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PB Minutes, 8/4/14, Approved
AUGUST 4, 2014

A meeting of the Salem Parking Board was held on Monday, August 4, 2014 at 4:30 pm. at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Michael Caggiano, Mr. Doggett, and Mr. Oosthoek.  Also present was Parking Director James Hacker and Assistant Parking Director Alan Sullaway.


Mr. Doggett made a motion to approve the minutes of April 7, 2014.   Mr. Oosthoek seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.   


Mr. Hacker provided the revenue reports through June, 2014 and reviewed the annual numbers.  Parking garage & office revenue was up 4.8% for the year.  He stated that Museum Place Parking Garage gate revenue was up 15.2% or $65,000 over last year and the South Harbor Garage was up 9.2%, despite a current rate of .25 per hour.  He stated that he felt that the Comprehensive Parking Plan was working well down there.  He noted that the Parking Garage office revenue is down 3.7%, which equates to 2 annual passes per month not being renewed and/or a combination of concessions for pass card holders that would have been required to pay the new full rate, but whose rate stayed at $500.  Parking lots and meters are down 7.9%, likely due to the lost spaces at the MBTA lot. Parking lot revenue is down 10.8%, meter revenue (excluding the Willows) is down 6.5%, which is probably due to road paving and the resetting of smart meters to 30 minutes free parking.  He stated that all parking, including fines, is down 3.4%.  He noted that this can be driven by the Police Department’s enforcement and added that, when excluding fines, the revenue is down 2.6%.   He stated that the idea of the Plan was to make less money on tickets; therefore it appears to be working.


There was no unfinished business

Mr. Hacker stated that he received a letter from Jazz and Soul Festival requesting to close Fort Avenue’s 22 meters on 8/16 and 8/17.  There was a check enclosed for $253 to the Park and Recreation Commission, which goes toward Willows improvement.  Mr. Hacker suggested a condition that they be responsible for blocking off the area and hiring a police detail.  Mr. Oosthoek made a motion to approve the request and to include Mr. Hacker’s recommended condition.  Mr. Doggett seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Judy Lazdowski stated that the Museum Place Mall merchants are working with Signaroma to make signs to go in the garage stairwells and in the elevator.  Mr. Hacker stated that he does not know if it requires approval from the Parking Board.   He suggested putting it off for a couple weeks, so that his successor can be involved.

Ms. Lazdowski stated that they want each sign to say the level number and to indicate there are lower level shops, and additional information.  They would replace the signs currently in stairwell and add signs inside elevator.

Mr. Hacker stated that there may be sign requirements from the Salem Redevelopment Authority and noted that he has not explored approval, because he has not seen the design of what they want to install.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that it would be generic signage to help people in and out of the garage.

Ms. Lazdowski stated that the sign maker has copies, but that did not come to the meeting.  She stated that should would get copies to Mr. Hacker.

There will be two signs per each level in each stairwell.

Mr. Caggiano stated that it could be placed on the 9/9/14 agenda; unless it is determined that Mr. Hacker has the authority to approve them on his own.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that he received a copy of a letter from the owners of the flower store and the candy store on Derby Street about opposing new parking restrictions on Derby Street.  He stated that they are seeing warning tickets on cars that are illegally parked and that people are worried that enforcement will result in lost parking spaces.

Mr. Hacker stated that there are no new parking regulations.  He stated that they have received a lot of complaints from residents that cars are too close to driveways and corners.  He noted that the Parking Dept. had not been giving out tickets, but that it has gotten out of hand, and so it is now being enforced with warning tickets.  He added that when people call and complain about one car, they don’t tag just one car, but rather check the whole street.  He noted that if it is too far away, they will contact the police.  He stated that he is obligated to act on complaints.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that he felt the curbs should be yellowed for where cars should not be parked.  He noted that if the spaces are striped, it will be the opposite of what everyone wants.  He stated that he believed they are already talking with Mayor’s Office.

Mr. Hacker stated that he believed a neighborhood meeting is being held with Mayor in September and that parking is on the agenda.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that the solution may cause bigger problems.

Mr. Doggett stated that the solution is that it is the law.  He noted that a major concern is for the Fire Chief, because fire trucks need to make the corners.  He stated that this happens all over the city.


Mr. Caggiano asked if Mr. Oosthoek spoke with Lynn Duncan.  

Mr. Oosthoek stated that the Department of Planning & Community Development is not managing the plan.

Mr. Hacker stated that the Parking Department has not done anything other than implementing the ordinance.  He provided a copy of the Zone 1 sales for May, June and July, 2014.  He stated that the plan has helped send cars to the South Harbor garage.

Mr. Caggiano stated that he knows several people using Zone 1, and believed it is getting cars out of Klop Alley.  He noted that there is still some capacity at Riley Plaza.  There could be some tweaking in future considered.

Mr. Hacker stated that the idea was for employers to have a cheap place for employees to park.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that he felt someone needs to own and manage the parking plan.

Mr. Caggiano stated that one recommendation was a new parking board.

Mr. Doggett stated that the new board was withdrawn from the plan in order to get the plan through the City Council.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that there is limited data coming through and that the plan was data driven.  He feels the Parking Board should inquire.  

Mr. Caggiano suggested writing a letter or inviting the City Council liaison.

Mr. Hacker stated that the plan was expected to free up one space per block and suggested board members walk around.

Mr. Doggett stated that he has yet to find a time that he can’t find a place in the downtown.  He noted that he did not see any major changes in the residential areas.

Mr. Hacker stated that the planning sub-committee decided to stay away from resident sticker parking.

MR. Doggett stated that Salem needs a parking czar.  He noted that when court is in session, there are more cars with stickers on Federal Street than when court is not in session.

Mr. Hacker stated that when someone appears to be in violation , one needs to get the number on the visitor pass and notify the Collector’s Office who can send a letter if they feel the pass is not being used correctly.  The pass can be revoked, if it is proved that it is being abused.

Mr. Caggiano stated that he also observes that the availability of parking is better, with the exception of during the Farmer’s Market or other popular restaurant times.

Mr. Oosthoek suggested putting discussion on a future meeting agenda.


The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for September 8, 2014.  

Mr. Caggiano wished Mr. Hacker the best in his retirement.

There being no further business, Mr. Doggett made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Oosthoek seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy