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PB Minutes 9/9/13, Approved

A meeting of the Salem Parking Board was held on Monday, September 9, 2013 at 4:30 pm. at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Michael Caggiano, Tim Doggett and Rinus Oosthoek. Also present was Parking Director James Hacker.

Mr. Doggett made a motion to approve the minutes of June 10, 2013.   Mr. Oosthoek seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Mr. Hacker stated that the holiday parking rates/schedule was previously voted on.  For the 4 weekends in October it is $20 per entry in both garages and the large Church Street lot.  This also applies to Columbus Day.  On October 31st the Sewall Street lot will be for Salem residents only.  The garages will be $20 per entry after 2:00pm.  Before 2:00pm, it will be the hourly rate for ticket holders.  On weekends, Columbus Day and after 2:00pm on October 31st, no stamps will be accepted.  Stamps can be used on the way out, if the vehical comes in prior to 2:00pm on October 31st.  The day after thanksgiving, Friday 11/29th, is free parking in the garages and lots.  For December 24th and 25th and December 31st, it is free parking.  The garages will be open but at no charge; security will be present.

Councilor Arthur Sargent joined the meeting.

Mr. Oosthoek asked what happens in case of snow emergencies.

Mr. Hacker stated that there will still be no charge if enter on those days and they are snow emergencies.   He noted that for Hurricane Sandy last year, parking was still charged.  He stated that if it snowed, they would probably re-visit it and the snow emergency rate would probably overrule.

Mr. Oosthoek asked how parking will be enforced parking in October.

Mr. Hacker stated that he works with the Police Department. He stated that, as far as meters go, meter control people will enforce.  The Police Department is enlisted to help with resident sticker parking.

Mr. Hacker distributed the report on revenues through July, 2013.  He stated that for parking lots and meters, there was almost a 32% increase.  He believed that a lot of it was due to the MBTA lot closing.  He stated that the garage gate did $36,000, which was up over last year, but down over the years before.  The South Harbor garage dod 14% more.  The garage and office revenues were up 9% (stamps and cards).  The parking lot revenue was down 4%, which is likely due to the loss of the City lot at the MBTA and the introduction of new kiosks, which reduced the rate.  The meters were up substantially (57.1%).  Parking fines were way up from last year, which the Parking Department has no control over.  Salem Willows meters were down (14.9%), but this goes into the Willows fund, rather than the general fund.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that per his email, he would like to have a discussion on what is working.  He stated that his observation is that Riley Plaza is underuntilized, that there is more parking space availability in general, and that signage has improved.  He stated his observations are that some things are working and some things aren’t.  He stated that he understood that there would be some measurements and stated that what he has is just anecdotal.  He asked is there is any new data and asked what has changed since the incorporation or the plan.  

Mr. Hacker stated that the whole parking plan was spearheaded by Tom Daniel in the Department of Planning & Community Development (DPCD) over 2 years of meetings.    The meters were originally set up to reset to 5 minutes, then a change was made to 10 minutes, and then the Mayor came up with the idea the meter resetting to 30 minutes once it pulls out , instead of resetting to zero.

Mr. Doggett stated that none of this has to do with the Parking Board.

Mr. Hacker agreed, but noted that while the Board does not have any control, it has a lot of input.

Mr. Oosthoek asked if is there a list of what has been implemented and all the changes.

Mr. Hacker stated that he asked the DPCD for list, and has provided a copy of the email.

Mr. Oosthoek asked who is in charge of keeping a list of what was done.

Mr. Caggiano stated that it is probably the DPCD.  He stated that part of the reason to have diverse group of individuals included in the meetings is to get feedback.  He stated that people have complained or made suggestions and that the Mayor has implemented changes.  He noted that hours got changed and rates got changed.  He added that electric charging stations were installed.  

Mr. Hacker stated that he felt that the Board needs to look at where we are now and make suggestions on how to improve it.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that the goal was 15% availability for every block and asked how it is measured if it has been met.

Mr. Hacker stated that, at that time, an intern was hired to observe every space at every block.  He noted that meter maids have reported that it is working.  

Mr. Oosthoek stated that essentially there is no data.

Mr. Caggiano stated that in order to gather more data, the city would need to hire someone.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that if there is no data, he did not feel the Board should consider recommending changes.

Mr. Caggiano stated the he did not think that the Board is uneducated on this.  He stated that all live or work in the city and that meter feeding was discussed for years and that the idea was to raise rates.  He noted that meter personnel are very observant.

Mr. Hacker stated that the new smart meters have a meter feeder feature.  He stated that most are a maximum of 4 hours and that you can’t put more quarters than for 4 hours.  After 4 hours, the money will not register and the car would have to be moved out.

Mr. Caggiano asked where we are at getting more smart meters.

Mr. Hacker stated that the cost analysis shows that it does not pay to have them set for less than $1 per hour. He stated that on Washington Street, they are set at .75 per hour.  He noted that for every credit card used, the City pays a fee.  

Mr. Doggett asked if the Ctiy owns the meters.

Mr. Hacker replied in the affirmative, but noted that we get charged a monthly fee to use the software.

Mr. Caggiano asked about applications for smartphones to pay for meters.

Mr. Hacker stated that he is looking at a couple of vendors now.  He stated that it does not appear to be any charge to the city to subscribe to it.  It would be similar to toll transponder.  He is trying to see if the application software is compatible with the meter maid’s handhelds and office software.  Theoretically, people could use the applications now, but it would not show up on the meter, which would still show red/expired.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that he thought the City would get smart meters everywhere.  

Mr. Hacker stated that he did not think that it was ever the plan.

Mr. Caggiano asked about older meters that eventually need replacement.

Mr. Hacker stated that he just purchased 300 new globes.

Mr. Oosthoek asked if it is the purview of this Board to think about smart meters.

Mr. Caggiano stated that in the ideal perfect world, we would put smart meters everywhere but that the reality is that it is not in the budget.

Mr. Hacker stated that there was no plan to put smart meters everywhere.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that he believed it was sold that way to a lot of people.  He noted, however, that people are pretty happy with the plan and that it seems to be working

Mr. Hacker stated that it is not to say that the plan can’t be changed.  He suggested coming up with a proposal for changes that can be presented to the Finance Director.  He stated that he did not feel it should be presented piecemeal.  He stated that if all the recommendations are known, a cost estimate can be determined.

Mr. Caggiano suggested putting on the next agenda:
  • Ongoing monitoring – how is plan working (possibly using volunteers, or Salem State University)
  • Smart meters
  • Use of monthly parking passes
  • Communication (signage, brochures, websites)
Mr. Oosthoek stated that Museum Place garage needs facelift.

Mr. Doggett agreed that it needs to be cleaned.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that he felt it was urgent that the wording on signage reflect 6:00pm meter enforcement.  He stated that brochures say 8:00pm.

Mr. Hacker stated that the brochures were intended to kick off the program and not be ongoing.

Ms. Guy stated that she has the ability to change the website, if the Board or Mr. Hacker lets her know what they want changed.

Mr. Hacker stated that they are having some voltage problems with the elevator in the South Harbor garage. He stated that on Saturday nights, the voltage exceeds what it should and the elevator shuts off.  The electric company is saying it is something in the garage.  He noted that the elevator needs to operate at 209 volts, but has been dropping to 199.  He stated that it seems to kick off on Saturday nights between 6:00 and 7:00pm.  He stated that the City Electrician is looking at it.  He noted that nothing has changed as far the equipment: we have not added anything.  

Councillor Sargent stated that it sounds like a transformer.

Mr. Caggiano asked if it has to do with the changes made at Scratch Kitchen.

Mr. Hacker stated that they just changed one air conditioner for another.

Mr. Hacker stated that the lot at Universal Steel should be ready in about a month.

Mr. Hacker stated that his department is assisting the Police Department in timing parking.  They are currently up at Salem State University, and then will move to another area.  He noted that most of the people that are getting tickets and who are complaining are the downtown workers.

The next meeting will be held on November 4, 2013.

There being no further business, Mr. Oosthoek made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Doggett seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy