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PB Minutes, 9/10/12, Approved
SEPTEMBER 10, 2012

A meeting of the Salem Parking Board was held on Wednesday, September 10, 2012 at 4:00 pm. at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Doggett and Mr. Walsh. Also present was Parking Director James Hacker, City Councillor Robert McCarthy and Mayor’s Chief of Staff Jason Silva.


Mr. Doggett made a motion to approve the minutes of June 4, 2012.   Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Kahoru Watanabe of Wing Power Energy, Inc. (WPE) was present and provided a proposal package to put up three small vertical windmills on the upper part of the South Harbor garage.  According to the proposal, the objectives are to 1) Validate the amount of sustained energy generated by the turbines over the term of the trial, 2) Validate the monitoring capabilities (digital signage, energy generation and consumption over time and energy consumption in real time) and 3) Determine feasibility of developing off-grid expansion of VzW’s LTE 4G network utilizing the Systems as configured in trial.  It is being funded by Verizon and will have a video and eventually have an interactive screen for the public.  It will also provide free wireless access for approximately 500’.  At the end of the project, the objective is to turn over the system to the city.  He stated that the City, Verizon and WPE have communication objectives with project.  Verizon wants to educate people about wind power and opportunities beyond simple energy.  The system  blades are 6’ tall.  It will also have a digital display near the parking p, and an outdoor 42” flat screen TV with city and WPE content.  It could have flashing information on alternative parking locations for events such as Halloween.

Councillor McCarthy asked if the TV would be street level or above the door.

Mr. Watanabe stated that it would be about 5’ up from the sidewalk.   

Dan Fonzi of WPE stated that Verizon has spoken about using the display as a parking monitor - to monitor cars in and out - as an aid for the parking garage.  He stated that this is an experiment to see what kind of things can be integrated into this to make it interesting for the public.  If successful, it will be repeated around the country.  

Mr. Caggiano asked if Verizon is to send an internet signal out for wi-fi.

Mr. Watanabe stated that it is one of things the City asked for.  He stated that it will be free.

Mr. Caggiano stated that the solar wind turbines produce power, so there is no reliance on the City to use its electricity.

Mr. Watanabe stated that he was correct.

Mr. Caggiano asked if it will be maintained by WPE.

Mr. Watanabe replied in the affirmative.

MR. Doggett asked how it will be attached and if it will cause damage.  He asked if the parking will be lost during installation or during the life of the project.

Mr. Watanabe stated that the installation process is about 1-1/2 weeks.  He stated that during that time they will probably have to use two spaces per floor.

Mr. Fonzi stated that, on the conservative side, they will need 2-3 spaces for 6 hours in one day during the installation.  They will wire everything into the basement of the garage in a storage area.

Mr. Hacker stated that it would be fine as long as it is not during October.

Mr. Watahabe stated that they are hoping to install asap.

Mr. Fonzi stated that there will be four locations of wi-fi hotspots that small boxex mounted up underneath the garage, so they are not visible and are out of reach of the public.

Mr. Walsh asked how high the fan blades will be from the top of the garage.

Mr. Fonzi stated that they will be 12-14’.  They will put a small fenced in area around the tripod.

Mr. Watanabe stated that 1 parking spot will be effected.

Councillor McCarthy asked if there will be a health risk or hazard for people and if it will be high enough for now and ice issues.

Mr. Watanbe stated that there will be no risk, it will be high enough and that icing is not an issue.

Councillor McCarthy asked about the noise from the system.

Mr. Watanabe stated that the sound coming from it when standing beneath it is as quiet as a quiet office.  He stated that the aerodynamics is extremely efficient.

Mr. Doggett asked the dB level.

Mr. Watanabe stated that it will be the same – just ambient noise.  He stated that you would have to have your head right next to it in order to hear sound.

Mr. Silva stated that there is one currently installed behind Jeffrey Brothers.  

Councillor McCarthy stated that it has been up for an extended period of time and asked if there have been  any complaints.

Mr. Watanabe replied in the negatives.  He stated that customers sitting at macdonalds have been asked and most don’t realize it is a windmill.

Mr. Fonzi stated that they have not received any complaints.

Mr. Watanabe stated that the sound of wind is always louder.

Mr. Silva stated that when the city began talking about it, he stood beneath the one already installed and that it is really almost noiseless.

Mr. Hacker asked who will be able to control the TV screen and from where.

Mr. Watanabe stated that they need to discuss what the city is interested in putting in there.  

Mr. Walsh asked where the nearest system is installed like this.

Mr. Watanabe stated that the closest is Texas.

Mr. Hacker asked if they can position the screen at the Parking Board’s option.  He stated he was concerned about security at 5’ above ground.

Mr. Fonzi stated that he spoke to the restaurant about putting it in the window as an option and they were  receptive.  He stated that they have also looked into enclosures/kiosks that are vandal and graffiti proof.  

Mr. Doggett asked the time frame.

Mr. Watanabe stated that he did not see any reason why the city would want to take it down.

Mr. Caggiano asked what happens if it becomes obsolete.

Mr. Watanabe stated that the whole idea is to put power in a location where there is none today and using it in a method that benefits Verizon for future technologies.  One of things they will be trying is to see is if it can power 4g.  He stated that cellular towers are not a very efficient way to do it.  He noted that it is going to be an ongoing experiment.

Mr. Caggiano stated that the Waterfront Hotel must have wi-fi and asked if they would be able to use wi-fi from the proposed system.

Mr. Fonzi stated that one objective is to get wi-fi in Pickering Wharf area, so there is the option for people to use free wi-fi from this site, i.e. on boats.

Mr. Watanabe stated that the advantage is that the first page of wi-fi can be city information it wants to get out.

Mr. Caggiano wondered if other companies, ie Comcast, will want to put up wi-fi, as well.

Mr. Doggett asked if there are any issues to be concerned about, such as liability, and if it would fall under city coverage.

Mr. Silva stated that it could fall under the City’s general liability insurance.  He stated that as part of the agreement, WPE will have to carry insurance, as well.

Mr. Doggett asked how long is their coverage going to be there.

Mr. Silva stated that he believed the idea is a 3-6 month test period and then it would be formally donated to the city.

Mr. Watanabe stated that that is fundamentally correct.  They have agreed to maintain it for 5 years.  He noted that they are right here in Salem and will be taking care of it.  He stated that the wi-fi will be a minimum of 500’ and maximum of 1000’, depending on location.  He stated that the whole harbor walk area and boats should be fine.  He noted that, because of the hotel size, he was not sure if it will reach to the  shopping area.

Councillor McCarthy stated that it is a net loss of one parking spot, that after the trial, there is the option to give to the system to the city and WPE agrees to maintain the equipment for five years.

Mr. Doggett asked what is the proposed video monitoring.

Mr. Fonzi stated that it was initially Verizon’s idea to display monitoring inside, but has since has decided to do all weather outdoor near the “P” sign.

Mr. Doggett asked who controls what is displayed.

Mr. Watanabe stated that WPE controls the equipment.

Mr. Silva stated that the City controls the content.

Mr. Hacker suggested making a condition that they have to get Building and Electrical Department approvals.

Mr. Silva stated that WPE has been working closely with Tom St. Pierre.  

Mr. Fonzi stated that they have worked with Mr. St. Pierre, who has given his okay to begin.  The electrical signoffs go with the Building Permit and all will be inspected by the electrical inspector.  He noted that the electrician who will do the work currently does the work on the garage.  

Mr. Silva stated that this vote will allow the project to advance to construction.  He stated that to accept the donation requires City Council action.

Councillor McCarthy asked if that will take place after the trial.

Mr. Silva replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Caggiano asked if anyone from the public has raised any concerns.

Mr. Hacker stated that he had one caller inquire.

Mr. Silva stated that he may have received one email.  He stated that he did not think this is the end of the  communication efforts with the public.  

Councillor McCarthy stated that there are not a lot of direct abutters.  He asked if anyone has reached out to the hotel.

Mr. Silva stated that they will communicate about it and want to promote it.

Mr. Doggett asked how many parking spaces are in building.

Mr. Hacker replied that there are 238.

Mr. Doggett stated that it is 1/238 loss of income.

Mr. Hacker noted that the garage is not always full.

Mr. McCarthy stated that for the people who are required to buy a pass, it is a loss of one space - which may be a concern.

Mr. Doggett made a motion to accept the proposal as presented.

Mr. Walsh seconded the motion.

Mr. Doggett stated that, other than loss of income and liability, he did not see any other concern of this board.

Mr. Caggiano stated that he had 26 solar panels installed on his house and that the company took care the of permitting, construction, planning and clean up.  He suspected that this will be similar.

Mr. Hacker suggested that, rather than carte blanche, the Board require that the proponents apply for and receive Building and Electrical permits.  He stated that he was also concerned of the location of the screen and would like final approval of location of wi-fi box and television screen.

Mr. Walsh amended his motion to require Building and Electrical Permits and for the Parking Director to have final approval of the location of the wi-fi box and television screen.

Mr. Doggett seconded the motion.

Mr. Doggett stated that the Board previously approved a request for event on the roof and asked if the equipment would interfere with such events.

Mr. Hacker stated that for events, he could put a condition that booth heights not exceed a certain height in a certain area, so therefore he was not concerned.

Mr. Watanabe noted that it will have fencing.

The motion was voted upon, all were in favor and the motion so carried.


Mr. Hacker distributed the report on revenues through July, 2012.  

Mr. Hacker stated that they are in the process of renumbering the meters.  The smart meters have been installed.  They will be doing of finalization of the meter sensors tomorrow and the final training is being done for the reporting.  

Mr. Hacker noted that he has three people out injured, so they will probably exceed overtime this year.  There are two new part time meter control people.  They have stripped the downtown with parking space definition marks.

Mr. Hacker read a letter from Mary Little complaining about the new parking system.  

Mr. Doggett suggested Mr. Hacker send a nice letter in response.  

Mr. Hacker stated that they are getting a lot of feedback and the parking implementation group will be meeting to present its recommendations to Council.  He stated that it is silly to think that it would not need some changes.

Mr. Caggiano thanked Mr. Walsh for his service on the Board.

Mr. Walsh stated that he agreed to stay on to the end of next month.

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for November 5, 2012.

There being no further business, Mr. Doggett made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy