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March 2007 minutes

Pat Curtin, Chairperson
Mike Kapnis, Vice Chairperson
MaryAnn Curtin
James Shea
Laura Swanson

The Park and Recreation Commission held its meeting on Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at 6:45 P.M. at the Park, Recreation and Community Center located on  Broad Street.


PRESENT:                                ABSENT:                                                         
James Shea                              
Michael Kapnis                  
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                  
Laura Swanson   


Laura Swanson made a motion to approve the minutes from February 27, 2007 meeting, with changes made.    
Mike Kapnis seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Michael Kapnis                                  
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Laura Swanson                   

Councilor Jean Pelletier - Castle Hill Park - He would like something to be done regarding the Softball team that has the permit on the weekends at Castle Hill Park.  He said they are still urinating wherever they wish, there is vandilism, including a bubbler head was broken off.  They are using vulgar language and alot of alcohol drinking going on.  He suggests that the league have a detailed police officer on duty during these games.  The Commission stated that they have a policy and a permit is needed to use the field.  This league has not yet applied for a permit, when they do so they will be told to come before the Commission to have the rules and regulations reviewed.  If a problem persists then their permit will be revoked.  Laura Swanson said the Commission will ask them to come before the board after they request a permit.  

Dave Smith - "Sail Salem"
His proposal is to have a Community Boating Center at Winter Island Park.  This program will provide a fun, safe, and  positive life skills thorugh Sailing.  It will be a non-profit organization with a community based effort.  They would like to use the facilities for no charge until they are up and running.  
He has several different ideas for this project, these are some:
- trailer by the barracks - small ramp over in cat cove in back of the barracks
- temporary wood ramp on cat cove side would be excellent for children sailing because of the protection from too much wind.
- put a 50 - 75 foot pier out with water on both sides.
- put a pier adjacent to the existing pier.
- use a hoist
He is expecting to have their 501C3 approval next month.  He is asking the Commission for an approval and for the Commission to form a sub-committee.  
He is requesting the Function Hall for April 29, 2007 for a meeting at 1:00.  Doug Bollen will look at the book.

MaryAnn Curtin made a motion to have the Commission read over and review the booklet presented,  and come back to the April meeting for a vote.  Any questions or concerns regarding this project Dave Smith will be available.  Mike Kapnis seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Michael Kapnis                                  
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Laura Swanson

Ellen Talkowsky - PT Cruisers
She was discussing the placement of cars for the PT Cruiser show on the Common.  She presented different configurations and ideas for the Common.  

James Shea made a motion to approve the PT Cruiser Show with Doug Bollen and Ellen Talkowsky supervising the number of cars and the spacethat is to be used on the Common.
 Laura Swanson would like to know the number of cars that will attend the event when possible.
Dr. Curtin asked if there is a saftey limit with the number of cars?  Doug Bollen said no, his concern is whether the ground is wet or not.   
MaryAnn Curtin seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Michael Kapnis                                  
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Laura Swanson

Ellen Talkowsky - Salem State Event
"Show them Salem" Salem State would like to have their Spring Carnival at the Willows.  They are requesting the space between the two cottages.  This will be an alcohol free event, and will have a steel drum band for the entertainment.  
Laura Swanson made a motion to approve the Salem State "Show them Salem" at the Willows park for April 26, 2007.  James Shea seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Michael Kapnis                                  
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Laura Swanson

Bike Race - Salem Common Wednesday August 15, 2007
Paul Boudreau would like to have a bike race around the Salem Common.  Their will be 3 seperate fields.  He expects 50 racers per field.  This would require closing roads around the Common from 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.  12 Police officers on detail.  There will be voulenteer marshalls to help with the pedestrians to cross the street saftley when needed.  The Common access will be limited during this time.  There will be food vendors, and bike related vendors on the Common.  Portable potties in appropriate areas.  He said they are going to have a childrens race inside the Common also.  Banners may be hung with spikes by sponsors for advertising.    Laura Swanson stated that they should give the businesses the heads up (funeral homes) (hotels) about the event.

James Shea made a motion to approve the Bike Race at Salem Common on August 15, 2007 with all details being worked out through Doug Bollen's office.  Laura Swanson seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Michael Kapnis                                  
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Laura Swanson

John Goff was present with his monthly report on Pioneer Village. - Hand out.
He thanked the Commission for the year extension till May 2008.  James Shea would like a schedule of when it is up and running on an everyday basis.  

Hand out

Communication and Correspondence
Support letter for the Barracks grant is requested.  
Laura Swanson made a motion to write a letter in support of applying for the Mass Preservation Projects Fund, for a matching grant.   James Shea seconded.  

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                      Pat Curtin                              
Michael Kapnis                  MaryAnn Curtin          
Laura Swanson
Old Business
Laura Swanson presented some idea regarding the Park and Recreation Community Appreciation Awards, and will continue to do so.


The next Park and Recreation Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday April 17, 2007 at the Park and Recreation Community Center located on Broad Street.

There being no further business before the Park and Recreation Commission MaryAnn Curtin made a motion to adjourn.  Mike Kapnis seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Michael Kapnis                                  
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Laura Swanson

Colleen A. Thibodeau