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agenda July 17, 2012

Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
July 17, 2012 at 6:45pm
5 Broad Street (Senior Center).
Meeting Called to Order
Approval of June minutes
Sarah Cressman - Discussion and vote on event at the dog park for October
Guy Robinson – Discussion and vote on event at Mary Jane Lee, for Sept 1, 2012
Clown day request – Discussion and vote on Clown day at the Willows for August 4
Finance Report
Golf-Witch House-Meters-Winter Island – review revenue monthly reports
Capital FY 13, - Mack Park roof, infield machine, Common fence and Castle Hill playground
Superintendent’s Report
Recreation – pool day program, movies, races, events
Parks & Facility
Forest River Pool – update on pool
Common Fence – work starting in August
Requisitions for Proposals – work will be starting on putting together RFP for ferry
Playgrounds – Interviewing for Gonyea Park
Palmer Cove infield –RFP ready to go out
Movies – Common and Furlong Park
Golf use by employees – update on amount of play
Seawall work at Collins Cove – work should be starting soon on repairs
Bathroom work at Winter Island from grant
Turf meeting – Update on public meeting for grant for Bertram Field.
Roger Conant statue – getting estimate on maintenance of work
Mayor’s Cup- held on September 8
Old Business
New Business
Adjournment Next Meeting  August 21, 2012
Douglas J. Bollen
Director Park, Recreation & Community Services  
Know Your Rights under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. c. 39 §23B and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.~~~~