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2010 April minutes

Amy Everitt, Chairperson
Dr. Pat Curtin
James Shea
Chris Burke
Leslie Tuttle

The Park and Recreation Commission held a meeting on Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 6:45 P.M. at the Park, Recreation and Community Center located on Broad Street.


PRESENT:                                                ABSENT: 
Dr. Pat Curtin          
James Shea
                                                                                      Chris Burke                                              
Amy Everitt
Leslie Tuttle

Leslie Tuttle made a motion to approve the minutes from March 20010.  James Shea seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
James Shea
                                                                                           Chris Burke
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

Steve Pinto the liaison for the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council was present.

Peter LaChapelle
August 7, 2010 Salem Heritage Days.  Hosting 2010 National Show.  

Car Show on the Common.  Ellen Talkowsky said she would put it on the agenda.  25 – 30 cars on display.  D.J. will play music from the 60’s.  from 12-4:00 p.m.  
James Shea approved the proposal for the National Car Show.  Pat Curtin seconded.  
Stay off sprinkler areas.
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
James Shea
                                                                                                  Chris Burke
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

Dan Shuman – Witches Cup August 10 2010
40 x 40 tent for beer tent.  2 police in tent and 1 outside the tent.  Pat Curtin asked about the ordinance of having alcohol on the common.  Mr. Sosnowski said the current law is “no alcohol” on the Common.  Pat Curtin said it is wrong to approve the use of alcohol on the Common.  James Shea said that they can approve a proposal like this.  Mr. Sosnowski showed the ordinance. 24-19 prohibits Drinking Alcoholic beverages on public ways or in public places.  The City Solicitor said it is up to the “controlling body”.  Which is the Park and Recreation Commission.  
Mr. Sosonowski said he will endorse the bike race, he thinks it’s a great show, but not the alcohol.
The Commission said they just approved an event on the Common.  Should they not have approved it?  Steve Pinto thought the City Council gave the authority to the Commission.  James Shea asked who is in charge of the Common.  We need to know.  Mr. Sosnowski said the City Council is but they don’t want to be.    
James Shea made a motion to approve the race on the Common with the City Solicitor’s approval.
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent          
James Shea                      Pat Curtin
                                                                                                         Chris Burke
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

James Shea made a motion to approve the alcohol on the Common with the City Solicitor approval that we have the right to do it.  Leslie Tuttle seconded.
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent          
James Shea                      Pat Curtin
                                                                                                         Chris Burke
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

James Shea made a motion to send a letter to the City Solicitor asking “Who has the permitting authority” of the Salem Common.  Leslie Tuttle seconded.
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
James Shea
                                                                                                         Chris Burke
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

Sara Gaddipadi – Steve Dibble – Common playground
Common Build project – neighborhood will gather volunteers that will take down the existing playground.  May 21, and 22 will be the build dates.  Starts at 7:00 am.  The playground will be closed for 2 ½ weeks to the public.  Sara said that Steve Dibble said he would give them benches with the proposal and now he is charging for them.. Steve Dibble said that was the offer in the first bid, not the second.  
Mr. Sosnowski said that the Council wants to be in charge of the Carnival/Alcohol proposals and all other proposals will be Park and Recreation Commission decision.  James Shea said he would like all or nothing, not to split all these decisions up.  
Dan Shuman said if he doesn’t have the beer sponsor he can’t swing the event.  Pat Curtin said the alcohol ban was not put over into the new ordinance.  

Pat Curtin said how are we ever going to make any money for the Common if we don’t make these events and vendors accountable for how much they make and how much they should donate to the Common fund.

James Shea said the Jazz Festival’s are paying a small fee, but all of Salem residents are able to go and enjoy.  

Mr. Sosnowski went over the Ordinance with the Commission as the Council and Commission have made changes and comments.  Nothing has been voted on.
Mr. Sosnowski said they need to get the cars or vehicles on and off the Common as quickly as possible, not to expect to keep the vehicle on the Common.  He said they should have a ticket that shows them where to go and have the rules written on them.

McCabe Park
A resident asked for a gate attendant for the park so he and others can get out to their boats without any problems.  Doug Bollen said the park is to be closed until July1st and no gate attendant will be put on until then.  He said they are not selling dingy until it is opened.  Public Access said do not open gates.  Doug Bollen was told that the Environmental Police has been down there, he will check on this with Peter Gifford.  

Finance Report

Golf Course – Witch House – Meters
Superintendent’s Report

James Shea made a motion to approve the Salem High Golf team 10 passes for the season.  Pat Curtin seconded.
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
James Shea
                                                                                                Chris Burke
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

James Shea made a motion to allow Salem State to practice golf at Olde Salem Greens.  Amy Everitt seconded.
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
James Shea
                                                                                              Chris Burke
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

Paul Marques – Renewable Energy
James Shea made a motion to approve the kite flying on the Common.  Leslie Tuttle seconded.
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
James Shea
                                                                                              Chris Burke
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt


James Shea made a motion to have Doug Bollen negotiate the deal with the Gordon College regarding the renting of the Mack Park house.  Also to check with Beth Rennard to see what is going on with that, Pat Curtin seconded.
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
James Shea
                                                                                               Chris Burke
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

James Shea made a motion to go for an RFP for ATM’s.  Leslie Tuttle seconded.
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
James Shea
                                                                                               Chris Burke
Leslie Tuttle                                           
Amy Everitt

The next Park and Recreation Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday May 18, 2010 at the Park and Recreation Community Center located on Broad Street.

There being no further business before the Park and Recreation Commission Pat Curtin made a motion to adjourn. Chris Burke seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Amy Everitt                                                     
James Shea
                                                                                                                   Chris Burke                                                  
Pat Curtin
Leslie Tuttle

                        Colleen A. Thibodeau, clerk