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2010 September minutes

The Park and Recreation Commission held a meeting on Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 6:45 P.M. at the Park, Recreation and Community Center located on Broad Street.


PRESENT:                                                ABSENT: 
Chris Burke                                                                                                  
Bob Callahan                                            
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt                             
James Shea

Bob Callahan made a motion to approve the minutes from August 2010.  James Shea seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent          
Chris Burke                                                     
James Shea                      
Bob Callahan                                            
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt                             

Jeff Belanger – Ghost Adventures-Travel Channel
Mr Belanger asked if his TV show Ghost adventures could tape inside the Witch House in October. It is the most watched show on Travel Channel with an audience of one million. He would be willing to pay the Witch House $1000.
They would like to start on Oct 4.   After much discussion. A vote was taken and Commission approved the show to tape at the Witch House with the Manager Elizabeth Peterson present at all times. There will be two set crews of 5 people. ~One crew covers the entire on site of the location and the surrounding neighborhood/town.
~The other crew is the investigative crew which interviews people about the history of the location as well as the paranormal activity. ~On the whole, they will not be taping continuously throughout the day.
The camera equipment is all hand-held so there wouldn’t be trucks pulling in with lights rigs or anything like that. Just some tripods and extension cords.  


Ideally they would spend the better part of a day (during normal daylight hours) filming the building and conducting interviews with historians and people who have had experiences inside the building. They would stay in a corner and wouldn’t interfere with tours or normal operations. Then, the night of the “lockdown,” a crew of three (their on-screen talent also does the filming) would enter the house around sunset and conduct a paranormal investigation. Because Salem would be a special episode, they would likely leave some time around midnight to head to one other location. While inside the house the crew will set up a few cameras on tri-pods and let them roll while they explore the building with the lights out searching for ghosts using cameras and small, hand-held gadgets such as EMF meters and temperature gauges.  
The production is low-impact on the location. They currently are in their fourth season and have filmed over 40 locations so far.

James Shea made a motion to approve Ghost Adventures to tape their show at the Witch House on October.  Leslie Tuttle
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent          
                 Chris Burke                                                   
James Shea                      
                 Bob Callahan                                          
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt                             

It was approved 3-2

Ellen Talkowsky
Ellen discussed the Haunted Happening events on the Common for October.
Her first request was the use of Hawthorne Blvd for food and craft vendors along with several non profits organizations on Sunday October 31.
Bob Callahan made a motion to approve this request, Chris Burke seconded
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent          
Chris Burke                                                     
James Shea                      
Bob Callahan                                            
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt                             

Ellen requested the use of Furlong Park for fireworks on Halloween night.
Bob Callahan made a motion to approve this request based on approval of the Salem Fire Department
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent          
Chris Burke                                                     
James Shea                      
Bob Callahan                                            
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt                             

Ellen requested use of the Salem Common during Haunted Happenings from October 7 to October 31 for family events for residents and tourists. She supplied the Board with a list of events ranging from Movie nights to Pet show, to a Pumpkin Festival and Fiesta Food Booths to Children’s Day, Fun runs, Costume Parade and an 1880’s Old time Baseball Game.  There also will be a Salem State University Zombie Monster mash and a Witches Magic Circle.
Bob Callahan made a motion to approve this request
James Shea seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent          
Chris Burke                                                     
James Shea                      
Bob Callahan                                            
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt                             

Lisa Spence – Community Gardens
Lisa asked for permission to put a Shed up at Palmer Cove to store equipment for their gardens. Commission had concern for vandalism
Bob Callahan made a motion approve the Shed at Palmer Cove,
James Shea second
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays            Absent      abstain             
Chris Burke                                                     
James Shea                      
Bob Callahan                                            
                                         Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt                             

Lisa on behalf of the Community Gardens requested to return to Winter Island for 2011 and continue to use the same area for their gardens. They said they received many compliments all season from residents and campers.
James Shea made a motion to approve their request to have the gardens at Winter Island for the 2011 year. Chris Burke second.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays            Absent      abstain             
Chris Burke                                                     
James Shea                      
Bob Callahan                                            
                                         Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt                             

Sasha Pavlata – Cirque Passion
He discussed the possibilities of bringing his show to Salem for October 2011. He would prefer the Common. The Commission is waiting to see a copy of the new ordinance to see if this is an allowable event for the Common. It was discussed about other areas of Salem to have these venues such as National Park Service area and the Willows. It was suggested for Sasha to contact Ellen Talkowsky about getting his show into the calendar for 2011. Doug will be in touch with Sasha when we find out more definite rules on the Common.

Applications fro rental

Temple of Nine Wells
Asked for permission to use Gallows Hill on Halloween from 2:00-8:30pm for their Annual Samhain ceremony   James Shea made a motion to approve, Bob Callahan second
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays            Absent      abstain             
Chris Burke                                                     
James Shea                      
Bob Callahan                                            
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt     

Joey B-Bop
Asked for waiver of fee to perform at Willows Sunday for Salem residents
James Shea made a motion to approve, Bob Callahan second

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays            Absent      abstain             
Chris Burke                                                     
James Shea                      
Bob Callahan                                            
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt                     

Financial Report
The Commission reviewed all revenue reports for Golf, Witch House, Winter Island and meters at Willows.
Golf is down for August a slight bit. Witch House is doing very well thus far for FY 2011.  Winter Island is pretty much even after two months with past fiscal year. The meters are doing very well with some big deposits in August

Capital Projects
60,000.00 For playground upgrades at Broad st, Pickman Park and McGrath Park
50,000.00 for gang way, public float at the Willows 50,000.00 for the fence at the Common

Superintendent’s Report

Fall Recreation Rec booklet – The booklet was delivered to us last Thursday, a good week ahead of schedule and is currently being delivered to each home in Salem. We raised about $3000 in ads and the rest comes from the Recreation Revolving fund, not from our budget. It looks great!

Art contest – The winner of the contest was Tommy Gagnon from Salem and he has completed the project. We paid him $1000 from the Willows Meter fund for winning the contest and this money also covered his expenses.

Community Schools Program – Eileen is working on initiating programs at various schools. She ran the program last year for the first time and it was successful. It’s an extension of our Recreation department.
Derby St Mile wrap-up- We had our largest entry once again with 478 entries for the two races combined, the competitive run had 378 entries and the family run had 134.

Park and Facility Report
Golf passes- Doug emailed MIAA to check to see if the Commission was in any violation for giving free golf passes to high school golf team members. MIAA contacted the high school. Scott Connelly called Doug to discuss situation. He said the principle and himself were never aware that the golf team was getting passes and they have to answer to the MIAA. It appears this practice is not allowed by the MIAA.
Doug is waiting to hear back from Scott on any further information from MIAA.

Fence at Palmer Cove Baseball field – Commission discussed the fence at the ball field and decided to have the fence taken down from dugout to foul pole on both sides of field.  Bob Callahan made a motion to have the fence taken down. James Shea seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays            Absent      abstain             
Chris Burke                                                     
James Shea                      
Bob Callahan                                            
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt             

Witch House re-staining – Putting out to a bid with purchasing department to have the Witch House re-stained.

Pickman Park – Doug recently met with parents from Pickman Park who plan to fundraise to raise additional funds to the $20,000 the city is putting towards the playground. They would like a spring build.

Camp Naumkeag – Planning to place an RFP out soon for an agency to operate a camp at Camp Naumkeag
DiBiasi Park – We expect to be installing a new playground at Dibiasi Park in mid October.

Salem Common - ordinance- We discussed that the ordnance had second passage for the Common. The vote to approve alcohol only affects the Common, not the rest of the city.  We have not yet received a copy of the ordinance.

Barbecue at Willow’s men’s bathroom – The original bidder may come back in October to discuss the possibility of a lease for the Men’s room at Willows

Mack Park - Little League is having an election for officers and would like us to wait until after election to discuss further the use of the Mack park building.

Winter Island Mobile Food vendor
Commission went into executive session to interview candidates.
They voted to approve Lorraine and David Cody
James Shea made the motion and Bob Callahan second
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays            Absent      abstain             
Chris Burke                                                     
James Shea                      
Bob Callahan                                            
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt             




The next Park and Recreation Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at the Park and Recreation Community Center located on Broad Street at 6:45 p.m.

There being no further business before the Park and Recreation Commission Chris Burke made a motion to adjourn at 8:50pm. Leslie Tuttle seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Chris Burke                                      
James Shea                                                   
Bob Callahan
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt