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PB Minutes 8/17/11, Approved
AUGUST 17, 2011

A meeting of the Salem Parking Board was held on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at 4:00 pm. at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Walsh and Mr. Bouchard. Also present was Parking Director James Hacker.  


Mr. Bouchard made a motion to approve the minutes of June 27, 2011.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   


Mr. Hacker reported on revenues.  He stated that for the visitor center statistics, the calendar year to date is down approximately 16% and for June only is approximately 21%.  For the parking garage and office revenue, June was down about a third form the preceding year.  He stated that for FY11 it was up from FY10 approximately $230,000.  The parking garage and office revenue for July is a four year low but was up approximately $34,000 from FY10 to FY11.  the Museum Place Parking garage gate revenue, July was down nearly 20%, but it the fiscal year was up approximately $130,000.  For the South Harbor Garage gate revenue, July was down 6%, while the FY11 was up approximately $65,000 over FY10.   


Mr. Hacker stated the railings at the South Harbor Garage have been painted.  At Museum Place the four stairwells have been steamed cleaned and washed.  He hopes to begin painting inside the stairwells in next week.  

Mr. Hacker stated that he has been walking streets with the City Collector, Finance Director and Economic Development Manager to determine where kiosks and signs will go and how many will be needed.  The next step is the development of a Request for Proposals.  

Mr. Hacker stated that the City the new elevator contract out to bid at it was won by Embry Elevator.  A contract should be signed by end of the month.  Final inspections by the state inspector were done on the elevator.  

The City entered into contract with the people who own 289 Derby Street in order to use it for parking, which he believed was from September 1st to mid October.  The City will relinquish it for the carnival for Haunted Happenings.  Afterward, the City will use it again for parking for another couple months.  He anticipated that there will be a charge of $5 to $10 to park for the day during the week and $20 on weekends.

Mr. Hacker stated that a light fixture fell two weeks ago onto a car in the Museum Place Garage and it scratched the vehicle’s roof.  He has since gone through the garage with the Electrical and Building Inspectors to check that the rest are secure.

Mr. Hacker stated that a part time employee attempted to steel some quarters from the counting area last week.   The supervisor noticed it was missing and called the police.  They interrogated the employee and he admitted it taking the money.

Mr. Caggiano stated that he read in the police log that there was a break in at the South Harbor Garage a few weeks ago.

Mr. Hacker stated that last Sunday two kids got caught throwing stuff off the garage roof.

Shirley Walker, Derby Lofts, asked if there was a contract between the City and the owners of 289 Derby Street for the carnival and, if so, where to get it.  

Mr. Hacker believed there is a contract and thought it would be with the City Solicitor.  He stated that he did not know if the parking there would be by permit like was done with St. Josephs.

Mr. Caggiano stated that they had the first Parking Task Force meeting and felt progress was made.  He stated that he felt that they can complete the list of items at the next Task Force meeting and that they  should hold a public meeting sometime after.  He stated that he wanted to give the public an opportunity to provide input as well.  Mr. Hacker suggested discussing this with the Task Force.  Mr. Bouchard and Mr. Walsh were in agreement.


The next meeting is scheduled for September 12, 2011.

There being no further business, Mr. Bouchard made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy