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2011 May
Salem Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:          Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 6:45 p.m.
Meeting Location:~      5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair Leslie Tuttle, Robert Callahan, James Shea, Chris Burke
Members Absent: Amy Everitt
Others Present: Doug Bollen, Director Salem Parks, Recreation & Community Services
Recorder:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Doug Bollen
Meeting Called to Order
Meeting called to order at 6:50 p.m. by Chair Leslie Tuttle.
Approval of April Minutes
James Shea motions to approve April minutes, second by Callahan. All approve.
Darren Cyr and Bill Lagana; discussion and vote on events at Olde Salem Greens
Darren Cyr and Bill Laganas will be the new managers at the concession stand at the golf course. They are asking for permission to use the facility for special events, starting with a June 18 fundraiser for a cancer patient from 8 pm to 11 pm.~ They are also asking if in the future they can get permission from Director Doug Bollen instead of attending a Park and Recreation Commission meeting each month for each event, making it difficult to plan. They would prefer that Doug Bollen represent the Commission and work with him to obtain permission as necessary. They are asking for the board to allow permission for the special event on June 18, and for Doug Bollen to be the liaison for future permission.

James Shea asks Bollen if he is ok with it, and Doug Bollen responds that he feels comfortable making that decision.~ Chris Burke asks if functions are for non-profit or profit. Bill Laganas says events will be for both profit and non-profits. They plan on doing special events like movie nights, birthday parties and fundraisers for charity. Burke doesn’t want it to effect neighbors. If it gets too big and loud, Doug can shut it down. They do not want to do anything to disturb the neighborhood or cause problems. Darren Cyr states he is a Lynn City Councilor and understands the problems they are trying to avoid. Leslie Tuttle asks if events are in the evening.~Cyr says any functions other then golf would be after the last of the golfers came in, as they do not want to disturb golf whatsoever. A motion is made by Chris Burke and seconded by James Shea to allow them to have the June 18 event and to go through Doug Bollen for permission for further events. Motion passes 4-0.
Scott Connolly – discussion and vote on golf passes for the high school golf team
Scott Connolly, Athletic Director at~Salem High School, is~addressing golf passes for the high school golf team.~He mentions there have been complaints made to the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association that the school is in violation of a rule that~says student athletes' participation in out-of-season activities may not be funded in any way by booster clubs or organizations. ~Scott states he spoke with Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association representative Dick Baker about how to handle this situation with golf passes.
Connolly asks Coach Tommy Doyle to talk about the golf program. Coach Doyle talked about kids working at the golf league to earn passes.~ He said they had no intention of breaking any MIAA rule and is thankful for past years that the Commission has given free passes.~~He requires~students who get passes to show up six Tuesdays during the summer to work at the Junior Golf League, which has 30-50~participants ages 5-14. They teach etiquette, golf safety and fundamentals of golf. He states that it’s been a great program for the City of Salem. ~
Robert Callahan states an MIAA rule that no privileges can be given to an athlete that~is not offered to all students. Connolly agrees that it is a privilege.~Callahan says this privilege must be offered to all students. ~This privilege has to be open to every student in the school to apply for~a position with the Junior Golf League.~Callahan goes on record and will support this, but he thinks there is a violation of the rule and doesn’t want to see the golf team jeopardize their program or forfeit past wins.~~Callahan says if Connolly got the opinion from Dick Baker, he will respect it, but hopes the school is not jeopardizing the team.~
Coach Doyle says any Salem High School student will be offered the opportunity to apply for the positions to work at the Junior Golf League. ~Callahan says every single student must be offered this opportunity.~ Connolly says there are only 10 spots available for high school students to work at the~Junior Golf League this summer, and~the issue is who gets picked for those spots.~ Chris Burke asks who decides which~students get picked and where do students apply? Burke asks if they should apply to Doug Bollen, or if they need~a golf background and~experience in working with~children?~ Callahan says this is a school program making the request,~and the school should handle~it. He adds that if the school says there is no violation, they should handle how~students are selected. Burke~asks, “Isn’t this a Park and Recreation~Program? We give the passes out for people who volunteered,~so should we handle it?"
Leslie Tuttle says,~“They are asking~for this for the high school students, not just~the golf team?” Connolly agrees, “It’s for the high school." Connolly says, “The hiring process is critical. It needs to be talked about. It will be difficult to find a way to do~this." Doug Bollen says he has~"no idea how he would pick kids; there must criteria." Leslie Tuttle suggests that the Commission could form a committee. ~Callahan~says, “Candidates should be picked by the Athletic Director and he should~let us know their names." Connolly accepts that responsibility. Connolly says he will handle all aspects at the school in announcing the opportunity to all students to apply for the 10 positions to work at the~Junior Golf League in exchange for a golf pass.~ Connolly states he will have all résumés and applications sent to him and he will select the 10~students. They will get~eight full-privilege passes and~two Junior passes.
A~motion is made by James Shea to approve~having Athletic Director Scott Connolly handle the entire selection process at the high school for all students to have the opportunity to apply to work at the summer~Junior Golf League in exchange for~eight full passes and~two junior passes.~ Callahan seconds the~motion.  Motion passes 4-0.
Scott Connolly said he would talk with MIAA Representative Dick Baker about the vote that just took place. Shea asks, "Do we know who is complaining?" Scott Connolly said they are all anonymous calls.~ No one has called the School Superintendent, Principal or school official, and there is no one on record who has complained.
Callahan says he~asked Connolly to attend the meeting to explain the situation,~noting that he wanted to hear directly from Connolly and not second-hand.
James Shea made a Motion to give~Coach Doyle a full golf pass for working on~the Junior Golf Program. Callahan seconds the Motion.  Motion passes 4-0.

Kristen Picone, Brett Mentuck and Patrick Burke – discussion and vote on playground approval for Pickman Park
Members of the Friends of Pickman Park- Kristen Picone, Brett Mentuck and Patrick Burke- presented the final playground design they selected, a design by Childscapes. It is an environmentally friendly, all-recycled material, 100 % recyclable at the end of life term.~ It will go on the same blueprint where the current playground is located. They spent six hours interviewing three playground companies. The playground is for ages 2-12.~ Doug Bollen, Jason Silva and Councilor O’Keefe were also involved in the interview process.~ Members hope to have a community build before July 4, and showed the Commission a design of the playground.  James Shea makes to motion to approve the playground design and installation at Pickman Park. Robert Callahan seconds the motion. Motion passes 4-0.
Patrick Burke – Discussion and vote for request for golf tournament
Fireman Patrick Burke requested hosting a golf tournament for the Salem Fire Department Relief Fund and in memory fallen fire fighter Jack Rubin who recently passed away. ~Proceeds will go to the scholarship fund and Fireman’s Relief Fund, 60% to scholarship and 40% to Relief Fund. They would like this to be an annual event. Doug says we currently have four charity tournaments on Mondays, but does not see a problem with having this tournament also. Robert Callahan makes motion to pass, James Shea second. Motion passes 4-0.
Keri Cahill – discussion and vote on Rebel Shakespeare program
Keri Cahill requests permission to use Winter Island this year for summer programs for Rebel Shakespeare. Keri presented a list of benefits to Commissioners on what Salem Park and Recreation gets out of their program:
- 70 % are Salem residents
- Dates of program: July 1-August 29
- This past summer, two fundraisers for Friends of Winter Island were held
- They donated $1,500 to Friends of Winter Island last year
- Organized two clean-up days at Fort area
- Spruce up afternoon last year at the Island
- Donated tools and any leftover items and materials to Winter Island
- Also donate to Salem Education Foundation
- Employ all Salem teens as staff
- Held free performances and workshops for Salem residents at Mary Jane Lee Park, Salem Common
and other public locations in Salem
Robert Callahan asked about performances and how they handle parking. They try to pick weeks that aren’t quite as busy, they changed weekends and they try to pick times at 5 and 6 in evening when they are the only event going on there. They encourage parents to park off island and walk in.
They must work closely with the Winter Island Manager this summer. Chris Burke made a motion to approve Rebel Shakespeare to direct programs at Winter Island this summer. Robert Callahan seconded.~Motion passes 4-0.
Applications for rentals
Letter from Peter LaChappelle, Kearsage Lodge – Discussion and vote on discount at Winter Island
A letter is read from the grand master of Oddfellow requesting a waiver of fees for the Pavilion at Winter Island. James Shea asks why they are asking this, and what they have done for Salem?~They don’t provide a reason why they are seeking a discount in the letter, and there is nothing compelling as to why they should have fee waived and city needs the money.  Burke says Mr. LaChappelle should come in and explain why they are asking. The Commission is taking no action at this time. Peter can come to next meeting, but at this time, they need to plan on paying, or we are not holding the date.
Peter can come in next meeting. No action taken.
Jubilation Student Choir - discussion and vote for permission to sing at Salem Common
A group from Florida asked to sing on the Salem Common for 20 minutes during a weekday.
Robert Callahan makes a motion to approve. James Shea second. Motion passes 4-0.
Dennis Heenan – Salem YMCA
Vote and discount on use of High Street playground for basketball.
YMCA requested permission to run a summer basketball league at High Street Playground for youth ages 6-14. James Shea made a motion to approve. Chris Burke second. Motion passes 4-0.
Yoleny Ynoa – North Shore Adult Day Care
Discussion and vote on a request for a discount at Winter Island. His letter does not have dates or a schedule of what he is looking for, and no discounts are offered on weekends. The letter needs to be more specific. Chris Burke said to check with David Gilbert about scheduling, and have him come back. No motion was made until he comes in with a full schedule to make a request.
Christopher Columbus Golf League
Discussion and vote on a new golf league. They would like to start a new league with four tee times on a weekday afternoon. For motion to pass, they must work this out with Dick Drew. Robert Callahan made a motion to approve. Chris Burke second, providing they work this out with Dick Drew.
Finance Report
Witch House- Winter Island- Golf- Salem Willows Meters; review revenue monthly reports
Witch House
The Witch House is doing great. Reasons include early opening in April and the Witch House being featured on the show Ghost Adventurers. The Witch House is well ahead of last year at this point of the year, and have two more months left for this fiscal year. The board sends their congratulations to Elizabeth, the manager.
Winter Island
The revenues are a bit down, because summer reservations were not taken until late March as opposed to January last year. Reservations are still going very well at this time, but we need a good May and June.  The Winter Island store revolving account balance is $18,000 at this time.
Golf Course
We had a good April, but nothing was sold in March due to privatization issue being resolved. We are behind last year’s revenues since the FY started July 2010, but also noted last year was the best year in the past 10.
Meters at Salem Willows
The request to Councilor McCarthy for an increase in meter fees has not yet been presented to Council, and no deposits have been made yet this season. We expect Councilor McCarthy to bring it to the City Council at the next meeting.~
Superintendent’s Report

Recreation- Mayor’s Cup, sign-ups for programs
The Mayor’s Cup Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday June 4. We are doing well at this time with about 15-16 foursomes currently signed up.

Program sign-ups have been very strong since the recreation booklet was mailed to every household in Salem in early April. We are getting a lot of online registrations as well as through the mail. Our recreation programs are doing extremely well.~We are staffing Mary Jane Lee Playground this year, and directing a camp at Forest River Park.
Parks & Facility
Playgrounds: See above under Visitors regarding Pickman Park Playground. There was also discussion on Dibiasi Park and the renaming of the playground to Lenny O’Leary Playground. There will be a ribbon cutting soon.
Discussion on the status of contamination at McGrath Park; further testing of Park will be done.
We worked with Salem State University and Salem High School to acquire fields to replace McGrath for the rest of the season.
Golf Superintendent’s position - We are in the process of interviewing candidates for Dick Drew’s position. We have interviewed five candidates and some have been excellent. We have a few more interviews, and hope to hire soon.
Camp Naumkeag lease agreement will go to Council this Thursday to vote on the lease with the Salem YMCA.
Furlong Park update on clean up. The park is expected to be back in full operation by the end of June, at which time the clean up will be complete and construction completed.
Old Business
No old business was stated.~
New Business
CB asked about mowing at Peabody Park; says it is overgrown. We will check on it.
Adjournment: Next Meeting June 21, 2011
A motion to adjourn is made by Robert Callahan. Second by Burke. Passes unanimously.
Executive and regular sessions close at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Bollen (filling in for Clerk Stacy Kilb)
Salem Parks and Recreation Commission