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2010 May minutes

Amy Everitt, Chairperson
Dr. Pat Curtin
James Shea
Chris Burke
Leslie Tuttle

The Park and Recreation Commission held a meeting on Tuesday May 18, 2010 at
6:45 P.M. at the Park, Recreation and Community Center located on Broad Street.



                                              Dr. Pat Curtin             
Chris Burke
James Shea                                                      
Amy Everitt
Leslie Tuttle

Leslie Tuttle made a motion to approve the minutes from April 2010.  James Shea seconded.

The vote was as follows:

Ayes                                        Nays

                                               Dr. Pat Curtin                         
Chris Burke                 
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt


Dave Smith of Sail Salem

James Shea made a motion to approve the proposal by Sail Salem to have their program the same as last year.  Leslie Tuttle seconded.  

The vote was as follows:

Ayes                                        Nays

                                                 Dr. Pat Curtin                         

Chris Burke                 
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt

Rebel Shakespeare Company for the summer of 2010

Hand out showing what they have accomplished in the last 12 months.

James Shea asked who the Friends of Winter Island were?   Leslie Tuttle is involved with this nonprofit group.  It is a group that wants to beautify the Winter Island.  

William Hanger said the parking situation went well and would like to see it continue.  

James Shea was very impressed with the work done at Winter Island and made a motion to approve the proposal for Rebel Shakespeare another year at Winter Island.  Chris Burke seconded.

The vote was as follows:

Ayes                                        Nays

                                                    Dr. Pat Curtin                         

Chris Burke                 
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt
Justin Morley Soul Live Productions would like $150.00 fee to be waived for the Shell Bandstand.  

Chris Burke made a motion to approve the application and waive the fees for Soul Live Productions.  Leslie Tuttle seconded.

The vote was as follows:

Ayes                                        Nays
                                                    Dr. Pat Curtin                         

Chris Burke                 
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt

William Hanger - Winter Island Manager
William Hanger had a discussion with the Commission regarding having lockers at Winter Island for the beach comers and the sailors, to store their chairs and such so they can walk to the beach or ride their bikes.  He would like to build 20 to 25 lockers and rent them for $100.00 per season.  The commission would like to know how they will look and how much they would cost to make.  Where these would be placed?  It would take up some room.
There were a lot of questions about these lockers.  James Shea said it's a great idea but needs to be looked into and explore all the questions that are being asked.  David Pelletier - has a plan to clear and clean out Fort Pickering with Sheriff Cousin's inmates help.  Bringing in equipment and ripping up the floor and making it level.  The Commission would like to see a plan in writing, and he needs to get it all approved by the Commission before anything is done.  Kathy Winn is working on a project for Winter Island, the master plan.  

The Winter Island Store has been damaged from the rain and stormy weather.
Most of the ceiling tiles are soaking wet and need to come down and be replaced.  The flat roof was poorly constructed.  James Shea agreed.  It would cost $400.00 to replace the tiles.  And the roof needs to be fixed, and then the hanger, and so on.   
William Hanger proposed to switch places with the Sail Salem Company.  Dave said it was fine with him.  Or William proposed to rent a mobile office space.  

This would cost $256.00 per month for 2 offices at 12 ft by 12 ft.  William Hanger said that Winter Island contributes $250,000.00 to the City of Salem from the W. I. facilities intake.  
Chris Burke doesn't think $6,000.00 should be too much to give them a good office and store area.  James Shea agrees, he said even if the roof is fixed on the store/office area, the damage done to the walls also would have to be fixed and it will be very expensive.  
James Shea said it should put a new drain in the roof or it could happen again, and it is very dangerous.
The access is safer and more accessible if it is placed near the bathhouse.
Doug Bollen wants to look into this plan.  He would like to get through this year, with the roof fixed and drain put in.  

Leslie Tuttle asked how we can get a vendor for food or coffee station at the Winter Island.  Doug Bollen like the idea and said he would look into that.  

James Shea made a motion to have Doug Bollen look into the Food vendor for the Winter Island and approve at Doug Bollens' digression.  Leslie Tuttle seconded.

The vote was as follows:

Ayes                                        Nays
                                                       Dr. Pat Curtin                         
Chris Burke                 
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt

Saturday June 19, 2010 the Commission is invited to a picnic at Winter Island hosted by the Friends of Winter Island.  4:00 - 7:00 p.m. at the Pavilion.

Beth Rennard sent an opinion about the sunset clause.  She said section 5 wasn't in the code.  The Commission may continue to permit the Common as they are the authority over the Common until a change in the ordinance is made.

Finance Report
Golf Course - Witch House - Meters
Budget- waiting to go to council

James Shea made a motion to recommend to the Mayor to increase the Willows meters to 50 cents per hour, like all the rest of the meters in Salem.
Leslie Tuttle seconded.

The vote was as follows:

Ayes                                        Nays
                                                      Dr. Pat Curtin                         

Chris Burke                 
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt
The new net at the Palmer Cove is $16,500.00.  It is expected to be put up within a couple of weeks.  They put a new home plate and mound in also.
Chris Burke would like to see a nice ball field with lights like a lot of other towns have.  

YMCA wants to use Camp Naumkeag for their 10 week camp.  They are willing to
pay $10,000.00 to use it for 10 weeks.  Doug Bollen said we need a RFP.   

Superintendent's Report

*       Willow pier is being worked on.
*       Should be ATMs throughout the City.
*       New Salem Willows sign has been ordered.
*       Intern student coming in to work with Doug.
*     Mayor’s Cup
*     SATV Show
*     New program director for day Rec program
*     McCabe Marina
*     High St Playground
*     Common playground
*     Meters at Willows


Dick Drew may retire soon.  He's been working here for over 25 years and has done great things to the golf course.  James Shea would like to give him a life time pass to Olde Salem Greens.

 James Shea made a motion to give Dick Drew a lifetime pass to Olde Salem Greens.  Chris Burke seconded.
The vote was as follows:

Ayes                                        Nays

                                                   Dr. Pat Curtin                         

Chris Burke                 
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt
James Shea made a motion to adjourn.  Chris Burke seconded.

The vote was as follows:

Ayes                                        Nays

                                                    Dr. Pat Curtin                         

Chris Burke                 
James Shea
Leslie Tuttle
Amy Everitt

The next Park and Recreation Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday June 15, 2010 at the Park and Recreation Community Center located on Broad Street.

There being no further business before the Park and Recreation Commission James Shea made a motion to adjourn. Chris Burke seconded.
The vote was as follows:

Ayes                                        Nays
Amy Everitt
Chris Burke
James Shea

                                                    Pat Curtin
Leslie Tuttle

Colleen A. Thibodeau, clerk