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2009 Feb

James Shea,
Chris Burke  Chairperson
Dr. Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin
Laura Swanson

The Park and Recreation Commission held a meeting on Tuesday February 17, 2009 at 6:45 P.M. at the Park, Recreation and Community Center located on Broad Street.


PRESENT:                                                ABSENT:         
Dr. Pat Curtin                                          Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                  James Shea
Laura Swanson

Pat Curtin made a motion to approve the December minutes.  MaryAnn seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                          James Shea
Laura Swanson

Anya Denby – Playground designs were looked at from Environment Design, O’Brien and Sons and Dibble and Sons.
All 3 were good and they asked the adults and children to give their opinion.  
Environment – was a ship design, they liked it.
O’Brien and Sons – nice standard – kind of run of the mill, not unique.
Dibble and Sons – a little too busy too much directed play.  
Laura Swanson would like to know how many activities do these have to offer.   
The RFP will be between $50,000.00 and $55,000.00.
Laura Swanson would like to invite the company’s back to present their designs at a special meeting.  Doug Bollen will be the central contact person for the companies.  
Public Meeting regarding the 3 Companies to present projects – Tuesday March 3, 2009 @ 6:00 p.m.

Tom Billings – golf league
Talked with James Shea, Pat Curtin when he received the notice regarding the fee for the “reserved” tee times for the leagues.  Played for 35 years and has contributed to the golf course for many years.  
Pat Curtin said that the management companies always tell the Commission to get rid of all leagues, and they would make more money, so instead they increased the fees for the leagues.  Mr. Billings said he would like to be a part of the conversation next time to understand what is being decided.

Chris Cantone – Salem Youth Soccer – member for four and a half years. Would like to discuss 2 subjects regarding the league.

Would like to sell advertisements to be put on the back of McGrath field fence to raise funds.  It would look just like the ones at Forest River.  They would be 3 feet by 5 feet, thick metal signs or plastic with metal fronts.  May have different size signs to make it affordable to purchase.  

Pat Curtin made a motion to approve to sell signs to be put up at McGrath Park to raise funds for Salem Youth Soccer.  Mary Ann Curtin seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                          James Shea
Laura Swanson

2.     Parking at McGrath is a huge issue; he has asked Doug Bollen if the tennis court (which is in really bad shape) could be turned into parking spots.  

Laura Swanson is afraid that tennis will come back and she doesn’t want to loose a court. Doug said that the court would have to be totally done over, that is how bad it is.  
Pat Curtin made a motion to remove the fences around the court to allow for parking at McGrath Park.  MaryAnn Curtin seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                          James Shea
Laura Swanson

Report from Pioneer Village
K. David Goss
Repair of leaking roof in first cottage
Replace front door in first cottage
Replaced broken second story lead window
Repaired the chimney and roof of the seconded cottage
The construction of wood step to cover a dangerous step at the Governor’s House.
Another Mini Series “God in America”
The Commission said he is doing a great job.

Joe Andruszkiewicz – use of Camp Naumkeag June 20, 2009
Pat Curtin made a motion to approve the Andruszkiewicz Tournament to use the Camp Naumkeag on June 20, 2009 for their annual outing.  Mary Ann Curtin seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                          James Shea
Laura Swanson

Old Business
The Commission would like a letter written to John Giardi, City of Salem Electrician, to thank him for the lights that were put at the Salem Common.  

New Business
Farm Direct Coop
Pat Curtin made a motion to approve the request to use the Leslie Retreat walkway for the 2009 season.  MaryAnn Curtin seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                          James Shea
Laura Swanson

Financial Report
Capital Improvements
Ramp – Roof – bathroom – playgrounds

Supt. Report
Brochure almost ready
Survey online
Park and Recreation Appreciation night Feb. 11th
Pool issues – 3 Companies looking into the drain problem
Golf Position – doesn’t look like its going to happen right now.
Willows Parking – put rocks across and some benches to block off the problem area.
Mack Park- Furnace in the garage broke, and got fixed.
Winter Island – chimney needs to be taken down
Kernwood Marina – worse ramp in the state, will be repaired and the end of summer/fall

Willows Roofs – ask James Shea to look at the specs Doug Bollen received, and see what he thinks.  

Bathrooms down the willows need to put a screen up to obstruct the view to both the Women’s side and Men’s side.

The next Park and Recreation Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday March 3, 2009, at the Park and Recreation Community Center located on Broad Street.

There being no further business before the Park and Recreation Commission Mary Ann Curtin made a motion to adjourn.  Pat Curtin seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
MaryAnn Curtin                                          Chris Burke
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  James Shea
Laura Swanson

Colleen A. Thibodeau