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JAN 2009

James Shea, Chairperson
Chris Burke
Dr. Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin
Laura Swanson

The Park and Recreation Commission held a meeting on Tuesday January 27, 2009 at 6:45 P.M. at the Park, Recreation and Community Center located on Broad Street.


PRESENT:                                                ABSENT:                 
Chris Burke                                             
Dr. Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                  
James Shea                              
Laura Swanson

Pat Curtin made a motion to approve the December minutes.  Laura Swanson seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Chris Burke                                                     
Dr. Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
James Shea
Laura Swanson
James Shea appointed himself and requested Chris Burke to assist him to form a Golf Committee for Olde Salem Greens 2009.

Pat Curtin made a motion to nominate Chris Burke for the Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission for the 2009 year.  Laura Swanson seconded.

The vote was as follows:                

Ayes                            Nays                    Present                 Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                          Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
James Shea
Laura Swanson

Pat Curtin made a motion to nominate Laura Swanson for the Vice-Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission for the 2009 year.  Chris Burke seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                    Present                 Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                          Laura Swanson
Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
James Shea

The Commission asked Bob McCarthy to speak about the article in Salem news regarding “Salem Little League”. Discussion about lost funds for field.
Charlie Hobbs emailed Bob McCarthy asking who owns the fence down the willows, they believe it belongs to the City.
Parking on the hill at the Willows need to find a solution before the season opens, Commission will meet at the Willows February 7th to look around and also look at Pavilions that need work.  
He will also reintroduce the “Wheels” on the Common issue to City Council.


Applications for Rental
Bridgewell for Camp Naumkeag
Laura Swanson made a motion to approve the application for the use of Camp Naumkeag for their outing.  Mary Ann Curtin seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                    Present                 Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                          
Laura Swanson
Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
James Shea

Golf Tournaments
Stephen O’Grady – Jeff Morris – Salem Moose Family Center
Mary Ann Curtin made a motion to approve the Golf Tournaments for 2009, with a letter to go out to the Morris committee stating they need to justify the amount to cover the golf course for that day.

Financial Report
Golf Course closed
Witch House closed
Meters going up in April
Bathrooms need to have a duty person to check and make sure everything is all set, and no vandalism is happening.  Bathrooms cost $144,000.00
Money to be paid back to Bonded cost
Bob McCarthy is checking to see if it is bonded money or Capital money
Gazebos down the willows are in terrible shape
Getting quotes for the pavilions at Willows there are 5 or 6 total that need work.
Need to take action on the Willows hill situation before the Willows are open for business again.  
New Business

Mike Blatty – movie night The day the music died.
2 movies to be played at the Moose Lodge for FREE on February 21, 2009 starting at 6:15.

Forest River Pool
Serious situation, not up to code.  Having a consultant come to look at a lot of issues.  Drain is not big enough for that size pool.  The pool is not to be opened with those size drains.  Doug is getting an estimate for the drains and finding out what else is wrong.  Doug said he has 160,000.00 allocated for repairs.

Park and Facility Report
Playgrounds – 3 companies are coming to meet with the parents
Mack Park is trying to form a group.
High Street qualifies for CBGB money

Golf Position – held out of council so far.
Bob McCarthy asked where the money would come from?  The Commission said it would pay for itself out of Golf Course receipts.

Golf League Fees
Doug will work this out himself.
Mary Ann Curtin made a motion to charge $100.00 per tee time for Friday, Saturday and Sunday league tee times.  Keep the $25.00 weekday league tee time charge from last season.  Laura Swanson seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                    Present                 Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                          
Laura Swanson
Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
James Shea

Common Fence Damaged
Letter to City Solicitor asking whom the private plow driver was who hit the fence. Also ask DPW what they can do about it also since one of their drivers also hit the Common fence.  Very dangerous situation, when the snow melts it will be exposed.  

Congress Street Dock – RFP is up need to go out again for another 3 years.

James Shea made a motion to go out for and RFP for Congress Street Dock.  Pat Curtin seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                    Present                 Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                          
Laura Swanson
Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
James Shea

Old Business

James Shea made a motion to write a letter to Tom St. Pierre the Building Inspector asking if there was a permit given for the on going building at the trailer next to the manager’s office down at Winter Island.  He is very concerned for the safety of the person living there.  He said it may be an illegal building, and it doesn’t look safe.  Laura Swanson stated that she doesn’t want anyone to be thrown out.  Pat Curtin seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                    Present                 Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                          
Laura Swanson
Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
James Shea

New Business

Laura Swanson made a motion to have an Annual City Wide Park Improvement Day.  She said it would be a kick off to the park opening.  Laura would like to organize this.  Paint benches; give the parks a clean coat of paint.  James Shea seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                    Present                 Absent  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                          
Laura Swanson
Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
James Shea

Salem Woods Trail Project – they got $7,500.00 for this project
The trail was so old that it swoops in the middle and all worn out.  They will lay down soil, no weed carpet, then rocks and then repeat again.  This will give it a natural path look.  This will be on the agenda for the next meeting.

Pat Curtin thanked James Shea for all his hard work while being the Chairperson for the 2008 year.

The next Park and Recreation Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday February 17, 2009, at the Park and Recreation Community Center located on Broad Street.

There being no further business before the Park and Recreation Commission Laura Swanson made a motion to adjourn.  Pat Curtin seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent  
Chris Burke                                                     
James Shea
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Dr. Pat Curtin
Laura Swanson

Colleen A. Thibodeau