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December 16, 2014
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
December 16, 2014, at 6:45 p.m.
5 Broad Street (Senior Center)
Salem, Mass.


Meeting Called to Order

Approval of October Minutes

Michelle Harper – Charity Defense Counsel – Requesting use of Gallows Hill Park on June 28, 2015 for the closing ceremonies for a 3 day walk that begins in Kittery Maine
Beth O’Grady-Requesting the use of Olde Salem Greens for the 16th Annual Steve O’Grady Open for the 2015 season
VeAnne Campbell; North Shore Moving Market-Requesting the use of The Salem Common on Sunday, May 10, 2015 for a walk to raise funding for seniors, disabled & disadvantaged.
Becky Christie- Requesting permission to use the Winter Island Boat Ramp and function hall on January 1, 2015 for the annual freeze your tush off charity ocean dip.
Larry Claflin Jr-Requesting the use of the Salem Willows for the Salem Jazz and Soul Festival August 15-16, 2015
Jude David-Requesting permission to use the Salem Willows for the 2nd annual Seafood Festival July 10-12, 2015
Jackie Giordano-Requesting to use Winter Island Boat Ramp on February 1, 2015 for the 10th Annual Polar Plunge
RoseMary O’Connor/Pat Foley – Requesting the use of Olde Salem Greens for the annual Salem Moose and Salem K9 Golf Tournament.
Susan Lausier - Requesting the use of the Salem Common and the Salem Willows to hold the North Shore Cancer Walk  on June 28, 2015  

Superintendent’s Report
Discuss the Camp Naumkeag RFP to be posted ASAP
Discuss the Golf Course Concession RFP  to be posted ASAP

Parks & Facility
Possibility of bringing a Rugby League to Salem’s Palmer Cove
Further discussions about potential changes to Park Rules
Discuss some potential equipment & supply purchases from receipts reserve for the golf course.

New Business


Next Meeting:  January 20, 2015

Karen Partanen
Director Parks, Recreation & Community Services

Know Your Rights under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. Chapter 30A ss. 18-25
and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.