinated with the golf manager.  Greens fees will be waived. Bollen will work out a date with Mr. Sinclair.

A motion to approve the request for the use of  Olde Salem Greens for the Moose golf tournament is made by Shea, seconded by Everett, and passes unanimously.

Scott MacDonald – Introduction to Golf Manager, vote and approve
MacDonald introduces himself to the Commission and gives a brief summary of his background.  He says that he has worked for nine years with the superintendant at Olde Salem Greens, and has twenty years prior experience working at the Rowley Country Club/Carriage Pines course, the last five as golf course manager.  He emphasizes that he wants to take a family friendly approach to management of the golf course.

Bollen states that financial details need to be worked out and that the golf manager will be paid through a vendor contract.  Bollen will go to Council to get the funds transferred from a seasonal line item contract to a vendor contract.

Callahan asks MacDonald how he envisions management of the course.  MacDonald says that he expects to interview current employees who might reapply for positions which are filled on an annual basis.  He needs to hire employees who are willing to work with him and his vision.  He wants to promote an open relationship with the public, and expects to make use of his prior experience with regard to tournaments and scholarship events.

Shea states that he would like a more consumer friendly operation.  He also expresses the need to better manage green fees as not all players are currently paying. He wants starters to insist on taking and validating tickets.  Shea would like to see a ranger on the course to move people along in the case of backups at busy times.  He would hope to see a 10% increase in profit in the next year.  MacDonald agrees that measures need to be taken to address these concerns, and stresses that he has trained starters and rangers and is able to work within the budget.  

Callahan makes a motion to approve the appointment of MacDonald as the new golf manager at Olde Salem Greens, which is seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.

The Commission wishes MacDonald good luck in his position.

Applications for rentals

None requested.

Finance Report
Golf-Witch House-Meters-Winter Island – review revenue monthly reports

Bollen reviews the financial reports provided to the Commission.

Golf is down $2,000 from last year.  This may be due to heavy rains in September.  The course will be closing around Thanksgiving or the first of December, depending on weather.

The Witch House is looking forward to its busiest month, and expects to make at least $60,000 for October.

Salem Willows meters are up this year.  
Callahan asks about Salem Willows projects.  Bollen says that puddle areas will be filled with limpact.  Burke asks if new paved parking is possible.  Doug states that there haven’t been vandalism problems this year and that there are no plans to put up additional security cameras.  The shell is in good repair and efforts to clean the beach and improve grassy areas have been successful.  Bollen will make a list of needed improvements.

Winter Island profit is up in September.  Bollen says that the new manager is doing a good job.  Shea questions why store profits are down.  Bollen says this may be attributed to the onsite vendor.  He will follow up with the manager. Callahan feels the Commission should receive income from the boat storage facility.  He questions why it is not a revolving fund.  Bollen states that Winter Island is a general fund account.  The Harbor Master runs the boat storage operation based on the Commission’s requirements and rules.  Callahan would like a review of the current funding
Bollen says he will invite the Harbor Master to the November meeting.

Everitt makes a motion to accept the financial report, which is seconded by Shea and passes unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report
Recreation – Annual Report, Wild Turkey Race, Personnel
Bollen distributes the Annual Report and invites questions/comments from the Commission for the November meeting.
The report has been filed with the city clerk.

Shea goes on record thanking Bollen for all of his hard work as Director of Parks and Recreation this past year.  Bollen has accomplished much and succeeded in making it a full service department as a result of these efforts.  Members of the Commission offer their thanks as well.  Bollen thanks them for their support.

Bollen says that he is working on the Wild Turkey Race which is the biggest on the North Shore.  It involves approximately 1500 runners and is a five mile run.

Bollen reports that Eileen Dunn will be leaving her position as Recreation Supervisor in two weeks.  The position was posted today.

Parks & Facility
Bicycle racks
Bicycle racks have been installed at Parks and over areas in the city by Frank Taormina from the Planning department and Bike Path Committee.  Feedback has been positive.  Racks can be relocated if desired.  Locations include parks, the bike trail, and pier.  

Willows bicycle signs
There are no rules against bicycles on city property other than the mall.  Signs in Salem Willows restricting bicycles will be removed.  There is a rule prohibiting posting signs on trees.

Witch House events
Bollen says the Erie Evenings program is ongoing at the Witch House on weekends during October. These are always sold out. He encourages the Commission to stop by.

Mack Park and Hanson St. RFP
There is a discussion regarding the use of buildings at Mack Park and Gallows Hill. There has been some interest in having city employees living in the buildings at Mack Park and Hanson Street as caretakers.   The buildings would need to be repaired and, potentially, made handicap accessible.  Potential renters would be responsible for utility charges.  

Callahan suggests that he believes the Mack Park building should house the Parks and Recreation office.  It is not now handicap accessible, and would need to be made so.  Burke says that the new Life Community Center building at Bridge and North St is expected to provide space for both the Parks and Recreation and Salem Council on Aging offices.  The entire Department will be moving there.

McGrath Park update
Bollen says that work will begin in two weeks on the soccer field and is expected to be completed in fall of 2012.  Soccer is currently being played at Palmer Cove.  A location will need to be determined for spring of 2012 for youth soccer.

Playgrounds update- Broad Street
Bollen says that a company has been selected, the plans are set for a new playground at Broad St., and a purchase order for equipment is in place.  He hopes that work will be completed by the November meeting.

Dibiasi Park update
Bollen met with Jim Fleming, and they decided to combine dedications.  A single dedication is planned for spring of 2012, at which time the baseball field will be named “Lenny O’Leary Field”.

Golf Manager Position
Scott MacDonald was approved as golf manager at Olde Salem Greens.

Winter Island update
A grant has been used to acquire new equipment including a tractor and Gator. A new truck was purchased with Capital Improvement money.  A question was raised as to the disposition of a sand machine which is no longer in use.  Bollen says that they have tried to sell it.

Splaine Park update
Bollen reports that there is no new information regarding approval of the $500,000 grant, but that he expects to hear something in the next week.

Old Business

New Business
Callahan opens a discussion regarding a new food concession vendor for the golf course.  He states that the current vendor holds an expiring one year contract.  He requests that an RFP be put out as soon as possible for next year’s contract.  Shea asks Scott MacDonald about his experience with having a restaurant at the golf course in his prior positions.  MacDonald states that there was a restaurant and catering operation which was leased separately, and did not fall under his responsibilities.  

A motion to put out the RFP as soon as possible for a concession vendor is made by Burke, seconded by Shea, and passes unanimously.

Adjournment Next Meeting November 15, 2011
A motion to adjourn is made by Everitt, seconded by Shea, and passes unanimously.
The meeting ends at 8:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Christine O’Brien
Clerk, Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
2011 October