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PB Minutes, 3/3/14, Approved
MARCH 3, 2014

A meeting of the Salem Parking Board was held on Monday, March 3, 2014 at 4:30 pm. at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Michael Caggiano, Michael Marsille, and Mr. Oosthoek.  Also present was Parking Director James Hacker and Alan Sullaway.

Mr. Oosthoek made a motion to approve the minutes of December 2, 2013 and February 3, 2014.   Mr. Marsille seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Lisa Feldman and Nick Meyer were present to request an expansion of their operation by placing one Zipcar at the electric charging station in each of the parking garages.  The cars would be 2014 Honda Accord plug-in hybrid vehicles.  They offer to pay the City $50 in monthly installments.

Mr. Meyer stated that Zipcar has been in Salem since 2010.  They are finding that they have members from Boston that have moved out towards Salem and have built on that.  They have six vehicles in the downtown and two at Salem State.  He noted that utilization has been great and their member base has been building.  He added that they are flexible on payment, terms and locations.

Ms. Feldman stated that they have had a successful program to date in Salem and that they would love to grow by adding the plug-in Honda accord.  

Mr. Caggiano asked who pays the electricity.

Ms. Feldman stated that the draw is low.  She stated that they have launched in Boston and that in six months they haven’t drawn more than 100 kilowatts.  She stated that the vehicles also have gas, so there is no range anxiety.  

Mr. Hacker stated that he has spoken with Mr. Meyer and at first thought it would be good idea to split locations and have one at each garage.  He stated that they have realized that it would be a challenge at Museum Place because users would need a card to get in and out and that it may be a different car coming in.  He noted that South Harbor electric spaces are used sparingly, while there are a couple of regular plug-in users at Museum Place.  He recommended that both Zipcars be at South Harbor, which is currently underutilized.  He stated that the cost of charging is similar to running a 60 watt lightbulb for 4 hours.  He suggested that there be an annual payment, rather than monthly, at a rate of $600 for each space.  He suggested they also be required to make signs saying that the spaces are reserved for Zipcar.

Mr. Meyer stated that he agreed to the suggestions.

Mr. Oosthoek made a motion to accept two Zipcars at the South Harbor garage as discussed.  Mr. Marsille seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.  

Mr. Hacker stated he will on medical leave for six to eight weeks.

Mr. Hacker provided the revenue reports through January, 2014.  He stated that the increase in January for Parking Garage and Office Revenue is likely due to one condo association payment.  The increase in Museum Place Parking Garage Gate Revenue is likely due to the snow emergency revenues.  The increase in South Harbor Parking Garage Gate Revenue is likely due to activity at the Salem Waterfront Hotel and snow emergencies.  The Parking Garage Office Revenues for December (decrease) and January (increase) offset eachother.  The Parking Lots and Meter Revenue is down $11,000 per month likely due to the loss of the MBTA parking lot and the 30 minute free parking at the smart meters.   The Parking Lot Revenue is also likely down for that reason.  For the Parking Fine Revenue, Mr. Hacker stated that the amnesty program was not as successful this year.  He stated that there may be increases due to parking information being upload to police cruisers.

Mr. Hacker stated that the North Shore Cancer Walk is asking for free parking for walkers on June 22, 2014 from 6:30AM – 12:30 PM.

Mr. Oosthoek made a motion to approve the free parking request for North Shore Cancer Walk walkers on June 22, 2014 from 6:30AM – 12:30 PM.  Mr. Marsille seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Hacker stated that he is meeting with the Mayor tomorrow to finalize the budget for the Parking Department.  It is almost $873,000 and is level funding with the exception of a $4800 increase for the rental cost of the United Steel lot..

Mr. Hacker stated that he is putting in a Capital Improvement Plan fund request to undertake  additional repairs to the Museum Place Garage due to the rain and freezing weather popping a hydraulic coupling, which resulted in needed elevator repairs.  He noted that there is a maintenance contract on the elevator, but that it does not cover major repairs.  He added that will know the status of the elevator bid tomorrow and that the elevator problems will cost is approximately $25,000.  He stated that the weather also caused a need for emergency repairs on one of the stairs.  

Mr. Hacker stated that there are 609 active passcards at Museum Place Garage out 914 spaces and 123 at South Harbor Garage out of 249 spaces.

Mr. Hacker distributed statistics on the $25 monthly passes purchased for Zone 1 from July, 2012 to December, 2013.  There are 160 available each month.  He stated that he has had no complaints from passholders being unable to find a place to park - except during snow emergencies.

Mr. Sullaway stated that monthly passes are mostly purchased by office people and local workers.

Mr. Caggiano questioned that there are empty spaces.

Mr. Hacker stated that the permit is good Monday through Saturday.  It provides the City with approximately $1 a day per space.  The goal was to keep meters available.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that the numbers are decent numbers, but wondered how to get to approximately 150 sold per month.

Mr. Hacker suggested announcing the availability at Chamber of Commerce meetings.  He stated that he was surprised with lack of success of monthly passes in Zone 2, which has since been eliminated.

Mr. Hacker stated that 41,110 tickets issued for July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, of which 928 were for overtime parking (meter feeding).   For the period of July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013, there were 31869 tickets issued, with 42 being for meter feeding

Mr. Hacker stated that he had a conversation with Lynn Duncan, Director of Planning and Community Development.  He stated that her understanding was that any re-tweeking of the plan would be by the comprehensive review parking board and that she does not have problem with the board meeting again, if desired.  He stated that she will probably have some interns available in the Spring and Summer and that she could probably assign them to the Board to gather data.

Mr. Oosthoek suggested that if increasing the success of monthly passes is desired, that meeter feeding be checked.

Mr. Hacker stated that he was not able to find qualified part time season help last summer, that he is already looking for this year and that he is confident he will find people for this summer.  He stated that he is finding that areas where cars used to pull out and swap is still going on.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that if they get one or two parking tickets per month, it may stop.

Mr. Caggiano asked about four hour spots in front of certain retail locations.

Mr. Hacker stated that it can be suggested, but that the Parking Board only has jurisdiction over off-street parking.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that he is happy that the committee might get back together because one condition of the plan is monitoring.  He suggested officially requesting Ms. Duncan for intern assistance.

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 7, 2014.

There being no further business, Mr. Oosthoek made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Marsille seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy