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PB Task Force 08/01/2011, Approved

AUGUST 1, 2011

A meeting of the Salem Parking Board’s Parking Task Force was held on Monday, August 1, 2011 at 4:30 pm. at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present on the Task Force were Chairman Michael Caggiano, Parking Board members John Walsh and Ben Bouchard, Parking Director James Hacker, Pam Broderick, Marlene Foust, Sumner Delaney, Patricia Zaido, Kate Fox and City Councillor Arthur Sargent.

  • Discussion on the formulation of recommendations on the items below, beginning with the first topic (a).  Topics not covered in this meeting will be carried over to the next Task Force meeting.
  • Snow emergencies
  • Zoning required resident passes
  • Dedicated or guaranteed parking
  • October parking/Haunted Happenings
  • Tour busses
  • Resident sticker program
  • Visitor parking
  • Construction workers parking
Mr. Caggiano explained that this was a public meeting, not a public hearing, and that only Task Force members would be allowed to speak.  The goal is for the Task Force to make recommendations to the Parking Board and the City Council concerning the “parking lot list” by September.

Mr. Hacker explained that the Parking Board had previously determined Salem’s parking customer base and selected members for the Task Force that represented the following groups:

        Liaison to Council                              Arthur Sargent, City Councillor
        City Administration                             Jason Silva, Mayor’s Office
        Tourism/Visitors                                Kate Fox, Destination Salem
        Shoppers/customers                              Jennifer Bell, Salem Main Streets
        Downtown Business                               To be determined
        South Harbor Garage parkers                     Maureen Foust, resident of Derby Lofts
        Museum Place parkers                    Cheryl Michaels, resident of The Essex
        Non-downtown resident using garage              Patricia Zaido, Salem Partnership
        Downtown resident (non-garage parker)   Pam Broderick

Mr. Hacker reviewed the Council Order and the list of topics for discussion.

Preliminary discussion on Snow Emergencies – ideas raised

  • Eliminate $1 daily charge
  • Charge $10-$15 per day
  • Charge $10-15 per day and hourly rate before and after snow emergency time
  • Odd/even street parking
  • Give hand outs, explaining where to park when garage is full
  • Eliminate snow emergency rate and charge regular rate
After debate, discussion was tabled to the next meeting.

Tour busses – ideas raised

  • Convert all bus parking to drop off areas
  • Convert ½ to drop off areas
Ms. Fox stated that these ideas ma be detrimental to the tour bus companies and requested that discussion be tabled to the next meeting in order to gather more information.

Zoning required resident passes

After a brief discussion, the Task Force requested that Mr. Hacker consult with Tom Daniel of the Department of Planning & Community Development to further define and clarify this issue.  Mr. Hacker to report back at the next meeting.

Dedicated or guaranteed parking

After a brief discussion, this item was tabled to the next meeting due to the time.

2.      Future meetings

        The next meeting will be August 17, 2011 at 4:30 pm.

The meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

James Hacker