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2010 June minutes

Amy Everitt, Chairperson
Dr. Pat Curtin
James Shea
Chris Burke
Leslie Tuttle

The Park and Recreation Commission held a meeting on Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 6:45 P.M. at the Park, Recreation and Community Center located on Broad Street.


PRESENT:                                                ABSENT: 
Dr. Pat Curtin          
Chris Burke
James Shea                                      
Amy Everitt
Leslie Tuttle

James Shea made a motion to approve the minutes from May 2010.  Chris Burke seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                  
Chris Burke             
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt


Brian Chorney – Endicott College Regatta
James Shea made a motion to approve the Endicott College Regatta as proposed.  Chris Burke seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                  
Chris Burke             
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

David Pelletier for Winter Island
Fort Pickering – was taking over from the coast guard in 1970.  He compared it to Fort Sewall in Marblehead which is beautiful; Fort Pickering is in need of a lot of work.  He would like to do a “low – no” cost clean up.  He would like to make it a point of pride not a mess.  He wants to clean it up.  Jason (the mayor’s assistant) was amazed that there was so much of the Salem harbor hidden away.  He would like to see all the junk out.  David said it may take 3 weeks of work.  He would like to get rid of what doesn’t belong and then evaluate and make plan c.  Leslie Tuttle would like to see the study that was done on Fort Pickering.  

The Commission would like to ask Allen Young from Salem State to make sure that we are cutting down what should be cut down.  He will be asked to look at what needs to stay, also look at the roots that are into the granite and rocks.
The Commission also asked if there is anything that is nesting there that should not be disturbed.  William Hanger did say he checked with the Conservation Commission on this.  The Conservation Commission says you may do this but do not disturb the soil in the ground.  

The Commission would like to ask Allen Young to address this subject and do a walk through.  

David Pelletier wants there to be 3 phases:

Phase 1 - cleanup – 3 weeks
Phase 2 – design or plan
Phase 3 – execute final design

James Shea made a motion to approve Phase 1 of David Pelletier’s plan with an inspection done by Allen Young from Salem State, with William Hanger supervising and directed by David Pelletier.  

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                                            absent                          Present
Dr. Pat Curtin                  Leslie Tuttle
Chris Burke             
James Shea                                              
Amy Everitt

David Goss – Pioneer Village Report

Cutting back an oversized staff but opened more hours.  Hours are 11:00 am to 5:00 pm 6 days per week.  Sundays 12:00 – 5:00 pm.  They will have a special event once a month.  
$25,000.00 grant to Pioneer Village – will help replace the roof on the Ruck House.  He will replace the roof with split cedar shingles.  $5,000.00 will go to Olde Town Hall – “Museum of Salem”.  He would also like to replace the floor.  

Brittanica – Shell
Free concert at the Salem Willows
James Shea made a motion to approve the Brittanica proposal to play at the Willows Shell with fees waived.  Chris Burke seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                  
Chris Burke             
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

Clown Day
Leslie Tuttle approved the Clown day for Salem Willows. Chris Burke seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                  
Chris Burke             
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

James Shea made a motion to approve the Army Rock Band performance on July 2, 2010.  Set up will be at 10:30 am and performance from 12:00 – 1:30 departing at about 2:30 pm.  Chris Burke seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                  
Chris Burke             
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

Financial Report
Golf Course – Winter Island – Witch House
Salem Willows meters.  Still waiting to see on the request to have the 50 cent change to the meters at the Willows.  
The Commission would like to know if the bathrooms at the Willows should be opened until 9:00 pm.  There are still people down there that need the restrooms open.  
Budget – Doug Bollen is happy that the budget will be left to level funded.

Superintendent’s Report

·       Mayor’s Cup recap
·       Art contest for the Willows

James Shea made a motion to approve the “Call for the Artists” art contest at the Willows.  Amy Everitt seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                  
Chris Burke             
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

·       Pool opening the 26th
·       $16,500.00 for new netting for Palmer Cove ball field.\
·       Willows sign
·       Willows benches
·       DiBiasi Park
·       Willows fence project
·       SATV
·       Pool opening



Chris Burke would like to form a sub-committee in efforts to get a great baseball field in Salem.  He would like to look for grants, maybe see if any CBEG money is available.  He asked why the School Committee isn’t helping with the funds for the baseball field.  Doug Bollen said it is a split responsibility.  Doug Bollen has a meeting with the Mayor, 2 Commissioners, the A.D., principal, coach, ECT… to see what their views on this subject are.  All points of view will be good to hear.
Chris Burke and James Shea said they would be on this committee to discuss a better baseball field.
Doug Bollen said he will set up a meeting with all of the above and see what they can come up with for ideas.

The next Park and Recreation Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday July 20, 2010 at the Park and Recreation Community Center located on Broad Street at 8:00 p.m.

There being no further business before the Park and Recreation Commission Chris Burke made a motion to adjourn. James Shea seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Amy Everitt                                                     Dr. Pat Curtin
Chris Burke
James Shea                                                      
Leslie Tuttle

Colleen A. Thibodeau, clerk