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PB Mintues, 12/2/13, Approved

DECEMBER 2, 2013

A meeting of the Salem Parking Board was held on Monday, December 2, 2013 at 4:30 pm. at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Michael Caggiano, Tim Doggett and Mr. Oosthoek. Also present was Parking Director James Hacker.

Mr. Marsille arrived later in the meeting.

Mr. Doggett made a motion to approve the minutes of November 4, 2013.   Mr. Oosthoek seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Mr. Hacker provided the revenue reports for October, 2013.  He stated that the Parking Garage and Office revenue was up 3.6%, the Museum Place Parking Garage gate revenue was up 1.9%, and the South Harbor Parking Garage gate revenue was up 6.1%.  He stated that he thought this was mainly due an overflow from the the MBTA lot.  Rates down from FY12, which is likely due to the reduction in rates.  Parking garage office revenue was up 8.2%.  The parking lot and meter revenue is down 14.4%, which he feels is due to the closing of the City’s MBTA metered lot.  Parking lot revenue is down 10.3%.  Meter revenue (excluding the Willows) is down 16.9% due to missing one deposit that went in the end of the month, but has not been credited.  Parking fine is down 4.1%, but the city has no control over that.

Mr. Hacker stated that Salem Regional Visitor Center Statistics numbers were down (62.73%).  He stated that keeping in mind that the Visitor Center was closed for two weeks, at 44,365 visitors for two weeks, even doubled, it would still have been less than last year’s 119,051.

Mr. Hacker stated that the bids for  Musem Place Garage were rejected.  He stated that they have been re-advertised and that bids are opening on December 17th.  All jobs are now being bid separately, including a completely new drainage system, expansion valves, rubber dividers, and  stairswells.  He stated that essentially it will be everything but electricitiy.

Mr. Hacker stated that they have advertised for two full time cashiers and a full time meter control person, due to retirements.

Mr. Marsille joined the meeting at this time.

Mr. Doggett asked minutes could be sent out via email.  Mr. Hacker asked that members provide Ms. Guy with their email addresses.

Mr. Caggiano stated that a suggestion has been made to re-evaluate the Comprehensive Parking Plan.  He stated that the Parking Board’s primary goal is the garages and lots.  He stated that the Board was charged with making recommendations to the City Council based upon fourteen different criterion, based upon all of our consituents, business owners, employees, residents and visitors..  We had input from all the major department heads, resident representatives, Chamber of Commerce personnel and Salem Police Department.  We had a task force, the city hired a consultant, recommendations were made and changes were implemented.  The question was raised, how are we measuring how we did.  

Mr. Hacker stated that there was almost two years worth of meetings with neighborhors and different civic and business groups to come to these conclusions.

Mr. Caggiano stated that we all live and work in different areas, which we can report on and we also have the input of Mr. Hacker and the Parking Department.  He stated that the question was how are we going to measure and whether it is succeeding.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that he feels the starting point should be data and not anecdotal.  He stated that we need to summarize what date we have and follow the recommendation in plan on monitoring.  He stated that we first need an inventory of data we have.  We have data on monthly passes, garage passes and utilization, collection reports, violation tickets given and all the smart meter data.  He did not know how useful the data available is.  He stated that he would like to know if 15% vacancy per block works or not.  These are sources of data to look at all and all the sources should be combined and looked at.  He noted that recommendation #6 in the plan says to monitor parking utilization and that recurring annual or bi-annual monitoring would allow the city to modify its pricing according to needs.

Mr. Caggiano stated that at the last meeting, Mr. Marsille noted that there were no spaces available near Starbucks, but that he has gone by and seen four available spaces; therefore,  when to  monitoring  is one consideration.  He stated that to complete the plan someone was hired gather the parking data.  He suggested contacting Salem State University marketing department to see if they want to make a project out of it.  He stated that it needs to be somewhat official, rather than personal observation.  He suggested finding out ways to get Salem State involved.

Mr. Ooesthoek questioned who would monitor them.

Mr. Hacker stated that the Planning Department did something like this when the project was done.  He stated that he  will contact lynn Duncan to see if they can help us.  

Mr. Ooesthoek stated that the Planning Department says it is not in their purview to manage and supervise the plan.

Mr. Caggiano stated that it is not the Parking Board’s responsiblility according to city ordinance. He noted that one of the proposals in the plan was to create a board that would be tasked to have a little more oversight.

Mr. Doggett stated that he felt it would be a good point for us to determine what information was used to  arrive at the plan and what information is now available and see if they match up and maybe set a proposal for how to go ahead and use this information and monitor it.  He stated that obviously the Parking Board is not going to do it, and the Parking Department probably does not have it in the budget to do it.  He felt it would be worthwhile for us to determine what data is available and can it be used.

Mr. Oosthoek questioned who should be using it, if it is not us.  He also questioned if it is not the Parking Board who is doing the monitoring of the plan, who is.   He stated that if no one is doing it, the plan is a failure.

Marsille stated that it can’t be proven that it accomplished what it was intended to accomplish.

Mr. Caggiano stated that this is a tight knit community that talks to eachother, whether through City Councillors, through the Chamber or directly to the Parking Department.  He stated that the Parking Department has data that can be provided to us.  He noted that the City Council looks to us to provide them with input.  He noted that in the past, the Board was reluctant to make recommendations due to lack of data or information.

Mr. Oosthoek suggested asking the Mayor to look into that committee or commission, because somebody has to be in charge.

Mr. Doggett stated that he does not see any reason why the Parking Board can’t do it, providing we have the resources.  He added that if you are going to collect data and analyze it professionally, it is going to cost money.

Mr. Hacker stated that his assumption was that, after a period of time, the task force would be meeting to review these things.

Mr. Doggett stated that he did not believe that the proposed Parking and Traffic Board was to have any connection to this plan.

Mr. Caggiano stated that its creation may result in doing away with the Parking Board.  He noted that no one is asking for any recommendations right now.

Mr. Hacker stated that he would get data for the next meeting.  He recommended that as people are around town they see if it appears to be working or not working, with the exception of October, as well as note areas that consituents have suggested be improved upon.  He noted that the data can show a specific parking lot at different times at different percentages of fullness - which may result in a recommendation of 15 minute parking at certain times.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that that disagrees with the plan.  He stated that the plan says if you discover based on data that a street is filed, to increase the prices.  He stated that he did not agree with that.  

Mr. Hacker stated that there some businesses that are in an area that is full, that require short term parking such as a coffee shop, dry cleaner or convenience store.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that he did not feel the board should go out and get anecdotal research, which is how this all started.  He noted that there was discussion regarding lower Lafayette where Winer and Banville wanted to change, and the data proved that there was always availability.  But the City Council did not listen.

Mr. Doggett stated that the City Council has the authority.  He noted that the reason the Mayor wants to set up the other committee, was to take that authority out of CityCouncil, which is why they voted against it.  He stated that  data is the answer.

Mr. Caggiano asked if the Chamber tracks complaints.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that they do not get many complaints.  He noted that the anecdotal comments is that it is working more or less.

Mr. Caggiano stated that what is working is the change of the length they can stay at a meter from two to four hours.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that because it was changed from 8 to 6pm, someone can come in at 2:00 and stay the rest of the day and the night.  He stated that with the right system, people will just go in for just 15 minutes and the spot will become available and with smart meters the first 30 minutes is free.

Mr. Caggiano stated that no system is ever going to please everbody.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that having a problem with parking is a good thing - it means people want to come.  He stated that data collection is the first thing in whatever we do.

Mr. Caggiano stated that we can get revenue data and monthly parking pass data.

Mr. Hacker stated that he will try to get smart meter and as much information as he can.  He noted that there are only 134 smart meters.

Mr. Caggiano asked Mr. Hacker to talk to Lynn Duncan in the Planning Department.

Mr. Hacker stated that Ms. Duncan may have a Salem State University contact.

Mr. Doggett questioned going toSalem State until looking at the information available.  He suggested having some sort of plan put together.

Mr. Oosthook stated that the question can just be asked on who to speak with at Salem State.

Mr. Hacker stated that some people don’t like change and some people perceive a problem whenever they come to work and there is no space in front of their store to feed the meter.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that meter feeding problem still exists.

Mr. Hacker stated that every parking book shows that every community has the same issue.  He stated that Riley Plaza was set up for employees based upon the working group meetings where they said they wanted an inexpensive, central, safe place to park numbers.  He noted that based upon the numbers he sees monthly shows Riley Plaza is not being utilized.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that he felt it was because we haven’t talked to people about using it and forced them off of the street.  He noted that only one introduction of the plan was done.

Mr. Caggiano asked for public comment.

Robin Panzer asked if they are building parking at the commuter rail.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that they are building a parking garage with 720 or 730 spaces.

Mr. Panzer stated that it should help alleviate the situation.  

Mr. Oosthoek agreed it should help situation.  He noted that they are also building one in Beverly at same time.

Ms. Panzer noted that she taught at Salem State and stated, depending on whether it is decided to go there, that everyone has to take a stats class.

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 6, 2014.

There being no further business, Mr. Oosthoek made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Doggett seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy