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2011 September minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Date and Time:        Tuesday, September 20, 2011 6:45 p.m.
Meeting Location:   5 Broad Street, Salem
Members Present:    Chair Leslie Tuttle, Bob Callahan, Chris Burke, Amy Everitt
Members Absent:     James Shea
Others Present:         Doug Bollen, Director, Salem Parks, Recreation & Community Services
Recorder:                  Doug Bollen (In absence of Stacy Kilb)
Meeting Called to Order
The meeting is called to order at 6:50 p.m.
Approval of August Minutes
A motion to approve the August minutes is made by Callahan, seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.
Captain Tom Griffin, Salem Police - Discussion and vote on event at Mary Jane Lee Park
Captain Griffin requests permission for a Peace Rally on November 12 at Mary Jane Lee Park.
Jean Curry’s son was victim of homicide in Salem, and the case remains unsolved. Jean is with the Boston group Mothers for Equal Justice, and would like to host a Peace Rally for non-violence at Mary Jane Lee Park for about an hour. As her son was a victim of homicide on Dow Street, Captain Griffin feels this would be an appropriate place to hold this rally. A motion to approve this request was made by Callahan, second by Everitt. Motion carries unanimously.
Jim Treadwell – Discusses letter regarding Winter Island Master Plan (36 Felt St., Salem)
Mr. Treadwell is a retired Certified Planner who sent a letter to the August meeting but was unable to attend, so it was tabled until September. He pointed out two concerns he had with the May 14 draft of the Winter Island Master Plan. He felt there were inconsistencies with the plan compared to the Harbor Plan, voted and accepted by the City in 2008.  He felt the elimination of the Recreation Vehicles to the plan was in direct contradiction to the Harbor Plan, and they have a right to use the Island and bring a good amount of revenue. He thought the Park and Recreation Commission should be aware of the wind turbine situation stated in the draft, and that Winter Island should get a sustainable portion of the revenue generated by the wind turbine (should it be approved).  Mr. Treadwell talked about the fall zone that could affect the barracks and function hall, and that this would need to go to Planning Board. Callahan explained he tabled the letter because he feels anything presented to the Commission should have the person present to answer questions. He stated the master plan is a set of ideas, and we can dissect the final plan when it comes out.
Ellen Talkowsky – Discussion and vote on Haunted Happening events
Ellen Talkowsky requested approval from the Commission for the Common, Furlong Park and Hawthorne Boulevard during October. She presented an application for use of the Common with a description of the events, including four new ones. Events on Common:
a.       The Grand Opening Parade - Oct. 6 (6 p.m.)
b.      Boo-tiful Dog Costume Contest - Oct. 8 (12-2 p.m.)
c.      Vintage Baseball Game - Oct. 8
d.      Movie Nights on the Common - Oct. 8, 15, 22, & 29 Radio 92.9 (6:30 p.m.)
e.      Fiesta Food Court - Oct. 14-31 (10 a.m.-9 p.m. Sun-Thurs & 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri & Sat)
f.       Children's Day, The Gathering - Oct. 15 (11 a.m.-5 p.m.)
g.       Family Fun Days, Main Streets & SCNA - Oct. 22 & 23, 29 & 30 (11 a.m.-5 p.m.)
h.       Phoenix School Costume Parade & Contest - Oct. 22 (11 a.m. registration, noon start)
i.        Salem State University – Rocky Horror Time Warp Performance (11 a.m.)
j.        Halloween Night Activities, Christian Day, Salem Witches Magic Circle (5-7 p.m.)
k.       Halloween Night Activities, Entertainment on Common (6 p.m.-10 p.m.)
Ellen asked for approval to use Franklin Park on October 31, 2011 for a fireworks display at 10 p.m. as they have done the past several years as a conclusion to Salem's Haunted Happenings Festival. Immediately after, MBTA trains will be at the Salem Station to begin to move visitors out of Salem. Ellen requested approval for the island along Hawthorne Boulevard for vendors as part of the Chamber of Commerce's Biz Baz on Saturday and Sunday, October 8 & 9, and for vendors and entertainment on Monday, October 31, 2011.  Bob Callahan makes a motion to allow Ellen Talkowsky to use Park property as she sees fit to alleviate any problems in her planning and to use any park property as she sees fit to enhance the celebration in Salem during October. Burke seconds the motion, which passes unanimously.

Stan Szwartz -  Discuss plans for Splaine Park (143 Federal Street, Salem)
Stan started working on the Splaine Field project a year ago, and presented a design by Dan Riccarelli. Stan has consulted with groups who use the park: Little League, Salem Heights, Salem Five, CVS and Neil Taggerman, the owner of the CVS lot. The city applied for a Parc grant for $500,000, with a $250,000 match from the City. A representative from the state was impressed by the application and toured the Park.  We hope for an answer in October about the grant. CVS is committed to helping out and approved a potential donation of $5,000-$10,000 (possibly more) considering the location of the park to CVS.  Stan has developed a website: The design presented is preliminary and one person’s opinion. Stan has also met with Splaine family members, and fundraisers have been held. Stan is meeting with the Community Garden group, and we are hopeful the grant from the state gets approved and this will become a beautiful, well-used park. Callahan and Commission thank him for all the work he has put in as a volunteer.
Ann Bouchard   - International Monument for Abused woman
Ann is requesting to do an event at Salem Willows on October 15, as a fundraiser for the group “International Monument for Abused Woman”. This would be her first fundraiser, and they would like to use the shell area for antique dealers, arts and crafts vendors and an auction, but no food vendors. Her group is a non-profit organization, and they do not plan to build a monument in Salem.  Burke makes a point if this is successful, we would ask how much they raised and we may ask for a fee for use in the future.  Motion made by Callahan to grant approval and waive the rental fee, Burke second and passed unanimously.  
Julie Brown requested to donate a tree at Leslie Retreat Park
Julie would like to buy a tree or make a donation if city can provide a tree in memory of her husband who passed away a year ago.  She doesn’t want a plaque. Callahan thinks it’s a great idea, says she needs to be aware of the flooding and salt water. Brown states the flooding has never reached the shed where they hold the food co-op, and she would like the tree near the shed to provide shade. Burke thinks we should have a tree memorial program in Salem replacing bench donation program. Motion by Callahan, second by Burke to approve request to allow Julie Brown to donate a tree and have it planted at Leslie’s Retreat Park. Motion passes unanimously.
Applications for Rentals
Temple of Nine Wells requested permission to use the space at Gallows Hill Park between the skateboard Park and baseball field in the lower area of the Park next to the gravel parking lot from 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on October 31, 2011 for their Annual Samhain (Halloween) ceremony.
Motion by Callahan to approve request, second by Everitt. Motion passes unanimously.
Chris Burke makes a motion to adjourn meeting at this time (7:30 p.m.)to go into Executive session. Everitt seconds and motion passes unanimously.
Regular meeting is once again called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Chairman Tuttle
Finance Report
Monthly revenue reports for Golf Course, Witch House, Willows Meters and Winter Island.
Golf Course - Revenue is up $12,000 in FY12 thus far, great start to new fiscal year.
Witch House - Revenue is up about $1,000 from FY11 and has been doing very well. Last year was its best year in many years with revenue over $200,000. Elizabeth Peterson is doing a great job. They are gearing up for a big October and planning Erie evenings and will have a banner across city hall advertising the event.
Willows Meters - Revenue is up over $1,000 thus far in FY12. We are looking to do more projects at the Willows. We will be placing lympack in the areas of the Willows that have large holes, mainly in the parking area.
Winter Island - Revenue is up by about $2,000 in FY12, which includes the store revenue. We are expecting a large month in October, as most nights will be sold out. We will be taking 2012 reservations beginning in January, which we didn’t do until late March last year. This should make a big difference.
Superintendent’s Report
The Fall/Winter Recreation Booklet is done and will be mailed to every household in the next few weeks. Almost $4,000 in ad revenue was made to contribute to the cost of this booklet, which costs $5,000 to produce and $2,600 to mail to each household in Salem. The booklet costs nothing to the taxpayer as it is paid for by the Recreation Revolving Fund.
Parks & Facilities
Bollen announced that Salem was designated as a Runner Friendly Community by the Road Runners Club of America. It was a nice honor for the city. We sent in a video and support letters to apply for the award, and were fortunate enough to be selected.
Salem Common Arch - Bollen is working with Michael Coleman and Peter LaChapelle for assistance from the National Guard to do repair work on the Washington Arch at the Common. We are placing the two required legal ads in papers and filling out the application.
Gallows Hill Park – Salem Youth Football is looking into funding and would like to turn Gallows Hill Park into a football field. The baseball field would stay but we may have to eliminate the softball field. Commission asked youth football to come in and make presentation to them regarding this matter.
McGrath Park - Work will be starting soon. The city council approved 1.4 million for the clean-up and new design at McGrath Park. Granesse will be the contractor. Soccer is now using Palmer Cove.
Playgrounds – A report on Broad Street playground build status. The Committee with be interviewing three playground companies Thursday, September 22 and expect to build in the fall.
Dibiasi Park- update on dedication tentative for October 4.
Bollen has tentatively set a date of October 4 at 10 a.m. and asked the Commissioners if they can attend. He is trying to contact Mary O’Leary and Jim Fleming to confirm. Mayor Driscoll and Jerry Ryan are good with this date.
Winter Island Caretaker - The current person filling the position of caretaker is unable to meet health and building codes and will be moving out soon. The Commission will talk further about going out with an RFP to fill the position in the near future.
Winter Island Grant work –Lighthouse. The Assistant Director of Park, Recreation & Community Services Bill Woolley will be attending the Conservation Meeting on Thursday, September 22 to seek approval to put out an RFP to have the Lighthouse painted.
 Kayaking and Boat Cruise Business - We will need to go out for an RFP for both businesses. The current Kayaking business at the Willows would like to relocate to Winter Island. The Winter Island Manager and Harbormaster don’t foresee any problems with that move.
Old Business (None)
New Business (None)

Meeting Adjourned
A motion to adjourn is made by Callahan at 8:45 p.m., seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously. Next Meeting: October 18, 2011
Respectfully submitted,
Doug Bollen. Director
Salem Parks and Recreation Commission